Chapter 1 checkpoint - exam answers PDF

Title Chapter 1 checkpoint - exam answers
Course Human Relations in Administration
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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Chapter 1: Organizational Behavior Checkpoint Question + Answers

Define organizational behavior (OB)  Organizational behavior (OB) is defined as the systematic study and application of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organizations where they work. Organizational behavior can best be described as the study of which of the following?  How people and teams act within the workplace. Organizational behavior draws heavily on personality and motivation studies from which other discipline  Psychology Consider the following example: Lauren is creating an organizational behavior study of a company. In the study, she focuses on the corporate culture and its influence on the company. At what level of analysis is Lauren examining the company?  Organizational Research indicates that effective organizations tend to do which of the following?  Provide training and other developmental opportunities to employees uman Rela ons in Administraon Organiza onal Behavior-Module 1 - De ned as the systema c study and applicaon of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organiza ons where they work (systemac) - Draws heavily on psychology

3 Levels of Analysis with Examples Using a Work Environment - Individual (boss’s personality) - Group (how the boss’s a)tude in*uences the team) - Organiza on (how the team a,ects the boss’s behavior) Organiza onal Behavior Research Methods - Surveys - Field Studies- conducted in actual organiza onal se)ngs with a populaon of workers o Experimental Design is a control group and treatment group for goal se)ng - Lab Studies- controlled; includes observa on, interviews, and experiments outside of the workplace - Meta-Analysis- used by researchers to summarize what other researchers have found on a given topic and provides a way to gather data and explain a single event or situa on in detail Measurement Issues in Organizaonal Behavior - Di,erence between reliability and validity o Reliability= consistency of measure o Validity= whether the measure captures what it is expected to capture Deni  ons: Causa on- act of making something happen Business Ethic- applying ethical principles at work Triple Bo8om Line- evalua ng organiza on against 3 performance criteria; economic, social, and environmental Shamrock Organiza on- 1/3 regular employees, 1/3 temporary employees, 1/3 contractors uman Rela ons in Administraon Organiza onal Behavior-Module 1 - De ned as the systema c study and applicaon of knowledge about how individuals and groups act within the organiza ons where they work (systemac) - Draws heavily on psychology 3 Levels of Analysis with Examples Using a Work Environment - Individual (boss’s personality) - Group (how the boss’s a)tude in*uences the team) - Organiza on (how the team a,ects the boss’s behavior) Organiza onal Behavior Research Methods - Surveys

- Field Studies- conducted in actual organiza onal se)ngs with a populaon of workers o Experimental Design is a control group and treatment group for goal se)ng - Lab Studies- controlled; includes observa on, interviews, and experiments outside of the workplace - Meta-Analysis- used by researchers to summarize what other researchers have found on a given topic and provides a way to gather data and explain a single event or situa on in detail Measurement Issues in Organizaonal Behavior - Di,erence between reliability and validity o Reliability= consistency of measure o Validity= whether the measure captures what it is expected to capture Deni  ons: Causa on- act of making something happen Business Ethic- applying ethical principles at work Triple Bo8om Line- evalua ng organiza on against 3 performance criteria; economic, social, and environmental Shamrock Organiza on- 1/3 regular employees, 1/3 temporary employees, 1/3 contractors Which of these statements best explains how organizational behavior is different from common sense?  Organizational behavior, unlike common sense, relies on research about how individuals and groups behave in the workplace. Which of the following is a type of research that occurs under controlled conditions and includes observation, interviews, or experiments?  A lab Study

One Big Ten university wanted to determine whether a wellness program that focused on walking to enhance employee health would cut down on employees’ use of health benefits. Employees in the liberal arts department were invited to participate and received a $25 gift card to Best Buy for taking part in the program. Employees in the engineering department did not participate in the program.

Health benefits data were examined for both departments. What type of research study is this?  an experimental field study

For the study described in the previous question, what is the treatment group and what is the control group?  The liberal arts department employees are the treatment group, and the engineering department employees are the control group.

Which of the following statement about case studies is true?  A case study is a way to gather data and explain a single event or situation in details. Which of the following best describes meta-analysis?  A process of summarizing research finding from studies on related topics. Natalia admin a test to a job candidate three different times. Looking at the scores, she sees that they are fairly consistent- 85,87, and 85 out of 100. What does this indicate about the test?  The test is reliable.

While analyzing data, a researcher notes that as employee absences increase, scores on performance evaluations decrease. What does this suggest?  There is a correlation between employee absenteeism and employee performance.

Which of the following is the Most effective way of ensuring that a company behaves ethically?  Hiring managers that are committed to acting ethically at all times

Which of the following statement about engaged employees is true?  Engaged employees are less likely to seek other employment.

Which of the following statements about trends in technology is correct?  Some companies have chosen to combat information overload by instituting “no-email Fridays.”

Which of the following are components of the “triple bottom line”?  Economic, environmental, and social viability

Which of the following descriptions of the millennial generation (people born between 1980 and 2000) is true?  They have a deep familiarity with technology. Which of the following best defines offshoring?  Moving part of a business from one country to another.

Which of the following statements about trends in organization in the United States is accurate?  The workforce is getting older and will be leaving organization en masse

Which of the following best describes a shamrock organization?  A company made up of a roughly equal percentage of in-house staff, outsourced venders, and temporary employees

Which of these statements best describe the primary goal of organization development or OD?  Applying knowledge from behavioral science research to organizations

Maya is an organization development professional. What is her main focus in working with organizations?  Building their capacity to meet challenges and achieve goals

Former CEO of Xerox Anne Mulcahy turned the company around after it was facing bankruptcy in 200. What did she focus on to accomplish this?  Motivating employees

How does Xerox CEO Ursula Burns motivate her employees? 

By communicating her plans and priorities...

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