CH17 - Lecture notes 17 PDF

Title CH17 - Lecture notes 17
Author Alicia Goddard
Course Advertising & Promotion
Institution Nipissing University
Pages 17
File Size 158.2 KB
File Type PDF
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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 1) Approximately ________

percent of all Canadians accessed Internet media from any location in 2015, with nearly universal access for those under ________ years of age. A) 86; 55 B) 98; 40 C) 92; 35 D) 80; 50 Answer: C

2) Mobile access A) 77

to Internet media via smartphones hit ________ percent in 2015. B) 50 C) 85 D) 68

Answer: A 3) The amount of

time Canadians consumed Internet media attained just over ________ hours per week, compared to ________ hours for TV. A) 27; 34 B) 20; 29 C) 12; 20 D) 16; 24 Answer: B

4) Research

shows that ________ is the number one activity on the Internet for most Canadians. B) visiting social media C) banking online D) sending or receiving email A) general Internet search

Answer: D 5) Internet media advertising is

so pervasive that specialized recognition now happens in the form of which awards? A) Interactive Marketing Awards B) Canadian Marketing Association Interactive Awards of Excellence C) Webby Awards D) E-Promo Awards Answer: C

6) The Internet may not be the optimal medium for

________. A) branding

B) frequency

awareness in many situations due to its limited C) recall

D) reach

Answer: D 7) Which

of the following is NOT one of the four broad communication objectives of a website? B) build brand image C) stimulate category purchase D) create awareness A) disseminate information

Answer: C


8) Which

of the following statements about the Internet's objective of disseminating information is

true? A) Due to

privacy issues, certain levels of government have reduced their use of the Internet to provide citizens with information. B) Many consumer companies no longer use their websites as a means of communicating information about their products and services. They are turning instead to various forms of social media. C) In business-to-business markets, having a website has become a necessity, especially for buyers to get detailed information about the seller's offerings. D) Consumer-generated content, as a means of disseminating information, suffers from lack of credibility. Answer: C 9) The Internet can

be used for branding purposes: the use of consumer-generated content, which resonates more closely with the audience. B) as long as these efforts stand alone as a communication piece. C) because it is fairly simple to adapt this medium to branding and image-creating strategies. D) since there are many tools such as videos and animation that can create a transformational experience for the consumer. A) with

Answer: D 10) Procter

& Gamble's website, Vocalpoint, provides moms access to information, products, and samples and is a forum for feedback on new ideas and products. It was established to achieve the objective of: A) generating on-line sales. B) disseminating information. C) creating business-to-business opportunities. D) facilitating interaction. Answer: D

11) Marketers

use their websites to invite consumers to sign up for a newsletter, go to a retail location, try a simulation, or participate in a game or promotion in order to achieve the objective of: A) facilitating interaction B) building brand image C) creating awareness D) generating online sales Answer: A

12) A

website demonstrates ________ if it offers multiple opportunities for the consumer to act upon, such as links, buttons, or connections to other utilities like social media. A) stickiness B) responsiveness C) nonverbal information D) reciprocity Answer: D


13) Extensive use of

pictures, sounds, and animation in a website demonstrates ________. A) interactivity B) reciprocity C) responsiveness D) nonverbal information

Answer: D 14) A

website's ________ is the extent to which someone involved in communication over the Internet perceives the communication to be reciprocal, responsive, speedy, and characterized by the use of nonverbal information. A) stickiness B) interactivity C) impact D) effectiveness Answer: B

15) In

2014, Internet media advertising revenue: A) was about the same as total print advertising revenue B) reached $2.5 billion C) surpassed television ad spending D) reached $3.8 billion, almost as high as television ad spending

Answer: C 16) Which

of the following statements about display advertising on the Internet is NOT true? tend to look like the ads found in print media. B) Canada's top advertisers put half of their display ad expenditures in social media. C) Display ads are placed on virtually any Internet site, including social media and within e-mail messages. D) While display advertising revenue has grown substantially, it is still nowhere near the revenues generated by magazine advertising. A) Internet display ads

