CCNA 2 RSE Chapter 2 SIC Practice Skills Assessment – Packet Tracer Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 RSE Chapter 2 SIC Practice Skills Assessment – Packet Tracer Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 6
File Size 186.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
Total Views 144


CCNA 2 CSR Chapter 2 SIC Practice Skills Assessment...


CCNA Routing and Switching Routing and Switching Essentials Chapter 2 SIC: Static Routing and Basic Router Configuration

Af ewt hi ngst okeepi nmi ndwhi l ecompl et i ngt hi sact i vi t y : Donotuset hebr owserBackbut t onorcl oseorr el oadanyex am wi ndowsdur i ng t heex am. Donotcl osePack etTr acerwheny ouar edone.I twi l l cl oseaut omat i cal l y . Cl i ckt heSubmit Assessmentbut t oni nt hebr owserwi ndowt osubmi ty ourwor k.

Introduction NewCor p.i spr epar i ngt oconv er ti t snet wor kt ouseI Pv6.I ti sexper i ment i ngwi t h t het r ansi t i on,andhassetupat estnet wor kt hati sconfigur edwi t hbot hI Pv4and I Pv6addr essi ngonal l host sanddevi cei nt er f aces.Thecompanywi l l beusi ng def aul t ,st at i c,andfloat i ngst at i cr out est ocr eat econnect i vi t yi nt henet wor k . I nt hi spr act i ceski l l sassessment ,y ouwi l l configur et heNewCor wor kwi t h I Pv4andI Pv6i nt er f aceandhostaddr essi ng,andI Pv4andI Pv6def aul t ,s t at i c , andfloat i ngst at i cr out es.I naddi t i on,y ouwi l l compl et eabasi cconfigur at i onona r out er . You are not required to configure the Internet server, or the switches. Note: In order to keep the assessment activity as brief as possible, you will only be partially configuring some devices, as directed in the instructions. In a real network, all

devices would be fully configured to function in the network. You are only responsible for completing the tasks covered in the instructions. Any configuration that you do beyond the requirements will not result in additional credit. All IOS device configurations should be completed from a direct terminal connection to the device console. In addition, many values that are required to complete the configurations have not been given to you. In those cases, create the values that you need to complete the requirements. Youwi l l pr act i ceandbeassessedont hef ol l owi ngski l l s: Basi cr out erconfigur at i on I Pv4andI Pv6r out eri nt er f aceact i v at i onandaddr essi ng Di r ect l yat t achedI Pv4andI Pv6st at i cr out econfigur at i on Di r ect l yat t achedI Pv4andI Pv6def aul tr out econfigur at i on Di r ect l yat t achedI Pv4andI Pv6float i ngst at i cr out econfigur at i on I Pv4andI Pv6hostaddr essi ng

Addressing Table Devices

HQ / Main / Central

Branch / Bldg-1


IP Address

S0/ 0/ 0

128. 107. 0. 1/ 30 2001: DB8: 2: 1: : 1/ 64 FE80: : 1

S0/ 0/ 1

128. 107. 0. 5/ 30 2001: DB8: 3: 1: : 1/ 64 FE80: : 1

S0/ 1/ 1

10. 10. 20. 1/ 30 2001: DB8: 1: 1: : 1/ 64 FE80: : 1

S0/ 0/ 0

10. 10. 20. 2/ 30 2001: DB8: 1: 1: : 2/ 64 FE80: : 2

Gi g0/ 0

10. 10. 1. 254/ 24 2001: DB8: 1: A: : 1/ 64 FE80: : 2

Gi g0/ 1

10. 10. 2. 254/ 24 2001: DB8: 1: B: : 1/ 64 FE80: : 2

Web (DNS Server)


