Ch17 - ch17 PDF

Title Ch17 - ch17
Course Diversity in a Globalized World
Institution Texas A&M University
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Business Communication Today, 12e (Bovee/Thill) Chapter 17 Enhancing Presentations with Slides and Other Visuals 1) Studies show that visuals can improve learning by up to ________ percent. A) 50 B) 100 C) 200 D) 400 Answer: D Explanation: D) Behavioral studies show that humans can process images 60,000 times faster than they can process text. The amounts to a 400 percent increase in learning when using visual imagery. Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 2) The purpose of visuals is to ________ during a presentation. A) replace your spoken message B) support and clarify what you have to say C) distract and entertain the audience D) provide decorative embellishments Answer: B Explanation: B) The purpose of visuals is to support your spoken message, not replace it. Diff: 2 Skill: Critical Thinking Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Analytical Skills Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


3) While you're making design choices for an electronic slide deck, let simplicity be your guide because A) simple materials often take less time to create. B) simple visuals are less likely to be misinterpreted. C) keeping things simple reduces the chances of something going wrong. D) all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) Creating simple materials can take less time. Furthermore, simple visuals are less likely to distract or confuse the audience and less likely to cause problems during your presentation. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Discuss techniques for delivering an effective presentation 4) A disadvantage of electronic presentations is A) they're difficult to include in online meetings and webcasts. B) they are difficult to store or transport. C) they can be time-consuming to create. D) they cannot be customized for different audiences. Answer: C Explanation: C) Primary disadvantages of electronic presentations include the amount of time required to develop slides and the complexity involved in creating advanced presentations. Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 5) The most popular visual aids for business presentations are A) flip charts. B) whiteboards. C) electronic slides. D) overhead transparencies. Answer: C Explanation: C) Electronic slides created with programs like Apple Keynote and Microsoft PowerPoint are the visuals of choice in most business presentations today. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


6) After you've chosen the right media for creating visuals to support your presentation A) don't hesitate to start creating your visuals. B) think through your presentation plan carefully before you get to work. C) search your archives for existing visuals that you can recycle in your new context. D) check your system for awesome special effects and download anything that's missing. Answer: B Explanation: B) Once you've selected a visual medium, think through your presentation outline before you start creating anything. Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 7) Which of the following statements about overhead transparencies is false? A) They can be easy to create. B) The are easy to edit and update. C) You can write on them during a presentation. D) They don't require high-tech presentation equipment. Answer: B Explanation: B) You can create overhead transparencies with nothing more than a marking pen. You can write on them while you're presenting, and you don't need a computer and presentation software to use them. Unfortunately, they are nearly impossible to edit. Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 8) Chalkboards and whiteboards are particularly useful for A) small-group sessions. B) making presentations for large audiences. C) formal situations. D) presentations on controversial topics. Answer: A Explanation: A) Chalkboards and whiteboards are effective tools for recording points made during small group meetings. Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


9) Which of the following visual aids would be particularly helpful for recording ideas during a group brainstorming session? A) Flip chart B) Electronic slides C) Prototypes and working models D) Chalkboards and whiteboards Answer: A Explanation: A) A flip chart is a dependable, low-tech tool for recording ideas and comments during team meetings and presentations. Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 10) The best option for creating a training module on the features of a software program would be A) overhead transparencies. B) screencasting software. C) image editing software. D) chalkboards and whiteboards. Answer: B Explanation: B) You can use screencasting software to make digital movies of computer screen output. You can also add voice narration, either while you're recording or when you're editing the movie. Diff: 3 Skill: Application Objective: 1 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


