Chapter 04 - Fundamentals of Nursing 9th edition - test bank PDF

Title Chapter 04 - Fundamentals of Nursing 9th edition - test bank
Author Timothy Robert
Course Nursing I
Institution Rowan College of South Jersey
Pages 15
File Size 228 KB
File Type PDF
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Fundamentals of Nursing 9th edition - test bank...


Chapter 04: Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice Chapt er04:Theor et i calFoundat i onsofNur si ngPr act i ce Pot t eretal . :Fundament al sofNur si ng,9t hEdi t i on MULTI PLECHOI CE 1.Thenur si ngi ns t r uct ori st eachi ngacl assonnur si ngt heor y .Oneoft hes t udent sask s ,“ Wh ydo weneedt oknowt hi sst uff?I tdoesn’ tr eal l yaffec tpat i ent s . ”Whati st hei ns t r uct or ’ sbest r esponse ?


“You are correct, but we have to learn it anyway.”


“This keeps the focus of nursing narrow.”


“Theories help explain why nurses do what they do.”


“Exposure to theories will help you later in graduate school.”

ANS:C Theor i esofferwel l gr oundedr at i onal esf orhowandwhynur sesper f or ms peci fici nt er v ent i onsand f orpr edi ct i ngand/ orpr es cr i bi ngnur s i ngcar emeasur es .Al t houghnur si ngt heor ywi l l hel pt henur se i ngr aduat esc hool ,i ti sal soani mpor t antbasi sf ort henur se’ sappr oacht odai l ypat i entcar e,andi t expandss ci ent i fi cknowl edgeoft hepr of es si on. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 41 OBJ :Ex pl ai nt hei nfluenceofnur s i ngt heor yonanur s e’ sappr oacht opr act i ce. TOP: I mpl ement at i onMSC: ManagementofCar e 2.Thenur sei scar i ngf orapat i entwhodoesnotf ol l owt hepr esc r i bedr egi menf ordi abet es management .Asapr esc r i bert oOr em’ st heor y ,t henur sei nt er vi ewst hepat i enti nanat t emptt o i dent i f yt hecauseoft hepat i ent ’ s“ noncompl i ance. ”Whati st her at i onal ef ort henur se’ sbehav i or ?


Orem’s theory is useful in designing interventions to promote self-care.


Orem’s theory focuses on cultural issues that may affect compliance.


Orem’s theory allows for reduction of anxiety with communication.


Orem’s theory helps nurses manipulate the patient’s environment.

ANS:A Whenappl yi ngOr em’ st heor y ,anur secont i nual l yas ses sesapat i ent ’ sabi l i t yt oper f or ms el f car e andi nt er v enesasneededt oens ur et hatt hepat i ent smeetphy si cal ,ps y c hol ogi cal ,soc i ol ogi cal ,and dev el opment al needs .Ac cor di ngt oOr em,peopl ewhopar t i c i pat ei nsel f car eac t i v i t i esar emor e l i k el yt oi mpr ov et hei rheal t hout comes .Lei ni ger ’ scul t ur ecar et heor yf oc usesonc ul t ur edi v er si t yand pr ovi descul t ur al l ys peci ficnur s i ngcar e.Ac cor di ngt oPepl au,nur seshel ppat i ent sr educeanxi et yby conv er t i ngi ti nt ocons t r uc t i v eact i ons ,us i ngt her apeut i ccommuni cat i on.Ni ght i ngal e’ sgr andt heor y i sapat i ent ’ senv i r onmentcanbemani pul at edbynur sest or es t or eapat i entt oheal t h. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 4748 OBJ:Ex pl ai nt hei nfluenceofnur s i ngt heor yonanur s e’ sappr oacht opr act i ce. TOP: Ev al uat i onMSC: ManagementofCar e 3.Anur sei st es t i ngmedi t at i onf ormi gr ai neheadachesandt heexpect edout comeofcar ewhen per f or mi ngt hi si nt er v ent i on.Whi cht ypeoft heor yi st henur s eus i ng?









