Chapter 05 Early Childhood- Body and Mind PDF

Title Chapter 05 Early Childhood- Body and Mind
Course Jazz Piano
Institution University of Northern Iowa
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Multiple-Choice Questions

A) B) C) D)

A person's average body mass index (BMI) is the lowest between the ages of: 1 to 2. 5 to 6. 9 to 10. 13 to 14.

A) B) C) D)

Between the ages of 2 and 6, a well-nourished 2. child will gain about _____ pounds and grow about _____ inches per year. 5; 6 2; 3 ;3 ;


A) B) C) D)

Today's children could become the first generation in more than 100 years to have a 3. shorter lifespan than their parents as a result of: their propensity to overeat and underexercise. an increase in the number of accidents involving teenagers. new, deadly diseases for which there are no cures. a lack of access to quality medical care.

4. A) B) C) D)

The average 6-year-old child from a developed nation weighs _____ pounds. 20 to 30 30 to 40 40 to 50 50 to 60

Over the past three decades in Brazil, what 5. has been the trend in children's health and body growth?

Children have gone from suffering malnutrition to being healthy. Children have become more impoverished, leading to malnutrition. Children have become less impoverished, which has led to malnutrition. Children no longer suffer from undernutrition, but now face overnutrition.

A) B) C) D)

6. A) B) C) D)

7. A) B) C) D)

8. A) B) C) D)

9. A) B) C) D)

Parents of a typical 5-year-old girl in America are MOST likely to say: “She isn't eating enough.” “She eats too much.” “She has no control over her appetite.” “She is suffering from malnutrition.”

A child's appetite _____ between the ages of 2 and 6. increases slightly increases dramatically stays the same decreases

In developed nations, which nutrients are MOST apt to be lacking in a child's diet? calcium, iron, and zinc B vitamins magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin D vitamin C and vitamin E

To ensure adequate nutrition and vitamin intake, what is recommended? Eat six to eight times a day. Take vitamin and mineral supplements. Eat breakfast cereals that contain 100 percent of the day's nutrients and vitamins. Eat well-balanced meals with a variety of foods.

A) B) C) D)

10. A common allergy for young children is: soy. rice. oats. bananas.

A) B) C) D)

Kindra, age 4, is very particular about her daily routines, especially at mealtime. She will only eat from a certain plate, drink from 11. one certain cup, and must have a folded napkin next to her plate. She is exhibiting the phenomenon called: all's well. just right. bipolar disorder. depression.

A) B) C) D)

Jodee, age 3, insists on having all of the different foods on her plate separated, and if, for example, the vegetables touch the meat, 12. she insists on a new plate. Jodee's parents are concerned about this behavior. What advice would you offer them? Jodee is showing signs of obsessivecompulsive disorder and needs to see a child psychiatrist as soon as possible. Don't worry; Jodee will grow out of this “justright” stage around the age of 6. Use positive reinforcement to teach Jodee that it's okay if her foods touch each other. Punish Jodee by taking her food away from her when she refuses to eat.

13. A) B) C) D)

A child's passion for continuity and sameness is normal at about _____ year(s) of age. 1 2 3 7

14. A) B) C) D)

15. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

One of the most common problems of young children in developed nations is: anemia. lead poisoning. insomnia. tooth decay.

Which of these 4-year-old children is MOST likely to be taken to the dentist? Annie, whose parents are very poor Tuan, whose parents are Somalian refugees Jessie, whose parents are both 21 years old Hailey, whose parents are middle class

16. Which statement about oral health is true? It is not necessary to brush until children start to lose their baby teeth. Almost all young children in the United States have been to the dentist. Diet soda is a good option to help prevent tooth decay in children. It is vital for children in early childhood to brush their teeth every day.

What proportion of all children under the age 17. of 6 in the United States suffer from tooth decay? 1/8 1/4 1/3 1/2

Sylvia wants to keep her son from getting cavities, so she lets him drink diet soda 18. instead of regular soda. Her dentist tells her that her strategy won't work because diet soda:

A) B) C)

also contains sugar. has as much acid as regular soda. contains the calcium needed for strong teeth. will keep the fluoride in drinking water from being ingested.


