CCNA 2 v6.0 – Ccent (ICND1) Practice Certification Exam Answers PDF

Title CCNA 2 v6.0 – Ccent (ICND1) Practice Certification Exam Answers
Course Cisco Certificate Network Associate
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 23
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CCNA 2 v6.0 - CCENT (ICND1) Practice Certification Exam...


CCNA 2 v6.0 – CCENT (ICND1) Practice Certification Exam Answers

1. How many /30 subnets can be created from one /27 subnet 2 4 6 8 A/ 27subnetcont ai ns32I Paddr esses,anda/ 30subnetcont ai ns4I Paddr esses,soei ght/ 30 s ubnet scanbecr eat edf r om one/ 27subnet . 2. What information can be verified through the show ip dhcp binding command? t hatDHCPv4di scov ermessagesar est i l l bei ngr ecei v edbyt heDHCPs er v er t henumberofI Paddr essesr emai ni ngi nt heDHCPpool  the IPv4 addresses that are assigned to hosts by the DHCP server t heI Pv 4addr ess est hathav ebeenex cl udedf r om t heDHCPv4pool Thi scommanddi spl ay sal i stofal l I Pv 4addr esst oMACaddr essbi ndi ngst hathav ebeen pr ovi dedbyt heDHCPv4ser vi ce. 3. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is reviewing port and VLAN assignments on switch S2 and notices that interfaces Gi0/1 and Gi0/2 are not included in the output. Why would the interfaces be missing from the output

 Th er ei sanat i v eVLANmi smat c hbet weent heswi t ches.

 Th er ei snomedi aconnect edt ot hei nt er f aces .  Th eyar eadmi ni st r at i vel ys hutdown.  They are configured as trunk interfaces

6. 2. 2VLANTr unks I nt er f acest hatar econfigur edast r unksdonotbel ongt oaVLANandt her ef or ewi l lnotshowi n t heout putoft heshowvl anbr i efcommands. 4. Refer to the exhibit. A switch with a default configuration connects four hosts. The ARP table for host A is shown. What happens when host A wants to send an IP packet to host D?

 Ho stAsendsanARPr equestt ot heMACaddr essofhostD.HostDr espondswi t hi t sI P

addr ess.  Ho stDs endsanARPr eques tt ohos tA.HostAr espondswi t hi t sMACaddr ess.  Ho stAsendsoutt hepack ett ot heswi t c h.Theswi t c haddst heMACaddr essf orhostD

t ot hef r ameandf or war dsi tt ot henet wor k.  Host A sends out a broadcast of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. Every other host

connected to the switch receives the broadcast and host D responds with its MAC address. 5. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator needs to add an ACE to the TRAFFIC-CONTROL ACL that will deny IP traffic from the subnet Which ACE will meet this requirement?

 5 deny  5d eny172. 23. 16. 00. 0. 255. 255 1 5deny172. 23. 16. 00. 0. 15. 255 3 0deny172. 23. 16. 00. 0. 15. 255

6. Which three layers of the OSI model map to the application layer of the TCP/IP model? (Choose three.)  Application  Da t aLi nk T r anspor t  Session  Presentation  Ne t wor k 7. Refer to the exhibit. When a packet arrives on interface Serial0/0/0 on R1, with a destination IP address of PC1, which two events occur? (Choose two)

 Ro ut erR1wi l ldeencapsul at et hepack etandencapsul at ei ti naPPPf r ame.  Router R1 will forward the packet out Gig0/1.  Ro ut erR1wi l lf or war dt hepacketoutGi g0/ 0.  Router R1 will de-encapsulate the packet and encapsulate it in an

Ethernet frame.  Ro ut erR1wi l lf or war dt hepacketoutS0/ 0/ 0.

Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 1. 1. 1Rout erFunc t i ons 1. 2. 2Pat hDet er mi nat i on Ar out erwi l ll ooki nt her out i ngt abl ef oradest i nat i onnet wor kandl ocat eanexi ti nt er f acet o f or war dapac k ett oadest i nat i on.Af t ert heex i ti nt er f acei sdet er mi ned,t her out erwi l l encapsul at eapacketi nt ot hecor r ectf r amet ype. ( PPP)i sadat al i nk( l ay er2)pr ot ocolusedt oest abl i shadi r ec tconnect i onbet weent wonodes. ( f r om wi ki pedi a) 8. What is the purpose of the overload keyword in the ip nat inside source list 1 pool NAT_POOL overload command?  It allows many inside hosts to share one or a few inside global addresses.

I tal l owsapoolofi nsi degl obaladdr essest obeusedbyi nt er nalhos t s. I tal l owsext er nalhost st oi ni t i at esessi onswi t hi nt er nalhost s. I tal l owsal i s tofi nt er nalhost st ocommuni cat ewi t haspeci fi cgr oupofext er nalhost s .

Thepr i mar ydi ffer encebet weent hi sconfigur at i onandt heconfi gur at i onf ordy nami c ,onet oone NATi st hatt heov er l oadk eywor di sused.Theov er l oadk eywor denabl esPAT. 9. What type of installation is needed to view syslog messages?  As ysl ogcl i entmustbei nst al l edonawor kst at i on.  Bec auseanynet wor kequi pmentcani nt er pr etsy s l ogmes sages,not hi ngspeci ali s neededt ovi ewt hem.  As ysl ogser vermustbei nst al l edonar out er .  A syslog server must be installed on a workstation. Thes ysl ogpr ot ocolal l owsnet wor ki ngdevi cest osendt hei rs y st em mes sagesac r osst he net wor kt osy sl ogser v er s. 10. Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has added a new subnet to the network and needs hosts on that subnet to receive IPv4 addresses from the DHCPv4 server. What two commands will allow hosts on the new subnet to receive addresses from the DHCP4 server? (Choose two.)

 R1(config-if)# ip helper-address  R1( config) #i nt er f aceG0/ 1  R1(config)# interface G0/0  R2( configi f ) #i phel per addr ess10. 2. 0. 250  R2( config) #i nt er f aceG0/ 0  R1( configi f ) #i phel per addr ess10. 1. 0. 254

Youneedt her out eri nt er f acet hati sconnect edt ot henews ubnetandt hedhcpser v eraddr ess. 11. Refer to the exhibit. Static NAT is being configured to allow PC 1 access to the web server on the internal network. What two addresses are needed in place of A and B to complete the static NAT configuration? (Choose two.)

 B=2 09. 165. 201. 7  A =  B=1 0. 0. 254. 5  B =  A=2 09. 165. 201. 2

12. When creating an IPv6 static route, when must a next-hop IPv6 address and an exit interface both be specified  whenCEFi senabl ed  whent hes t at i cr out ei sadef aul tr out e  when the next hop is a link-local address  whent heexi ti nt er f acei sapoi nt t opoi nti nt er f ace Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 2. 2. 3Confi gur eI Pv6St at i cRout es Li nk l oc aladdr essesar eonl yuni queonagi venl i nk,andt hesameaddr esscoul dexi stout mul t i pl ei nt er f ac es .Fort hatr eas on,anyt i meast at i cr out especi fiesal i nk l ocaladdr essast he nexthop,i tmustal sospeci f yt heexi ti nt er f ace.Thi si scal l edaf ul l yspeci fiedst at i cr out e. 13. Which address prefix range is reserved for IPv4 multicast?  – 2 40. 0. 0. 0–254. 255. 255. 255 1 69. 254. 0. 0–169. 25. 255. 255 1 27. 0. 0. 0-127. 255. 255. 255 14. Refer to the exhibit. What would happen after the IT administrator enters the new static route?

