Chapter 07 Multiple-Choice Questions-TIF PDF

Title Chapter 07 Multiple-Choice Questions-TIF
Course Introduction To Psychology (Part A)
Institution University of Manitoba
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Multiple choice questions for Chapter 7...


1) According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, human memory consists of ____________ memory stores. a. two b. three c. seven plus or minus two d. a potentially infinite number of Answer: b Page Reference: 272 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 2) The Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory consists of ____________, which retain information, and ____________, which shift information from one type of memory to another. a. stores; episodic buffers b. control processes; central executives c. stores; control processes d. control processes; stores Answer: c Page Reference: 272 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 3) Carlos finds a friend on Facebook whom he has not talked to in years. As they reminisce about things that happened 10 years ago, the information from old memories is transferred from Carlos' long-term memory into his short-term memory. This process is known as a. storage. b. retrieval. c. attention. d. encoding. Answer: b Page Reference: 273 Skill: Applied

Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 4) ____________ describes the process of moving information from short-term to longterm memory, while ________ is the process of moving it from long-term back to shortterm memory. a. Encoding; storage b. Encoding; retrieval c. Rehearsal; encoding d. Attention; storage Answer: b Page Reference: 273 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 5) Which memory system holds information about all surrounding stimuli present at a particular moment? a. long-term memory b. sensory memory c. working memory d. short-term memory Answer: b Page Reference: 273 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 6) Visual images remain in sensory memory for about a. 0.5–1 second. b. 2–3 seconds. c. 5–10 seconds. d. 30 seconds. Answer: a Page Reference: 273 Skill: Factual

Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 7) The auditory form of sensory memory is known as __________ memory, while the visual form is known as _________. a. iconic; echoic b. phonological loop; visuospatial sketchpad c. visuospatial sketchpad; phonological loop d. echoic; iconic Answer: d Page Reference: 273 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 8) Auditory information remains in the sensory store for about a. 0.5–1 second. b. 5–10 seconds. c. 30 seconds. d. 1 minute. Answer: b Page Reference: 273 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 9) Why is studying sensory memory so difficult? a. Sensory stimuli are difficult to reproduce in a laboratory. b. Sensory memory is processed on an implicit level and cannot be verbalized. c. The capacity of sensory memory is too vast to be measured. d. Sensory memory disappears faster than an individual can report. Answer: d Page Reference: 273 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems.

10) Conrad is a participant in a memory experiment. He is shown a grid of letters for a fraction of a second, and then quickly asked to report the letters he saw either in the top, middle, or bottom row. The researchers conducting this experiment are most likely measuring Conrad's _____________ memory. a. short-term b. long-term c. sensory d. working Answer: c Page Reference: 273 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 11) In the partial report method of Sperling's study of sensory memory, participants were asked to report a. only one of the three lines of letters. b. any letters they could remember. c. the first letter of each line. d. the last letter of each line. Answer: a Page Reference: 273 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 12) Using the partial report method, Sperling found the capacity of iconic memory could hold a. only one line of letters (4). b. 5–10 letters. c. all the letters present (12). d. only 1–2 letters. Answer: c Page Reference: 273 Skill: Conceptual

Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 13) _________ is required to move sensory information into short-term memory. a. Attention b. Encoding c. Retrieval d. Rehearsal Answer: a Page Reference: 274 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 14) Alice was distracted when her friend asked her a question. She started to ask her friend to repeat the question, when she suddenly realized what her friend had been asking her. This is likely because the question was still stored in her a. working memory. b. short-term memory. c. long-term memory. d. sensory memory. Answer: d Page Reference: 273 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 15) What is the correct order for shortest to longest duration of memory? a. short-term, sensory, long-term b. sensory, short-term, long-term c. short-term, long-term, sensory d. sensory, long-term, short-term Answer: b Page Reference: 273–275 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems.

16) The 'magical' number that describes short-term memory capacity is a. fifteen plus or minus seven. b. thirty plus or minus seven. c. seven plus or minus five. d. seven plus or minus two. Answer: d Page Reference: 275 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 17) When asked to recall single-digit numbers presented in various digit span sizes, the typical adult would probably start to encounter difficulty once they got past ________ digits. a. 3 b. 4 c. 7 d. 10 Answer: c Page Reference: 275 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 18) One way to store more information in short-term memory is called ____________, which involves organizing smaller units of information into larger, more meaningful units. a. rehearsal b. consolidation c. chunking d. dual coding Answer: c Page Reference: 275 Skill: Factual

Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 19) ________ is a technique used to increase the amount of information held in shortterm memory. a. Chunking b. Decoding c. Rote rehearsal d. Consolidation Answer: a Page Reference: 275 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 20) Loni is asked to memorize the letters <i style='mso-bidi-font-style:normal'>I K T E A L N</i> in no particular order. She memorizes them by reorganizing them into the words <i style='mso-bidi-font-style:normal'>INK</i> and <i style='mso-bidifont-style:normal'>LATE</i>. This tactic is called a. the method of loci. b. the serial position effect. c. rote rehearsal. d. chunking. Answer: d Page Reference: 275 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 21) Maria finds that it is easier to remember her student ID number if she thinks of it in segments, such as the first three digits, then the next two, and then the final four. This method is known as a. rote rehearsal. b. chunking. c. the method of loci. d. the serial position effect. Answer: b

Page Reference: 275 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 22) Most people cannot store the following list of letters in short-term memory. PIOYELHOVSLYCOG However, if the letters are grouped meaningfully into words, they fit short-term's memory span: I love psychology. This illustrates a. chunking. b. attentional blindness. c. rote rehearsal. d. serial position effect. Answer: a Page Reference: 275 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 23) Devin is trying to remember the name of the cell body of a neuron. He can remember that it starts with an "s" and kind of sounds like aroma, but can't quite remember the term. This is an example of a. the serial position effect. b. the limits of sensory memory. c. the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon. d. retroactive amnesia. Answer: a Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 24) Amahl just began teaching a new class. After having all the students list off their names, which ones is he most likely to forget? a. the names of students from the middle of the list b. the names of students at the beginning of the list c. the names of students at the end of the list

d. any student names that were strange to him Answer: a Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 25) According to the serial position effect, if you are shown a list of items and then asked to immediately recall them, you will most easily recall items from the a. beginning and the middle of the list. b. beginning and the end of the list. c. middle of the list. d. end of the list. Answer: b Page Reference: 277 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 26) The tendency to recall items at the beginning of a list is known as the ___________ effect, and the tendency to recall items at the end of a list is known as the ___________ effect. a. recency; primacy b. primacy; recency c. serial position; primacy d. serial position; recency Answer: b Page Reference: 277 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 27) Adrianna is trying to memorize the names of the bones in the hand. She had gone through the whole list of them when her phone rang. After she gets off the phone, she is MOST likely to remember the first few bone names on the list because of the a. retroactive interference effect. b. recency effect.

c. primacy effect. d. proactive interference effect. Answer: c Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 28) According to the recency effect, if your father read you a list of 10 items to pick up at the hardware store, you would most easily recall items a. from early in the list. b. in the middle of the list. c. from the end of the list. d. that are most distinctive. Answer: c Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 29) Proactive interference refers to when a. older information interferes with the retrieval of newer information. b. newer information interferes with the retrieval of older information. c. information at the end of a list is more easily remembered. d. information in the middle of a list is more easily remembered. Answer: a Page Reference: 277 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 30) _______________ is when recently learned information interferes with previously learned information. a. The primacy effect b. Proactive interference c. Retroactive amnesia

d. Retroactive interference Answer: d Page Reference: 277 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 31) Isla is studying French and Spanish for two upcoming exams. She starts by studying French and then moves on to studying Spanish. However, when Isla goes to write her Spanish exam, she finds she keeps remembering French words rather than Spanish words. This is an example of a. retroactive interference. b. proactive interference. c. a shallow depth of processing. d. the recency effect. Answer: b Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 32) Tomlin is rehearsing with his band for an upcoming show; however, he's having a hard time remembering the lyrics to his songs. Each time he rehearses a new song, he forgets the lyrics to the songs they practised previously. This is an example of a. the recency effect. b. retroactive interference. c. anterograde amnesia. d. proactive interference. Answer: b Page Reference: 277 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 33) After working up the courage to ask Sam for her number, Alex repeats the number over and over in her head because she doesn't want to forget it. Alex's mental repetition is an example of

a. chunking. b. deep processing. c. rehearsal. d. echoic memory. Answer: c Page Reference: 279 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 34) After you finish reading this sentence, the information will remain in your ________ as you consider each of the answers below. a. long-term memory b. echoic memory c. sensory memory d. working memory Answer: d Page Reference: 279 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 35) Sarah is working on her calculus homework. To solve the equations, she needs to hold on to the information while she works through the problems. In this example, Sarah is using her a. sensory memory. b. nondeclarative memory. c. working memory. d. episodic memory. Answer: c Page Reference: 279 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems.

36) Which memory system can be divided into four interrelated systems: central executive, visuospatial sketchpad, episodic buffer, and the phonological loop? a. sensory memory b. working memory c. long-term memory d. episodic memory Answer: b Page Reference: 279 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 37) As Katlin is learning a new language, she repeats the sound of the word over and over in her mind. Which component of working memory is primarily engaged during this task? a. phonological loop b. central executive c. episodic buffer d. visuospatial sketchpad Answer: a Page Reference: 280 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 38) Recent research suggests that working memory includes a(n) _______________, which combines images and sounds into coherent, story-like episodes. a. phonological loop b. central executive c. episodic buffer d. visuospatial sketchpad Answer: c Page Reference: 281 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems.