Answer: D 17) ComScore 2015

data shows which type of Internet media having the most ad impressions? B) news/information sites C) social media sites D) Web portals A) entertainment sites

Answer: C 18) This

type of Internet ad accounted for one-third of total Internet media advertising revenues in 2014: B) pay-for-click ads search ads C) display ads D) content marketing A) paid

Answer: C 19) Banner

ads: A) have a link embedded allowing users to move to another digital location. B) are mainly found at the top of the home page of Internet portal sites. C) cannot be measured for effectiveness, and this is the reason why advertisers are moving to other forms of Internet advertising. D) are the reason why click rates in Canada are extremely high.

Answer: A


20) Which

of the following is true about banner ad click through rates? A) In Canada, the average click through rate is 10 percent. B) There is no difference in click through rates according to ad size. C) Click through rates are slightly higher for social media and mobile ads. D) The use of flash technology makes no difference in click through rates.

Answer: C 21) ________

is/are newer computer software technology that permit(s) user interaction such as expansion of the ad, additional product description or movement that appears video-like. A) Rich media B) Interstitials C) Secure sites D) Pop-ups Answer: A

22) Advertisements A) banners

that appear on the screen when someone is browsing on the Internet are known as: B) pop-unders C) interstitials D) pop-ups

Answer: D 23) The most common A) banner


form of display advertising on the Web is: B) sponsorships C) interstitials

D) pop-ups

Answer: A 24) At the website for, there is an ad that stretches across the top of the page for Clinique cosmetics. If you click on the ad, it will take you to the Clinique website where you can purchase Clinique cosmetics. The Clinique ad that appears at the iVillage website is an example of a(n): A) interstitial B) pop-up C) banner D) sponsorship Answer: C

25) While Annie waited

for the Mendocino apparel site to download, a small ad encouraging her to check out the summer clothes at the Hudson's Bay website appeared on her computer screen. The Hudson's Bay ad is an example of: A) an interstitial B) a pop-up C) push technology D) content sponsorship Answer: A

26) ________

are ads that appear underneath the Web page and become visible only when the user leaves the site. A) Interstitials B) Pop-unders C) Cookies D) Pop-ups Answer: B

27) A

preliminary page that precedes the homepage of an Internet site is known as a(n): B) interstitial. C) splash page. D) pop-up. link.

A) sponsored Answer: C


28) A

substantial form of advertising on the Internet is ________, in which advertisers pay only when a consumer clicks on their ad or link from a search engine page. A) paid search B) banners C) content sponsorship D) pop-ups Answer: A

29) As

of 2014, ________ was the dominant provider of paid search advertising. B) Facebook C) Yahoo

A) Microsoft

D) Google

Answer: D 30) Almost all of

Google's revenue comes from selling advertisements associated with: keywords. B) retailers. C) name brands. D) banner ads. A) search

Answer: A 31) ________

is the process of improving the volume of traffic driven to one's site by a search engine through unpaid results as opposed to paid inclusions. A) Keyword targeting B) Google AdSense C) Popularity detection D) Search engine optimization Answer: D

32) A

keyword-targeted advertising program using short text-only ads to maximize page loading speed is called: A) interstitial B) AdSense C) rich media D) AdWords Answer: D

33) Which

of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for search success? valuable content to appeal to designers of other sites so they will include a link on their site. B) Pay extra money for the search terms to increase the site's ranking. C) Optimize customization through past search history. D) Embed keyword text in visuals on the company's Web page. A) Provide unique and

Answer: D 34) ________

are ads found on Internet sites such as Kijiji and Auto Trader, where consumers search for information when comparison shopping. A) Used goods advertising B) Banner ads C) Classified and directory ads D) Pay-per-click ads Answer: C


35) How

does Kijiji make money? A) Kijiji doesn't charge to post a classified ad, but takes a 2% commission on all sales. B) Kijiji has yet to earn revenue. C) Kijiji sells ad space on its directory on a CPM basis. D) Consumers now have to pay a small amount to post their classified ad.