 The route learned from RIP would be replaced with the static route.  Th e172. 16. 1. 0st at i cr out ei saddedt ot heexi st i ngr out esi nt her out i ngt abl e.  Th e172. 16. 1. 0st at i cr out ewoul dbeent er edi nt ot her unni ngconfigbutnotshowni nt he

r out i ngt abl e.  Th e0. 0. 0. 0def aul tr out ewoul dber epl acedwi t ht he172. 16. 1. 0st at i cr out e.

Ar out ewi l lbei nst al l edi nar out i ngt abl ei ft her ei snotanot herr out i ngsour cewi t hal ower admi ni st r at i vedi st ance.I far out ewi t hal oweradmi ni st r at i v edi st ancet ot hesamedest i nat i on net wor kasacur r entr out ei sent er ed,t her out ewi t ht hel oweradmi ni s t r at i v edi st ancewi l l r epl acet her out ewi t hahi gheradmi ni st r at i vedi st ance. 15. What effect does the default-information originate command have on a Cisco router that is configured for RIP?  An ydy nami cr out et hati sl ear nedf r om anei ghbor i ngr out erwi l l pr opagat et oot her adj acentr out er s.  Any default static route that is configured on the router will propagate to other adjacent routers.  An ys t at i cr out et hati sl ear nedf r om anei ghbor i ngr out erwi l lpr opagat et oot heradj acent r out er s .  An yr out est hatar el ear nedf r om anei ghbor i ngr out erwi l lpr opagat et oot heradj acent r out er s . 16. Which type of IPv6 address refers to any unicast address that is assigned to multiple hosts?  Si ngl el oc at i on  Any cast L i nk l ocal  Gl obaluni cast Theany cas taddr es si sauni castaddr esst hati sass i gnedt omul t i pl ehost s.Any castaddr es ses ar eus ual l yus edt ol ocat et henear ests er v erofaspeci f ct y pe–f orex ampl e,t henear estDNSor net wor kt i meser v er .Assi gni ngt hesameuni c astaddr esst omor et hanonei nt er f acemak esi tan

anycastaddr ess .Youcanhav el i nk l ocal ,uni quel ocal ,orgl obaluni castany castaddr esses. Whenyouas si gnanany castaddr esst oani nt er f ace,y oumustex pl i ci t l yi dent i f yt headdr essas anany cas taddr ess . 17. An administrator wants to replace the configuration file on a Cisco router by loading a new configuration file from a TFTP server. What two things does the administrator need to know before performing this task? (Choose two.)  TFTP server IP address n ameoft heconfi gur at i onfi l et hati scur r ent l yst or edont her out er r out erI Paddr ess c onfigur at i onr egi s t erv al ue  name of the configuration file that is stored on the TFTP server  Th enameoft heconfi gur at i onfi l et hati sc ur r ent l yst or edont heTFTPser v er  Th enameoft heconfi gur at i onfi l et hati sc ur r ent l yst or edont her out er Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 10. 3. 3I OSI mageManagement I nor dert oi dent i f yt heex actl ocat i onoft hedesi r edconfi gur at i onfil e,t heI Paddr essoft heTFTP s er v erandt henameoft heconfigur at i onfi l ear eessent i ali nf or mat i on.Becauset hefil ei sanew c onfigur at i on,t henameoft hecur r entconfi gur at i onfi l ei snotnecessar y . 18. Refer to the exhibit. Inter-VLAN communication between VLAN 10, VLAN 20, and VLAN 30 is not successful. What is the problem?