ANS:B Apr esc r i pt i v et heor ydet ai l snur si ngi nt er v ent i ons( medi t at i on)f oraspec i ficphenomenon( mi gr ai ne headaches )andt heexpect edout comeoft hecar e.Gr andt heor i esar ebr oadi nsc opeandcompl ex andr equi r ef ur t hers peci ficat i ont hr oughr es ear ch;i tdoesnotpr ovi degui danc ef ors peci ficnur s i ng i nt er v ent i ons .Des cr i pt i v et heor i esdonotdi r ec ts peci ficnur s i ngact i vi t i esbuthel pt oexpl ai npat i ent as ses sment .Ami ddl er anget heor yt endst of oc usonac onc eptf oundi naspec i ficfi el dofnur si ng, s uchasuncer t ai nt y ,i ncont i nence,s oci als uppor t ,qual i t yofl i f e,andcar i ng,r at hert hanr efl ectona wi dev ar i et yofnur s i ngcar es i t uat i ons . DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 44 OBJ: Des cr i bet ypesofnur si ngt heor i es . TOP: I mpl ement at i on MSC: ManagementofCar e 4.Thenur ser es ear cheri sev al uat i ngwhet herhol di ngpr ess ur eatani nj ec t i onsi t eaf t eri nj ec t i ngt he ant i coagul antenox apar i nwi l lr educebr ui s i ngatt hei nj ect i ons i t e.Thi ss t udyi nv ol v esapr escr i pt i v e t heor y .Whati st henur se’ sr at i onal ef ori nv ol vi ngapr es cr i pt i v et heor y?


It explains why bruising occurs.


It is broad in scope and complex.


It tests a specific nursing intervention.


It reflects a wide variety of nursing care situations.

ANS:C Pr es cr i pt i v et heor i esdet ai l nur si ngi nt er v ent i onsf oras peci ficphenomenonandt heex pect ed out comeoft hecar ebuti tdoesnotexpl ai nwhy .Gr andt heor i esar ebr oadi nsc opeandcompl exand f oc usonawi dev ar i et yofnur si ngc ar esi t uat i ons . DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 44 OBJ:Des cr i bet ypesofnur si ngt heor i es .TOP:Pl anni ngMSC:ManagementofCar e 5.Anur sei sus i ngnur si ngt heor yandt henur s i ngpr oces ss i mul t aneous l yt opl annur si ngc ar e.How wi l l t henur s eusenur s i ngt heor yandt henur s i ngpr oces si npr ac t i c e?


Nursing theory can direct how a nurse uses the nursing process.


Nursing theory requires the nursing process to develop knowledge.


Nursing theory with the nursing process has a minor role in professional nursing.


Nursing theory combined with the nursing process is specific to certain ill patients.

ANS:A Nur s i ngt heor ycandi r ecthowanur s eusest henur si ngpr oces s.I nt egr at i onoft heor yi nt opr act i ce ( nur si ngpr ocess )ser v esast hebasi sf orpr of es si onalnur si ng.Thenur si ngpr ocesspr ov i desa s y s t emat i cpr oc essf ort hedel i v er yofcar e,nott hek nowl edgecomponentoft hedi s ci pl i ne.Usef ul t heor i esar eadapt abl et odi ffer entpat i ent sandt oal l car eset t i ngs . DI F: Under s t and( compr ehensi on) REF: 4445 OBJ:Des cr i bet her el at i onshi pamongnur s i ngt heor y ,t henur si ngpr oc ess ,andpat i entneeds . TOP: I mpl ement at i onMSC: ManagementofCar e 6.Thenur sevi ewst hepat i entasanopens y s t em t hatneedshel pi ncopi ngwi t hs t r es sor s .Whi ch t heor i sti st henur seusi ng?










Neumanvi ewsapat i entasbei nganopens y s t em t hati si ncons t antener gyex changewi t ht he env i r onmentt hatt henur semus thel pcopewi t hs t r es sor s .Ki ngv i ewsapat i entasauni queper s onal s y s t em t hati scons t ant l yi nt er ac t i ng/ t r ans act i ngwi t hot hers y st emst hatt henur sehel pswi t hgoal at t ai nment .Lev i nebel i ev esnur sespr omot ebal ancebet weennur si ngi nt er v ent i onsandpat i ent par t i ci pat i ont oas si sti nconser vi ngener gyneededf orheal i ng.J ohnsonper c ei v espat i ent sasa col l ec t i onofsubs y s t emst hatf or msanov er al l behavi or als y s t em f ocus i ngonbal ance. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 46 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect ednur si ngt heor i es .TOP:Ev al uat i onMSC:ManagementofCar e 7.Thenur sei scar i ngf orapat i entdi agnosedwi t hes sent i al hy per t ensi on.Theheal t hcar epr ov i der pr escr i besbl oodpr essur emedi c at i ont hatt henur seadmi ni st er s .Thenur set henmoni t or st he pat i ent ’ sbl oodpr ess ur ef orsev er alday st ohel pdet er mi neeffec t i v enes s .Whi c hs y s t em component i st henur seev al uat i ng?









