Chapter 3 checkpoint - exam answers PDF

Title Chapter 3 checkpoint - exam answers
Course Human Relations in Administration
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
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Chapter 3: Communication Checkpoint question + answers Checkpoints: 

Which of these statement regarding communication within an organization is true? o In whatever form it takes, communication is how we coordinate actions and work together to achieve goals.  Communication is how we convey information to one another using a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior; it is important in every area of life and at every level of an organization, and necessary to coordinate actions and achieve goals.

Which of the following organizational processes does communication fulfill? o The bonding of teams 

Communication creates shared emotions and feelings that bond and unite teams of people in coordinated efforts. In addition to this, communication can also create rapport, transmit information, and facilitate consensus.

How is encoding defines in the process model of communication? o translating an idea into spoken or written words In the process model of communication, encoding takes place when a sender translates ideas into words. Anthony overslept and has three voicemails on his phone from his boss telling him to co me into work immediately for an emergency planning meeting. In this scenario, what part of the communication process does the voicemail play? o Medium 

The voicemail is the medium through which the message from Anthony’s boss is relayed. Anthony decodes it and provides feedback by going to the emergency meeting after returning his boss’s call. Anthony has finished the emergency meeting and sits down at his desk, exhausted. After l ogging in to his computer, he sees an instant message from one of his coworkers who was not at the meeting: “What is going on? Everything ok?” Anthony responds quickly and ca relessly: “No worries, g2 wrk nw.” Anthony’s message to his coworker is unclear because of which communication issue o encoding 

Anthony is having an encoding issue, as he is not being clear in his communication with his coworker. It could be that he is instructing his coworker to “go back to work now,” or that he has “got to work now.” If students try to go online to view the syllabus and the university’s computer system keeps shutting down on them as they read the syllabus, the students are dealing with what aspect of the communication model? 

o Noise

In this scenario, the students are dealing with noise as they system shutdowns distract them form reading the syllabus. Which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate? 

o Filtering is communicating only some of the available information in order to manage the listener’s reactions.  When you communicate only a portion of the information available in order to manage the reactions of the listener(s), you are engaging in filtering. Martin is the financial director of a small business. He recently read a memo from one de partment presenting a new idea for a product. During the discussion on the item afterward , Martin kept focusing on the cost of producing and marketing that product. What barrier is facing Martin in this scenario? o selective perception  Martin is experiencing the barrier of selective perception in this scenario. Amy just met with her boss, James, who praised her for her hard work and record-setting sales for the past year. However, James has chosen to not mention her inattention to detail and her habit of coming into the office late. James is experiencing what communication b arrier? o filtering 

James is filtering information so that Amy will not be mad at him for his criticisms. If James had respectfully discussed these two issues with Amy, she might be able to improve in the future. As it is, she may not change at all.

Jill is angry with Jack because he made a disparaging comment to another male coworker about women during the team meeting. Jack is attempting to go over last year’s sales figu res with Jill, but she is not able to forget what Jack said earlier. Jack and Jill are experienc ing what communication barrier? o Emotional disconnects  Jack and Jill are experiencing an emotional disconnect. Jill is unable to listen to what Jack is saying at the moment because of his previous remark. She should seek to address this conflict with another coworker present so that they can move past it and get work done. Jack may need to attend sensitivity training as well.

Stacy is Jennifer’s executive assistant and has been out sick for three days. She returns to work, even though she is not fully recovered, and is immediately given seven new tasks. Stacy already has 23 voicemails to listen to, 11 letters to open, and 157 unread email mes sages. Stacy sits down, overwhelmed. She is the victim of what communication barrier? o information overload 

Stacy is experiencing information overload and will need to establish a process for dealing with the tasks, voicemails, letters, and emails as quickly as possible without making mistakes.

Jane walks into her job interview and sits down. The HR rep welcomes her and tells her that it will be a relatively painless process. Jane responds by quipping, “Well, as long as you don’t torture me!” The HR rep looks at her, confused. What communication barrier is Jane experiencing? o lack of source credibility Jane is experiencing a lack of source credibility. She uses jocularity and sarcasm to defuse a tense situation, but this is inappropriate because she does not have a relationship with her interviewer. Which of the following statement about gossip in the organization is TRUE? o Employees rely on each other for important information more than they rely on their bosses.  Employees typically turn to each other for important information rather than obtaining it from their bosses. This grapevine can be effective, but it can also be a communication barrier under certain circumstances. Managers must be aware of this and use it accordingly. Men and women tend to differ somewhat in their communication styles. Which of the following statements regarding those differences is correct? o In meetings, women tend to withhold their opinions more than men. 

Men, especially those with power, tend to be more expressive with their opinions in meetings, while women tend to be more reserved with them. “I work for google in its development department and work mostly with Ruby on Rails, S3, Python, Java, and iOS.” What barrier to communication is represented in this statement? 

o Jargon This is an example of jargon, a specialized language for a particular job or discipline that often uses acronyms or slang. The semantics mentioned in the statement include various types of programming languages. Which of these terms demonstrates biased language? 

o Chairman 

The term chairman suggests that only men can hold this position. Chair or chairperson is a gender-neutral term that represents the position without the gender of the person holding it.