39) Gillian is assembling a bookcase. She studies one of the diagrams in the instructions and then looks for the parts she needs and begins to put them together. Which part of Gillian's working memory is primarily engaged during this task? a. the phonological loop b. the central executive c. the episodic buffer d. the visuospatial sketchpad Answer: d Page Reference: 280 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 40) Which part of working memory guides attention and ensures that the other components are working on the appropriate task? a. the phonological loop b. the central executive c. the episodic buffer d. the visuospatial sketchpad Answer: b Page Reference: 281 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 41) Similar to chunking, the visuospatial process of combining visual features (like shape and colour) into a single unit is called a. feature binding. b. feature detection. c. episodic buffering. d. encoding. Answer: a Page Reference: 280 Skill: Factual

Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 42) Visuospatial memory can accurately retain approximately ________ whole objects. a. 3–4 b. 7 +/– 2 c. 7–10 d. 15–30 Answer: a Page Reference: 280 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 43) The provincial psychology association has invited teams from all the universities in the province to compete in a Psych Bowl. The teams will answer questions such as "Who founded the first psychology laboratory?" Where is this information stored in the participants' memory? a. long-term memory b. short-term memory c. sensory memory d. implicit memory Answer: a Page Reference: 282 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 44) Memories that we are consciously aware of and can verbalize, including facts about the world and one's own personal experiences, are called ______________ memories. a. implicit b. procedural c. nondeclarative d. declarative Answer: d Page Reference: 282

Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 45) Which two types of memories are both considered to be forms of declarative memory? a. semantic and episodic b. semantic and procedural c. episodic and conditioning d. procedural and conditioning Answer: a Page Reference: 282 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 46) ___________ memories can be told to someone, whereas____________ memories must be shown to someone. a. Procedural; declarative b. Nondeclarative; procedural c. Declarative; nondeclarative d. Nondeclarative; declarative Answer: c Page Reference: 282 Skill: Conceptual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 47) ____________ memories include actions or behaviours that can be remembered and performed without awareness. a. Declarative b. Nondeclarative c. Semantic d. Episodic Answer: b Page Reference: 282

Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 48) After Tanya has repeatedly practised her ballet performance, she feels as if her muscles know exactly what to do at each point in the piece. This is an example of a(n) _____________ memory. a. episodic b. semantic c. conditioning d. procedural Answer: d Page Reference: 283 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 49) Cassondra is running a basketball clinic and is trying to explain how to complete a 'lay-up.' Cassondra knows the best way to teach this skill is to demonstrate it. In this example, Cassondra is relying on her _________ memory. a. procedural b. semantic c. declarative d. nondeclarative Answer: a Page Reference: 283 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 50) Classical conditioning can occur without a person's knowledge, as such, it can be considered a type of ____________ memory. a. procedural b. semantic c. declarative d. nondeclarative

Answer: d Page Reference: 282 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 51) You've been studying for days for your upcoming History exam. When completing the exam, you'll be relying on your________ memory. a. episodic b. semantic c. procedural d. conditional Answer: b Page Reference: 282 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 52) When thinking back to your first day of university, which type of memory are you relying upon? a. nondeclarative memory b. semantic memory c. episodic memory d. procedural memory Answer: c Page Reference: 282 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 53) Greg loves telling the story about how he met his boyfriend Asher while skydiving in New Zealand. In recalling how he and Asher first met, Greg is relying on his _______ memory. a. semantic b. nondeclarative c. procedural d. episodic

Answer: d Page Reference: 282 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 54) Our memories of general knowledge items such as the meanings of words or the dates of famous historical events are stored in a. procedural memory. b. semantic memory. c. episodic memory. d. nondeclarative memory. Answer: b Page Reference: 282 Skill: Factual Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 55) On a TV game show, Jeannette is asked to name the 13th Prime Minister of Canada. This information is most likely stored in Jeannette's a. procedural memory. b. semantic memory. c. episodic memory. d. nondeclarative memory. Answer: b Page Reference: 282 Skill: Applied Objective: Know the key terminology of memory systems. 56) ___________ refers to the increased connectivity between neurons that fire together. a. Synaptic pruning b. Long-term potentiation c. Cellular potentiation d. Hippocampal potentiation

Answer: b Page Reference: 283 Skill: Factual Objective: Understand which structures of the brain are associated with specific memory tasks and how the brain changes as new memories form. 57) A researcher identifies a neuron in the brain that sends signals to a second neuron. After stimulating the neurons, the researcher finds that the signal being sent between the neurons is stronger than before. Which phenomenon can explain this result? a. synaptic pruning b. hippocampal potentiation c. long-term potentiation d. cellular encoding Answer: c Page Reference: 283–284 Skill: Applied Objective: Understand which structures of the brain are associated with specific memory tasks and how the brain changes as new memories form. 58) _______________ may represent the first stages of ...

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