ANS:B Out puti st heendpr oductofas y s t em and,i nt hecas eoft henur si ngpr oc ess ,i ti sdefinedas whet hert hepat i ent ’ sheal t hs t at usi mpr ov esorr emai nsst abl easar esul tofnur si ngcar e.I nput cons i s t soft hedat at hatcomef r om apat i ent ’ sasses sment .Feedbac kser v est oi nf or m as y st em abouthowi tf unct i ons.Cont enti st hepr oductandi nf or mat i onobt ai nedf r om t hes y st em. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 45 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect edshar edt heor i esf r om ot herdi s ci pl i nes .TOP:Ev al uat i on MSC: ManagementofCar e 8.Apat i enti sadmi t t edwi t hpossi bl emet hi ci l l i nr es i st antSt aphy l ococcusaur eus( MRSA)andi s pl acedi ni sol at i onunt i l cul t ur esc anbeobt ai nedanddecl ar ednoni nf ect i ous .Dur i ngt hei sol at i on pr oc ess ,t henur seencour agesf ami l yv i si t s .Whi c hl ev el ofMasl ow’ shi er ar chyofneedsi st henur se pr omot i ngwhent hef ami l yi senc our agedt ov i si t ?


First level


Second level


Third level


Fourth level

ANS:C Thet hi r dl ev el cont ai nsl ov eandbel ongi ngneeds ,i ncl udi ngf ami l yandf r i ends .Thefir s tl ev el i ncl udesphy s i ol ogi cal needs .Thesecondl ev eli ncl udessaf et yandsec ur i t yneeds .Thef our t hl ev el encompasseses t eem andsel f es t eem needs .Thefi f t handfi nal l ev el i st heneedf orsel f act ual i zat i on. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 46 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect edshar edt heor i esf r om ot herdi s ci pl i nes .TOP:I mpl ement at i on MSC:Ps y c hosoc i al I nt egr i t y 9.Anur sei scar i ngf orpedi at r i cpat i ent sandus i ngt hedev el opment al t heor yt opl annur s i ngcar e. Whati st hef oc usoft hi snur se’ sc ar e ?


Humans have an orderly, predictive process of growth and development.


Humans respond to threats by adapting with growth and development.


Humans respond with cognitive principles for growth and development.


Humans have psychosocial domains to growth and development.


Wi t hdev el opmentt heor y ,humangr owt handdev el opmenti sanor der l ypr edi c t i v epr oc esst hat begi nswi t hconcept i onandcont i nuest hr oughdeat h.St r ess / adapt at i ont heor i esdesc r i behow humansr es pondt ot hr eat sbyadapt i ngi nor dert omai nt ai nf unc t i onandl i f e.Educ at i onalt heor i es expl ai nt het eac hi ngl ear ni ngpr oc essbyex ami ni ngbehav i or al ,c ogni t i v e,andadul t l ear ni ng pr i nci pl es .Ps y c hosoci alt heor i esexpl ai nhumanr es ponseswi t hi nt hephy s i ol ogi c al ,ps y c hol ogi cal , s oci ocul t ur al ,dev el opment al ,andspi r i t ual domai ns . DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 46 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect edshar edt heor i esf r om ot herdi s ci pl i nes .TOP:Ev al uat i on MSC: Heal t hPr omot i onandMai nt enance 10.Uponas ses sment ,t henur senot i cest hatt hepat i ent ’ sr espi r at i onshav ei ncr eased,andt het i pof t henoseandear l obesar ebecomi ngc y anot i c .Thenur sefi ndst hatt hepat i ent ’ spul s er at ei sov er 100beat spermi nut e.Accor di ngt oMasl ow’ shi er ar chyofneeds ,whi chpat i entneedshoul dt he nur seaddr es sfir st ?








Love and belonging

ANS:B Masl ow’ shi er ar c hyi susef ul i nset t i ngpat i entpr i or i t i es .Bas i cphy si ol ogi calandsaf et yneedsar e us ual l yt hefir s tpr i or i t y .Af t ert hephy s i ol ogi calands af et yneedsar emet ,t henur secanmov et ol ov e andbel ongi ng,s el f es t eem,ands el f act ual i zat i on. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 46 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect edshar edt heor i esf r om ot herdi s ci pl i nes .TOP:I mpl ement at i on MSC: ManagementofCar e 11.Whi chbehav i orf r om anur sei ndi cat est henur s ei susi ngNi ght i ngal e’ st heor yt opl annur si ng c ar e ?


