Personal Philosophy of Leadership PDF

Title Personal Philosophy of Leadership
Course Moral Theor&Prctice
Institution Iowa State University
Pages 4
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Professor Padgett-Walsh...


Personal Philosophy of Leadership 10 December 2019 Personal Philosophy of Leadership What are your personal beliefs about the purpose and goals of leadership? Leadership to me is someone who motivates a group of people to accomplish the same task or project. A leader is supposed to be someone who gives a group guidance and support along with delegating specific tasks. I believe that a team does better when they have a leader because there is always someone to look to for help. The purpose of leadership is so that everyone has a key idea of when and what should take place in order to prove success within the project. I strongly believe that the goal of leadership should always be to provide good communication between the leader and their followers. Without proper communication, the team gets lost without having any direction. What are your personal beliefs about the roles and responsibilities of effective leaders? The roles and responsibilities of a leader can be specific to certain tasks. Some main roles and responsibilities a leader needs to first establish is the goal of the team, the direction they need to take, and then to implement necessary change to accomplish the goal. Effective leaders are responsible for keeping the team organized and focused. They initiate action while remaining responsible for group morale. One of the more complicated roles and responsibilities of a leader is to have the knowledge and skills to be a good problem solver. A good leader can see a problem given to their group and can implement the change needed to mend the issue.

What are your personal beliefs about the qualities, characteristics, and traits of an effective leader? An effective leader, in my opinion, must be; diligent, outgoing, and dependable. An effective leader must be diligent because it takes more work and effort to be a leader. Diligence is being hard-working and conscious of one's duty. A leader must show diligence in order for tasks to be accomplished. I also believe that an effective leader must be outgoing. Many people believe that introverted people can make good leaders, however, I believe that more outgoing people do a better job of leading a group because they are more inclined to give better and consistent communication. A leader must be dependable and accountable because they have a whole team of followers looking up to them for guidance. A leader who is not reliable is someone that cannot be trusted with that kind of authority. What do you consider to be the core values and/or behaviors of an ethical leader? I believe that the core values and behaviors of an ethical leader should be trustworthy, empathetic, and kind. The most important behavior of an ethical leader, in my opinion, is trustworthiness. Trust is very important when it comes to leadership because their followers are trusting in them to make ethical decisions when necessary. Empathy is also important when it comes to ethical leaders because an ethical leader needs to take into account other people's feelings more than just their own. The final core value an ethical leader should have is to be kind to their followers. Good communication comes with respect for others well beings. When a leader has the respect and trust of their followers they have the equation for the most success within a leadership group.

Would others describe you as an “ethical leader?” Why or why not? Most people would describe me as an ethical leader in group settings. As a leader, I have always been someone that needs a lot of input from others so I would never make a decision that no one agreed with. I have been described before as someone who is almost “too honest” because it is hard for me to lie to others, especially those who know me so being trustworthy is something I value a lot as a leader. I also described ethical leaders as empathic. Empathy has always been something that I struggle with because I am a very fast-paced person and don’t always think about the emotions of myself, let alone other people, but I try my best to see things from all points of view. Kindness is also something I distribute as an ethical leader. I value the respect and opinions of others a lot and think kindness goes a long way especially when you are asking things of others. Provide an example of someone who you consider to be an ethical leader. What makes this person so? Someone who I would consider an ethical leader is my Dad. He is a corporate lawyer in Des Moines and deals with a lot of ethical issues within his law firm every day. His law firm is very competitive and can have a lot of people within the firm that chooses to act unethically. However, my Dad has always said that the truth will set you free in a lot of situations. He has always expressed that he would rather have someone tell him the truth knowing that the consequences will be bad because there is a lot of pride and respect that comes with honesty. My dad chooses to lead his team on cases in the direction that is best for the most amount of people.

Ethical leaders need to want their goal to make the most amount of people to be happy because then they will feel valued and important to their leader. Describe a time when your ethics were put to the test. How did you respond? What lessons might you take from this experience in terms of developing your progress as an ethical leader? An example of when I was an ethical leader happened at my workplace in high school. I worked at Shear Madness Haircuts for Kids and did princess parties for little girls birthdays. I was the “princess leader” this shift which meant that I needed to stay longer after the party to make sure that all the employees closed out correctly. After I thought everyone had left and it was my turn to clock out I went to the front of the store and saw one of my coworkers taking products from the front of the store without paying. She claimed that it was her sister's birthday and that she had already paid for the products before her shift. Being that I was the person to close out everything I knew that she had not made any purchases because I had checked the sales from today to make sure the cash in the register was correct. I then decided to tell my manager about the issue the next day in person because even though she was my friend, I knew that this was not something I should let happen. Being ethical is knowing your own morals but also the morals of the company. I felt like I would be dishonest to myself and my boss, who I respected a lot, by not coming forward so I decided it was in my best interest to act ethically. I believe that I acted ethically in this situation and if I came to a similar situation in the future I would act the same way....

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