Chap 6 terms Seeleys PDF

Title Chap 6 terms Seeleys
Course Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Institution West Visayas State University
Pages 2
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Seeleys Anatomy and Physiology...


SKULL (22) 1. External Auditory CanalCanal-enable sound waves to reach the eardrum 2. Mastoid processprocess-site for neck muscle attachment involved in head rotation (pivot (movement of joint) 3. Z Zygomatic ygomatic archarch-bridge on side of face and provides attachment of muscles involved in moving the mandible 4. OrbitsOrbits-protects eyes and attachment of muscles involved in eye movement 5. Superior and inferior orb orbital ital fissurefissure-opening which blood vessels and nerves communicate with orbit or pass the face 6. Optic For Foramenamenamen-where optic nerve pass for the sense of vision 7. Nasolacrimal canalcanal-duct that carries tears from eyes to nasal cavity 8. Nasal septumseptum-consists of hyaline cartilage 9. External part of nosenose-mostly cartilage 10. ConchaeConchae-increases surface area thus facilitates moistening and warming of air 11. Pa Paranasal ranasal sinusessinuses-decrease the weight of skull and acts as resonating chambers during voice production 12. Sinuses: frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid 13. Mastoid air cellscells-additional sinuses that regulate ear pressure and possibly protect the temporal bone during trauma 14. Fo Foramen ramen rotundum and o ovale vale-transmit important nerves to face 15. For Foramen amen spinosum spinosum-major artery to meninges 16. Carotid canal canal-internal carotid artery 17. Jugular fo foramen ramen ramen-internal jugular vein 18. For Foramen amen magnum magnum-connects spinal cord to brain 19. Sella turcica turcica-contains pituitary gland 20. Occipital condyles condyles-smooth points of articulations between skull and vertebral column 21. Styloid process process-site where the muscles or tongue movement, hyoid bone, and pharynx (throat) originates 22. Mandibular fossafossa-mandible articulates with temporal bone 23. Hard and soft palates palates-enables us to chew and breathe at the same time 24. Hyoid bone bone-unpaired, not part of skull, provides attachment for some tongue muscles, neck muscles that elevate the larynx (voice-box) during speech and swallowing

VERTE VERTEBRAL BRAL COLUMN (26 with 4 main curvature) 1. BodyBody-weight-bearing portion 2. Vertebr ertebral al CanalCanal-encloses and protects the spinal cord itself and from injury 3. Transverse and Spinous p processrocessrocess-provide attachment sites for muscles that move the vertebral column 4. Transverse process and fforaminaoraminaoramina-site where vertebral arteries pass toward the brain 5. Intervertebr Intervertebral al for foraminaaminaamina-gaps between successive vertebrae that provides the exit of spinal nerves out of spinal cord 6. Articular process process-vertebrae articulation 7. Cervical vertebr vertebrae ae ae-very small bodies except for atlas, prone for fractures 8. Atlas Atlas-no body, holds the head 9. Axis Axis-considerable amount of rotation, “no” 10. Dens Dens-where rotation occurs 11. Thor Thoracic acic vertebrae vertebrae-long and thin spinous process, have extra articular facet that articulates with ribs 12. Lumbar vertebr vertebrae ae ae-large, thick bodies; heavy rectangular transverse and spinous process; carry large amount of weight, more strength coming from superior and inferior articular facet that “locks” adjacent vertebrae, stability 13. SacrumSacrum-fused from 5 to 1 bone 14. Sacral hiatushiatus-site of caudal anesthetic injection given before childbirth 15. Sacral promont promontoryoryory-landmark for vaginal examination for normal delivery 16. CoccyxCoccyx-without foramina or processes, easily fractured RIB CAGE (25) 1. True ribs ribs-attach to sternum by costal cartilages : only found on anterior ends of ribs 2. Jugular notch (Sternum)(Sternum)-ends of clavicles where they articulate with sternum 3. Sternal angleangle-landmark for 2nd rib 4. Xiphoid processprocess-landmark for CPR to locate the sternum PECT PECTORAL ORAL GIRDLE 1. Glenoid cavity cavity-site where head of humerus attaches to scapula 2. Clavicle Clavicle-articulates with scapula at the acromion, proximal end is attached to sternum, first and last bone to form

3. Coracoid proc process ess ess- provides attachment for chest and arm muscles UPPER LIMB 1. Surgical neck neck-more accessible site for surgical removal 2. Greater and lesser tubercle with muscles iin n scapula scapula-hold humerus to scapula 3. Deltoid tuberosity tuberosity-deltoid muscles attach, elongates through mechanical stress (pull of gravity, exercise) 4. Epicondyles Epicondyles-provide attachment for forearm 5. Trochlear no notch tch tch- proximal end of ulna fits tightly to end of humerus, forms most of yellow joint 6. Olecranon proce process ss ss-extension of ulna 7. Coronoid process process-helps complete grip of ulna to humerus 8. Styloid process process-ulna/radius and ligaments of wrist articulation 9. Radius Radius-does not firmly attach to humerus 10. Radial tuberosity tuberosity-biceps brachii attaches 11. Wrist-S Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrium, Pisiform, Hamate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium 12. Metacarpal bones bones-bony framework of hand 13. Digits Digits-thumb and fingers 14. Pel Pelvic vic Girdle Girdle-lower limb attach to the body, right and left hip bones join anteriorly, and sacrum posteriorly 15. Pel Pelvis vis vis- includes pelvic girdle and coccyx 16. Hip: ilium (most superior), ischium (inferior and posterior), and pubis (inferior and anterior) 17. Anterior Superior Iliac Spine Spine-important landmark 18. Pubic symphysis symphysis-where hipbones converge anteriorly 19. Sacroiliac joints joints-articulate with sacrum posteriorly 20. Acetabulum Acetabulum-socket for hip joint 21. For Foramen amen amen-closed off by muscles and other structures 22. Female p pelvis elvis elvis-larger, more massive, broader, larger inlet and outlet, greater subpubic angle LOWER LIMB 23. Femur Femur-trochanters, “broken hip” break of the femoral neck 24. Trochanters rochanters-point of muscle attachment 25. Head (F (Femur)emur)emur)-articulates with acetabulum of hip bone 26. Condyles Condyles-articulate with tibia 27. Epicondyles Epicondyles-point of ligament attachment

28. Pa Patella tella (sesamoid bone)bone)-enables the tendon to bend over the knee 29. Tibia Tibia-weight bearing bone, larger 30. Tibial tuberosity tuberosity-muscle attachment of anterior thigh 31. Fibula Fibula-does not articulate with tibia, head is ony attached through the proximal head of tibia 32. AnkleAnkle-distal ends of tibia and fibula 33. Medial malleolus malleolus-tibia 34. Later Lateral al malleolus malleolus-fibula 35. MILC MILC-Medial, Intermediate, Lateral, Cuboid 36. NTC NTC-Navicular, Talus, Calcaneus


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