Ch. 20 APE - For ap euro - Western Humanities Volume 2 with Readings in Western Humanities PDF

Title Ch. 20 APE - For ap euro - Western Humanities Volume 2 with Readings in Western Humanities
Author Aria assil
Course Western Civilization
Institution University of California Santa Barbara
Pages 10
File Size 91.5 KB
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For ap euro ...


Ch. 20 11/12/19! Why was Britain a leader in economic development? - Britain has a unique set of possibilities and constraint ex. abundant coal, high wages, relatively stable government, good financial system, innovative culture, skilled craftsmen, and strong trade front! - New secular worldview ! • The scientific revolution/ enlightenment allowed a new world view to emerge ! - Now embraced progress and the means of understanding the natural world fully! • Supported sharing knowledge with public ! • British Royal Society —> gave incentives for innovation ! - Mercantilist colonial empire ! • Rural industry and enslaved ! - With an expanding rural industry there was a rise in wool cloth that was sent though Europe ! • Received commercial profits + higher wages ! - Built a strong mercantilist empire ! • Trade with India and china ! • Established a strong position in latin America and in trans Atlantic slave trade —> and a source of raw materials —> growing market fro manufactured goods ! - British had higher wages than rest of Europe (go in and ask how this helps) ! - Agricultural changes ! • Second in productivity behind Dutch and always improving their farming ! • Had a good supply of food for low prices ! - This allowed more food to be mad with a smaller work force! • Landless poor who were affected by enclosures created a pool of workers in factories during IR ! • Now families had room to spend money on manufactured goods/ education not just not just food ! • Britain redirected people to work for wages now to spend on goods ! - Natural resources and infrastructure ! • England was very close to water —> much cheaper/easier to ship goods in and out! - Canal building in the 1770s enhanced this advantage ! • Wales has abundant supply of iron and coal = critical raw materials in IR ! • Abundance of coal and high wages created an incentive to develop tech to use coal to increase workers productivity ! - Aggressive and supportive government ! • Taxed aggressively (2x as absolutist France)! - Used money for navy _> protection of commerce and army -> stop uprisings ! • Also implemented aggressive tarifs/duties on imported goods ! How did inventions transform textile work? !

- Technological innovations ! • Spinning - before = impended between spinners and weaved 4:1 ! • International competition for cotton drove entrepreneurs to create something to bring down labor costs ! - Hargreaves’s spinning Jenny (hand) and Arkwright’s water frame (water) ! • James Hargreaves ! - Carpenter/skilled in many fields ! - Invented the spinning Jenny ! - Simple, cheap, powered by hand ! - Had 6-24 spindles and spun a fine slender spread! - Worked by women and now weaver could not keep up with them ! • Richard Arkwright!


Created the water Frame! Rollers that would stretch yarn ! Had to be powered by something stronger than a man = water ! Had to make factories near rivers to accommodate machine ! Made coarse adds strong thread which would be spun again using cotton jennies ! • Both inventions increased output at huge levels (10% increase by 1790) ! - Advantages of cotton thread ?! • It doesn’t break as easily and works better with the new machines (unlike linen and wool) ! - Machines dominate = cotton dominates (orginally from India and then becomes a big American export) ! - Consequences ! • Greater productivity and competitiveness! - Wages went up (one of the highest paying jobs) —> more people wanted to become weaves = left agriculture ! • Creation of factories ! - Exploitation on a truly unprecedented scale ! • Adult workers were reluctant to work in them —> turned to orphans and young children instead ! - Were in “apprenticeships” ! - Parish officers/ factory owners had slave owner like authority ! - Some children were as yon as 5/6 and were stuck there for up to 14 years! - They were hosed and fed and locked up to prevent children from escaping ! - Worked unto 14 hours a day and there was harsh legal punishment ! Why was the problem of power so crucial? How did the steam engine revolutionize work? - Why was power so limited ! • Europe relied on wood for energy with humans/animals performing the work! - Dependence = world was poor in energy and power ! - Short supply fo wood in Britain (processed wood/charcoal was mixed with iron to feel fires) ! - Wood continued to become more scarce = started to use coal ! • Eventually used it for mechanic energy/steam power ! - The more coal sed= the deeper the mines = always getting filled with water ! • Original used animals to power a pump to drain water but was not productive enough for its expense/ effort ! - Energy Solution: Steam Engine ! • Watt ! - Young scott who studied the steam engine ! - (do we need to know about university of Glasgow?)! - Added a spacial confessor to Newcomen’s engine = lessened waste! • Increased efficiency of steam engine ! - With support was able to create an affective vacuum in the condenser and regulate engine ! • Bolton ! - Watt partnered with him after needing precision parts, and cantal and the advanced nature of BR economy ! - Was a wealthy english industrialist ! - Provided capital and salesmanship ! • Wilkinson ! - Cannon maker who sold watt precision parts ! • Steam engine eventually became a success = practical and commercial ! - Significance !