 Th eswi t chi nt er f aceFas t Et her net 0/ 1i sconfi gur edt onotnegot i at eandshoul dbe

configur edt onegot i at e.  Th eaccessi nt er f acesdonothaveI Paddr essesandeachs houl dbeconfigur edwi t han

I Paddr ess.  The switch interface FastEthernet0/1 is configured as an access

interface and should be configured as a trunk interface.  Th eswi t chi nt er f acesFast Et her net 0/ 2,Fast Et her net 0/ 3,andFas t Et her net 0/ 4ar e

configur edt onotnegot i at eandshoul dbeconfigur edt onegot i at e. 6. 3. 3Confi gur eRout er onaSt i ckI nt er VLANRout i ng

T of or war dal l VLANst ot her out er ,t heswi t chi nt er f aceFa0/ 1mustbeconfigur edasat r unk i nt er f acewi t ht heswi t chpor tmodet r unkcommand. 19. Which statement describes the Cisco License Manager?  It is a free, standalone software application for deploying Cisco software licenses across the network. I ti sawebbasedpor t al f orget t i ngandr egi st er i ngi ndi vi duals of t war el i c enses. I ti sacent r al i z edTFTPser v ert hatenabl escont r oloft henumberandr evi si onl ev elof Ci scoI OSi mages . I ti sanor gani z edcol l ect i onofpr ocess esandc omponent susedt oact i v at eCi scoI OS sof t war ef eat ur eset sbyobt ai ni ngandv al i dat i ngCi scosof t war el i censes. Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 10. 3. 4Sof t war eLi censi ng Ci scoLi c enseManager( CLM)i savai l abl easaf r eedownl oadf r om t heCi sc owebsi t eandi sa s t andal oneappl i cat i ont hathel psnet wor kadmi ni st r at or sdepl oyl i censesacr ossent i r enet wor ks . 20. A user sends an HTTP request to a web server on a remote network. During encapsulation for this request, what information is added to the address field of a frame to indicate the destination?  the MAC address of the default gateway t henet wor kdomai noft hedest i nat i onhost t heI Paddr essoft hedef aul tgat eway t heMACaddr essoft hedest i nat i onhost Af r amei sencapsul at edwi t hsour ceanddest i nat i onMACaddr ess es.Thesour c edevi cewi l lnot k nowt heMACaddr essoft her emot ehost .AnARPr eques twi l l besentbyt hes our ceandwi l l ber espondedt obyt her out er .Ther out erwi l lr espondwi t ht heMACaddr es sofi t si nt er f ac e,t he onewhi chi sconnect edt ot hesamenet wor kast hesour ce. 21. A network administrator is designing an IPv4 addressing scheme and requires these subnets. 1s ubnetof100hos t s 2s ubnet sof80host s 2s ubnet sof30host s 4s ubnet sof20host s Which combination of subnets and masks will provide the best addressing plan for these requirements  9s ubnet sof126host swi t ha255. 255. 255. 128mask  3 subnets of 126 hosts with a mask 6 subnets of 30 hosts with a mask  3s ubnet sof126host swi t ha255. 255. 255. 192mask 6s ubnet sof30host swi t ha255. 255. 255. 240mask  1s ubnetof126hos t swi t ha255. 255. 255. 192mask 2s ubnet sof80host swi t ha255. 255. 255. 224mask 6s ubnet sof30host swi t ha255. 255. 255. 240mask I Pv4s ubnet st hatr equi r e100and80hos t sar epr ovi dedbycr eat i ngsubnet sof126usabl e addr esses ,eachofwhi chr equi r es7hos tbi t s.Ther esul t i ngmaski s255. 255. 255. 128. Subnet st hatr equi r e30and20host sar epr ovi dedbycr eat i ngsubnet sof30usabl eaddr ess es, eachofwhi chr equi r es5hos tbi t s.Ther esul t i ngmaski s255. 255. 255. 224.

Cr eat i ngni nesubnet s ,eachcons i st i ngof126usabl eaddr esses,woul dwast el ar genumber sof addr essesi nt hes i xs mal l ersubnet s . 22. Refer to the exhibit. How was the host route 2001:DB8:CAFE:4::1/128 installed in the routing table?

 Th er out ewasaut omat i cal l yi nst al l edwhenanI Paddr esswasconfi gur edonanact i v e

i nt er f ace.  Th er out ewasdy nami cal l ycr eat edbyr out erR1.  The route was manually entered by an administrator.  Th er out ewasdy nami cal l yl ear nedf r om anot herr out er .

