Scaling Networks v6.0 Sca N Eigrp Practice Skills Assessment Answers PDF

Title Scaling Networks v6.0 Sca N Eigrp Practice Skills Assessment Answers
Course Cisco Certified Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 20
File Size 570.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
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Scaling Networks v6.0 ScaN EIGRP Practice Skills Assessment Answers...


CCNA Routing and Switching Scaling Networks

Form A ScaN EIGRP Practice Skills Assessment - PT

Practice Skills Assessment - EIGRP A few things to keep in mind while completing this activity: 1.Donotus et hebr owserBack but t onorc l os eorr el oadanyex am wi ndows dur i ngt heex am. 2.Donotc l os ePac k etTr ac erwheny ouar edone.I twi l l c l os eaut omat i c al l y . 3.Cl i ckt heSubmit Assessment but t oni nt hebr ows erwi ndowt osubmi t y ourwor k.

Introduction I nt hi spr act i cesk i l l sass es sment ,y ouwi l lc onfi gur et heMaj orCi t ynet wor kwi t h EI GRPr out i ngandenhanceds wi t chi ng.Thenet wor ki sconfi gur edwi t hbot hI Pv4 andI Pv6onal l devi c es .Thi swi l l al l owy out oi mpl ementr out i ngi nbot hEI GRP f orI Pv4andEI GRPf orI Pv 6.Yourgoali st oac hi ev ef ul l connect i v i t ybet weenal l LANhost sandt her emot eTownSer v eri nbot hI Pv4andI Pv 6.Foraf ul ll i s tof t as ks ,s eebel ow. You are not required to configure the following: •ThePr i mar ynet wor ks wi t c hes •Mostoft henet wor khost sandt heTownSer v er •TheTownCl oud All IOS device configurations should be completed from a

direct terminal connection to the device console. Youwi l lpr act i c eandbeas s es sedont hef ol l owi ngs ki l l s : •Confi gur at i onofI Pv 4andI Pv6def aul tr out es •Confi gur at i onofEI GRPf orI Pv 4 •Confi gur at i onofEI GRPf orI Pv 6 •Cus t omi zat i onofEI GRPf orI Pv4andEI GRPf orI Pv6 Youwi l lc onfi gur es pec i fi cdevi ceswi t ht hef ol l owi ng: Router Ed_Dept: •I Pv4andI Pv 6def aul tr out e •EI GRPf orI Pv 4andEI GRPf orI Pv6 •Rout erI D •I nt er f ac ebandwi dt h •Redi st r i but i onofdef aul tr out es Router Primary-1: •EI GRPf orI Pv 4andEI GRPf orI Pv6 •HSRP •I nt er f ac ebandwi dt h •EI GRPf orI Pv 4pas s i v ei nt er f ac e Router Primary-2: •I Pv4def aul tr out e •HSRP Router High_School: •EI GRPf orI Pv 4andEI GRPf orI Pv6 •Rout erI D •I nt er f ac ebandwi dt h •EI GRPf orI Pv 4pas s i v ei nt er f ac es Switch Dist-1: •RPVST+act i v at i on •RPVSTpr i mar yr ootbr i dgepr i or i t y •Et her Channel c hannelgr oups •St at i ct r unki ngwi t hnat i v eVLAN •DTP •VTP Switch Acc-1: •RPVST+act i v at i on •Por t Fas t •BPDUGuar d •Et her Channel c hannelgr oups •St at i ct r unki ngwi t hnat i v eVLAN •DTP •VTP

Switch Acc-2: •RPVST+act i v at i on •RPVSTsecondar yr ootbr i dgepr i or i t y •Et her Channel c hannelgr oups •St at i ct r unki ngwi t hnat i v eVLAN •DTP •VTP PC PC-A: •Def aul tgat eway PC PC-M: •Def aul tgat eway Addressing Table Us et hef ol l owi ngaddr es sest oconfi gur et henet wor k.Someaddr es sesar e pr econfi gur edondev i cest haty ouar enotr equi r edt oconfigur e,andar epr ov i ded f orr ef er enc epur posesonl y . Device


Address Information


2001:DB8:1A::1/64 FE80::1 link local


2001:DB8:1B::1/64 FE80::1 link local

Ed_Dept (DataCenter)


Primary-1 (Hospital_1) (

2001:DB8:99::2/64 FE80::1 link local


2001:DB8:1A::2/64 FE80::2 link local


2001:DB8:2::1/64 FE80::2 link local

G0/0 2001:DB8:20::3/64

FE80::2 link local S0/0/0

2001:DB8:100::2/64 FE80::22 link local

Primary-2 (Clinic_10)