Answer: C 36) Online directories

such as Kijiji and Auto Trader have stolen a significant portion of ad revenue as a direct substitution for: A) Newspaper classifieds. B) Yellow Pages ads. C) Local radio ads. D) Google search ads. Answer: A

37) Which

of the following is NOT a way that companies are using video advertising on the Internet? A) Companies generally run longer video ads, of two minutes or more, on hosted sites such as YouTube and others, because of the captive audiences found there. B) Companies create new video messages for the Internet. C) Companies run a television spot and then direct consumers to their website in order to view it, or a sequel to it, again. D) Companies run the same spots they show on TV, using a hosting site such as YouTube.

Answer: A 38) Recent research

into video ads on the Internet found that: impressions were achieved for ads shown on desktop/laptop only. B) Most video ads are 30 seconds long. C) Total ad impressions for mobile only advertising surpassed those achieved on desktop/laptops only. D) Video streaming penetration has reached its maximum in Canada and is actually a little bit on the decline. A) The most ad

Answer: A 39) The increased

use of streaming video advertising messages is a direct result of: viewers are looking for more exciting and engaging content. B) the decreased viewership of television shows across all age groups. C) the increased penetration of broadband into households. D) the decreased readership of newspapers among young adults in Canada. A) the fact that young

Answer: C 40) ________

is a medium that uses the Internet to distribute audio and video files for downloading to various portable handheld devices for learning or entertainment purposes. A) Video on demand B) Podcasting C) Paid search D) Digital video ads Answer: B


41) The most prominent form of A) sponsorship. C) paid


advertising on podcasts at this time is: B) interstitials. D) There is no advertising on podcasts.

Answer: A 42) One of

the newest and fastest growing forms of electronic advertising is: B) sponsorships. C) mobile advertising. D) video advertising. A) digital billboards.

Answer: C 43) Each

of the following is a form of mobile advertising EXCEPT: B) short message service (SMS) C) display/sponsorship D) search A) pay-per-view

Answer: A 44) Which

of the following is NOT one of the top four Internet media activities using a smartphone? B) searching the Internet an online purchase C) checking the weather D) accessing a map A) making

Answer: A 45) Air

Miles sending permission-based text alerts customized by transaction activity to encourage shopping at affiliated sponsors is an example of: A) digital partnership. B) SMS advertising. C) mobile display advertising. D) cooperative advertising. Answer: B

46) Each

of the following is a limitation of SMS codes EXCEPT: are not all fully able to work with each type of code. B) There is a time delay for registration with the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association to protect consumers against spam. C) The relatively low penetration of smart phones in Canada does not ensure that the use of SMS advertising will deliver a favourable ROI to advertisers. D) Marketers are concerned with not having the proper metrics with which to measure success. A) Cell phone carriers

Answer: C 47) A

related communication to apps and SMS codes is the 2-dimensional barcode called a(n): A) 2-D SMS code. B) Smart-code. C) 2-dimensional mobile code. D) quick response code.

Answer: D


48) Which

of the following is true about cellphone apps? A) Apps act as ads since they generally carry brand identification and a brand experience. B) The highest use of cellphone apps is for social networking. C) The banking industry has experienced the fastest app growth among smartphone users in Canada. D) Mobile apps do not appear to influence shopping behaviour.

