Chapter 12 Adulthood- Body and Mind PDF

Title Chapter 12 Adulthood- Body and Mind
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Multiple-Choice Questions

A) B) C) D)

Adulthood covers the four decades of life between ages _____ and _____. 15; 55 25; 65 35; 75 45; 85

A) B) C) D)

Once a person has reached adulthood, the 2. vital capacity of his or her lungs drops about 4 percent: each year. every 5 years. each decade. over a lifetime.

A) B) C) D)

If he is typical, a 45-year-old man will 3. probably state that he feels _____ his chronological age. significantly older than exactly half 5 to 10 years younger than


A) B) C) D)

Obesity and weight-related medical problems are primarily reflective of which process? homeostasis allostasis organ reserve senescence

A) B)

Rita, age 65, began a yoga practice 15 years ago, and enjoys an evening walk through her 5. neighborhood nearly every day. These habits are likely to: lighten her allostatic load. increase her allostatic load.



impair her long-term health. improve her mood but have little impact on her long-term health.


6. A) B) C) D)

Which statement is true for people of both genders as they age? Sexual responses become quicker. The level of sex hormones increases. Reproduction becomes less likely. Fertility is increased.

A) B) C) D)

Middle aged men and women in committed, 7. monogamous relationships are MOST likely to be _____ with their sex lives. extremely satisfied satisfied dissatisfied extremely dissatisfied

A) B) C) D)

Infertility is defined as being unable to 8. conceive after _____ months of trying to get pregnant. 3 6 9 12

9. A) B) C) D)

10. A) B)

Approximately 15 percent of U.S. couples are: infertile. celibate. unfaithful. same-sex.

In approximately _____ of cases, the cause of a couple's infertility can be traced to the man. one-third one-half

C) D)

A) B) C) D)

two-thirds three-quarters

Malek is 45 years old. Research indicates that it will take him approximately _____ times as 11. long to impregnate a woman now than it would have when he was 20 years younger. 3 5 4 6

12. A) B) C) D)

During the past 40 years, advances in medicine have solved about half of all: age-related diseases. fertility problems. sexually transmitted infections. birth control side effects.

A) B) C) D)

The risk of birth defects and later serious 13. illnesses for _____ newborns is about 3 percent. all multiple (twins, triplets, etc) in vitro fertilized premature

A) B) C) D)

14. In an aging brain: neurons fire faster. reaction time lengthens. brain size increases. multitasking becomes easier.

15. A) B) C)

Before the age of 65, _____ percent of individuals experience significant brain loss. 1 5 8



A) B) C) D)

What are the odds that a person will inherit the dominant gene for Alzheimer disease? 1 in 1000 10 in 1000 50 in 1000 100 in 1000

A) B) C) D)

Severe brain loss that occurs before late 17. adulthood could be caused by any of these factors EXCEPT: poor circulation. mad cow disease. normal senescence. Alzheimer disease.


A) B) C) D)

Statistically, which female has the MOST acute hearing? Kara Lyn, who is 10 years old Penny, who is 18 years old Edelia, who is 21 years old Roxanna, who is 25 years old

A) B) C) D)

George is 65 years old and is experiencing some symptoms of age-related hearing loss. 19. If he is typical for his age, which sound would be the LEAST audible for him? a low, bass beat music on headphones ringing in the ears the voice of a small child


20. A)

Which vision change is NOT associated with aging? Night vision declines, making driving at night more dangerous.

Nearsightedness increases while farsightedness decreases. Some people who were previously nearsighted can now drive without glasses. Peripheral vision decreases before frontal vision.

B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

A group of friends, all about 60 years of age, are playing cards. What characteristic of 21. senescence do they MOST likely have in common? They are unable to drive. Their faces have wrinkles. They wear hearing aids. They are nearsighted.

22. A) B) C) D)

23. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

The first visible signs of senescence are usually observed in a person's: gait. posture. skin. eyes.