2001:DB8:20::2/64 FE80::22 link local


2001:DB8:2::2/64 FE80::3 link local


2001:DB8:1B::2/64 FE80::3 link local




2001:DB8:3:10::1/64 FE80::3 link local


2001:DB8:3:15::1/64 FE80::3 link local

High_School (Hospital_2)


2001:DB8:3:20::1/64 FE80::3 link local

External (Remote)




Part I: EIGRP and HSRP Configuration

Step 1-1: Configure default static routes. 1.Configur eI Pv 4andI Pv6def aul ts t at i cr out esont heEd_Deptr out ert ot he TownCl oud.Uset heout goi ngi nt er f ac ev al uei ny ourconfi gur at i on. 2.Configur et hePr i mar y2r out erwi t hanI Pv4def aul tr out et ot heTownCl oud usi ngt heout goi ngi nt er f acev al ue. Step 1-2: Configure EIGRP for IPv4 Ont heEd_Dept, Primary-1, and High_School routers onl y ,c onfi gur e EI GRPf orI Pv4. 1.Us eanASnumberof99f oral lEI GRPr out er s . 2.Ac t i v at er out i ngf ort heappr opr i at enet wor ks .Us ei nv er s emas k st hats pec i f y onl yaddr es seswi t hi nt henet wor ks . 3.Sett her out erI Dsasf ol l ows : -Ed_Dept : -Pr i mar y 1: -Hi gh_School : Step 1-3: Configure EIGRP for IPv6. Confi gur eEI GRPf orI Pv6ont heEd_Dept ,Pr i mar y 1,andHi gh_Sc hoolr out er s . 1.Us eanASnumberof99f oral lEI GRPr out er s . 2.Ac t i v at er out i ngf ort heappr opr i at enet wor ks .Not et hatr out erPr i mar y 2does notus eEI GRPr out i ng. 3.Sett her out erI Dsasf ol l ows : -Ed_Dept : -Pr i mar y 1: -Hi gh_School : I mpor t ant :YourEI GRPf orI Pv 6confi gur at i onc anonl ybec heck edf ort hi s ass es smenti ndi r ec t l y .Af t ery ouhav ecompl et edy ourconfi gur at i on,i nor dert o getcr edi tf orEI GRPf orI Pv6r out i ng,y oumus tdot hef ol l owi ng: 1.Onhos tPCB,got ot heDesk t opt abandopent heCommandPr ompt . 2.Ent ertelnet 2001:DB8:E::1 3.I fy ourEI GRPf orI Pv6c onfigur at i oni sc or r ect ,y ous houl dbeabl et or eac ht he Ex t er nal r out erwi t ht headdr es sabov e.Aut hent i c at ey ourTel nets es si onwi t ht he pas swor dc i sc o. 4.Mov et opr i vi l egedEXECmodeusi ngt hepas s wor dadmi n. 5.Ac t i v at et heG0/ 0i nt er f aceoft her out er . 6.Ex i tt heT el nets es si on. I ny ours cor er epor t ,f orEI GRPf orI Pv 6i nt er f aceact i v at i on,y ouwi l lseeani t em f orac t i v at i onoft her out erExt er nalG0/ 0i nt er f ace.I fy ougott hi si t em cor r ect ,y ou hav ecor r ect l yact i v at edEI GRPv6ont her equi r edr out er s. Step 1-4: Customize EIGRP for IPv4 operation. Customize EIGRP for IPv4 as follows: 1.Sett hei nt er f acebandwi dt hf ort het woEI GRPi nt er f ac esonr out erEd_Deptt o

mat c ht hei nt er f acec l oc ks peed. 2.Sett hei nt er f acebandwi dt hf ort heser i ali nt er f acesonr out er sPrimary-1 and High_School t omat c ht hebandwi dt hoft hei nt er f aceson r out erEd_Dept. 3.Configur eal l LANi nt er f aces,bot hphy si calandvi r t ual ,s o t hatEIGRP mes s agesar enots enti nt ot heLANs . 4.Configur eEd_Dept sot hatt hes t at i cdef aul tr out ei saut omat i cal l ys har ed wi t ht heot herEI GRPr out er s . Step 1-5: Customize EIGRP for IPv6 operation. Confi gur et heEd_Dept router t oaut omat i c al l ys har et heI Pv6st at i cr out ewi t h t heot herEI GRPf orI Pv6r out er s . Step 1-6: Configure HSRP as follows: Confi gur et hePr i mar y 1andPr i mar y 2r out er swi t hHSRP.I nt hi ss c enar i o,t he hos t sont hePr i mar ynet wor kar et obedual homed.I not herwor ds,i ft heact i v e Pr i mar y 1r out erf ai l s ,t hePr i mar ynet wor khos t swi l l uset hePr i mar y 2r out eras t hei rgat eway .Al t houghconnect i v i t yt ot her es toft heMaj orCi t ynet wor kwi l lnot beav ai l abl e,t hehos t swi l lbeabl et oac ces st heI nt er nett hr ought hePr i mar y 2 r out er ,becauseHSRPwi l lswi t c ht ousi ngi tast hedef aul tgat ewayf ort hehos t s . Youwi l lc onfi gur ePr i mar y 1ast heact i ver out er ,andPr i mar y2ast heback up usi ngHSRP.

