Catholic Graduate Expectations and GLC20 Handout V2 PDF

Title Catholic Graduate Expectations and GLC20 Handout V2
Course Japanese
Institution Ryerson University
Pages 14
File Size 198.6 KB
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idk what to write here so im just going to write whatever...


Catholic Graduate Expectations and GLC20 The values and attributes of our Catholic graduates are: ● A Discerning Believer - formed in

the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living. ● An Effective Communicator - who speaks,

writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values. ● A Reflective, Creative and Holistic thinker -

who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good. ● A Self-directed, Responsible, Lifelong learner - who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential. ● A Collaborative contributor - who finds

meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good. ● A Caring Family member - who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community. ● A Responsible citizen - who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace,

justice and the sacredness of human life. How do you already show these values in your daily life? How could you improve on these expectations in your life?

TASK #1:Please fill out the following chart to help answer these questions. 1. Graduate Expectation Column: Please write out the 7 different graduate expectations 2. Current Experience Column: Please write some jot notes about your current experience with the graduate expectation you have mentioned 3. Goals for the Future Column: Please write how you want to improve or set goals to help you with achieving this graduate expectation.

Graduate Expectation

Current Experience

Goals for the future

Discerning Believer

Effective Communicator

Reflective, Creative and Holistic thinker

Self-directed, Responsible, Lifelong learner

Collaborative contributor

Caring Family member

Responsible citizen

TASK #2: Videos of the Day (Chris Hadfield) (West Jet attendant)

What do these videos make you realize about careers? Do they inspire you? What did you enjoy about these videos? How does this relate to you as a student?

Please fill out the box below with answers to these questions:

A Day in Your Life An important element of being happy in life is finding what makes you happy as you go through your average day. Think about your day - there are probably lots of things you really love to do and look forward to like meeting up with friends, your favourite class, lunch, your extracurricular activities, maybe your part-time job. Thinking about what you do in an average day is a great exercise that will help you understand a lot about who you are as a person. In order to understand yourself better, you are going to document an average day in your life. Sometimes, the things that make us happy can be translated into a future career, for example, if you like caring for children, maybe teaching is in your future or, if you like tinkering with engines in the garage, maybe you'd like to explore a career as a mechanic.

TASK #3: Recording a Day In Your Life Your task will be to create a piece of work (video, photos, diary with photographs, PPT, poster board etc.) showing what an average day looks like for you from morning until bedtime. While you're putting this "document" together, think about: ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

what makes you happy; who you interact with; how much sleep you got the night before; what you eat; what you do at school; what happens after school; essentially, what you do during the whole day

There should be at least 15 items of your “to-do” list (you are not limited to the ideas above). Please be specific and detailed with your information. You will be sharing this with your classmates later this week. Marking Scheme: ● 5 marks for your chart (completed, filled out, detailed in jot notes) ● 5 marks for pictures included in your “Day in Your Life” portion, creativity, cohesiveness of your "A Day in Your Life” ● 10 marks for your content (detailed descriptions of your "to-do" list) This will be used for each section of marks: 5 = very detailed, clear, specific, effective, persuasive, focused 4 = detailed, somewhat clear, somewhat specific, somewhat focused 3= missing minor details, could be clearer, somewhat specific, passable 2= missing major details, not clear, not specific, not focused, unnecessary details that are distracting, not focused 1= incomplete ideas or details, not clear, not specific, unnecessary details, distracted 0 = missing or very ineffective, off-topic



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