A) B) C) D)

19. An example of a gross motor skill is: painting a picture. dialing a phone. picking up a bug. hopping on one foot.

20. A) B) C) D)

Writing your name is a ______, whereas kicking a ball is a(n) ______. sensorimotor skill; preoperational skill physical skill; cognitive skill coordination skill; inter-coordination skill fine motor skill; gross motor skill

A) B) C) D)

21. An example of a fine motor skill is: using scissors to cut paper. swimming across a pool. roller-skating around the block. playing catch with a football.

A) B) C) D)

22. An activity that requires fine motor skills is: buttoning a coat. kicking a ball. climbing a tree. playing tag.

23. A) B) C) D)

Preschoolers often have trouble tying their shoelaces because they have inadequate: finger strength. fine motor skills. coordination and balance. gross motor skills.

A) B) C) D)

Gross motor skills such as riding a tricycle are acquired: through practice only. due to brain maturation only. through brain maturation and practice. only if the parents teach the skills.

A) B) C) D)

Kailonte is a child who lives in western Canada. He was part of a 2010 study on the impact of air pollution on the developing 25. brains of children. The study found that _____ was/were NOT harmful for children to breathe. wood smoke car exhaust fumes secondhand smoke bus exhaust fumes

A) B) C) D)

At what age does any specific disease 26. overtake accidents as a cause for human mortality? 20 40 50 60


27. A) B) C) D)

A) B)

Instead of accident prevention, health workers prefer the term: injury control. perceptual oversight. federal laws. CPR.

What is a leading cause of death among 28. children between the ages of 1 and 4 years old? drowning poisoning

C) D)

A) B) C) D)

falling cancer

Which type of injury prevention begins after 29. an injury and is done to limit the damage caused by the injury? primary tertiary quaternary secondary

30. A) B) C) D)

31. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Which of these is an example of secondary prevention? immunizing a child against measles rushing a child to the emergency department passing a law to make bike helmets necessary for children pushing a child out of the way of a falling ladder

In the past 20 years, the incidence of plumbism has declined due to: an increase in the amount of calcium in children's vitamins. improved sensitivity in the blood tests used for diagnosis. children having better nutrition at an earlier age. the removal of lead from paint and gasoline.

Which environmental substance has been 32. shown to reduce intelligence and increase behavior problems in young children? PVC lead latex paint asbestos

33. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Opinions surrounding the issues of children's freedom on playgrounds and their supervision 34. in public places are often affected by a person's: culture. education level. income. religion.

35. A) B) C) D)

36. A) B) C) D)

37. A) B) C) D)

Many researchers believe that a preschooler with plumbism is prone to: having a higher IQ as an adult. becoming obese. committing violent acts as a teenager. having an infant born with brain as an adult.

A 2-year-old human's brain is _____ percent of the adult brain's weight. 55 65 75 80

A 6-year-old human's brain is _____ percent of the adult brain's weight. 55 65 75 90

The part of the brain where planning, language, and advanced thought occur is the: hippocampus. amygdala. cortex. hypothalamus.

A) B) C) D)

The ability to plan and prioritize appears to be 38. directly related to the development of the _____ cortex. parietal prefrontal striate posterior

A) B) C) D)

The process through which axons become 39. coated with a fatty substance that speeds up the transmission of nerve impulses is called: myelination. action potential. transmission. mylarization.

C) D)

40. Myelination is important because it: connects the two halves of the brain. compensates for loss of brain function due to injury. promotes regular childhood sleep patterns. speeds up the transmission of neural impulses.

A) B) C) D)

The ability to generate several thoughts in 41. rapid succession is most specifically related to: eating healthy foods. myelination. frontal cortex maturation. development of new axons.

A) B) C) D)

During a long car trip, Anna and Robert asked “Are we there yet?” so many times that their 42. mother began covering her ears. Her children were exhibiting: impulsiveness. emotional regulation. perseveration. habituation.

