CCNA 1 v6.0 – ITN Practice Skills Assessment Packet Tracer Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 1 v6.0 – ITN Practice Skills Assessment Packet Tracer Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 12
File Size 890.9 KB
File Type PDF
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CCNA 1 v6.0 - ITN Practice Skills Assessment Packet Tracer Exam Answers...


CCNA Routing and Switching Introduction to Networks

ITN Practice Skills Assessment - Packet Tracer Type A

Introduction to Networks (Version 6.0) - ITN Practice Skills Assessment - PT A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity: 1.Donotus et hebr owserBackbut t onorc l os eorr el oadanyex am wi ndowsdur i ngt heex am. 2.Donotc l os ePack etT r ac erwheny ouar edone.I twi l l c l os eaut omat i c al l y . 3.Cl i c kt heSubmi tAs s es s mentbut t oni nt hebr ows erwi ndowt os ubmi ty ourwor k . Introduction I nt hi sas s es s ment ,y ouwi l l c onfi gur edevi c esi nanI Pv 4/ I Pv 6net wor k .Fort hes ak eoft i me,y ouwi l l not beas k edt oper f or m al l c onfi gur at i onsonal l net wor kdev i c esasy oumayber equi r edt odoi nar eal net wor korot heras s es s ment .I ns t ead,y ouwi l l us et hes ki l l sandk nowl edget haty ouhav el ear nedi nt he l absi nt hi sc our s et oconfi gur et heBui l di ng1r out er .I naddi t i on,y ouwi l l addr es st hehos t sont woLANs wi t hI Pv 4andI Pv 6addr ess es ,ac t i v at eandaddr es st hemanagementi nt er f ac eoft heSec ondFl oor Swi t c h,andbac kupadev i c ec onfi gur at i ont oaTFTP server. Youwi l l r ec ei v eoneofs ev er al t opol ogi es . You are not required to configure the First Floor Switch, and you will not be able to access it in this practice skills assessment activity. All IOS device configurations should be completed from a direct terminal connection to the device console. In addition, many values that are required to complete the configurations have not been given to you. In those cases, create the values that you need to complete the requirements. For values that have been supplied to you, they must be entered exactly as they appear in order for you to get full credit for your configuration. Youwi l l pr ac t i c eandbeass es s edont hef ol l owi ngs k i l l s : •Confi gur at i onofi ni t i al I OSdev i c es et t i ngs •Des i gnandcal c ul at i onofI Pv 4addr es s i ng •Confi gur at i onofI OSdev i c ei nt er f acesi nc l udi ngI Pv 4andI Pv 6addr ess i ngwhenappr opr i at e •Addr es si ngofnet wor khos t swi t hI Pv 4andI Pv 6addr es s es •Enhanc i ngdevi c es ec ur i t y ,i nc l udi ngc onfi gur at i onoft hes ecur et r ans por tpr ot oc ol f orr emot edev i c e

c onfi gur at i on •Confi gur at i onofas wi t c hmanagementi nt er f ac e Requirements by device: Building 1 router: •Confi gur at i onofi ni t i al r out ers et t i ngs •I nt er f ac ec onfi gur at i onandI Pv 4andI Pv 6addr es s i ng •Dev i c es ec ur i t yenhanc ementordev i c ehar deni ng •Sec ur et r ans por tf orr emot econfi gur at i onc onnec t i onsascov er edi nt hel abs •Bac k upoft hec onfi gur at i onfil et oaTFTPs er v er Second Floor Switch: •Enabl i ngbas i cr emot emanagementbyTel net PC and Server hosts: •I Pv 4f ul laddr es s i ng •I Pv 6addr es si ng Addressing Table

Instructions Step 1: Determine the IP Addressing Scheme.

Recommended: Use VLSM Calculator Online

Des i gnanI Pv 4addr es s i ngs c hemeandcompl et et heAddr es s i ngT abl ebas edont hef ol l owi ng r equi r ement s .Us et het abl et ohel py ouor gani z ey ourwor k .

a.Subnett he192.168.1.0/24 net wor kt opr ov i de30 host addr es s espers ubnetwhi l ewas t i ngt he f ewes taddr es s es . b.As s i gnt hef our t hs ubnett ot heFi r s tFl oorLAN. c .As s i gnt hel as tnet wor khos taddr ess( t hehi ghes t )i nt hi ss ubnett ot heG0/0 i nt er f aceonBui l di ng1. ( d.St ar t i ngwi t ht hefi f t hs ubnet ,s ubnett henet wor kagai ns ot hatt henews ubnet swi l l pr ov i de14hos t addr es s espers ubnetwhi l ewas t i ngt hef ewes taddr es s es . e.As s i gnt hes ec ondoft hes enew14hos ts ubnet st ot heSecond Floor LAN. f .As s i gnt hel as tnet wor khos taddr es s( t hehi ghes t )i nt heSecond Floor LAN s ubnett o t heG0/1 i nt er f ac eoft heBuilding 1 r out er .( g.As s i gnt hes ec ondt ot hel as taddr es s( t hes ec ondhi ghes t )i nt hi ss ubnett ot heVLAN 1 i nt er f ac eof

