CB Notes - Chapter 6 PDF

Title CB Notes - Chapter 6
Author Margaret Rosburg
Course  Consumer Behavior
Institution University of South Dakota
Pages 7
File Size 308.1 KB
File Type PDF
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These notes are from Elizabeth Manser Payne's Consumer Behavior Class of 2020...


Personality, Lifestyles, and The Self-Concept Monday, September 28, 2020

9:26 AM

What Makes Everybody Different? • Personality: Totality of thoughts, emotions, intentions, tendencies, and behaviors ○ Consistently exhibited by people as they adopt to the environment Personality - Distinct Qualities 1. Unique to an individual 2. Combination of specific traits or characteristics 3. Interactions with situations influence behavior 4. Specific behaviors vary across time Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality • Sigmund Freud Suggests personality results from a struggle between inner motives and societal pressures to follow rules and expectations • Applies to motivation and personality inquiry • Highlights the importance of unconscious mental process in influencing behavior

In a Nutshell… Id


"I want to do that now!"

"It's not right to do that."

Ego "Maybe we can compromise." Trait Approach to Personality • Focuses on specific consumer traits as motivators of various consumer behaviors • Trait: A distinguishable characteristic that describes one's tendency to act in a relatively consistent manner • Single-Trait Approach Research: Focused on one particular trait • Multiple-Trait Approach Research: Focused on a combinations of traits Single-Trait Approach Research

Multiple-Trait Approach Research

Quickest way to make progress in individual trait

Selecting for more than one trait at a time

Single trait selection can have (negative) unintended consequences, due to correlated traits

Many traits affect the profitability of a sheep or goat enterprise

Single trait selection is generally not Most common and practical recommended method of selection However, shouldn't select for two many traits at one time. Major Traits Examined in Consumer Research • Value Consciousness: Extent to which consumer tend to maximize what they receive from a transaction as compared to what they give • Materialism: Extent to which material goods have importance in a consumer's life • Innovativeness: Degree to which an individual is open to new ideas and tends to be relatively early in adopting new products, services, or experiences • Need for Cognition: Degree to which consumers enjoy engaging In effortful cognitive information processing • Competitiveness: Enduring tendency to strive to be better than others P d i it O i i T d f f b i

• Productivity Orientation: Tendency for consumers to focus on being productive, making progress, and accomplishing more in less time Examples of Other Traits in Consumer Research Frugality The tendency of a consumer to exhibit restraint when facing purchases and using resources Trait Superstition A tendency to follow superstitions and superstitious beliefs Trait Impulsivity

A tendency to buy products and engage in experiences on impulse

Bargaining Proneness The tendency for a consume to engage in bargaining behaviors when making purchases Trait Vanity

The tendency for consumers to take excessive pride in themselves, including their appearance and accomplishments

Five-Factor-Model: The Relationship between Personality & Behavior • Not at subjective as the psychoanalytic approach • Less bias results in the data Personality Trait



Talkative, outgoing


Kindhearted, Sympathetic

Openness to Experience Creative, open to new ideas, imaginative Stability Even-keeled, avoids mood swings Conscientiousness

Precise, efficient, organized

Researchers can Measure Trait Characteristics Big 5 Trait Example Behavior for LOW Scorers Openness

Example Behavior for HIGH Scorers

Prefers not to be exposed to Enjoys seeing people with alternative moral systems; new types of haircuts and

narrow interests; inartistic; body piercing; curious; not analytical; down-to-earth imaginative; untraditional Conscientiousness

Prefers spur-of-the-moment action to planning; unreliable; hedonistic; careless; lax


Preferring a quiet evening reading to a loud party; sober; aloof; unenthusiastic

Never late for a date; organized; hardworking; neat; persevering; punctual; self-disciplined Being the life of the party; active; optimistic; fun-loving; affectionate


Quickly and confidently asserts own rights; irritable, manipulative; uncooperative; rude

Agrees with others about political opinions; goodnatured; forgiving; gullible; helpful; forgiving

Neuroticism (stability)

Not getting irritated by small annoyances; calm, unemotional; hardy; secure; self-satisfied

Constantly worrying about little things; insecure; hypochondriacal; feeling inadequate

