Chapter 7 RSE Practice Skills Assessment Exam Answers PDF

Title Chapter 7 RSE Practice Skills Assessment Exam Answers
Author Amuel Wilson
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 10
File Size 641.8 KB
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Chapter 7 CSR Practice Skills Assessment Exam...


Chapter 7 RSE Practice Skills Assessment Exam Answers CCNA Routing and Switching Routing & Switching Essentials Chapter 7 SIC: VLANs, Trunking, and Router-on-a-Stick

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Af ewt hi ngst okeepi nmi ndwhi l ecompl et i ngt hi sact i vi t y : Donotuset hebr owserBack but t onorcl oseorr el oadanyex am wi ndows dur i ngt heexam. Donotcl osePack etTr acerwheny ouar edone.I twi l l cl oseaut omat i cal l y . Cl i ckt heSubmit Assessment but t oni nt hebr owserwi ndowt osubmi ty our wor k .

Introduction I nt hi spr act i ceski l l sassessment ,y ouwi l l configur et heSci enceLLCnet wor k wi t hVLANs ,Tr unki ng,i nt er VLANr out i ng,andI Pv4st andar dACLs.Aspar tof

t hi spr ocess,y ouwi l l per f or m basi cVLANconfigur at i ont asks,addr essr out er i nt er f acesandhost s,andi mpl ementt woACLs. You are not required to configure the Quark switch, or any of the servers. Note: In order to keep the assessment activity as brief as possible, you will only be partially configuring some devices, as directed in the instructions. In a real network, all devices would be fully configured to function in the network. You are only responsible for completing the tasks covered in the instructions. Any configuration that you do beyond the requirements will not result in additional credit. All IOS device configurations should be completed from a direct terminal connection to the device console. In addition, many values that are required to complete the configurations have not been given to you. In those cases, create the values that you need to complete the requirements. Youwi l l pr act i ceandbeassessedont hef ol l owi ngski l l s: Configur at i onofi ni t i al devi ceset t i ngs I Pv4addr essassi gnment Configur at i onandaddr essi ngofdevi cei nt er f aces Configur at i onofVLANsont hr eeswi t c hes Configur at i onoft r unki ngandi nt er VLANr out i ng Configur at i onofACLt ol i mi tdevi ceaccess Requi r ement sbydevi ce:

Router Atom: Configur at i onofi ni t i alr out erset t i ngs I nt er f aceconfigur at i onandI Pv4addr essi ng

Switch Neutron: Configur at i onofVLANs Configur at i onofVLANt r unki ng Configur at i onofi nt er f acesi nt oVLAN Configur at i onofI Paddr essf ort heManagementVLAN

Switch Proton: Configur at i onofVLANs Configur at i onofVLANt r unki ng Configur at i onofi nt er f acesi nt oVLAN Configur at i onofI Paddr essf ort heManagementVLAN

Switch Electron: Configur at i onofVLANs Configur at i onofVLANt r unki ng Configur at i onofi nt er f acesi nt oVLAN

Configur at i onofI Paddr essf ort heManagementVLAN

PC hosts: Pv4f ul l addr essi ng

Addressing Table Note: You are provided with the networks that interfaces should be configured on. Unless you are told to do differently in the detailed instructions below, you are free to choose the host addresses to assign.

VLAN Assignment Table

Instructions Step 1: Determine Addressing Det er mi net heI Paddr essest haty ouwi l l usef ort her equi r edi nt er f acesont he t hr ees wi t chSVI s ,andt hesi xLANhost s.Uset hei nf or mat i oni nt headdr essi ng t abl e. Sel ectt heswi t c hSVIaddr esses . Thei nt er f acesont heAtomr out ert hatar eusedt or out et heVLANsshoul dbe addr essedwi t ht hel astusabl eI Paddr essi nt hesubnet . Assi gnv al i dhostaddr essest ot heLANhost saccor di ngt ot heAddr essi ngTabl e andVLANassi gnment . Step 2: Configure initial device setting on Neutron and Atom Configur eNeut r onandAt om wi t hal l i ni t i al configur at i onst haty ouhav el ear nedi n t hecour sesof ar : Configur et heswi t c hhost name:Neut r on. Configur et her out erhost name:At om. Pr ev entt her out erf r om at t empt i ngt or esol veunr ecogni z edCLIent r i esasdomai n names. Pr ot ectdevi ceconfigur at i onsf r om unaut hor i z edaccesswi t ht heencr ypt ed passwor dci sco. Secur et her out erands wi t chconsol eandr emot eaccessl i neswi t hpasswor d ci sco. Pr ev ental l pass wor dsf r om bei ngvi ewedi ncl eart exti ndevi ceconfigur at i onfil es. Step 3: Configure VLANs Configur ef ourVLANsont heNeutron,Proton,andElectron swi t c hesusi ng t hev al uesi nt headdr essi ngt abl e. Step 4: Assign Switch Interfaces to VLANs Configur eFast Et her neti nt er f acesonProton and Electron accor di ngt ot he f ol l owi nggui del i nes: I nt er f acesFa0/ 1-Fa0/ 5ar eassi gnedt oVLAN20 I nt er f acesFa0/ 6-Fa0/ 10ar eassi gnedt oVLAN40