Which physical change does NOT typically occur in middle adulthood? Hair thins and some gray hairs start to show. Skin—especially on the face—has lines or wrinkles. Muscles weaken and waistline widens. The space between the spinal disks widens.

At a recent physical exam, Janet was told that she is an inch shorter than she was five years 24. ago at age 50. What caused her decrease in height? hereditary height shrinkage lack of calcium in her diet age-related compression of the spine effects of medication

25. A) B) C) D)

In middle adulthood, a person is MOST apt to lose: a significant amount of weight. nearly an inch in height. the ability to run more than a mile. the ability to experience orgasm.

A) B) C) D)

The average age of menopause is about _____ years. 40 45 51 60

A) B) C) D)

A drop in sex hormones in a woman's 27. bloodstream along with cessation of ovulation and menstruation signals: menopause. andropause. cancer. a need for assisted reproductive technology.


28. A) B) C) D)

29. A) B) C) D)

The many changes of menopause are caused by reduced: estrogen. lipids. protein. calcium.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves taking: calcium supplements. estrogen and progesterone. long baths to alleviate the stress of menopause. testosterone.

30. A) B) C) D)

31. A) B) C) D)

32. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Which statement about hormone replacement therapy is true? It involves replacing testosterone that naturally declines with age. Research on its use has yielded consistent findings. Some findings may have been affected by SES. It increases the risk of osteoporosis.

The term “male menopause” is sometimes used to refer to: the sudden loss in fertility in a middle-aged man. the sudden drop in testosterone that generally occurs at about age 50. the age-related reduction in testosterone. impotence as a reaction to a wife's menopause.

Women experience menopause; men experience: testeropause. libidopause. andropause. spermatopause.

Considering the psychological causes 33. discussed in the text, the man LEAST likely to experience “male menopause” is: Hank, who is 50 and recently has been laid off. Carlos, who is 48 and having marital problems. Mark, who is 47 and has anger issues. Bob, who is 55 and continues to work at a satisfying job.

A) B) C) D)

The diseases and chronic conditions associated with aging: are inevitable, regardless of lifestyle. may be slightly modified by lifestyle. may have delayed onset due to lifestyle. may be strongly affected by lifestyle.

A) B) C) D)

A researcher is compiling data on the 35. incidence of several different diseases. These data reflect: mortality. morbidity. disability. vitality.


36. A) B) C) D)

37. A) B) C) D)

38. A) B) C) D)

Difficulty in performing normal activities of daily life is called: mortality. morbidity. vitality. disability.

The measure of health MOST indicative of the quality of one's daily life is: disability. vitality. morbidity. freedom from mental illness.

Examining worldwide trends in smoking shows that smoking: is increasing worldwide, including in North America. is a habit for one-third of the adults in Greece and Turkey. trends have remained the same for the past 10 years. is low in males from China and India.

A) B) C) D)

39. All smoking diseases are: dose and duration sensitive. decreasing worldwide. destructive only to the lungs and respiratory system. less likely to affect African Americans.

40. A) B) C) D)

41. A) B) C) D)

What global trend is evident with regards to alcohol? Affluent countries have more abstainers and abusers. Affluent countries have more heavy drinkers. Poor countries have more abstainers and abusers. Poor countries have more moderate drinkers

Research studies on alcohol use have shown that: alcohol use of any kind is dangerous to health. alcohol raises levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. moderate use of alcohol may increase longevity. alcohol abuse is most common during adolescence.

A) B) C) D)

42. One of the effects of moderate drinking is: a reduction in coronary heart disease. increased risk of breast cancer. increased risk of liver disease. premature death.