Ahostr out ei sanI Pv6r out ewi t ha128bi tmask.Ahostr out ecanbei nst al l edi nar out i ngt abl e aut omat i cal l ywhenanI Paddr essi sconfi gur edonar out eri nt er f aceormanual l yi fast at i cr out e i scr eat ed 23. What are three characteristics of the CSMA/CD process? (Choose three.)  Th edevi cewi t ht heel ec t r oni ct ok eni st heonl yonet hatcant r ans mi taf t eracol l i si on.  After detecting a collision, hosts can attempt to resume transmission after a random time delay has expired.  All of the devices on a segment see data that passes on the network medium.  De vi cescanbeconfi gur edwi t hahi ghert r ansmi ssi onpr i or i t y .  A device listens and waits until the media is not busy before transmitting.  Aj am si gnali ndi cat est hatt hecol l i si onhascl ear edandt hemedi ai snotbus y . TheCar r i erSenseMul t i pl eAcces s/ Col l i si onDet ect i on( CSMA/ CD)pr ocessi sacont ent i onbasedmedi aaccesscont r olmechani sm usedonshar edmedi aac cessnet wor ks ,suchas Et her net .Whenadevi ceneedst ot r ansmi tdat a,i tl i s t ensandwai t sunt i lt hemedi ai sav ai l abl e

( qui et ) ,t heni twi l lsenddat a.I ft wodev i cest r ansmi tatt hesamet i me,acol l i si onwi l locc ur .Bot h devi ceswi l ldet ectt hecol l i si onont henet wor k.Whenadevi cedet ect sacol l i s i on,i twi l lst opt he dat at r ansmi ssi onpr ocess,wai tf orar andom amountoft i me,t hent r yagai n. 24. A network engineer is troubleshooting connectivity issues among interconnected Cisco routers and switches. Which command should the engineer use to find the IP address information, host name, and IOS version of neighboring network devices? s howi pr out e s howi nt er f aces s howver si on  show cdp neighbors detail Theshowcdpnei ghbor scommandpr ov i deshel pf ul i nf or mat i onabouteachCDPnei ghbor devi ce,i ncl udi ngt hef ol l owi ng: Devi cei dent i fi er s–Thehostnameoft henei ghbordevi ce( S1) Por ti dent i fi er–Thenameoft hel ocalandr emot epor t( Gi g0/ 1andFas0/ 5,r espect i v el y ) Capabi l i t i esl i st–Whet hert hedevi cei sar out eroraswi t ch( Sf orswi t ch;If orI GMPi sbey ond s copef ort hi scour se) Pl at f or m –Thehar dwar epl at f or m oft hedevi ce( WSC2960f orCi sco2960swi t c h) heshowc dpnei ghbor sdet ai lcommandcanal sopr ovi dei nf or mat i on,s uchast henei ghbor s ’ I OSver si onandI Pv4addr ess 25. Fill in the blank Whenpor tsec ur i t yi senabl ed,aswi t chpor tusest hedef aul tvi ol at i onmodeof ___shutdown ___unt i lspeci fical l yconfigur edt ouseadi ffer entvi ol at i onmode. I fnovi ol at i onmodei sspeci fiedwhenpor ts ecur i t yi senabl edonaswi t chpor t ,t hent hesec ur i t y v i ol at i onmodedef aul t st oshut down. Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 5. 2. 2Swi t chPor tSecur i t y 26. Refer to the exhibit. Which source address is being used by router R1 for packets being forwarded to the Internet?