11) Unlike structured slides, free-form slides A) are completely random and have no design consistency. B) don't follow a rigid design structure. C) use the same color for background and text. D) contain extra-large fonts. Answer: B Explanation: B) Free-form designs often have more impact on the viewer than structured designs because they use visual imagery in a more creative way, relying on visual action and the relationship between symbolic images rather than static rows and columns. Diff: 1 Skill: Concept Objective: 2 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 12) Structured presentation slides are usually the best choice for A) persuasive presentations. B) educational presentations. C) routine presentations. D) motivational presentations. Answer: C Explanation: C) Structured slides are usually the best choice for project updates and other routine informative presentations, particularly if the slides are intended to be used only once. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 2 AACSB: Communication Abilities Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 13) A presenter who is using free-form slides is A) released from the constraints of place and time. B) responsible for conveying more of the content. C) more likely to present complex subjects in a cohesive, integrated manner. D) able to rely on each slide to function as a multimedia teleprompter. Answer: B Explanation: B) Because free-form slides contain little text on each slide, the speaker is responsible for conveying more of the content. Diff: 3 Skill: Synthesis Objective: 2 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Discuss techniques for delivering an effective presentation


14) Presentations featuring free-form slides tend to contain ________ presentations with structured slides. A) more slides than B) fewer slides than C) about the same number of slides as D) simpler slides than Answer: A Explanation: A) Each free-form slide tends to express a single idea, where structured slides often pack a great deal of information into a single slide. Because of this, free-form presentations tend to require many more slides than structured presentations. Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Objective: 2 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 15) A "slideument" is A) a particularly useful electronic slide that provides lots of information. B) a slide that is sent ahead of time to introduce the audience to your topic. C) an electronic slide that tries to function as both a presentation visual and a printed document. D) a slide that is also printed and distributed to the audience as a handout. Answer: C Explanation: C) Slideuments combine visual elements and text to function as stand-alone documents that readers can fully understand without the need of a speaker to present them. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 16) Expert presenters often structure specific slides around a ________ that helps organize and explain the points they are trying to make. A) general topic B) key visual C) situational parable D) conceptual cluster Answer: B Explanation: B) A key visual can work in tandem with your written and spoken messages to help audiences get your message. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities Learning Outcome: Describe steps for developing oral and online presentations 6

17) Four important design elements to consider when creating slides include all of the following except A) choosing color. B) selecting background designs. C) writing content. D) selecting fonts and type styles. Answer: C Explanation: C) Content is not a key element to the visual design of a slide. However, do not operate under the assumption that the labels and text that go on slides are unimportant. The text on a slide must work hand in hand with the images in order to communicate information to the audience effectively. Diff: 3 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 18) When you're considering the use of color in your slides, keep in mind that A) color can account for a large part of an audience's acceptance or rejection of an idea. B) color tends to distract viewers, which reduces their retention of the material. C) you should use as many colors as possible to maintain viewer interest. D) your choices are not that important as long as your slides are colorful. Answer: A Explanation: A) Studies show that up to 60 percent of an audience's acceptance or rejection of an idea depends on color. Similarly, audiences have been shown to be up to 80 percent more likely to read a text if it appears surrounded by the right color. Color has also been shown to improve memory retention by up to 75 percent. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Reflective Thinking skills Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


19) In a presentation designed to reassure your audience after layoffs and bad news about company profitability, the best color to use would be A) blue. B) brown. C) red. D) any of the above. Answer: A Explanation: A) Blue has been shown to soothe people and create a sense of peacefulness, tranquility, and trust. This would make blue a good choice for people who have just gone through a period of wrenching stress and conflict. Diff: 2 Skill: Critical Thinking Objective: 3 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Describe the opportunities and challenges of communicating in a diverse world 20) If you are using yellow for your titles and text, the best background color would be A) white, if the slide is for a transparency. B) a darker shade of yellow. C) dark blue or purple. D) orange or red. Answer: C Explanation: C) With a bright foreground of yellow, a dark, contrasting color should be chosen for the background. Dark blue or purple is the best choice here for contrast. Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


21) ________ conveys information that's part of your message; ________ doesn't convey textual or numerical information. A) Decorative artwork; functional artwork B) Background artwork; foreground artwork C) Functional artwork; decorative artwork D) Transformational artwork; symbolic artwork Answer: C Explanation: C) Functional artwork includes photos, drawings, charts, and other visuals containing information that is part of your message. Decorative artwork doesn't deliver textual or numerical information, and may or may not be helpful. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 22) When choosing a background for your slides, the most effective approach is to A) use dark colors such as blue. B) pair complex patterns with intricate borders. C) choose a simple design. D) use all of the above. Answer: C Explanation: C) A background should stay in the background of a scene. It shouldn't compete for attention with the items in the foreground of your image. Busy, cluttered, or flashy backgrounds are bad design; simple backgrounds are good design. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