64. 100. 100. 10/ 24 2001: DB8: FF: F: : 10/ 64



10. 10. 1. 0/ 24,anyavai l abl eaddr ess 2001: DB8: 1: A: :A/ 64



10. 10. 2. 0/ 24,anyavai l abl eaddr ess 2001: DB8: 1: B: : A/ 64

Instructions Step 1: Basic Device Configuration Per f or m abasi cdevi ceconfigur at i ononMain. Configur et her out erhostname t ot hev al uei nt headdr essi ngt abl e. Pr ev entt her out erf r om at t empt i ngt or esol veunr ecogni z edCLIent r i esasdomai n names. Pr ot ectdevi ceconfigur at i onsf r om unaut hor i z edaccesswi t ht heencr ypt edsecr et passwor dofcisco. Secur et her out erconsole andvty l i neswi t ht hepasswor dclass. Pr ev ental l pass wor dsf r om bei ngvi ewedi ncl eart exti ndevi ceconfigur at i onfil es. Addamessageof t hedaybannerofy ourchoi ce. Pr ovi dedescr i pt i onsonal l act i v ei nt er f aces. Step 2: Configure Default, Static, and Floating Static Routes. Configur est at i c,def aul t ,andfloat i ngst at i cr out esont her out er s. Main: Configur ei nt er f acesoft heMain r out erwi t hI Pv4andI Pv6addr essi ngbasedon t heAddressing Table. Configur etwo directly connected static routes onMain t or eacht het woI Pv4LAN net wor ksonr out erBldg-1. Configur etwo directly connected static routes onMain t or eacht heI Pv6LAN net wor ksonr out erBldg-1. Configur edirectly connected IPv4 def aul tst at i cr out est or eachhost sout si deoft he net wor k. Configur et hepr i mar ypat ht hr oughSer i al 0/ 0/ 0. Configur eafloat i ngdef aul ts t at i cr out ef ort heback uppat ht hr oughSer i al 0/ 0/ 1 wi t hamet r i cof2. Configur edirectly connected IPv6 def aul tst at i cr out est or eachhost sout si deoft he net wor k. Configur et hePr i mar ypat ht hr oughSer i al 0/ 0/ 0. Configur et heBackuppat ht hr oughSer i al 0/ 0/ 1wi t hamet r i cof2. Bldg-1:

Configur ei nt er f acesont heBldg-1 r out erwi t hI Pv4andI Pv6addr essi ngbasedon t heAddressing Table. Configur eadirectly connected I Pv4def aul tst at i cr out eonBldg-1 t or eacht he I nt er net . Configur eadirectly connected I Pv6def aul tst at i cr out eonBldg-1 t or eacht he I nt er net . Step 3: Configure Host Addressing Configur et heHost A andHost B host swi t hbot hI Pv4andI Pv6addr essesbased ont heAddressing Table. I Pv6def aul tgat ewayaddr essesshoul dbet hel i nkl ocal addr essoft heLAN r out eri nt er f ace. Configur et heDNSser v eraddr essf orbot hI Pv4andI Pv6. Al l PChost sshoul dbeabl et or eacht heI nt er netser v er .

Intruction - Answers Script Main or Central or HQ (Router 1)

en conf ter hostname Main (or Central) (or HQ) no ip domain-lookup enable secret cisco line console 0 password class login line vty 0 15 password cisco login exit service password-encryption banner motd $$ int s0/0/0 description PRIMARY CONNECTION ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:2:1::1/64 ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local no shutdown int s0/0/1 description BACKUP CONNECTION ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:3:1::1/64

ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local no shutdown int s0/1/1 description Connect to Bldg-1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1:1::1/64 ipv6 address FE80::1 link-local no shutdown exit ip route s0/1/1 ip route s0/1/1 ipv6 route 2001:DB8:1:A::/64 s0/1/1 ipv6 route 2001:DB8:1:B::/64 s0/1/1 ip route s0/0/0 ip route s0/0/1 2 ipv6 route ::/0 s0/0/0 ipv6 route ::/0 s0/0/1 2 ipv6 unicast-routing Bldg-1 or Quest or Branch (Router 2)

enable conf terminal int s0/0/0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1:1::2/64 ipv6 address FE80::2 link-local no shutdown int g0/0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1:A::1/64 ipv6 address FE80::2 link-local no shutdown int g0/1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:DB8:1:B::1/64 ipv6 address FE80::2 link-local no shutdown

exit int s0/0/0 description Connection to Main int g0/0 description LAN A int g0/1 description LAN B exit ip route s0/0/0 ipv6 route ::/0 s0/0/0 ipv6 unicast-routing Configure Host Addressing Host A:

IPv4 Configuration: -I PAddr ess:10. 10. 1. 10 -SubnetMask :255. 255. 255. 0 -Gat eway :10. 10. 1. 254 -DNSSer v er :64. 100. 100. 10 IPv6 Configuration: -I Pv6Addr ess:2001: DB8: 1: A: : A/64 -I Pv6Gat eway :FE80: : 2 -I Pv6DNSSer v er :2001: DB8: FF: F: : 10 Host B:

IPv4 Configuration: -I PAddr ess:10. 10. 2. 10 -SubnetMask :255. 255. 255. 0 -Gat eway :10. 10. 2. 254 -DNSSer v er :64. 100. 100. 10 IPv6 Configuration: -I Pv6Addr ess:2001: DB8: 1: B: : A/64 -I Pv6Gat eway :FE80: : 2 -I Pv6DNSSer v er :2001: DB8: FF: F: : 10...

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