Knows all about the disease processes affecting patients


Focuses on medication administration and treatments


Thinks about the patients and patients’ environments


Considers nursing knowledge and medicine the same

ANS:C Ni ght i ngal e’ st heor ypr ov i desnur s eswi t hawa yt ot hi nkaboutpat i ent sandt hei renv i r onment . Ni ght i ngal e’ sc onc eptoft heenvi r onmentwast hef ocusofnur si ngcar e,andherfir m conv i c t i onwas t hatnur si ngknowl edgei sdi st i nctf r om medi calk nowl edge.Ni ght i ngal edi dnotv i ewnur si ngas l i mi t edt ot headmi ni s t r at i onofmedi cat i onsandt r eat ment s . DI F: Under s t and( compr ehensi on) REF: 44-45 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect ednur si ngt heor i es .TOP:Pl anni ngMSC:ManagementofCar e 12.Thehomeheal t hnur sel i s t enst ot hepat i ent ’ sconcer nsabouthavi ng“ openhear t ”s ur ger y .The nur seexpl ai nst hedi ffer entsur gi calpr ocedur esandot heropt i ons ,l i k ec ar di acr ehabi l i t at i on.Af t er s ev er al vi si t s ,t hepat i entwant sc ar di acr ehabi l i t at i on.Thenur senot i fiest heheal t hcar epr ov i derand s et supar ef er r al .Whi c ht heor yi st henur s eusi ng?


Peplau’s theory


Henderson’s theory


Nightingale’s theory


Orem’s self-care deficit theory


Pepl au’ st heor yf oc usesont hei ndi vi dual ,t henur se,andt hei nt er act i v epr ocessornur s epat i ent r el at i onshi p.Thenur seser v esasar es our ceper s on,c ouns el or ,andsur r ogat e.Hender son’ st heor y f oc usesonhel pi ngt hepat i entwi t hac t i vi t i est hatt hepat i entwoul dper f or m unai dedi fheorshewer e abl e.Ni ght i ngal evi ewednur si ngnotasl i mi t edt ot headmi ni s t r at i onofmedi cat i onsandt r eat ment s butr at herasor i ent edt owar dpr ov i di ngf r es hai r ,l i ght ,war mt h,cl eanl i ness ,qui et ,andadequat e nut r i t i on.Thegoal ofOr em’ st heor yi st ohel pt hepat i entper f or ms el f car e. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 45 OBJ: Revi ews el ect ednur si ngt heor i es . TOP: I mpl ement at i on MSC:Ps y c hosoc i al I nt egr i t y 13.Thenur s ei scar i ngf orapat i entwhoi sact i v el ybl eedi ng.Theheal t hcar epr ov i derpr escr i bes bl oodt r ans f usi ons .Thepat i enti saJ ehov ah’ sWi t nes sanddoesnotwantbl oodpr oduc t s .Thenur se cont act st heheal t hcar epr ov i dert or equestal t er nat i v et r eat ment .Whi c ht heor yi st henur s eusi ng?


Roy’s theory


Leininger’s theory


Watson’s theory


Orem’s theory

ANS:B ThegoalofLei ni nger ’ st heor yi st opr ov i det hepat i entwi t hcul t ur al l yspeci ficnur s i ngcar et hat i nt egr at est hepat i ent ’ scul t ur alt r adi t i ons ,v al ues ,andbel i ef si nt ot hepl anofc ar e.ThegoalofRoy’ s modeli st ohel pt heper s onadaptt ochangesi nphy s i ol ogi cal needs ,sel f c onc ept ,r ol ef unct i on,and i nt er dependencedomai ns .Wat s on’ st heor ybel i ev est hatt hepur pos eofnur si ngac t i oni st o under st andt hei nt er r el at i onshi pbet weenheal t h,i l l nes s ,andhumanbehav i or .Thegoal ofOr em’ s t heor yi st ohel pt hepat i entper f or m sel f c ar e. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 48 OBJ: Revi ews el ect ednur si ngt heor i es . TOP: I mpl ement at i on MSC: ManagementofCar e

14.Thepat i enti st er mi nal l yi l l andi sr ec ei v i nghospi cecar e.Thenur secar esf ort hepat i entby bat hi ng,s hav i ng,andr eposi t i oni nghi m.Thepat i entwoul dl i k eaCat hol i cpr i es tcal l edt opr ov i det he Sacr amentoft heSi ck .Thenur s epl acesac al l andar r angesf ort hepr i est ’ svi si t .Whi c ht heor ydoes t hi snur se’ scar er epr esent ?