A) B)

A) B) C) D)

Researchers had children sort picture cards by shape. Then they asked the same children to 43. sort the same cards by color. They found that children under the age of 4: could easily switch their original sorting pattern. could switch to sorting by shape but not by color. could switch to sorting by color but not by shape. had difficulty changing to a new sorting pattern.

44. A) B) C) D)

The long band of nerve fibers that connects the brain's hemispheres is: myelination. the corpus callosum. the prefrontal cortex. the axon cord.

A) B) C) D)

Kayla is 4 years old and has recently begun coordinating the two sides of her body more 45. efficiently. This improvement can be attributed to: the growth of her corpus callosum. her arms and legs growing longer. her brain's lateralization. adequate calcium in her diet.

A) B) C) D)

A disorder that research has suggested may 46. result from abnormal development of the corpus callosum is: hearing impairment. nearsightedness. extreme impulsivity. autism.

47. A) B) C) D)

48. A) B) C) D)

49. A) B) C) D)

50. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

The specialization of the functioning of the two halves of the brain is called: lateralization. linearization. equalization. disequilibrium.

The left side of the brain notices _____, while the right side grasps _____. the big picture; the details the details; emotions emotions; language creative impulses; detailed analysis

About _____ percent of people in Great Britain and the United States are left-handed. 5 10 20 50

Which statement about left-handed people is true? Myelination takes longer for them than it does for right-handed people. They are less likely to succeed in sports. Their corpus callosa tend to be thicker than those of right-handed people. The language areas of their brains are on the right side of the brain.

Ryan suffered a brain injury as a result of an automobile accident. His abilities to speak 51. and to process language were severely affected. His injury was to the: right side of his brain. left side of his brain. corpus collosum. prefrontal cortex.

52. A) B) C) D)

53. A) B) C) D)

54. A) B) C) D)

55. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

The area of the brain that is crucial in expressing and regulating emotions is the: limbic system. prefrontal cortex. fusiform face area. corpus callosum.

The amygdala is a brain structure that registers: body temperature. emotions. speech perception. memories.

The increased activity of the amygdala is a reason that young children experience: a language explosion. the ability to write. frightening nightmares. an increased susceptibility to disease.

The hippocampus is a structure in the brain that processes: language. coordination. memories. emotions.

Stress can lead to weight gain since having too much cortisol in one's bloodstream has 56. been associated with increased abdominal fat. Cortisol is the hormone released by the _____ when a person is stressed. hippocampus hypothalamus amygdala thyroid

A) B) C) D)

57. Preoperational intelligence: allows children to think in symbols. includes logical reasoning. is characterized by reversibility of thought. relies on children's motor skills and senses.

A) B) C) D)

Piaget called the stage of human cognitive 58. development between the ages of 2 and 6 _____ intelligence. operational egocentric preoperational sensorimotor

59. A) B) C) D)

Piaget believed that until about age 6, it is difficult for children to think: subjectively. egocentrically. logically. about animism.

A) B) C) D)

Ivan was playing under the kitchen table when he stood up suddenly and bumped his 60. head. He pointed at the table and sternly said, “Naughty table!” This is an example of: egocentrism. operational thinking. centration. animism.

A) B) C) D)

To focus on one aspect of a situation and 61. simultaneously exclude all other aspects is called: magical thinking. static reasoning. centration. animism.

A) B) C) D)

A magician's goal is to get the audience to focus on one aspect of his demonstration 62. while he manipulates another. This is easy to do with preoperational children, as they are fooled by their tendency to: be logical thinkers. reverse things in their minds. demonstrate centration. equilibrate.

A) B) C) D)

Nine-year-old Bobby has no problem understanding that the 20-year-old woman who sometimes stays with him is both a 63. student and a babysitter. According to Piaget, this is because Bobby's thinking has moved beyond: conservation. object permanence. overregularization. centration.

A) B) C) D)

The Piagetian term for a particular type of centration in which a child thinks about the 64. world only from his or her personal perspective is: static reasoning. egocentrism. irreversibility. conservatism.