You are a manager known for listening well to your employees, and now the time for your retirement is approaching. You’re training your replacement, and while she is eager, motivated, and caring, she doesn’t listen well. What advice should you give to improve her listening habits? Choose the best answer. o “Acknowledge that you have heard what people are saying.” 

Acknowledging that you have heard what the speaker is saying is an important component in active listening, so this would be a good piece of advice to give to your employee.

A communication receiver who is preparing his comment or answer and not really listening to the sender is doing which of the following? o Rehearsing If a communication receiver isn’t really listening to the sender but is instead just thinking about what he wants to say next, he is rehearsing. Which of the following BEST describes a way to listen actively? o Take the time to fully comprehend and understand the message, and then rephrase it to the sender. 

Active listening involves listening for content and feelings, being aware of nonverbal and verbal cues, and responding to feelings. Also, when it’s your turn to speak, paraphrase the message back to the sender. You are a manager in HR, and you often use storytelling with employees. Which of these situations would be the MOST appropriate time to use storytelling? o during the onboarding of a new employee 

Stories would be most appropriate during the onboarding of a new employee. Stories can help the new employee understand the organizational culture and important values of the organization, along with how particular tasks are performed

Which of the following actions is an example of a crucial conversation? o requesting a salary increase Requesting a salary increase is an example of a crucial conversation. Crucial conversations involve high stakes, varied opinions, and charged emotions, and requesting a salary increase is a high-stakes conversation that can be emotionally charged with the potential for disagreement. You’ve written a memo to your department regarding the importance of coming in on time. You decided to email the memo to your subordinates, since it is not important when they read it. What type of written communication did you use when you sent the email? o asynchronous 

You used asynchronous communication. Asynchronous communication means that the receiver can read the message at any time, as opposed to oral communication, which occurs in real time (and is synchronous).

Which of the following comparisons between written and verbal communication is correct? o Verbal communication typically has one speaker, while written communication can be authored by many. 

Verbal communication typically has one speaker, while written communication can be authored by many. Verbal communication takes less time to construct, is better at carrying an emotional message, and usually takes place in real time. Written communication is better at conveying complex ideas and is important to use if you need a record of the conversation.

According to research, which of the following statements about written communication would be something a hiring manager at a large organization might say? Choose the BEST answer. o “I noticed that your cover letter was well written, concise, and conveyed your enthusiasm about the position.”  This is a statement a hiring manager might say. Most jobs require some form of writing, from police officers filling out arrest reports to professors writing books, and according to research, most organizations take writing skills into account when hiring Which of the following statements BEST reflects Thomas Jefferson’s advice for effective written communication? o “Use words that convey action items and next steps rather than vague or unclear thoughts.” Based on Jefferson’s advice, it would be a good idea to use clear action words instead of vague or unclear thoughts. It is also advisable to choose simple words, visualize the intended audience, and avoid redundancy. Your friend says to you, “Well, you didn’t tell me THAT!” What does the tonal emphasis suggest that your friends is saying? 

o You told your friend something different the first time or left something out.

The tonal emphasis of your friend’s statement suggests that she thinks that you left something out or told her something different the first time. She is acting under the assumption that this is new and different information. What important aspect of nonverbal communication is conveyed in the New Yorker cartoon? o Nonverbal communication is important but is subject to interpretation by the viewer.

The employee is attempting to communicate through a dance, and the manager is impatient with him. The employee’s nonverbal communication is unsuccessful because the manager is not able to correctly interpret what he is suggesting with his movements. This implies that nonverbal communication, while important, is subject to interpretation by the receiver. Kristen is applying to different colleges all over the country, and her mother is giving her advice as she prepares for the in-person interview. What advice should her mother give her? o “Make eye contact and smile!”  This would be good advice; eye contact and smiling convey engagement, trustworthiness, and openness.

In the United States, when people are riding in a crowed bus or subway car, they tend to behave in a particular manner: They shrink inward by holding personal effects closely, keeping arms and legs close to the body, and not making eye contact or acknowledging others in the car. What type of space is being violated?

o Intimate Intimate space is being violated in this scenario. Americans reserve the space within about 18 inches from them for only those closest to them. This is a cultural dimension of proxemics. Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is true? o In the United States, maintaining direct eye contact conveys integrity. 

 Maintaining direct eye contact conveys integrity in the United States. Which of these communication channels had medium richness and creates a written record of the message being conveyed? o An email  An email has only medium information richness, but it does create a record of the message that the sender is trying to convey to the receiver. Casey and felicity work in the same office and need to discuss several complicated and sensitive issue facing their department. Which communication channel should they choose? o a face-to-face conversation

Since Casey and Felicity need to discuss issues that are both complicated and sensitive, they should choose an information-rich channel that does not leave a written record. Since they work in the same office, a face-toface conversation would be their best option. What should you choose to use written communication?

o when you want to share facts with someone else  Written communication is best used when you need to share facts with someone else. It is also useful when you need a record, when time is not a factor, and when the ideas are complicated. What should you choose to use verbal communication?

