Course Educational Management And Policy Studies 3
Institution University of Limpopo
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Leadership can be viewed from: 1. Long term perspective - refers to actions taken by educators to handle specific 2. Short term- perspective – Actions taken by the educators to steer the class towards the vision set for the class Both of the two above are important and inseparable -


The educators as leader must ensure that the class functions effectively in both the short term & longer terms We are now going to distinguish between long terms& short term model of leadership for educator. LONG TERM LEADERSHIP TASK OF THE EDUCATOR

Effectiveness of and educator’s leadership is determined by evaluating his/her ability to influence the performance of the class as a whole in the longer term positive influence to achieve the vision set for the class. The tasks that the educator has to perform in order to achieve long term success are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Creation of a vision Effective communication of a vision Creation of a climate to contribute to achievement of a vision Training and development of the learners Empowerment of the learners

Educators as a leader influence learner in two ways 1. Creating and environment within which leaners can learn to the best of their abilities 2. Empower the learners to develop optimally. See figure 4.1 in page 51 4.3.1 EVISIONING - have vision for the class - visionless educator leads his learners to nowhere -Educators must always reflect on their class vision for the subject they are teaching - Develop& implement the vision in cooperation with the learners

- Vision and leadership goes hand in hand - Creativity - required to give future direction and destination of the class. - Commitment, motivation and dedication are required to carry this vision Education leadership implies focus on the core business of the school: 1. Building the school as a learning organization 2. Developing and maintaining a culture of teaching and learning - Vision of the school will always relate to function of the school as an organization - which is effective teaching and learning -To be inspirational, the vision needs to be challenging and realistic. - It must be based on an analysis of the present situation. - There is no such thing as a perfect class or educator - The vision must be motivational - every Learner in the class must be motivated - It must appeal to learners in order for them to achieve their goals.

Envisioning entails: 1. Ability to see the school’s future clearly and completely 2. Ability to adopt a growth path for school -This applies to the educator and his/her class -The educator must know where he is going with the class - Class vision must relate directly to the school’s function of effective teaching and learning - Class vision must link to school vision - Various classes should have their own visions - Individual learners must have their visions - Educator as a leader must facilitate the realization of the visions of individual learners, class and school - The building, communication and implementation of a vision is a shared process. VISION BUILDING PROCESS Step 1: Identifying the core function of the school and the class Step2: Understanding the contextual factors that affect the school and class. Step3: Formulating a class and individual vision of the learning that the class and the individual learners wish to accomplish with the educator

Step4: indicating clearly how the class intends reaching the vision i. this implies formulating a clear plan ii. How to attain success in the particular subject. -

It is important for learners to be a part of the vision - formulating process for the following reasons: SEE four bullets in Page 54



-Vision must be communicated to learners -Must be communicated a way that learners got inspired vision - Must willingly align themselves with the vision - Learners must be motivated to work towards the vision - Vision should be communicated verbally and in written form to the class: i. Must be clear ii. Regular iii. Systematic iv. Convincing -The educators are the most important communicators of the vision



-Values are at the heart of what happens in the classroom - The educators must assist with the identification, nurturing, and modeling of worthwhile values - This process will help with building a healthy classroom climate - Healthy classroom climate will in turn help to realize the vision Basic education values 1. 2. 3. 4.

Enhancing the quality of the learning experience for learners Promoting academic excellence Educating learners to the best of their ability Preparing learners for life after school

NB: this is very good value basis for educators Others values are: i. Respect

ii. Mutual assistance iii. Dedication iv. Caring -

Educators should have a good idea of the type of behavior they expect from learners - therefore the educator must know which values to promote in the class.


DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT OF LEARNERS -The educators must assist with the development of learner’s potential through i. Utilizing curriculum ii. Relevant teaching methods and techniques iii. Teaching media

- The Educator must have a good understanding of the role of the educator and the learners - The learner must also understand his role - Seven critical outcomes that may assist the educator to understand the role of the educator and the learner in the learning process


THE SHORT TERM LEADERSHIP ROLE OF THE EDUCATOR -Short term leadership refers to the actions that educators take to handle specific situations in a classroom effectively. -Long term leadership refers to those actions that the educators take to steer the class to reach the vision set for the class. -They are all important and they are inseparable -The teacher has a responsibility to ensure that the class follow short term and Long term -In this section we focus on the situational aspect of educator leadership -In a longer term the school is moving towards a vision -Classroom - Management (situational) has to be done on daily basis in order to realize the long term vision. -Learners are confronted with specific situations that they need to handle on daily basis. -The educator leadership is the art of influencing learners to achieve learning outcomes i. Autocratic Leadership style ii. Participative (Democratic leadership style)

4.4.1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EDUCATORS Each Educators a unique person: - Therefore approaches leadership role in a unique way/ manner Factors that determine the attributes that the educator shows as a leader are: i. ii.

Educator’s view of learners Whether educators are task - and or people - oriented

iii. iv. v.

His /her personality Level of his/her knowledge & experiences Expectations & trust with which learners are approached

Educators view of learners: a. How to approach them b. Educator’s view of learners is influence by his/her view of human kind - based on particular view a life and religious faith c. Positive view of children is important than a negative approach d. Educators must allow learners participation in decision making if they view learners in a positive light. TASK ORIENTED AND/ OR PEOPLE ORIENTED APPROACHED - A task oriented educator wants to get the job done NB: -The following list of task –oriented leader behavior typical of such an educator SEE PAGE 63 THE 9 BULLETS People oriented educators want to establish and maintain sound relationship N.B: The following list of people –orientated leader behavior is typical of such an educator page 63-64 7 BULLETS -The educator’s main task is to teach and educate -In teaching and educating the educator works with learners and with other people [ parents, learner leaders and educational managers] -Quality interpersonal- relationship need to be maintained and therefore human aspects such as needs, feelings, aspirations and attitudes have to be taken into account. PERSONALITY -An educator’s personality will affect the type of leadership he/she gives -The educator must be aware of the type of person he/she is - Educators must develop an emotionally intelligent personality -This will make teachers to be excellent leaders of learners N.B: Emotionally intelligent educators are those who are able to: SEE PAGE 64- 4 BULLETS LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE -Leadership style of education is determined by level of knowledge and experience of leadership and classroom management. -Educator leadership can be developed -Desired leadership behavior can be learned -As good leader are not necessarily born EXPECTATIONS AND TRUST -The trust and expectation an educator has in learners will have an effect on the leadership provided - A leader who trusts followers and has high expectations of them will follow a democratic leadership style.


CHARACTERISTICS LEARNERS -Characteristics of learners that educators should take into account when managing classroom SEE PAGE 66 9 BULLETS -Learners depend on educators for help and support in their learning -Need to feel safe & secure to be able to participate in the teaching learning situation LEVEL OF RESPONSIBILITY -Leadership style has to be adapted to the level of maturity of learners - Criteria for measuring learner’s maturity – readiness to accept responsibility for their own learning - This applies to individual learners or a group of learners - Learners are diverse in their approach to schoolwork - this poses a tremendous challenge to educators - Educators must adopt different leadership style for different learners or group of learners in the class IDENTIFICATION WITH LEARNING OUTCOMES -Most learners do not like schooling -Learners can like school and achieve if the educator provides proper leadership MOTIVATION TO EXCEL -Educational leader must motivate learners -Educator as leader must know & deal with the fact that every class will have some learners who are motivated to excel and others not -Educators must motivate every learner to excel according to his/her ability KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE -Educators should be aware of the level of knowledge and experience of learners in their class -Since it will affect their learning needs and the type of leadership needed from the educator. - Learners at a lower level of knowledge and experience will need more direction and attention. - Gifted children should not be neglected because this have its own set of problems and challenges -The knowledge and experience of learners is an indication of their maturity as learners -The key to successful learning is to meet the leaners at the right level. 1.4.3

CHARACTERISTIC OF THE SITUATION the following characteristic of the situation will affect leadership style SEE PAGE 69 7 BULLETS CLASSROOM CULTURE AND CLIMATE classroom climate is an important aspect because it fosters the creation of a classroom environment supportive of creativity teamwork and participation...

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