Requirements: 1.Configur er out erPr i mar y 1wi t hHSRPasf ol l ows : -Thegr oupnumberi s1. -Vi r t ual gat ewayI Paddr ess : -Ther out ershoul di mmedi at el ybec omet heac t i v er out er . -Thepr i or i t ys houl dbe150. 2.Configur er out erPr i mar y 2asf ol l ows : -Vi r t ual gat ewayI Paddr ess : -Leav eal l ot herHSRPv al uesatt hedef aul t . 3.I nor derf ort hePr i mar y2r out ert opr ovi dec onnect i v i t yt ot heI nt er net ,i t r equi r esadef aul tr out et obeconfi gur edasy ouar edi r ec t edi nSt ep11abov e. Thi sr out eri snotconfi gur edwi t hEI GRP. 4.Configur ehos t sPC-A and PC-M wi t ht hec or r ec tdef aul tgat eway addr ess es.

Part II: Enhanced Switching Technologies

Step 2-1: Configure link aggregation with EtherChannel. Confi gur et het hr eeEt her Channel l i nk sbet weens wi t chesDist-1, Acc-1, and Acc-2: Port Channel







Fa0/3 Fa0/4


Fa0/3 Fa0/4


Fa0/5 Fa0/6


Fa0/5 Fa0/6


Fa0/1 Fa0/2


Fa0/1 Fa0/2

1.Configur eEt her Channel swi t ht heLACPpr ot oc olusi ngt hei nf or mat i oni nt he t abl e. 2.Bot hs i desoft hec hannel shoul das ki ft heot hers i dei swi l l i ngt opar t i ci pat ei n t hec hannel . Step 2-2: Configure Trunking. Confi gur et r unki ngasf ol l ows : 1.Thet r unkbet weenHigh_School and Dist-1 s houl dbeac t i v e. 2.Thet r unkbet weenHigh_School and Dist-1 s houl dus et henat i v eVLAN v al uepr econfi gur edonHi gh_Sc hool . 3.Configur eal l oft hepor tc hannel i nt er f acesasst at i ct r unkswi t ht heappr opr i at e nat i v eVLAN. 4.Di s abl eDTPnegot i at i ononal l oft het r unk s. Step 2-3: Configure VTP. Confi gur es wi t c hesDist-1, Acc-1, and Acc-2 wi t hVTPasf ol l ows: 1.Swi t c hDist-1 s houl dbet heonl yVTPs er v eri nt hedomai n. 2.Theot hers wi t chesi nt hedomai nshoul dbeconfigur edasc l i ent s . Us et hef ol l owi ngv al ues: -VTPdomai n:TownEd -VTPPas s wor d:TWE_123! Note: I nor derf ort heVLANst obedi st r i but edf r om t heVTPs er v ert ot hecl i ent s wi t c hes ,y oumayneedt ot ak eact i ont oi nc r ementt heVTPr ev i s i onnumber .

Thi sc anbedonebyaddi nganddel et i ngaVLANont heVTPser veraf t ert he s wi t c hesi nt hedomai nhav ec ompl et eVTPc onfi gur at i onsandt r unki ngi s oper at i ngc or r ec t l y . Step 2-4: Configure RPVST. Confi gur es wi t c hesDist-1, Acc-1, and Acc-2 wi t hRPVST+asf ol l ows : 1.Al l oft heswi t c hess houl duseRapid Spanning Tree Protocol. 2.Swi t c hDist-1 s houl dbeconfi gur edast her ootbr i dgef orVLANs 10, 15, and 20 wi t hapr i or i t yv al ueof24576. 3.Swi t c hAcc-2 shoul dbeconfi gur edast hes econdar yr ootbr i dgef orVLANs 10, 15, and 20 wi t hapr i or i t yv al ueof28672. 4.Swi t c hAcc-1 shoul dbel ef twi t hi t sdef aul tpr i or i t y . Step 2-5: Configure PortFast and BPDU Guard. Configure only switch Acc-1 as follows: 1.Configur eal l oft heacc es spor t st hatar eas si gnedt oVLANswi t hBPDU Guar d. 2.Configur et hesamepor t swi t hPortFast. I fEI GRPi sc onfi gur edpr oper l y ,f ul ladj acenc i esshoul dbef or medbet weenal l r out er si nt heEI GRPAS.Thehos t sont heLANss houl dbeabl et ocommuni c at e wi t ht hehos t sonal lot herLANsandt heTownSer v erusi ngbot hI Pv 4andI Pv 6. Connectt hePCt ot heSwi t c h/ Rout erus i ngaConsole cable Copy and Paste script for each router and switch into User EXEC mode