• “The IR most fundamental advance in technology”—> Watt’s coal burning steam engine ! - Started to replace water power, people had limited power for a few generations ! Steam engine + Cort’s technology = more finished iron ! • - In 1780s made the puddlings furnace-> now pig iron cold be refined in turn with coke ! - Also made steam-powered rolling mills-> trying to finished iron in every shape and form ! • Lead to a boom in British iron industry ! • Iron was now cheap, basic and indispensable building block of BR economy !

How did transportation promote urbanization and an integrated national economy?

- Railroads ! • Stephenson: the Rocket ! - Locomotive for railroads (first steam train?)! - Went up tot 35 miles per hour ! • Trunk lines completed in 20 years! - Started with he successful financial and technical railway of Liverpool to Manchester and grew over the next 20 years !

- Steamships ! • Transferred water travel ! • Pioneered by French, Clermont ! • Brought advantages to water travel = speed, reliability, efficiency ! - Significants ! • costs, markets, and jobs ! - Reduced the costs and gave more certainty to land shipping! - Caused markets to become larger and more nation wide ! - Strong demands for unskilled workers ! • Added to the growth of the urban workers class ! Growth of urban centers ! • - Railway stations: the cathedrals of the industrial age (where is this???)! How extensive was GB’s economic dominance? - Great Exhibition, 1851! • Crystal palace ! - Hosted fair called great exhibition in here ! - 6mil+ vistors from all over Europe ! - Made of glass and iron = shows wealth and abundance of raw materials ! - Celebrates new era of industry! - Sponsored by royal family, things aren’t just for royals anymore but for whole families ! - World’s new economic leaders ! • Great Britain as “workshop of the world” ! - 2/3s of coal; 1/2 of iron and cloth ! - Produced 20% of worlds out put of industrial goods (huge increased rom the 2% in 1750)! - Increase Wealth? ! • GNP rises but so does population ! • Numbers of consuming rose with numbers of production ! - Classical economists: dismal? ! • Mathus! - Principle of Population • Using knowledge of history thought pop growth would lead to disaster ! - Thought only way of reducing consequences of population (famine and disease) was prudent restraint ! • Marrying later in life ! - Was not optimistic due to power of attraction of the sexes ! • Ricardo !

- Economist ! - “spelled out the pessimistic implications” of Maths ! - Iron wages law ! • Thought that over an extend period of time waged would always fall to substance level (due to pop increase) !

- Both ended up being wrong eventually but before people thought that the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer! How did the Ir transform global economy relationships? - Patterns of Industrialization ! • 1750: parity v. 1800: Britain in lead ! - In 1750 all the countries were relatively close together, even non western countries ! • China and India were very important in early modern trade —> before 1800 both were sophisticates, advanced in teach and economically powerful ! - By 1800 Britain has a noticeable lead in front of other colonies and that Gabe aided as time went on ! • Variations in timing and extent ! - Shows that European countries started to match the European model over time with variations in timing/extent ! • Once Belgium had independence it lead in adopting BR industrial ways with its abundance in coal iron and coal ! • France had developed factory proaction over a gradual period of time as well ! • Germany and the USA also were coined with the second industrial revolution ! • Later eastern and southern Europe began to industrialize as well ! • European advance over world ! - Different rates of wealth and power created a difference between European countries as well as increases the division between Europe and the rest of the world ! How, when, and why did the European continent industrialize? - Impact of French revolution ! • Cause extreme political and social disarray ! • Stopped economic developed up until about 1815! • British goods were being made economically and more advance (people from outside BR couldn’t understand it) ! • Seam power grew more expensive and involved large investments in iron and coal industries in railroad ! • Continental business people had a hard time gathering large sums of money for the new demand ! • Laborers didn’t want to go work in factories ! - After 1815 - some advantages ! • Had rich traditions of putting-out system ! • Merchant capitalists — could borrow technics from GB factories! • Skilled urban artisans ! - These allowed them to survive in in new market conditions ! Had strong independent governments that fight fall to foreign control ! • - Britain ! • James Hargreaves-Spinning Jenny! • Richard Arkwright -Water frame ! • James watt -Steam engine! • Boulton and Wilkinson ! • Iron and coal and railroads ! • Gov = ! - Very aggressive and supportive government ! • Heavy taxes that went to military and navy and building infrastructure! • Implemented tariffs !