Roy’s theory


Watson’s theory


Henderson’s theory


Orem’s self-care deficit theory

ANS:C Hender sondefinesnur si ngasas si st i ngt hepat i entwi t h14ac t i vi t i es( hy gi ene,posi t i oni ng)unt i l pat i ent scanmeett heseneedsf ort hemsel v es —oras si stpat i ent st ohav eapeacef ul deat h.Roy’ s modeli st ohel pt heper s onadaptt ochangesi nphy s i ol ogi cal needs ,sel f c onc ept ,r ol ef unct i on,and i nt er dependencedomai ns .Wat s on’ st heor ybel i ev est hatt hepur pos eofnur si ngi st ounder s t andt he i nt er r el at i onshi pbet weenheal t h,i l l nes s ,andhumanbehav i or .Thegoal ofOr em’ st heor yi st ohel p t hepat i entper f or ms el f car e. DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 46 OBJ:Rev i ewsel ect ednur si ngt heor i es .TOP:Ev al uat i onMSC:ManagementofCar e 15.Thepat i enti snewl ydi agnosedwi t hdi abet esandwi l lbedi schar gedi nt henextdayorso.The nur sei st eac hi ngt hepat i enthowt odr awupands el f admi ni st eri nsul i n.Whi chnur si ngt heor yi st he nur seut i l i z i ng?


Watson’s theory


Orem’s theory


Roger’s theory


Henderson’s theory

ANS:B ThegoalofOr em’ st heor yi st ohel pt hepat i entper f or ms el f car e.I nWat s on’ st heor y ,t henur sei s concer nedwi t hpr omot i ngandr est or i ngheal t handpr ev ent i ngi l l nes s .Roger ’ st heor yconsi der s c ar i ngasaf undament alcomponentofpr of es si onal nur si ngpr act i ceandi sbas edupon10c ur at i v e f ac t or s .Hender sondefinesnur si ngasass i st i ngpat i ent swi t h14ac t i v i t i esunt i lpat i ent scanmeet t hes eneedsf ort hems el v es . DI F: Appl y( appl i cat i on) REF: 4748 OBJ: Revi ews el ect ednur si ngt heor i es . TOP: I mpl ement at i on MSC: Heal t hPr omot i onandMai nt enance 16.Anur sei sconduct i ngr esear c haboutt heneedsofdepr es sedpat i ent s .Thenur sewr i t est he f ol l owi ng:Depr es si oni sapat i entr epor t i ngasc or eabov e7ont heHami l t onDepr ess i onRat i ng Scal e.Whatdi dt henur s ewr i t e ?


Operational definition


Conceptual definition





ANS:A Oper at i onaldefini t i onsst at ehowc oncept sar emeasur ed( Hami l t onDepr es s i onRat i ngSc al e) . Theor et i cal orconcept ual defini t i onss i mpl ydefineapar t i cul arc oncept ,muchl i k ewhatcanbef ound i nadi ct i onar y ,basedont het heor i st ’ sper spect i v e( amooddi s or derc aus i ngs ev er es adnes sand apat hy) .Apar adi gm i sapat t er nofbel i ef susedt odesc r i beadi s ci pl i ne’ sdomai n.Thi nkofconcept s asi deasandment al i mages ,l i k edepr es si oni saconcept . DI F: Anal yz e( anal y si s) REF: 42 OBJ:Des cr i bet heor y basednur si ngpr ac t i c e.TOP:Ev al uat i on

MSC: ManagementofCar e 17.Whi chact i oni ndi cat est henur sei susi ngt henur si ngpr oc essi npat i entcar e ?


Generates nursing knowledge for use in nursing practice.


Conceptualizes an aspect of nursing to predict nursing care.


Develops nursing care as a specific, distinct phenomenon.


Delivers nursing care using a systematic approach.

ANS:D Thenur si ngpr oc esspr ovi desas y s t emat i cappr oachf ort hedel i v er yofnur s i ngcar e.Theor y gener at esnur si ngknowl edgef orusei npr act i ce;t henur si ngpr oc essi snotat heor y .Anur si ng t heor yconcept ual i z esanas pectofnur si ngt odesc r i be,ex pl ai n,pr edi ct ,orpr es cr i benur s i ngcar e. Ani nt er di s c i pl i nar yt heor yexpl ai nsaphenomenons peci fict ot hedi sc i pl i net hatdev el opedt he t heor y . DI F: Anal yz e( anal y si s) REF: 44 OBJ:Des cr i bet her el at i onshi pamongnur s i ngt heor y ,t henur si ngpr oc ess ,andpat i entneeds . TOP: Ev al uat i onMSC: ManagementofCar e 18.Anur sei susi ngt heor et i calk nowl edgei nnur si ngpr ac t i cet opr ovi depat i entcar e.Whi c hnur s i ng behav i ori ...

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