Ed_Dept Router: en conf ter ip route s0/1/0 ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 route ::/0 s0/1/0 router eigrp 99 network network eigrp router-id exit

ipv6 router eigrp 99 eigrp router-id no shutdown exit

int s0/0/0 ipv6 eigrp 99

int s0/0/1 ipv6 eigrp 99 exit

int s0/1/0 ipv6 eigrp 99 exit

int s0/0/0 bandwidth 2000 exit

int s0/0/1 bandwidth 2000 exit

router eigrp 99 redistribute static exit ipv6 router eigrp 99 redistribute static

Primary-2 Router: en conf ter ip route s0/0/0 int g0/0 standby 1 ip standby version 2

Primary-1 Router en conf ter router eigrp 99 network network network eigrp router-id exit ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 router eigrp 99

eigrp router-id no shutdown exit int s0/0/1 ipv6 eigrp 99 int s0/0/0 ipv6 eigrp 99 int g0/0 ipv6 eigrp 99 exit

int s0/0/0 bandwidth 2000 exit router eigrp 99 passive-interface g0/0 exit

int g0/0 standby 1 ip standby 1 preempt standby 1 priority 150 standby version 2

High_School Router

en conf ter router eigrp 99 network network network network network eigrp router-id exit

ipv6 unicast-routing ipv6 router eigrp 99 eigrp router-id no shutdown exit int g0/0.10 ipv6 eigrp 99 int g0/0.15 ipv6 eigrp 99 int g0/0.20 ipv6 eigrp 99 exit

int s0/0/0 ipv6 eigrp 99 int s0/0/1 ipv6 eigrp 99 int s0/1/0 ipv6 eigrp 99 exit int s0/0/1 bandwidth 2000 exit

router eigrp 99 passive-interface g0/0.10 passive-interface g0/0.15 passive-interface g0/0.20 exit int g0/0 no sh

Dist-1 Switch en conf ter int range f0/3-4 channel-group 1 mode active int range f0/5-6

channel-group 2 mode active exit int g0/1 no shutdown

int g0/1 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 int g0/1 switchport nonegotiate

int range f0/3-4 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 int port-channel 1 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate

int range f0/5-6 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 int port-channel 2 switchport mode trunk

switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate exit

vtp mode server vtp domain TownEd vtp password TWE_123! vtp version 2

spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree vlan 10,15,20 priority 24576

Acc-1 Switch: en conf ter int range f0/3-4 channel-group 1 mode active int range f0/1-2 channel-group 3 mode active exit

int range f0/3-4 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 int port-channel 1

switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate int range f0/1-2 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 int port-channel 3 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate exit

vtp mode client vtp domain TownEd vtp password TWE_123! vtp version 2 spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst int range f0/10-24 spanning-tree bpduguard enable spanning-tree portfast

Acc-2 Switch en conf ter int range f0/5-6

channel-group 2 mode active

int range f0/1-2 channel-group 3 mode active exit

int range f0/5-6 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99

int port-channel 2 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate int range f0/1-2 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99

int port-channel 3 switchport mode trunk switchport trunk native vlan 99 switchport nonegotiate exit

vtp mode client vtp domain TownEd vtp password TWE_123!

spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst spanning-tree vlan 10,15,20 priority 28672

On host "PC-B", go to the "Desktop tab" >> "Command Prompt".

-Ent ert el net2001: DB8: E: : 1 -Aut hent i cat ey ourTel nets ess i onwi t ht hepas swor dci sco. -Mov et opr i vi l egedEXECmodeus i ngt hepas swor dadmi n.

C:\>telnet 2001:DB8:E::1 cisco en admin conf ter int g0/0 no sh

Additional Default Gateway IP: for PCs PC-A & PC-M Gateway IP address:

If you only getting 75%, please temporarily uninstall Packet Tracer current version. Please download and setup “Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0” and Retake Assessment to getting 100% scores. Goodluck! :)...

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