23) Your policy for using clip art in presentations should be A) not to use any clip art, ever. B) to use clip art sparingly, if at all. C) to use clip art as much as possible in those presentations that need spicing up. D) to use just those pieces that you particularly like. Answer: B Explanation: B) Clip art is often cute but rarely appropriate for business applications. Design experts think that clip art gives slides an unprofessional, cartoon look that is not appropriate for business audiences. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 24) In business presentations, all background artwork should be considered to be A) a good way to keep the audience's attention. B) the key to good design. C) essentially decorative. D) essentially functional. Answer: C Explanation: C) In a business context, backgrounds by definition have no purpose other than to help highlight images in the foreground. Therefore, any images in the background should be considered unnecessary and decorative, since instead of highlighting foreground images they compete with foreground images. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication


25) When choosing fonts and type styles for slides, be sure to A) use script fonts for emphasis. B) limit your fonts to no more than two per slide. C) avoid boldface type. D) do all of the above. Answer: B Explanation: B) A single slide should have no more than two typefaces. Use of additional typefaces causes a distraction for the viewer and makes the slide seem confused and unprofessional. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 26) When using thinner fonts in electronic presentations, A) use a wide variety of them, to keep the presentation interesting. B) include decorative fonts to help maintain audience interest. C) use boldface type so that letters won't look washed out. D) use all capital letters so type will stand out. Answer: C Explanation: C) From a distance, thin typefaces tend to disappear into the background. To avoid this problem use boldface type to make each letter thicker. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 27) The slide master in presentation software A) allows you to save design elements so that they can be included on any new slides you add. B) automatically chooses the same fonts and typefaces for your slides. C) helps create a consistent-looking design for your entire slide show. D) does all of the above. Answer: D Explanation: D) The slide master allows you to choose fonts, colors, typeface size, and other design elements in a single slide and then have that same style automatically be featured in all of the slides in your presentation. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 11

28) The predefined layouts in presentation software A) contain placeholders for specific slide elements such as titles and bulleted text. B) allow you to automate your slide show. C) allow you to add hyperlinks to your presentation. D) let you see an entire batch of slides at once. Answer: A Explanation: A) You can maintain consistency throughout your presentation by choosing a predefined layout that makes sure that bulleted lists, charts, graphics, and other design elements are given the same general space on every slide. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept Objective: 3 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 29) When preparing text slides for an upcoming presentation, you should A) try to have a slide to go with every concept you want to convey. B) be sure to use complete sentences. C) limit each slide to expressing a single thought, concept, or idea. D) do none of the above. Answer: C Explanation: C) Good design means that each slide conveys a unique idea, and only one idea. This is the goal to strive for, although if the presentation begins to require too many slides you may need to: (a) cover fewer ideas or (b) start combining some of the ideas you are expressing. Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: 4 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 30) Which one of the following is the best example of functional animation? A) Having each bullet point fly from the left side of the screen B) Moving a color bar on the screen to highlight the steps in a process C) Using a cartwheel effect to bring in a block of text from outer space D) Making a clipart image spin around in circles Answer: B Explanation: B) Using carefully controlled functional animation is a great way to demonstrate sequences and procedures. Diff: 2 Skill: Concept/Application Objective: 4 AACSB: Communication Abilities, Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, selecting, and producing a visual business communication 12

31) To make your text slides more readable, A) limit the text on each slide to four or five lines with four or five words per line. B) use complete sentences with capitals and punctuation rather than short bulleted phrases. C) use the passive voice. D) do all of the above. Answer: A Explanation: A) Clutter and causing your audience to strain to see your text are two things you want to avoid in your presentation. If your slide seems to need more than four or five lines of text, consider breaking it up into two separate slides. Diff: 2 Skill: Application Objective: 4 AACSB: Use of IT Learning Outcome: Summarize the steps involved in planning, se...

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