o when you need feedback right away Verbal communication is best used when you need immediate feedback. It is also useful when you don’t need a record of the conversation or when you want to convey an emotional message or a simple concept. Your company’s textile arm is being eliminated from the organization, which means terminating over 400 people. In this case, you have been tasked by the CEO to deliver the news to those involved with textiles. Since it isn’t practical to deliver this news to 400 people personally, what does your boss likely expect you to do? o usevi deoconf er enci ng 

Si ncet hi si sl i kel yanemot i onal messaget hatr equi r esi mmedi at e r esponseandwi l l notneedaper manentr ecor d( t houghonecoul dbe made) ,ani nf or mat i onr i chc hannell i kevi deoconf er enci ngi st hebest choi cei ff acet of acei snotanopt i on. Whati supwar dcommuni cat i on?

o communi cat i ont hatt r av el sf r om f r ont l i neempl oy eest omanagement

 

Upwar dcommuni cat i ont r av el sf r om f r ont l i neempl oy eesupt o managementorasuper vi sor .

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngcommuni cat i onsi t uat i onswoul del i ci tt hemostat t ent i v enessf r om t her ecei v er ?

o managert osubor di nat e  Asar ecei v er ,t hesubor di nat ewoul dl i k el ypayt hemostat t ent i ont oa messagef r om amanager .Li k ewi se,amanagerwoul dl i k el ypayt hemost at t ent i ont ohi gher ups,suchast heCEO.Whencommuni cat i ont r av el s downt hehi er ar chy ,i tr ecei v esmor eat t ent i ont hanwheni tt r av el sup.

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sr egar di ngex t er nal communi cat i oni saccur at e?

o Adf eesar ebasedont heper cei v edv al ueoft heaudi encet hatwat ches ,r eads ,or l i st enst ot hechannel wher et headappear s .

I nex t er nal communi cat i on,adf eesar et ypi cal l yest abl i shedbyt he per cei v edv al ueoft heaudi encet hatwat ches,r eads,orl i st enst ot he channel wher et headappear s .

Af amousf oot bal l pl ay erwasr ecent l yc r i t i ci z edi nt henewsf orbei ngr udet oev er yone ar oundhi m,i ncl udi ngot herpl ay er s ,manger s,andcoaches.Hi sagentdeci dedt obook hi mi nt osev er al l ocal ev ent s ,i ncl udi ngr eadi ngt oki nder gar t ener s,pi cki ngupr oadsi de t r ash,andper s onal l ygi v i ngawayf r eet i ck et sathi shomegames .Whatt ypeofex t er nal communi cat i oni st heagentusi ng?

o publ i cr el at i ons  Publ i cr el at i onscampai gnswor kov ert i met osendacer t ai nmessage. Theagenti sat t empt i ngt ocr eat epos i t i v epr essandi nt er estar oundhi s cl i entsot hathewi l l notbevi l i fi edi nt hepr essbuthopef ul l yoffer edanew cont r act .

You have just received the final draft of an external communication and marketing department needs your final sign- off before it’s released. The release is styles like a magazine article, yet the content has the focus of an advertisement. What kind of external communication are you reviewing? o anadver t or i al  Adver t or i al scombi net hedesi gnofanar t i cl ewi t ht hef ocusedmes sageof anadv er t i sement .

While watching a popular action movie, you notice that the logo on the front of the hero’s car is featured in several specific and pointed shots. What type of external communication is this? o pr oductpl acement  Thi spar t i cul art y peofadv er t i si ngi scal l edpr oductpl acementandi s becomi ngi ncr easi ngl ypopul arasconsumer sbecomeabl et o“ t uneout ” st andar dads.

Your company is facing a crisis situation that will cause its stock to plummet and ruin the reputation to the public that you are on top of the situation and will be working toward resolution?

o Ast heCEO,y oushoul dbecomet hepubl i cf aceoft her esponseandfiel dal l communi c at i onwi t ht hepr ess .

Ast heCEO,y oushoul dbecomet hepubl i cf aceoft her esponse.Thi si s oneoft hemostdi fficul tsi t uat i onsy ouwi l l f aceasCEO.Ast hehi ghes t offic i al ,y oucancommuni cat et r ust ,cl ar i t y ,andhonest ybot hi nsi deand out si det hefi r m.

Which statement regarding cross-cultural communication is true? o Ani ndi v i dual ’ sc ul t ur al i dent i t ycani nfluenc ehowheorshecommuni cat esi na pr of essi onalset t i ng.

Theset t i ngt hatcr eat esacul t ur ecanbegeogr aphi c,r el i gi ous,or pr of essi onal ,andt hewi der angi ngi dent i t i esofi ndi vi dual si nt hesame or gani z at i oncanl eadt osomeunexpect edandpot ent i al l yl ar ge mi scommuni cat i ons.

Whati st hepr i mar yr easonEdwar dJoneshasbeensosuc cess f ul despi t et heeconomi c r ecess i on?

o I tpr i or i t i z esopencommuni c at i oni nt er nal l yandwi t hcust omer s .  Edwar dJoneshasbeensuccess f ul becauseofi t sopencommuni cat i on i nt er nal l yandwi t hcust omer s....

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