Chapter 1 quiz questions and answers PDF

Title Chapter 1 quiz questions and answers
Course General Biology
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Pages 3
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Chapter 1 quiz questions and answers Q: Your professor creates a line graph, displaying the relationship between the number of hours spent studying each day with students' performance on midterm exams. What is the dependent variable in this graph? A: exam performance on midterm exams

The measurable response to the independent variable—number of hours spent studying each day—is the dependent variable. Q: By applying scientific thinking, one should be able to: A: determine whether eating more meat makes you grow taller. There are numerous ways to objectively measure if the amount of meat in a diet has an effect on growth. Q: An experiment was designed to determine the effect of temperature on the growth rate of phasmids—insects more commonly known as "walking sticks." Five walking sticks were grown in four different incubators, set at variable temperatures for two weeks. Which component of the experiment is the dependent variable? A: growth of walking sticks Growth is a response to the variable temperatures. Therefore, growth is the dependent variable. Q: The average length of crayfish from stream A is 10 cm. The average length of crayfish from stream B is 6 cm. What additional information is needed to determine if there is a significant difference between the average length of crayfish in stream A and the average length of crayfish in stream B? A: the standard deviation for all measurements Knowing the standard deviation of the data set will provide a clearer picture of the range of individual crayfish lengths in each stream. The smaller the standard deviation, the more confidence we will have that the data sets are significantly different. Q: Scientific literacy: A: is increasingly important in our everyday lives. It is increasingly important in our lives because we are bombarded daily with dubious claims from "experts" in the media, politics, and world of consumer products.

Q: Which type of experimental design can help reduce biases in a study? A: double-blind design Double-blind studies reduce biases in a study by eliminating the knowledge of which group a participant is in for both the participant and researcher conducting the experiment. Q: You notice that over the past month, many students have started carrying a new style of backpack. You think to yourself, "Maybe the bookstore recently started selling this new style of backpack." The statement in quotation marks is: A: an example of a hypothesis. The statement in quotation marks is a proposed explanation of the observation. Q: A company wants to determine the effect of an herbicide on a species of a common weed. Thirty total plants are tested. Fifteen plants are treated with the herbicide, and 15 plants are not. Which of the following would describe a controlled variable in this experiment? A: only one species of plant is used in the experiment A controlled variable is a variable kept constant in the experimental and control groups. Both groups used the same species of plant. Q: Researchers are trying to determine if Chemical X acts as a mutagen on bacteria. They expose several bacterial colonies to Chemical X for 6 or 12 hours. After plating the exposed bacteria, they find significantly more mutant colonies among the 12-hour treatment group than they find among the 6-hour treatment group. Can these researchers determine if Chemical X is a mutagen? A: No, because they have not established a baseline mutation rate with a control group. A control group without any mutagen allows the researchers to determine a baseline mutation rate to compare the treatment group mutation rates.

Q: A well-designed experiment will have all of these factors except: A: only one dependent variable. [[Dependent variables are tested and measured as part of the experiment. Well-designed experiments can analyze more than one type of data.] Q: A scientist discovers a new entity. Based on what you know about the characteristics of living organisms, what might lead you to conclude that the entity is not a living organism? A: It is unable to reproduce without a host organism. [[Growth, development, and reproduction are key characteristics of living things. Although not everything that is unable to reproduce without a host is non-living, all non-living entities (such as viruses) are unable to reproduce without a host.] Q: Iridology is a technique where practitioners diagnose health problems by studying changes in the irises of a patient's eyes. Which statement, if true, would suggest that iridology is a pseudoscience? A: The irises of people remain relatively unchanged throughout life. This shows that iridology is rooted in something that is not supported by science. Q: Which is NOT a limitation that exists within scientific research? A: Scientific research cannot answer quantifiable, objective questions. Quantifiable and objective questions about the observable world are ideal for scientific research. Q: Double-blind experimental design is an important component of a well-designed experiment. Which of the following describes a double-blind experiment? A: Both the experimenter and the subject are unaware of which treatment a subject is receiving. In a double-blind experiment, neither the experimental subjects nor the experimenter know which treatment the subject is receiving....

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