Criticism of the Trait Approach • Personality traits traditionally have not been shown to be strong predictors of consumer behavior relative to other explanatory variables • So many personality traits exist that researchers often select traits for study without any logical theoretical basis. • Personality traits are sometimes hard to measure, and researchers often use measures with questionable validity • Personality inventories used to measure traits are often meant for use on specific populations, but they are frequently applied to practically any consumer group. • Researchers often measure and use traits in ways not originally intended • Consumer traits generally do not predict specific brand selections. Brand Personality • Human characteristics that can be associated with a brand • Opportunities for companies to differentiate their products • Brand Personality Appeal: Product’s ability to appeal to consumers based on the human characteristics associated with it

• Should have strong degrees of favorability, originality, and clarity Do Brands Have a Personality, too? • Apple ○ Apple has a non-corporate, artistic, sophisticated, creative personality • Nike ○ Nike has an active lifestyle, inspirational, exciting, cool personality Dimensions of American Brand Personalities BRAND PERSONALITY Sincerity





Down To Earth


Upper Class











Differences in Brand Perceptions


Expect More. Pay Less

Save Money. Live Better


Red: Youth, Energy, Excitement

Blue: Traditional, Dependable, Safe

Desired Perception

I am discerning and stylish, but also cost conscious

I am a smart spender looking for the best deal

Consumer Lifestyles, Psychographics, and Demographics • Lifestyles: Ways consumers live and spend their time and money ○ Referred to as context-specific personality traits ○ Influence purchase patterns of consumers

○ Useful in identifying viable market segments ○ Influenced by culture & groups ○ Strong predictor for consumer behavior • Psychographics: Ways consumer lifestyles are measured ○ Involve surveying consumers using AIO (activities, interests and opinion) statements • Demographics: Observable, statistical aspects of populations such as age, gender, or income ○ Used in conjunction with psychographic analysis ○ Help locate and understand lifestyle segments Lifestyle Approaches • VALS ○ Divides consumers into groups based on resources and consumer behavior motivations § Innovators, thinkers, achievers, experiencers, believers, strivers, makers, and survivors • PRIZM ○ Stands for Potential Ratings Index by ZIP Market ○ Combines demographic and behavioral information that enables marketers to better understand and target their customers Bottomline • Personalities, traits, lifestyles and demographics influence: ○ What consumers think & feel about brands or products ○ This influence can be “seen” by what they buy • Marketers– we try to mirror personalities (etc.) into our brands so consumers can more easily relate to our brands. • How? Use the tools of the trade in the Marketing Mix. NEED TO KNOW POINTS • What is the difference between personality and traits? ○ Personality is unique to an individual, is a combination of traits, and influences behavior. Traits are distinguishable characteristic • What are some distinct qualities of personality? ○ Unique to an individual ○ Combination of specific traits or characteristics

○ Interactions with situations influence behavior ○ Specific behaviors vary across time What’s the psychoanalytic approach to personality? ○ Highlights the importance of unconscious mental processes in influencing behavior ○ Ego - conscious level ○ Superego - preconscious level ○ Id - unconscious level What’s the difference between single-trait & multi-trait research approaches? ○ Single trait focuses on a single trait while multi-trait focuses on a combination trait. Single trait selection is not generally recommended and is the quickest way to make progress in individual trait. Multi-Trait approach is the most common and practical method of selection and many traits affect the profitability of a sheep of goat enterprise. What are some key traits in CB? ○ Value consciousness, materialism, innovativeness, Need for cognition, competitiveness, productivity orientation What’s the Five-Factor Model? ○ A model that is not as subjective as the psychoanalytic approach but basically does the same things but based on 5 different personality traits: Extroversion, Agreeableness, openness to experience, Stability, Conscientiousness What’s brand personality & a few of possible dimensions? ○ Brand personality is the human characteristics that can be associated with a brand. Dimensions include, Sincerity, Competence, Sophistication, Excitement, and Ruggedness Why are lifestyles and demographics important to marketers? ○ It is a way to be able to target individuals based on the certain demographics and lifestyles. Also they are used to understand consumer behavior, influence purchase patterns, identify viable market segments....

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