A) B)

As Tom helped himself to a fourth beer, he announced to everyone at the barbecue that 43. alcohol is healthy in moderation. How does the text define "moderation"? one drink per day two drinks per day

C) D)

three drinks per day three drinks per week

44. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Jim, who was 60, couldn't understand why he kept slowly gaining weight. He wasn't eating 45. any more than usual, and he maintained his regular exercise routine. What explains his weight gain? His metabolism slowed down by a third between emerging and late adulthood. His intake of water was insufficient, so it was water weight gain. He really wasn't gaining weight; his height was decreasing. He took medication that increased his appetite.

46. A) B) C) D)

47. A) B) C) D)

Researchers on obesity agree that during middle age: every extra pound is a health hazard. it is okay to be overweight as long as one is not obese. metabolism slows down by about a third. adults need to consume more calories than emerging adults do.

Which country has experienced a doubling of its diabetes rate in the past 4 decades? the United States. Mexico. the United Kingdom. Canada.

Currently in the United States, _____ percent of adults are overweight. 33 50 65 75

48. A) B) C) D)

In middle adulthood, an individual is considered obese who: snacks several times a day. has a BMI of 30 or more. consumes foods that are high in cholesterol. diets often, but always gains back the weight.


Which statement about gastric bypass surgery in obese adults is FALSE? Death rates without it are higher for morbidly obese adults. About 25 percent of patients will require additional surgery. Such surgery decreases the need for lifechanging habits. The surgery causes dramatic weight loss.

A) B) C) D)

What percentage of adults in the United States 50. and England get at least 30 minutes per day of exercise? more than 80 less than 1 more than 40 less than 5

49. A) B) C)

51. A) B) C) D)

52. A) B) C)

Regular exercise helps adults in all these ways EXCEPT: protecting against job loss. reducing the risk of depression. protecting against many diseases. strengthening the heart.

What is one crucial factor for success at the implementation stage of breaking a habit? social support trying to tackle more than one habit at a time breaking the habit on one's own

not telling anyone of the date or the plan for change


C) D)

Implementation is quitting a habit according 53. to plan. When is implementation most successful? doing it on one's own not telling anyone of the date or the plan for change tackling one habit at a time when in denial that there is a problem

A) B) C) D)

What is the term for the phenomenon that 54. happens when a person's resolve to break a habit fades when faced with stress? attention myopia stressor allostatic load motivational forgetting

A) B) C) D)

If a person is experiencing several stressors 55. and the person's organ reserve is depleted, the physiological toll of those stressors can: boost the immune system. decrease blood pressure. speed up the heart. produce long, deep sleeps.

A) B)

56. A) B) C) D)

57. A)

With which coping style do people try to attack a stressor in some way? emotion-focused problem-focused weathering ignoring-retreating

In which coping style do people try to change their attitude about a stressor? emotion-focused

B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

problem-focused weathering ignoring-retreating

Janyce, a 50-year-old woman, has several stressors in her life, so she turns to her friends in order to deal with the pressure. Which 58. statement BEST explains the physiological phenomenon associated with her method of coping? She is reacting in a “fight-or-flight” manner, experiencing a rise and then fall in testosterone levels. She is suppressing justifiable feelings, and thus may be at greater risk for an early death. She is arranging her life in order to minimize stressors, and thus is experiencing reduced stress. Her body is producing oxytocin, a hormone that encourages caring interactions.

In the United States, after age 35 a person's 59. life span increases _____ years for each year of education. 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.3

60. A) B) C) D)

Which statement does NOT describe the effect of SES upon a person's life span? Those with higher levels of education tend to live longer than those with less. In the United States, the difference in life span between those with the lowest and the highest SES is about 30 years. The impact of SES on life span is decreasing in the U.S. Better income may result in better medical care.

A) B) C) D)

In the United States, _____ women are 61. MOST apt to die from breast cancer, though the exact reasons why are unknown. Caucasian African American Chinese American Native American


Which factor is NOT part of the hypothesis 62. about why low SES is associated with poor health habits? the poor are less aware of their health issues poorer individuals live in polluted areas poor health habits are adopted to deal with stress the poor experience less stress

A) B) C) D)

63. Diseases of affluence: are now more common among the poor. have been described as obesity-related. have been linked with prescription drug use. no longer include diabetes.