I nt er f acesFa0/ 11-Fa0/ 15ar eassi gnedt oVLAN60 Step 5: Configure the Switches for Remote Management Configur et heSVI soft heNeutron,Proton,andElectron s wi t chesusi ngt he i nf or mat i oni nt heVLANandAddr essi ngTabl es .Configur et heI Paddr essf ort he ManagementVLANandt hedef aul t gat ewayI Paddr ess.Configur et heSVI sso t hatt heywi l l ber eachabl ebydevi cesonot hernet wor ksaf t ert henet wor khas beenf ul l yconfigur ed. Step 6: Configure VLAN Trunking Configur eVLANt r unki ngbet weent heNeutron,Proton, andElectron swi t ches. Manuallyconfigur et heVTPdomai nnamet oSchool ont heNeut r on,Pr ot on, andEl ect r onswi t ches. Manuallyconfigur et het r unki ngpor t sont heNeut r on,Pr ot on,andEl ect r on s wi t ches. Step 7: Configure inter-VLAN Routing Uset hei nf or mat i oni nt heAddr essi ngandVLANt abl est oconfigur ei nt er VLAN r out i ngonAtom accor di ngt ot hef ol l owi nggui del i nes: Configur ei nt er VLANr out i ngamongVLANs20,40,60and88t hr oughGi 0/ 0 subi nt er f aces. Configur ei nt er VLANr out i ngf orVLANs250and254t hr oughGi 0/ 1 subi nt er f aces. Step 8: Configure Host Addressing Addr esst hehost saccor di ngt ot heval uesi nt headdr essi ngt abl e.UseaDNS ser v eraddr essof172.16.254.252.Al l host sshoul dbeabl et or each t ser v er . Step 9: Configure Access Control Lists Youwi l l configur et woaccesscont r ol l i st sont heAtom r out er .TheACL speci ficat i onsar easf ol l ows: a.Rest r i ctaccesst ot hevt yl i nesonAtom. Cr eat eanumberedst andar dACLusi ngnumber10.Besur et haty ouuset hi s numberex act l yasi tappear si nt hesei nst r uct i ons . Al l owonl yhost sont heProductionVLANt oaccesst hevt yl i nesofAtom. Noot heri nt er nalandI nt er nethost sshoul dbeabl et oaccesst hevt yl i nes ofAtom. Yoursol ut i onshoul dconsi stof a single ACL statement. b.Rest r i ctaccesst ot hei nt er nal webser v er Cr eat eanamedst andar dACLusi ngt henameINT-WEB.Besur et haty ouuse t hi snameex act l yasi tappear si nt hesei nst r uct i ons. Al l owhost sont heResearchandProduction VLANst or eacht hei nt er nal admi ni st r at i v ewebser

Noot heri nt er nal andI nt er nethost sshoul dbeabl et oaccesst hei nt er nal admi ni st r at i v ewebser ver . Yoursol ut i onshoul dconsi stoft woACLst at ement s. Step 10: Verify Connectivity Ver i f yy ourconfigur at i onsaccor di ngt ot hef ol l owi nggui del i nes: Host si nVLANs20,40,and60can pi ngeachot her . Host si nVLANs20,40,and60can vi si tt heext er nal web ser v Host si nVLAN40and60can vi si tt headmi ni st r at i v eweb ser v Host si nVLAN60can t el neti nt oAt om Host si nVLANs20and40cannot t el nett oAtom. Intructions - Answer 100%

Router 1: Atom enable conf ter hostname Atom no ip domain-lookup enable secret cisco line console 0 password cisco login line vty 0 15 password cisco login exit int g0/0.20 encapsulation dot1Q 20 ip address int g0/0.40 encapsulation dot1Q 40 ip address int g0/0.60 encapsulation dot1Q 60 ip address int g0/0.88 encapsulation dot1Q 88 ip address

int g0/0 no sh int g0/1.250 encapsulation dot1Q 250 ip address int g0/1.254 encapsulation dot1Q 254 ip address int g0/1 no shutdown exit access-list 10 permit ip access-list standard INT-WEB permit permit exit line vty 0 15 access-class 10 in exit int g0/1.250 ip access-group INT-WEB out

Switch 1: Neutron en conf ter hostname Neutron no ip domain-lookup enable secret cisco line console 0 password cisco login line vty 0 15 password cisco login exit service password-encryption vlan 20 name Lab vlan 40 name Research

vlan 60 name Production vlan 88 name NetOps exit int vlan 88 ip add no shutdown exit ip default-gateway vtp domain School int g0/1 switchport mode trunk int range f0/23-24 switchport mode trunk

Switch 2: Proton en conf ter hostname Proton vlan 20 name Lab vlan 40 name Research vlan 60 name Production vlan 88 name NetOps exit int range fastEthernet 0/1-5 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 20 int range fastEthernet 0/6-10 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 40 int range fastEthernet 0/11-15 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 60 exit int vlan 88 ip add no sh no shutdown exit ip default-gateway

vtp domain School

int f0/23 switchport mode trunk

Switch 3: Electron en conf ter hostname Electron vlan 20 name Lab vlan 40 name Research vlan 60 name Production vlan 88 name NetOps exit int range fa0/1-5 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 20 int range fa0/6-10 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 40 int range fa0/11-15 switchport mode access switchport access vlan 60 exit int vlan 88 ip add no shutdown exit ip default-gateway vtp domain School int f0/24 switchport mode trunk

Host: Lab 1 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 20. 5 Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 20. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252 Host: Research 1 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 40. 5

Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 40. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252 Host: Prod 1 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 60. 5 Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 60. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252 Host: Lab 2 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 20. 10 Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 20. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252 Host: Research 2 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 40. 10 Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 40. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252 Host: Prod 1 I Paddr ess :172. 16. 60. 10 Subnetmask:255. 255. 255. 0 Def aul tgat eway :172. 16. 60. 254 DNSser v er :172. 16. 254. 252...

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