Chapter 06 Courage and Moral Leadership PDF

Title Chapter 06 Courage and Moral Leadership
Author Julia Brt
Course Leadership
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 30
File Size 297.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 153


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1. Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, the honest, and the good, and the right conduct in achieving goals and fulfilling purpose. a. True b. False True ANSWER: Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, RATIONALE: the honest, the good, and the right conduct in achieving goals and fulfilling purpose. Leaders have great influence over others, and moral leadership uplifts people and enhances the lives of others. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: pp. 174–175 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-3 Becoming a Moral Leader Bloom's: Knowledge KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 7:54 AM 2. Standing up for what is right is a primary way in which leaders create an environment of integrity. a. True b. False True ANSWER: For many reasons, it is often hard to stand up for what is right, but this is a primary way in RATIONALE: which leaders create an environment of integrity. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 172 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM 3. Unethical leaders tend to take all the credit for successes, but they blame others when things go wrong. a. True b. False True ANSWER: Unethical leaders often take credit for followers' accomplishments and diminish the dignity RATIONALE: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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of others by treating people with discourtesy and disrespect. Unethical leaders often see followers as a means to an end. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 171 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM 4. Employees learn about the values that are important in the organization by watching leaders. a. True b. False True ANSWER: The single most important factor in ethical decision making in organizations is whether RATIONALE: leaders show a commitment to ethics in their talk and especially their behavior. Employees learn about the values that are important in the organization by watching leaders. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 173 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-2 Acting Like a Moral Leader Bloom's: Knowledge KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:33 AM 5. A leader who is visionary, empowering, and committed to serving others is operating at the postconventional or principled level of personal moral development. a. True b. False True ANSWER: At the postconventional level of personal moral development, sometimes called the RATIONALE: principled level, leaders are guided by an internalized set of principles universally recognized as just and right. A leader at this level is visionary, empowering, and committed to serving others and a higher cause. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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p. 176 True / False False LEAD.DAFT.18.06.03 United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence 6-3 Becoming a Moral Leader Bloom's: Knowledge 7/5/2016 11:34 AM 7/29/2016 7:35 AM

6. At the preconventional level of personal moral development, people learn to conform to the expectations of others. a. True b. False False ANSWER: At the preconventional level of personal moral development, individuals are egocentric and RATIONALE: concerned with receiving external rewards and avoiding punishments. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 175 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-3 Becoming a Moral Leader Bloom's: Knowledge KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 7:36 AM 7. Participative management encourages managers to direct and control employees. a. True b. False False ANSWER: The participative dimension of leadership suggests that employees are expected to make RATIONALE: suggestions for quality improvements, act as team players, and take greater responsibility for their own jobs, but they are not allowed to be true partners in the enterprise. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 177 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-4 Servant Leadership Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Bloom's: Comprehension 7/5/2016 11:34 AM 7/29/2016 8:33 AM

8. A principle of stewardship is to localize decisions and power to those closest to the work and the customer. a. True b. False True ANSWER: One of the principles that provide the framework for stewardship is to give decision-making RATIONALE: power and the authority to act to those closest to the work and the customer. This means reintegrating the "managing" and the "doing" of work, so that everyone becomes a leader and is also doing some of the core work of the organization. Nobody gets paid simply to plan and manage the work of others. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 178 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-4 Servant Leadership Bloom's: Analysis KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:34 AM 9. Stewardship is a belief that leaders are deeply accountable to others as well as to the organization, without trying to control others. a. True b. False True ANSWER: Stewardship is a belief that leaders are deeply accountable to others as well as to the RATIONALE: organization, without trying to control others, define meaning and purpose for others, or take care of others. As stewards, leaders empower followers to make decisions and have control over how they do their own jobs. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: pp. 177–178 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.05 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-4 Servant Leadership Bloom's: Knowledge KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:34 AM Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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10. Anger and frustration cannot be used for positive outcomes. a. True b. False False ANSWER: Anger, in moderate amounts, is a healthy emotion that provides energy to move forward. The RATIONALE: challenge is to harness anger and use it appropriately. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 187 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: True / False HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.06 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-5 Leading with Courage Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:34 AM 11. What sparks the courage for leaders to act? a. Desire for a reward b. Devotion to a purpose c. Media coverage d. Confidence b ANSWER: Leaders demonstrate confidence and commitment in what they believe and what they do. RATIONALE: Being an influential leader means learning who you are and what you stand for, and then having the courage to act. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: p. 167 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Motivation Concepts - DISC: Environmental Influence TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:34 AM 12. Which of the following is an example of an ethical pressure that challenges the ability of leaders to do the right thing? a. Showing respect to each individual b. Meeting the demands of vendors or business partners c. Possessing humility Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. Encouraging and developing others b ANSWER: Pressures to cut costs, increase profits, meet the demands of vendors or business partners, and RATIONALE: look successful can all contribute to ethical lapses. All leaders want their organizations to appear successful, and they can sometimes do the wrong thing just so they will look good to others. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: pp. 168–169 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:34 AM 13. The ethical pressures that challenge leaders include: a. doing the right thing despite pressure to increase profits. b. finding new products and services to remain competitive. c. involving employees in teamwork despite individual competition. d. selecting employees with the technical skills. a ANSWER: Leaders face many pressures that challenge their ability to do the right thing. Pressures to cut RATIONALE: costs, increase profits, meet the demands of vendors or business partners, and look successful can all contribute to ethical lapses. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 168 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Application KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:35 AM 14. Scott Thompson resigned as the CEO of Yahoo after only four months on the job because reports revealed he had inaccurately claimed on his resume that he had a degree in computer science. This is an example of: a. arrogance. b. unethical behavior. c. servant leadership. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. stewardship. ANSWER: RATIONALE:

b Although the high-profile stories of ethical misconduct in organizations have slowed a bit, there are plenty of leaders still on the hot seat because of immoral or unethical behavior. Scott Thompson resigned as CEO of Yahoo after only four months on the job because reports revealed he had inaccurately claimed on his resume that he had a degree in computer science. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: REFERENCES: p. 168 QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Application KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:35 AM 15. Which of the following is a behavioral trait of unethical leaders? a. Establishing and communicating ethics policies b. Withholding help and support c. Rewarding ethical conduct d. Setting examples for others b ANSWER: Refer to Exhibit 6.1. An unethical leader is arrogant and self-serving, excessively promotes RATIONALE: self-interest, practices deception, breaches agreements, deals unfairly, shifts blame to others, diminishes others’ dignity, neglects follower development, withholds help and support, and lacks the courage to confront unjust acts. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 171 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Analysis KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:35 AM 16. The actions that make leaders go wrong include: a. breaching agreements. b. promoting follower development. c. having the courage to confront unjust acts. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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d. taking responsibility. a ANSWER: Refer to Exhibit 6.1. An unethical leader is arrogant and self-serving, excessively promotes RATIONALE: self-interest, practices deception, breaches agreements, deals unfairly, shifts blame to others, diminishes others’ dignity, neglects follower development, withholds help and support, and lacks the courage to confront unjust acts. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 171 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Analysis KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:35 AM 17. Peers and subordinates with lax ethical standards: a. do what is right. b. feel free to act as they choose. c. show a commitment to ethics in their behavior. d. operate at a postconventional level. b ANSWER: One of the primary ways leaders contribute to an ethical organization is by speaking up RATIONALE: against acts they believe are wrong. If a leader knows someone is being treated unfairly by a colleague and does nothing, the leader is setting a precedent for others to behave unfairly as well. Peers and subordinates with lax ethical standards feel free to act as they choose. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 171 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:36 AM 18. Patricia is a member of the board of directors of Brightlake Medical College. She fires a teacher with lax ethical standards who treats his colleagues unfairly. In the given scenario, she is committed to: a. creating closed-door policies. b. avoiding shareholder questions. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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c. firing principals who do not produce short-term results. d. sound ethics and transparency. d ANSWER: In the given scenario, Patricia is committed to sound ethics and transparency. If a leader RATIONALE: knows someone is being treated unfairly by a colleague and does nothing, the leader is setting a precedent for others to behave unfairly as well. Peers and subordinates with lax ethical standards feel free to act as they choose. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 171 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.02 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Reflective Thinking STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-1 Moral Leadership Today Bloom’s: Application KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:36 AM 19. Leaders can create organizational systems that support ethical behavior by: a. showing tolerance for ethics violations. b. establishing vague ethics policies. c. establishing general ethics policies. d. creating open-door policies. d ANSWER: Leaders create organizational systems and policies that support ethical behavior, such as RATIONALE: creating open-door policies that encourage people to talk about anything without fear, establishing clear ethics codes, rewarding ethical conduct, and showing zero tolerance for violations. Most companies have established codes of ethics to guide employee behavior or lists of core values that employees are expected to honor. 1 POINTS: DIFFICULTY: Moderate p. 173 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.04 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-2 Acting Like a Moral Leader Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:36 AM 20. Moral leadership is about: a. distinguishing right from wrong. Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. taking away from others to enhance oneself. c. rewarding unethical conduct. d. nonconformity. a ANSWER: Moral leadership is about distinguishing right from wrong and doing right, seeking the just, RATIONALE: the honest, the good, and the right conduct in achieving goals and fulfilling purpose. Leaders have great influence over others, and moral leadership uplifts people and enhances the lives of others. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: pp. 174–175 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.01 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-3 Becoming a Moral Leader Bloom's: Knowledge KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:36 AM 21. People at the conventional level of personal moral development: a. act in their own interest. b. follow internalized universal principles of justice and right. c. follow authority with blind obedience. d. fulfill duties and obligations of the social system. d ANSWER: At level two of personal moral development, the conventional level, people learn to conform RATIONALE: to the expectations of good behavior as defined by colleagues, family, friends, and society. People at the conventional level of personal moral development adhere to the norms of the larger social system. 1 POINTS: Moderate DIFFICULTY: p. 175 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Promotion - BUSPROG: Analytic STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Leadership Principles TOPICS: 6-3 Becoming a Moral Leader Bloom's: Comprehension KEYWORDS: DATE CREATED: 7/5/2016 11:34 AM DATE MODIFIED: 7/29/2016 8:00 AM 22. Most adults operate at level _____ of personal moral development. a. one Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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b. two c. three d. four ANSWER: RATIONALE:

b Most adults operate at level two of moral development, and some have not advanced beyond level one. At level two, the conventional level, people learn to conform to the expectations of good behavior as defined by colleagues, family, friends, and society. 1 POINTS: Easy DIFFICULTY: pp. 175–176 REFERENCES: QUESTION TYPE: Multiple Choice HAS VARIABLES: False LEARNING OBJECTIVES: LEAD.DAFT.18.06.03 NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: Ethics STATE STANDARDS: United States - AK - DISC: Ethical Responsibilities TOPICS: 6-3 ...

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