HCM 205 Module Three Worksheet PDF

Title HCM 205 Module Three Worksheet
Author Jessica Esteves
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 8
File Size 155 KB
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You will also apply these skills with a case study in which you analyze a medical record....


HCM 205 Module Three Worksheet Musculoskeletal Write the definition of the medical words. 1. Epiphysis = the ends of a developing bone 2. diaphysis = the shaft of a long bone 3. endosteum = a tough, connective tissue membrane lining the medullary canal and containing the bone marrow 4. compact bone = the dense, hard layer of bone tissue. 5. periosteum = a fibrous vascular membrane that forms the covering of bones except at their articular (joint) surfaces. 6. medullary canal = a narrow space or cavity throughout the length of the diaphysis. 7. cancellous or spongy bone = the reticular network that makes up most of the volume of bone 8. synarthrosis = a classification of a joint that does not permit movement. The bones are in close contact with each other, but there is no joint cavity. i.e. cranial suture. 9. condyle = rounded bone marking projection that enters into the formation of a joint, articulation. 10. sulcus = groove, furrow, depression, or fissure. 11. ataxia = lack of muscular coordination; an inability to coordinate voluntary muscular movements that is symptomatic of ome nervous disorders. 12. clonic = pertaining to alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles. 13. atonic = pertaining to a lack of normal tone or tension; the lack of normal muscle tone. 14. adductor = muscle that draws a part toward the middle 15. abductor = muscle that on contration draws away from the middle. 16. brachialgia = pain in the arm 17. prime mover = muscle that is primary in a given movement ; the movement is produced by its contraction. Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

18. gluteus maximus = posterior muscle that extends and rotates thigh. 19. meatus = tubelike passage or canal. 20. Trochanter = either of the two bony projections below the neck of the femur.

Word Surgery Directions: Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1. Chondrocostal Suffix and its meaning: -al = pertaining to Combining form and its meaning: cost = chrondr/o = cartilage Root and its meaning: cost = rib Medical word definition: pertaining to the rib cartilage. 2. Arthralgia Suffix and its meaning: -algia = pain Root and its meaning: arthr = joint Medical word definition: joint pain 3. Dislocation Suffix and its meaning: -ion = process Prefix and its meaning: dis = apart Root and its meaning: locat = to place Medical word definition: displacement of a bone from a joint. 4. Lordosis Suffix and its meaning: -osis = condition Root and its meaning: lord = bending, curve, swayback Medical word definition: an abnormal anterior curvature of the lumbar spine. 5. Achondroplasia Suffix and its meaning: -plasia = formation Prefix and its meaning: a- = without Combining form and its meaning: chrondr/o = cartilage Medical word definition: defect in the formation of cartilage at the epiphyses of long bones. 6. osteoarthritis Suffix and its meaning: -it is = inflammation Combining form and its meaning: oste/o = bone Root and its meaning: arthr = joint Medical word definition: inflammation of the bone and joint. 7. Fibromyalgia Suffix and its meaning: -algia = pain Combining form and its meaning: fibr/o = fiber Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Root and its meaning: my = muscle Medical word definition: disorder with chronic, widespread musculoskeletal (MS) pain and fatigue. 8. prosthesis Suffix and its meaning: -sis = condition Combining form and its meaning: prosth/e = an addition Medical word definition: artificial device used to replace an organ or body part, such as a hand, arm, leg, or hip.

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9. myorrhaphy Suffix and its meaning: -rraphy = suture Combining form and its meaning: my/o = muscle Medical word definition: surgical suture of a muscle woung. 10. Atonic Suffix and its meaning: -ic = pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: a- = lack of Root and its meaning: ton = tone, tension Medical word definition: pertaining to lack of normal tone or tension; the lack of normal muscle tone. 11. myokinesis Suffix and its meaning: -kinesis = motion Combining form and its meaning: my/o = muscle Medical word definition: myokinesis 12. intramuscular Suffix and its meaning: -ar = pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: intra- = within Root and its meaning: muscul = muscle Medical word definition: pertaining to within a muscle, such as an IM injection.

