Personal Model of Leadership Pt. 1 PDF

Title Personal Model of Leadership Pt. 1
Course Servant Leadership
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Personal Model of Leadership

Emily Dieter College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Grand Canyon University MGT: 410 Aminda Parafinik March 21, 2021

2 Personal Model of Leadership Having a personal model of leadership can help to have a sort of roadmap when it comes to having a sense of meaning and purpose for yourself, others, organizations you may be involved in, and society as a whole. Being responsible, having a mature understanding of life, high performance, and prioritizing equality are not only important in a leadership capacity but also on a personal level. When you possess these traits personally not only does it make you a better leader and enrich you personally it also helps in leading by example. By being responsible, those who you are leading will see those traits and may begin to adjust their actions or take vital queues in how to match your behavior with their own. It also gives piece of mind when people in leadership making the right choices that the outcome of those choices will be positive. The personal values that are held by a leader are seen on four different levels, individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal (Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010). The individual values that a leader holds impact you on a personal level and are intrinsic. My individual value is being responsible. Responsibility is something that oftentimes people either take for granted or you the word very loosely. My leadership behavior and actions that result from being responsible is that I hold myself to a higher standard when it comes to organization and deadlines and being the first to hold myself accountable when it comes to admitting if I messed up or if I need help to complete a task. From a leadership point of you helping others be responsible could look like checking in with them on deadlines to make sure that they are on track to meet it, offering to help in any way possible in order for them to carry out their tasks in an effective manner, making sure that they also are aware of their responsibilities and capable of meeting them. The meaning and purpose behind being responsible is not only to better your own work but to leave by example and hopes that the people you are

3 leading will perform to a higher standard and in turn lead by example to others as well in order to maintain and grow an affective workspace. Interpersonal values are more outwardly focused in comparison to personal values, my interpersonal value would be the wisdom and mature understanding of life. having it try understanding your life can be very helpful in a leadership role because it allows you to be better that decision making and advising the people that you are leading. behaviors and actions that would result from this value would be making hard choices but the right choices that will ultimately benefit your team and having the wisdom to know that what you’re doing is important in that ultimately your team will be better for it. The impact that this can have would be that there will be a sense of trust that you know what you’re doing, and your colleagues will have faith in you to make hard decisions and know that when you were making those decisions it was with wisdom the end with their best interest at heart. Organizational values are important in having a firm foundation in a leadership and work environment. My personal organizational value would be high performance, it is important that as a leader I am performing to the best of my ability and holding my team accountable to perform to the best of their ability as well. Behaviors and actions that would reflect this would be things such as team meetings that encourages and motivates people to meet their goals and have a strong understanding of what those goals are, and in turn, as a team we would be more successful in knowing that our performance is at its best all the time. Lastly, the fourth level of leadership would be your societal value, this value affects not only the organization that you were leading but society as well. The societal values that I hold is equality, and valuing equality I go about my day every day trying to treat everyone that I come in to contact with in the most honest and fair way possible and not letting anything get in the way

4 of valuing and recognizing work ethic and qualifications over any perceived popularity or any connections that may give someone what could be perceived as a leg up. in doing this everyone is given a fair chance and there is no need for doubts as to why they were treated someway or received or didn’t receive a position because they are being treated the same way that others are being treated in the same situation. The impact this has on an organization is a stronger level of trust and in society as a whole it allows us to treat others with a higher level of respect and compassion. Leadership comes with many responsibilities and expectations, by having a personal model of leadership it makes it easier to distinguish intentions based on the values that are shown and held. The four levels of leadership are a great foundation for any organization to build upon in order to run smoothly and contribute to society in the most effective way possible.

5 References Dierendonck, D. V., & Patterson, K. (Eds.). (2010). Servant leadership: Developments in theory and research. St. Martin's Press. ISBN-13: 9780230238268...

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