Chapter 06 Individual Factors Moral Philosophies and Value Quiz PDF

Title Chapter 06 Individual Factors Moral Philosophies and Value Quiz
Course Applied Business and Management Ethics
Institution Riverside City College
Pages 6
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Is about Moral Philosophy Quiz 6...


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This philosophy evaluates ethicalness subjectively on the basis of individual and group experiences _______. a. teleology b. relativism c. egoism d. utilitarianism e. deontology

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_______ is right or acceptable behavior in terms of the consequences for the individual. a. Rule deontology b. Relativism c. Egoism d. Act deontology e. Utilitarianism

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This philosophy assumes what is moral in a given situation is not only what conventional morality requires but also what the mature person with a "good" moral character deems appropriate _______. a. relativism b. justice c. utilitarianism

d. virtue ethics e. deontology

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What type of justice exists if employees are being open, honest, and truthful in their communications at work? a. civil b. hedonistic c. procedural d. distributive e. interactional

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This philosophy focuses on the preservation of individual rights and on the intentions associated with a particular behavior rather than on its consequences _______. a. relativism b. deontology c. egoism d. utilitarianism e. teleology

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This philosophy defines right or acceptable actions as those that maximize total utility, or the greatest good for the greatest number of people _______. a. egoism b. relativism c. utilitarianism d. teleology e. deontology

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John, vice president of operations at We Care, Inc., approves the illegal disposal of toxic waste at his firm's international factory. John has committed _______. a. hedonism b. employee abuse c. a white-collar crime d. fraud e. stakeholder disenfranchisement

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_____________ is the final stage of cognitive moral development, according to Lawrence Kohlberg. a. The stage of universal ethical principles b. The stage of individual instrumental purpose and exchange c. The stage of punishment and obedience d. The stage of social system and conscience maintenance e. The stage of prior rights, social contract, or utility

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This famous statement, "Act as if the maxim of the action were to become by will a universal law of nature," is called _______. a. Marxism b. Leninism c. Kant's Categorical Imperative d. Friedman's Categorical Imperative e. Mao's Categorical Imperative

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Teleology is a philosophy that states that _______. a. it is not possible to get too much of a good thing b. a relativist perspective will lead to career growth c. people decide what is legal or illegal d. moral rightness or acceptability is defined in terms of consequences for the individual e. an act is morally right or acceptable if it produces a desired result

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The types of moral philosophy discussed in the text include _______. a. teleology, deontology, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and justice b. teleology, utility, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and justice c. teleology, utility, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and deontology

d. teleology, self-interest, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and justice e. teleology, self-interest, relativist perspective, virtue ethics, and career growth

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According to Kohlberg's model of cognitive moral development, different individuals make different decisions in similar ethical situations because _______. a. they are in different stages of cognitive moral development b. they have different personalities c. no one wants to be the same as others d. they are of different ages e. they are influenced by different family values

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Which of the following is a correct statement? a. Distributive justice is based on the processes and activities that produce the best outcome or results. b. Interactional justice is based on the evaluation of outcomes or results of the business relationship. c. According to the relativist perspective, definitions of ethical behavior are derived objectively. d. Procedural justice is based on an evaluation of the communication process used in the business relationship. e. A moral virtue represents an acquired disposition that is valued as a part of an individual's character.

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A moral philosophy is a general set of values by which different people live.

a. True b. False Hide Feedback Correct Check My Work Feedback Correct.

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The concept of a moral philosophy is inexact. For that reason, moral philosophies must be assessed on a continuum rather than as static entities. a. True b. False Hide Feedback Correct Check My Work Feedback Correct....

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