Fill in the correct term for each abbreviation. 1. ANA = antinuclear antibodies 2. BMD = bone mineral density (test) 3. Cl = cervical vertebra, first 4. C3 = cervical vertebra, third 5. Ca = Calcium 6. MD = muscular dystrophy 7. CK= creatine kinase 8. EMG =electromyography 9. AE= above elbow 10. AK= above knee

Spelling Challenge Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Spell each term correctly in the space provided. Incorrect Spelling Correct Spelling 1. artritis arthritis 2. lordiosis lordosis 3. miehloma Myeloma 4. pedel Pedal 5. epiphyses Epiphysis 6. aponrosis Aponeurosis 7. cardac Cardiac 8. dacktlespasm Dactylospasm 9. myorhaphy Myorrhaphy 10. diafram diaphragm Pronunciation Provide the phonetic spelling of the terms below. In addition, using a recording tool, such as Vocaroo, record the following medical terms. For support on using Vocaroo, refer to the Vocaroo Tutorial document. Term 1. dislocation 2. arthralgia 3. chondral 4. tibial 5. ulnar 6. craniectomy 7. dermatomyositis 8. fascia 9. flaccid 10. quadriceps 11. atrophy 12. diaphragm

Phonetic Spelling dis-lo-ka-shun ar-thral-ji-a Kon-dral Tib-e-al Ul-nar Kra-ne-ek to-me Der ma-to-my o si tis Fash i-a Flak-sid Kwod ri-seps At ro-fe Di a-fram

Place the recording of your pronunciation of the medical terms here: https://voca.ro/1nsAimonatqg

Answer the following: 1. The six primary functions of the bones are: Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

1.Provide shape, suppot and the framework of the body. 2. Provide protection for internal organs. 3. Serve as a storage place for mineral salts, calcium, and phosphorus. 4. Play an important role in the formation of blood cells (hematopoiesis) 5. Provide areas for the attachment of skeletal muscles. 6. Help make movement possible through articulation 2. The six classifications of bone, and an example of each, are: 1. Flat – the skull 2. Long- bones of the forearm 3. Short- bones of the wrist (carpal) 4. Irregular- vertebrae 5. Sesamoid- patella 6. Sutural or Wormian- asterion 3. List and describe the three basic types of muscle tissue according to functions and appearance. 1. Skeletal - produce various types of body movement through contractility, extensibility, and elasticity. 2. Smooth- Produce relatively slow contraction with greater degree of extensibility in the internal organs, especially organs of the digestive, respiratory, and urinarty tract, plus certain muscles of the eye and skin, and walls of the blood vessels. 3. Cardiac- contraction of the myocardium, which is controlled by the autonomic nervous system and specialized neuromuscular tissue located within the right atrium. 4. List and describe the three classifications of muscles as they perform in groups as motor units. 1. Antagonist- muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle; when one contracts the other relaxes 2. Prime mover or agonist– muscle that is primary in a given movement; the movement is produced by its contraction. 3. Synergist- muscle that acts with another muscle to produce and assist movement.

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Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Case Study To begin, review the medical records located in the Practical Application sections of Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 in the textbook. Then, using the records, answer the questions below. Note: The questions below are different from the questions in the textbook. Chapter 6 1. DXA scan is used to diagnose a bone disease called osteoporosis.

2. What is the abbreviation for bone mineral density test? BMD

3. According to the medical record, a discrepancy was found between the lumbar spine and hips due to what condition? spondylosis

4. Define osteopenia. Deficency of bone tissue, regardless of the cause.

5. When is follow-up recommended for this patient? 18-24 months

Chapter 7 1. What are the signs and symptoms this patient was experiencing? The patient is having lots of falls, feeling clumsy, ambulating with a waddle, very slow in running and climbing, and walking on his toes.

2. What is the diagnosis? Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

3. How was the diagnosis determined? Through characterististic symptoms, family history, a muscle biopsy, an EMG, and an elevated CK level.

4. What is muscular dystrophy? A group of genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal or voluntary muscles that control movement.

5. Creatine kinase (CK) is a blood test that measures the level of CK in the blood and is increased in necrosis or atrophy of the skeletal muscle, traumatic muscle injury, strenuous exercise, and progressive muscular dystrophy. Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

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