• Very advanced banking ! - Bank of England, private owners, limit4ed liability and central make, government bank issues currency !

- Belgium ! • William and John cockerill! • Enterprises that produces machinery, stems engines and railway locomotives ! • Modern iron works and coal mines ! • Cotton spinning equipment ! • Center of industry! • Gov =! - Took a lead In building roads, canals and railways and created a unifies network that gave support to be a a leader ! Banking =! • - Had less liability - corporations, private ! - Stockholding has less risk = more investors ! - Lead in industrial banks = promotes development of industry ! - France ! • Factory production ! • Lux handmade items ! - Silk scarves, fine wine, embroidered needle work ! - Railways and machinery, steam engines ! • Gov = ! - Tariff protection/protect from BR goods ! - Tool expenses of getting and laying roadbeds to make railways, bridges and tunnels ! • Bank ! - Corporate banks -> limited liability ! - Establishes railroads and have industry components ! - Germany ! • Fritz Harkort ! • Shop buildings, steam engines (building and selling)! • Railways, ,steam engines, machinery ! • Gov =! - Signed a treaty to make a customs union ! • Trans of foods without tariffs between Germany states but tariffs for outside nations! • Bank =! - Corporate banks -> limited liability ! - Establishes railroads and have industry components ! • Individuals ! • Government ! • Resources ! How did industrialization affect other parts of the world? - Russia: limited ! • Had an imperial government that brought steam ships to clog over and a railroad to their captal in earlier century and by mid century cotton factories were starting to be implemented ! - Didn’t lead to industrialization of the country —> people remained in rural servitude = proved raw materials —>Grain and timber ! - Egypt: limited! • Wanted to modernize ! - Wanted to use imported British tech and experts textile manufacturers ! - Could not compete with lower-price European imports ! • Fell back on agricultural exports —>Sugar and cotton ! - India: deindustrialization !

• Poor textile workers lost their jobs bc they could not compete with with industrial

produced, GB’s cotton ! • British charged heavy import fees but made Tariffs illegal for India ! • Vulnerable to imperialism, didn’t have true control over their Own government ! - China ! • Slow growth and internal crises ! - Did not adopt mechanics production until the end of the 1800s ! - Was a market-based commercial society with a huge rural sector ! - There was slow to no economic growth in regions of china ! - Was interested in western tech but has widespread uprisings which drained its attentions and moved it to the military ! How did work evolve during IR? - What! • New discipline and sense of time ! - Workers were reluctant because now they had to keep up owed fast paced machines! • They had got show up every day, on tine and work for long periods of time! • Always under supervision ! • Punishments if they broke the rules ! - Deficits in their pay check and children would be beaten ! - Very different fro, old way of life working with putting out system ! • Families would work togeether,, take breaks, relax on Saturdays, spend time on other things! • Factories = poor hoses? ! - Resembled poor houses ! • People went to live at public expense ! • Some people had to work for their food and houses provided there ! • Brick factoriel looked like stone poor houses = disincentive for people to work there! • Rural to urban ! - Moving to cities, working away from home, more factor being built, steam power instead of water power ADD MORE! - Who?! • Orphans at first; entire families next; Irish migrants ! - People were scared to work in factories = employed large numbers of vulnerable children ! • Pauper apprentices—> had to work for up to 14 years in a. Factory ! - Apprenticeships Started to decline and eventually outlawed = people came to cities to work in factories, rise in working class! - Some entire families would work = keeping traditions ! • Man would talk wages for whole familles ! • Women would work with women and help them ! - Urban workers started to come from Ireland = forced out of rural Ireland by pop. Growth, economic issues and eventually potato famine ! - Had their own cultural ties and neighborhoods ! - Response? ! • Robert own ! - Testified for children labor protection based on his own experience ! - Thought employing children under ten was bad and beneficial to no one ! Factory acts of 1833- broke pattern of family work ! • - Reforms resulted in these ! - Limited workday of children and set minimum hygiene recs ! • 9-13 could work 8 H and then hours of school ! • 14-18 could work 12 h a day ! • Under nine couldn’t work !