A) B) C) D)

Alicia, who is 31, arrived in the United States 6 months ago. She was accompanied by her daughter Maricela, age 8, and her mother, Rosita, age 55. They joined Danilo 64. (Maricela's father) who has lived in the United States for the past 2 years. Statistically, which family member is at greatest risk for obesity? Alicia Maricela Dan Rosita

A) B) C)

A) B) C) D)

In comparing individuals from the same 65. ethnic groups, immigrants are statistically _____ than native-born individuals. healthier and wealthier healthier and poorer less healthy and poorer less healthy but wealthier

66. A) B) C) D)

Which psychologist proposed the existence of g? Spearman Thurstone Gardner Sternberg

A) B) C) D)

67. The term g refers to: grand intelligence. general intelligence. great intelligence. gross intelligence.

A) B) C) D)

Research that analyzes the cognitive 68. development of the same individuals as they develop over the years is called: cross-sectional research. representative samples. longitudinal research. sequential research.

69. A) B) C) D)

A problem with cross-sectional research is that: the Flynn Effect results in more recent cohorts outscoring previous generations tested at the same age. retesting leads older subjects to do better. the most intelligent people are most likely to drop out of the study. the results tend not to be worth the large investment.

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

70. The Flynn effect refers to the: rise in an individual's IQ over the years. decrease in an individual's IQ over the years. rise in average IQ over the generations. decrease in average IQ over the generations.

The Wilson family is having a big reunion and four generations of Wilsons are expected 71. to attend. Applying the Flynn effect to this family, we would expect that: the first generation of Wilsons would score the highest on a standard IQ test. the fourth generation of Wilsons would score the highest on a standard IQ test. the second and third generations of Wilsons would score similarly on a standard IQ test. all four generations would score similarly on a standard IQ test.

72. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

The Flynn effect is MOST likely due to changes in: test-taking strategies. electronic media. people's reaction time. nutrition, education, and health.

The research design that involves testing groups of subjects of different ages multiple times and comparing their scores with their 73. own scores in previous periods in addition to the scores of new groups of adults of the same ages is called: longitudinal or long-term research. cross-sectional research. retesting research. cross-sequential research.

74. A) B) C) D)

Schaie's cross-sequential research on intellectual development demonstrated that: there is a decline in most abilities after age 30. individuals improve in most mental abilities during adulthood. cohort differences make it appear that older people are more intelligent than younger people. women are smarter than men.

A) B) C) D)

The two researchers who concluded that fluid 75. and crystallized intelligence are the most crucial aspects of intelligence were: Bayley and Oden. Cattell and Horn. Jones and Conrad. Sternberg and Gardner.

A) B) C) D)

The basic intelligence that makes learning 76. quick and thorough is referred to as _____ intelligence. fluid crystallized practical creative

77. A) B) C) D)

A) B)

Which statement about fluid intelligence is true? It is the accumulation of facts. It is quick and flexible. It includes long-term memory for dates in history. It includes the size of one's vocabulary.

78. Fluid intelligence includes: a knowledge of geographical facts. the speed of processing mathematical information.


the size of one's science vocabulary. the ability to recognize and name famous paintings.


79. A) B) C) D)

80. A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

A) B) C) D)

Which is the best example of fluid intelligence? knowing the names of the British monarchs in chronological order the ability to quickly recognize relationships between words extensive knowledge of computer programming the ability to read and interpret an electrocardiogram

Which example relies MOST heavily upon crystallized intelligence? solving a crossword puzzle knowing the chemical symbols for various elements writing a poem about owls analyzing relationships between concepts

81. Analytic intelligence involves: the skills used in everyday problem solving. abstract planning, focused attention, and verbal and logical skills. the accumulation of facts and knowledge as a result of experience. the capacity to be intellectually flexible and innovative.

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