A) B) C) D)

A preschool child thinks a tall 20-year-old 65. man is older than a short 40-year-old man. This is an example of: egocentrism. static thinking. focus on appearance. symbolic thinking.

A) B) C) D)

When Jennie sees her third-grade teacher in the grocery store, she is shocked to see her 66. outside of school. This is likely due to Jennie's: static reasoning. abstract reasoning. concrete thinking. irreversibility.

67. A) B) C) D)

When children assume that the world is unchanging, they engage in: magical thinking. static reasoning. centration. a focus on appearances.

A) B) C) D)

The characteristic of preoperational thought in 68. which a young child thinks that nothing changes is called: animism. conservation. static reasoning. centration.

A) B) C) D)

Evelyn dropped a tiny spot of ketchup on her pants during lunch. Even though her teacher was able to totally remove the spot, Evelyn is 69. crying hysterically and says that she wants to go home because her outfit is ruined. Her behavior demonstrates the characteristic of preoperational thought known as: irreversibility. centration. egocentrism. conservation.


Irreversibility refers to the preoperational child's tendency to:

A) B) C) D)

focus on something other than appearances. use deductive reasoning to solve a problem. believe that what has been done cannot be undone. engage in centration when another solution is needed.

A) B) C) D)

Jake's father takes him to the barber for his first real haircut. At first, Jake is excited, but as soon as the barber makes the first cut in his hair he becomes very upset and tells his father 71. to make the barber stop. In spite of his father's efforts to assure Jake that his hair will grow back, Jake is exhibiting the characteristic known as: animism. centration. egocentrism. irreversibility.

A) B) C) D)

A child's inability to understand that undoing 72. a sequence of events will bring about the original situation is called: concrete operations. conservation. irreversibility. symbolic thought.

A) B) C) D)

Four-year-old Jonathan is sitting at the lunch counter next to his sister Erin. They are having hot dogs for lunch. When his mom 73. cuts Jonathan's hot dog into five pieces and Erin's into six pieces. Jonathan protests, “Erin has more than me!” Which ability does Jonathan not yet demonstrate? animism centration egocentrism conservation

A) B) C) D)

Daryl has a ball of Silly Putty. His 6-year-old son, Mason, watches as Daryl flattens the 74. Silly Putty into a thin “pancake.” When Daryl asks Mason if there is now more Silly Putty, Mason replies “Yes” because he has: an understanding of scaffolding. not mastered the concept of conservation. an understanding of object permanence. demonstrated fast-mapping.

A) B) C) D)

A child is shown two identical tall containers, both half-filled with water. The contents of one container are then poured into a short, 75. wide container. If the child states that both containers still have the same amount, then the child understands the concept of: classification. conservation. centration. transformation.

A) B) C) D)

Researchers now believe that Piaget _____ 76. cognition in infancy and _____ cognition in early childhood. overestimated; overestimated underestimated; underestimated overestimated; underestimated underestimated; overestimated

77. A) B) C) D)

According to Vygotsky, guided participation requires that a child: interacts with a mentor to accomplish a task. is told instructions for a task only once. discovers the solution to a task on his or her own. be taught new skills by other children.

A) B) C) D)

According to Vygotsky, a child's first mentor is a(n): classmate. teacher. parent. older sibling.

A) B) C) D)

Each time Juan puts a puzzle together, his father gives him a little less help. Which 79. theorist would be MOST pleased with Juan's father? Piaget Vygotsky Skinner Freud

A) B) C) D)

Skills that the child can accomplish with 80. assistance but can't yet perform independently are part of: private speech. the gap between heredity and learning. distal development. the zone of proximal development.


A) B) C) D)

A child who is unable to read a picture book independently gets help from an adult to 81. accomplish the task. This assistance will only be effective if the: assistance is offered in a warm and gentle manner. child is at least 6 years old. child is in the period of preoperations. skill is within the child's zone of proximal development.

One of Vygotsky's most famous concepts was 82. the zone of proximal development, which asserts that:


there is a certain place in a school where most learning occurs. children can only reach a certain level of i...

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