Answer: A 49) TV

broadcasters are developing apps to foster enhanced viewer experiences while watching TV shows on their mobile devices. This relatively new phenomenon is referred to as: A) auxiliary advertising. B) TV-to-mobile video viewing. C) second-screen experience. D) mobile direct streaming. Answer: C

50) Promotional planners

consider social media to be a media type, just like television or radio. Carrying that notion through would mean that social networking would be the ________, and Twitter would be an example of a ________. A) media vehicle; media strategy B) mobile strategy; tactic C) media class; media vehicle D) objective; social media site Answer: C

51) Planning

to direct display ads to any other Internet site relies on ________ to determine which sites would be appropriate. A) results from second-screen experiences B) contextual targeting C) mobile direct streaming media D) media planners Answer: B

52) Which

of the following statements is NOT true regarding time of day targeting? during the afternoon and dinner time and then peaks again during the evening for leisure purposes. B) Recent Canadian data suggest that the biggest growth in Internet media use is evening access of news and information sites. C) Working people are accessing Internet media during the day for business purposes, primarily in the morning. D) Time of day targeting allows advertisers to direct a message to consumers when they are consuming certain Internet media vehicles. A) Internet accessing declines

Answer: B 53) ________

targeting is the practice of advertising on a particular Internet site based on its content. A) Time of day B) Behavioural C) Contextual D) Subject matter

Answer: C


54) The Lakeside Bistro

places an ad on, a website directing consumers to interesting sites and services around Penticton, BC. This is an example of ________ targeting. A) time of day B) contextual C) psychographic D) behavioural Answer: B

55) The targeting

that allows advertisers to adjust their brand messages depending upon where the user is located is known as: A) environmental targeting B) contextual targeting C) geographic targeting D) latitudinal targeting Answer: C

56) Targeting

consumers according to their website-surfing conduct is known as: A) behavioural targeting B) contextual targeting C) site-loyalty targeting D) attitudinal targeting

Answer: A 57) Which

of the following statements is true regarding behavioural targeting? Internet protocol information can help identify segments of potential buyers in order to direct ads specifically to them. B) Research has determined that a consumer's leisure-oriented Internet behaviour is more indicative of one's purchase patterns than their business-oriented behaviour. C) Behaviour is not a critical variable when applying audience segmentation to Internet advertising. D) There is a one-to-one correlation between a consumer's Internet surfing behaviour and their intention to purchase. A) Clickstream data and

Answer: A 58) Each

of the following is a social media class resulting from user-generated content EXCEPT: B) podcasts C) collaborative projects D) virtual game worlds A) blogs

Answer: B 59) The most significant media trend

in recent years is: multiple television sets in the majority of Canadian households. B) the consumer adoption of social media. C) the melding of sales promotion and advertising activities. D) video gaming. A) the incidence of

Answer: B 60) Virtual game world

advertising is most closely aligned with which traditional media vehicle? A) cinema advertising B) public relations C) billboards D) product placement

Answer: D


61) Research

has defined consumers' online brand-related activities (COBRAs) as being each of the following EXCEPT: A) critiquing B) consuming C) contributing D) creating Answer: A

62) Rating

products, joining a brand's social network page, and commenting in brand blogs are all part of this consumers' online brand-related activity (COBRA). A) creating B) consuming C) contributing D) critiquing Answer: C

63) Because a branded

Instagram account further promotes the brand's image and extends the content of the brand's website, one might call it a form of ________ media. A) owned B) consumption C) earned D) social Answer: A

64) Which

of the following scenarios might lead one to consider sites like Facebook to be "earned"

media? A) Ads on Facebook pages are targeted according to the visitor's online surfing behaviour. B) The brand develops a Facebook page with similar content to its branded website, in order to extend the brand's image. C) Ads are displayed on third-party Facebook pages. D) Consumers visit a branded Facebook page, "like" it, and further communicate their positive consumption experiences. Answer: D 65) Facebook

as a media vehicle is an attractive advertising opportunity for each of the following reasons EXCEPT: A) A company can place ads directly into the consumers' newsfeed or on the right-hand rail. B) Advertising on Facebook is a series of simple "point and click" steps. C) Facebook allows for substantial segmentation precision. D) The newsfeed is cluttered with both ads and content from friends. Answer: D

66) Much

of the content on a branded Facebook page: developed by the advertising agenc...

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