1 98. 51. 100. 3 1 0. 6. 15. 2  2 09. 165. 202. 141

Thei nsi degl obaladdr essi susedast hesour ceaddr essf orpack et sl eavi ngt henet wor k Thesour ceaddr essf orpac k et sf or war dedbyt her out ert ot heI nt er netwi l lbet hei nsi degl obal addr essof209. 165. 200. 225.Thi si st headdr esst hatt hei nt er naladdr essesf r om t he10. 6. 15. 0 net wor kwi l l bet r ansl at edt obyNAT. 27. Which feature on a Cisco router permits the forwarding of traffic for which there is no specific route r out esour ce

n ext hop o ut goi ngi nt er f ac e  gateway of last resort

1. 2. 2Pat hDet er mi nat i on Adef aul ts t at i cr out ei susedasagat ewayofl astr esor tt of or war dunk nowndest i nat i ont r affict o anexthop/ exi ti nt er f ace.Thenex t hoporex i ti nt er f acei st hedes t i nat i ont os endt r affict oona net wor kaf t ert het r affici smat chedi nar out er .Ther out esour cei st hel ocat i onar out ewas l ear nedf r om. 28. Which three statements characterize UDP (Choose three.)  UDPpr ovi dessophi s t i cat edflowcont r olmechani sms.  UDPr el i esonI Pf orer r ordet ect i onandr ecov er y .  UDP is a low overhead protocol that does not provide sequencing or flow control mechanisms.  UDP provides basic connectionless transport layer functions.  UDP relies on application layer protocols for error detection.  UDPpr ovi desconnect i onor i ent ed,f astt r anspor tofdat aatLay er3. UDPi sasi mpl epr ot ocolt hatpr ovi dest hebasi ct r anspor tl ay erf unct i ons .I thasmuc hl ower ov er headt hanTCPbecausei ti snotconnect i onor i ent edanddoesnotoffert hes ophi s t i cat ed r et r ansmi ss i on,sequenci ng,andfl owcont r olmechani s mst hatpr ov i der el i abi l i t y . 29. Refer to the exhibit. What will router R1 do with a packet that has a destination IPv6 address of 2001:db8:cafe:5::1?

f or war dt hepack etoutGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 1 d r opt hepack et  forward the packet out Serial0/0/0 f or war dt hepack etoutGi gabi t Et her net 0/ 0

Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 2. 2. 4Confi gur eI Pv6Def aul tRout es Ther out e: : / 0i st hecompr essedf or m oft he0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000: 0000/ 0 def aul tr out e.Thedef aul tr out ei susedi famor espec i ficr out ei snotf oundi nt her out i ngt abl e. 30. How will a router handle static routing differently if Cisco Express Forwarding is disabled  St at i cr out est hatus eanex i ti nt er f acewi l lbeunnecess ar y .  Ser i alpoi nt t opoi nti nt er f aceswi l lr equi r ef ul l ys peci fieds t at i cr out est oavoi dr out i ng i nconsi st enc i es. I twi l lnotper f or mr ecur si v el ook ups.  Ethernet multiaccess interfaces will require fully specified static routes to avoid routing inconsistencies. Rout i ngandSwi t chi ngEssent i al s 2. 2. 1Confi gur eI Pv4St at i cRout es I nmostpl at f or msr unni ngI OS12. 0orl at er ,Ci s coExpr essFor war di ngi senabl edbydef aul t . Ci scoExpr es sFor war di ngel i mi nat est heneedf ort her ecur si vel ookup.I fCi scoExpr ess For war di ngi sdi sabl ed,mul t i accessnet wor ki nt er f acesr equi r ef ul l yspeci fi edst at i cr out esi n or dert oavoi di nconsi st enci esi nt hei rr out i ngt abl es .Poi nt t opoi nti nt er f acesdonothav et hi s pr obl em,becaus emul t i pl eendpoi nt sar enotpr esent .Wi t horwi t houtCi scoExpr ess For war di ngenabl ed,usi nganexi ti nt er f ac ewhenconfigur i ngas t at i cr out ei sav i abl eopt i on. 31. Refer to the exhibit. A network technician issues the command show vlan to verify the VLAN configuration. Based on...

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