t heSecond Floor Switch.( h.Confi gur eaddr es s esont hehos t sus i nganyoft her emai ni ngaddr es s esi nt hei rr es pec t i v es ubnet s . Step 2: Configure the Building 1 Router. a.Confi gur et heBui l di ng1r out erwi t hal l i ni t i al c onfi gur at i onst haty ouhav el ear nedi nt hecour s es of ar : •Confi gur et her out erhost name:Middle •Pr ot ectdev i c ec onfi gur at i onsf r om unaut hor i z edacc es swi t ht heenc r y pt edpr i v i l egedex ecpas s wor d. •Sec ur eal l ac c es sl i nesi nt ot her out erus i ngmet hodsc ov er edi nt hec our s eandl abs . •Requi r enewl y ent er edpas s wor dsmus thav eami ni mum l engt hof10c har ac t er s . •Pr ev ental l pas s wor dsf r om bei ngv i ewedi nc l eart ex ti ndev i c ec onfi gur at i onfi l es . •Confi gur et her out ert oonl yac c epti nbandmanagementc onnec t i onsov ert hepr ot oc ol t hati smor e s ec ur et hanTel net ,aswasdonei nt hel abs .Us et hev al ue1024 f orenc r y pt i onk eys t r engt h. •Confi gur el oc al us eraut hent i cat i onf ori nbandmanagementc onnec t i ons .Cr eat eaus erwi t ht he namenetadmin andas ec r etpas s wor dofCisco_CCNA5 Gi v et heus ert hehi ghes tadmi ni s t r at i v e pr i v i l eges .Yourans wermus tmat c ht hes ev al uesex ac t l y . b.Confi gur et het woGi gabi tEt her neti nt er f ac esus i ngt heI Pv 4addr ess i ngv al uesy ouc al c ul at edandt he I Pv 6v al uespr ov i dedi nt headdr es s i ngt abl e. •Rec onfi gur et hel i nkl ocal addr es sest ot hev al ues howni nt het abl e. •Doc umentt hei nt er f acesi nt heconfi gur at i onfi l e. Step 3: Configure the Second Floor Switch. Confi gur eSecondFl oorSwi t c hf orr emot emanagementov erTel net . Step 4: Configure and Verify Host Addressing. a.Us et heI Pv 4addr es s i ngf r om St ep1andt heI Pv 6addr es s i ngv al uespr ov i dedi nt headdr es s i ngt abl e t oc onfi gur eal l hos tPCswi t ht hecor r ectaddr es s i ng. b.Us et her out eri nt er f ac el i nk l oc al addr es sast heI Pv 6def aul tgat eway sont hehos t s . Step 5: Backup the Configuration of the Building 1 Router to TFTP. a.Compl et et heconfi gur at i onoft heTFTPs er v erus i ngt heI Pv 4addr es s i ngv al uesf r om St ep1andt he v al uesi nt headdr es s i ngt abl e. b.Back upt her unni ngc onfi gur at i onofBuilding 1 t ot heTFTP Server.Us et hedef aul tfi l ename . Answers Host 1 I Pv 4192. 168. 1. 97255. 255. 255. 224 GWv 4192. 168. 1. 126 I Pv 62001: DB8: ACAD: A: : FF/ 64

GWv 6FE80: : 1

Host 2 I Pv 4192. 168. 1. 98255. 255. 255. 224 GWv 4192. 168. 1. 126 I Pv 62001: DB8: ACAD: A: : 15/ 64

GWv 6FE80: : 1

Host 3 I Pv 4192. 168. 1. 145255. 255. 255. 240 GWv 4192. 168. 1. 158 I Pv 62001: DB8: ACAD: B: : FF/ 64

GWv 6FE80: : 1

TFTP Server I Pv 4192. 168. 1. 146255. 255. 255. 240 GWv 4192. 168. 1. 158 I Pv 62001: DB8: ACAD: B: : 15/ 64

GWv 6FE80: : 1

Secon Floor Switch (or LAB 214-A Switch): Us el i nec ons ol et oc onnec tHos t3andSec ondFl oorSwi t c h.OnHos t3,got o" Des k t opTab">c hoi c e " Ter mi nal " enable conf terminal enable secret class12345 service password-encryption banner motd $Second Floor Switch$ no ip domain-lookup

line console 0 password cisco12345 login logging synchronous exec-timeout 60 exit

line vty 0 15 password cisco12345 login logging synchronous exec-timeout 60 exit

interface vlan 1 ip address no shutdown

ip default-gateway exit write

Building 1 Router Us el i nec ons ol et oc onnec tHos t1andBui l di ng1Rout er .OnHos t1,got o“ Des k t opT ab”–>c hoi c e “ T er mi nal ”

en conf terminal hostname Middle enable secret class12345 service password-encryption banner motd $This is Router$ security passwords min-length 10 login block-for 120 attempts 2 within 30 no ip domain-lookup ip domain-name crypto key generate rsa 1024

line console 0 password cisco12345 login logging synchronous exec-timeout 60 exit

line vty 0 4 password cisco12345 transport input ssh login local

logging synchronous exec-timeout 60 exit

line aux 0 password cisco12345 login logging synchronous exec-timeout 60 exit

ip ssh version 2 ip ssh time-out 120 username netadmin privilege 15 secret Cisco_CCNA5

interface g0/0 ip address description First Floor LAN ipv6 address 2001:DB8:ACAD:A::1/64 ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local no shutdown exit

interface g0/1

ip address description Second Floor LAN ipv6 address 2001:DB8:ACAD:B::1/64 ipv6 address fe80::1 link-local no shutdown exit ipv6 unicast-routing exit write

copy running-config tftp:

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