Case study week 11 - choose an option to write about PDF

Title Case study week 11 - choose an option to write about
Author Paige Adams
Course Jesus Christ And The Everlasting Gospel
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 2
File Size 119.8 KB
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choose an option to write about...


Case Study Name: Paige Adams Instructor name: Eldon Roe Class: REL 200, Section C

Instructions The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge and deepen your learning from responding to real life examples that you or others may face in defending the Proclamation and the eternal family. You must answer the questions in the case study (cut and paste them below for reference). Be sure to connect the references to your thoughts and discuss why/how the reference helps to answer or strengthen your response. Responses must show thought, reflection, pondering and depth with college-level writing skills. You must provide at least four citations from the talks discussed in this unit. Each citation must be from a different talk. You must also use the Proclamation and at least one scripture. The passages must be cited properly based on the following criteria: Question or requirement 1: Usi ngt hemat er i al si nt hi suni t ,di scusshowyouwoul dr espondt oJeni fyou wer eSamant ha.Whatmi ghtyoui nvi t eJent oactont oi mpr oveherunder st andi ng?Whati nsi ght scanyou findi nTheFami l y :APr ocl amat i ont ot heWor l dandt hescr i pt ur est hatwoul dappl yt oJen’ ssi t uat i on? Question or requirement 2: Whatdoyout hi nkconst i t ut essuccessorf ai l ur ei nt hehome? Question or requirement 3: Howi swhaty ouar el ear ni ngpr epar i ngyouorhel pi ngy out of ul fil ly ourr ol eas ahusbandorwi f e,f at herormot her ,br ot herorsi st er ,andhumanbei ng? Question or requirement 4 (if required): Copy and Paste the question or requirement here for reference

Case Study Report In 1-2 page(s), write a response that responds appropriately to the requirements and questions for the case study that you have chosen.

Samantha should respond to Jen by telling her in detail what the professor actually meant. The professor was going by what the family a proclamation says, “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities.” This statement is true. But it also does not mean that anyone who is not a part of this church is not happy. This is just saying that in most cases, the teachings of the church and a Christ centered home leads to the most stable and happy family lifestyles.

A family is not defined by their materialistic items. In the talk, “the finest homes”, elder clayton tells us what does not supply happiness in the home. He says, “These homes aren’t made fine in any important or lasting way by their furniture or by the net worth or social status of the people who own them.” What makes a home “fine” are the personal qualities everyone in the family possesses. The values are what make a home fine. As husband and wife, we have responsibilities to bring the gospel into our home and teach the doctrines. As it says in the talk, “women and gospel learning in the home” it says “you are part—a key part—of the family of God and of your own family”. He makes sure to say that keeping our values and teachings in the home centered around the gospel is a key part of having a happy family life. Life is not perfect, and just because Jen’s siblings fell away from the church does not mean it was the parent’s fault. IF they did all in their ability to teach the truths and nurture the children with the spirit, that is all they can do.

References Used (All 6 required): 1. Scripture: The sealing of the children to the parents is part of the great work of the fulness of times, D&C 138:48. 2. Proclamation: Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. 3. Talk: A Home Where the Spirit of the Lord Dwells By President Henry B. Eyring Second Counselor in the First Presidency 4. Talk: The Great Plan By President Dallin H. Oaks First Counselor in the First Presidency 5. Talk: Women and Gospel Learning in the Home By President Henry B. Eyring Second Counselor in the First Presidency 6. Talk: The Finest Homes By Elder L. Whitney Clayton Of the Presidency of the Seventy...

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