- This reduced exploitation but stopped the act of families working together ! Why was the sexual division of labor a major development in the history of women and the family? - Separate spheres ! • Male as primary breadwinner ! • Women’s wage too low for independence ! - Had limited job opportunities, were denied good jobs and had to work with jobs that gave low wages and were dead ends ! - Supposed to concentrate work at home ! - Only the women from very poor families/widows would work usually ! - Why? CCOT! • Discipline of the clock affects child care ! - This conflicted with child care unlike labor on in the cottage or farm had before ! - Could not perform factory tasks through pregnancies/breast feeding (when older but usually outlawed) ! • Easier to stay home ! Household challenges ! • - Very hard, no supermarkets, or public transport ! - Job of its own—> easier to accept division for family survival ! • New Job segregation ! - Continuity with past? Response to illegitimacy explosion, 1750-1850?! • Boys and girls were working together and didn’t have the family restraints as before = illegitimacy explosion ! - Probs same amount of sexual activity BUT men could not marry women dn no parent to make them ! - Separation in hopes of lowering pregnancies ! - Mines act, 1842! • Usually family who owned mines but still thought that women working in these hot conditions with minimal condition was very bad ! • Thought there was going to be sexual encounters with male counter parts ! • Made it so women and girls and boys under ten could not work in the mines ! • Domestic ideals promoted by middle classes ! - Middle class had embraced separation of spheres ! - Middle class reformers published tracts and formed societies to arg poor women to devote more cate and attention to their home and family! Working Class Standards: CCOT - Until 1840 ! • 1792-1815: decline in wages ! - Due to the stress of the War with France (but BR wages still relatively higher)! • High unemployment and inflation (began to rise again after 1815)! - But now industry struggles de to lack of women and children working and the high amount of people who worked in various other jobs where wages declined (households with less income)! 1815: little increase in purchasing power ! • - Increase of productivity did not increase the purchasing power (reasons above! • More and longer work days ! - Jobs were also more dangerous and grueling ! - 1760 : 250 days per yr, nonagricultural wrks observed religious holidays, Mondays off ! - 1830 : 300 days per yr, wrk day = 11 hours, nonagricultural wrks worked 6 days a week! Urban housing and sanitation ! • - Factories moved to urban areas-> city size increases ! - Migrants inc cities lived in overcrowded, sanitary, and badly constructed apartments ! • Increased child and adult mortality !

- VERY HIGH & BIG TOLL —> life expectancy was 25/27 yrs (15 yrs < national average) ! - After 1840 (when living standards rose) ! • Wage gain; 30%! - And priced of good dropped ! - Advances in medicine, small pox vaccine and anesthetic for surgeons ! • Better food ! - More variety, canned goods! Trains and gas lighting ! • - Trains = revolutionary ! - Telegraph = instant communication ! - Gas lights = new opportunity for nighttime ! • Close knit community = gone basically !

How did the IR shape the lives of the new middle class?!

- Highly competitive males ! • Ex. Watt and Harkort ! - Had many production problems, success not ensured, lots of production costs that needed to be tended to do stay in the game, profit went back Into business to improve !

- Varied backgrounds for first generation ! • Most received initial capital from fam/friends ! • Some were well established w $$ ex. Harkort! • Some came form modest begins (mostly in early days) ex. Watt and Cockerill ! • Artisans and skilled workers! • Member of ethnic/ religious groups that has been discriminated against ! - Scots, Quakers, Protestants, jews (helped each other)) ! - P AND J were very successful in banking in france ! - General difference ! • Second genration inherits, 1830/1860! - Factories grew larger = opportunities were lower and harder to be successful starting

from nothing ! • Most successful industrialists inherited ! - More financially secure than their parents were ! • Stronger class consciousness! - People became aware of gap between middle class and workers ! - Unemployment and stagnant wages contributed to class awareness ! - Wives and daughters ! • From complimentary tasks to separate spheres, people thought hey should concentrate on her role as wife and mother In an elegant form and house away from industrialization and cities ! - Cult of domesticity: What can I do for others? ! How was raw IR understood by contemporary critics? !

- Blake and Wordsworth ! • Romantic poets ! • William Blake called early factories, Satanic mills ! - Protested for hard life of poor in London ! • William Wordsworth ! - Didn’t like the destruction of rural life and the affects of industrialization like pollut...

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