HCM 205 Module Two Worksheet PDF

Title HCM 205 Module Two Worksheet
Author ImGeorge Church
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 5
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HCM 205 Module Two Worksheet Body Structure and Dermatology Write the definition of the medical words. 1. Cephalic- Relating to the head area. 2. Cilia- Hairlike vibrating structure 3. Distal- Distant area on the body from the center of mass/thorax. 4. Biology- The study of living orginisms and life itself. 5. Bilateral- Both sides 6. Apex- the top or peak. 7. Posterior – back, rear, behind 8. Adipose - used for fat storage 9. Protoplasm - The Clear material that comprises the living part of a cell, harboring cytoplasm, nucleus, and more. 10.Perfusion – Passage of fluid through the circulatory system or lymphatic system to organs or tissues. Most commonly meams the delivery of blood to capilliary beds in tissues. 11.Candidiasis- Infection with Candida, a type of yeast. 12.Anhidrosis- Inability to sweat in a normal fashion 13.Bulla- A cavity filled with air or liquid that resembles a bubble. 14.herpes simplex- A viral infection that produces cold sores, genital inflammation, and conjunctivitis depending on the strain. 15.Ecchymosis- Bleeding beneath the skin causing brusing 16.Cellulitis- Inflaammation of Subcutaneous connective tissue 17.Folliculitis- Inflammation of hair follicles 18.Petechiae- A small brown, red, or purple dot caused by capilliaries bleeding into the skin. Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

19.Psoriasis- A skin disease resulting in red, scaley, and often itchy clusters. 20.Impetigo- Skin infection caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus type infections.

Word Surgery Directions: Read the medical word. Break the medical word into its word parts and give the meaning of each word part. Then give the definition of the medical word. 1. histology Suffix and its meaning: ology, study of Combining form and its meaning: hist/o , tissue Medical word definition: The study of tissue 2. bilateral Suffix and its meaning: al , pertaining to Prefix and its meaning: bi, two Root and its meaning: later, side Medical word definition: Pertaining to two sides 3. karyogenesis Suffix and its meaning: genesis, formation of Combining form and its meaning: kary/o, cells nucleus Medical word definition: formation of a cells nucleus 4. pathology Suffix and its meaning: logy, study of Combining form and its meaning: path/o, disease Medical word definition: Stude of disease 5. systemic Suffix and its meaning: ic, pertaining to Root and its meaning: composite, the whole Medical word definition: pertaining to the body as a whole. 6. caudal Suffix and its meaning: al, pertaining to Root and its meaning: caud/0, tail Medical word definition: inferior to, pertaining to the tail 7. ecchymosis Suffix and its meaning: osis, condition Prefix and its meaning: ec, out Root and its meaning: chym, juice Medical word definition: When lood seeps into the skin causing discolorations, a bruise. 8. dermomycosis Suffix and its meaning: osis, condition Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

Combining form and its meaning: derm/o, skin Root and its meaning: myc, fungus Medical word definition: Skin condition caused by fungus cellulitis Suffix and its meaning: itis, inflammation Root and its meaning: cell, little Medical word definition:Inflammation of cells In the subcutaneous region 9. dermatitis Suffix and its meaning: itis, inflammation Root and its meaning: dermat, skin Medical word definition: inflammation of skin 10. paronychia Suffix and its meaning: ia, condition Prefix and its meaning: onych, nail Root and its meaning: par, around Medical word definition: Infectious condition of the marginal structure around the nail. 11. albinism Suffix and its meaning: ism, consition Root and its meaning: albin, white Medical word definition: genetic condition which results in partial or total lack of skin, hair, and eye pigmentation. Abbreviation Matchup Match the abbreviation to the definition. Select an answer from the column on the right and write the correct letter next to the term. 1. Abdomen H 2. body mass index A 3. blood pressure J 4. anatomy and physiology B 5. gastrointestinal C 6. topical immunomodulators I 7. intradermal F 8. basal cell carcinoma D 9. streptococcus G 10.biopsy E

a. BMI b. A&P c. GI d. BCC e. Bx f. ID g. strep h. Abd i. TIMs j. BP

Spell each term correctly in the space provided. Incorrect Spelling 1. byology 2. antirior 3. difusion

Correct Spelling Biology Anterior Diffusion

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

4. distol 5. silia 6. onykomicohsiss 7. soriasis 8. pruritis 9. rubeolla 10. subqtaneous

Distal Cilia Onychomycosis Psoriasus Pruritus Rubella Subcutaneous

Pronunciation Provide the phonetic spelling of the terms below. In addition, using a recording tool such as Vocaroo, record the following medical terms. For support using Vocaroo, refer to the Vocaroo Tutorial document. Term 1. chromosome 2. posterior 3. diffusion 4. mesomorph 5. cranial 6. histology 7. gene 8. inguinal 9. homeostasis 10. android 11. apex 12. caudal

Phonetic Spelling

krō-mō-sōm pō stirē r di-fū’zhun Mes ō-morf ‘krānēl His-tol’- ō-je jēn Ing’ gwi-nal Hō’ mē-o=stā’ sis An’ droyd Ā peks ‘kôdl

Place the recording of your pronunciation of the medical terms here:

HCM 205 Module 2 Pronunciation.m4a

Answer the following: 1. What is the difference between generic name and trade or brand name? The generic name is the common name, or civilian name. One of which more people are able to pronounce and remember, whereas the trade name is the original manufacturer of the drug, more expensive usually than generic. Ie. Tylenol 3 and Hydrocodone acetaminophen 3. 2. Your text teaches, “A drug interaction may occur when one drug potentiates or diminishes the action of another drug.” What does this mean? Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e

It is when two drugs metbaloize eachother and react together often in a violent way. Such as the contraindications of using Nitroglyceryn on a patient who has taken any sexual stimulants such as Viagra because they will both react and plummet their blood pressure through the floor often times. 3. List the four main functions of the skin. Protection, Sensation, Regulation, and Secretion 4. What are the two layers of the skin? Epidermis and Dermis

Case Study To begin, review the medical record located in the Practical Application section of Chapter 5 in the textbook. Then, using the record, answer the questions below. Note: The questions below are different from the questions in the textbook. 1. What is the abbreviation for biopsy? bx 2. What does the abbreviation Dx mean? Diagnose 3. Define basal cell carcinoma (BCC). An epithelial malignant tumor of the skin that rarely metatasizes 4. Define telangiectasia. A vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels that may appear as a birthmark. 5. A ____________pustule____ is a solid, circumscribed, elevated area on the skin; pimple.

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Worksheets for Medical Terminology for Health Care Professionals, 9e...

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