Chapter 1 txt book and ppt notes-2 PDF

Title Chapter 1 txt book and ppt notes-2
Course Nurs & Healthcare I: Foundations [Lec]
Institution Towson University
Pages 7
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medical terminology textbook notes...


Chapter 1: Basic Elements of a Medical Word •

Medical word consists of: o Word root o Combining form o Suffix o Prefix

Word Roots •

• • • •

Word root o Foundation of a medical term and contains its primary meaning o All medical terms have at least one word root o Derived from Greek or Latin language Greek word dermatos and latin cutane both refer to skin Greek roots describe o Disease, condition, treatment or diagnoses Latin roots describe o Anatomical structures Examples of word roots English Greek/latin Word root Word analysis term term skin G: dermatos G: dermat Dermatitis: L: cutis L: cutane inflammation of the skin



G: nephros L: renes

G: stomatos L: oris

G: nephr L: ren

G: stomat L: or

Cutaneous: pertaining to the skin (anatomical structure) Nephroma: tumor of kidney Renal: identifies anatomical structure Stomatitis: inflammation of mouth Oral: pertaining to mouth

Combining Forms •

Combining form o When a word root is combined with a vowel o Combining vowel is usually an O but sometimes an I

Word Root erythr gastr hepat immun

+ vowel o o o o

= combining form erythro gastro hepato immuno

nephr oste

o o

nephro osteo

Meaning red stomach liver Immune, immunity, safe kidney Bone

Suffixes •

Suffix o o o o o o o o

Word placed at end of world that alters its meaning All medical terms have a suffix Pancreat/itis = inflammation of the pancreas Pancreat/o/pathy =disease of the pancreas It is- inflammation Pathy – disease Suffix usually describes a pathology (disease or abnormality), symptom, surgical or diagnostic procedure, or part of speech To link a suffix that begins with a vowel use a word root

Suffix -It is (inflammation)

Medical word gastr/itis

Meaning Inflammation of stomach

-Megaly (enlargement)


Enlargement of stomach

-Oma (tumor)


Tumor of liver



Cells in the liver Cells in the liver

Rationale Suffix -it is begins with a vowel and needs wr Suffix –megaly begins with consonant and requires CFCF Begins with a vowel and requires WR WR Suffix begins with consonant and requires CF Suffix begins with conso

Prefixes •

Prefix o Word element attached to the beginning of a word or word root o Not all terms have prefix o Usually indicate number, time, position, direction, or negation

Prefix +

Word root +

Suffix =

Medical word


An(Without, not) Hyper(excessive, above normal) Intra(in, within)

Esthes (feeling) Therm (heat)

-ia (condition) -ia


Muscul (muscle)

-ar (pertaining to)


Para(near, beside, beyond) Poly(many, much) Pre(before)

Nas (nose)

-al (pertaining to)


Ur (urine) Nat (birth)

-ia (condition) -al (pertaining to)




Condition of not feeling Condition of excessive heat Pertaining to within the muscle Pertaining to area near the nose Condition of much urine Pertaining to before birth

Basic Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4.

Define suffix Define first part of the word (may be root, combining, or prefix) Define middle parts of the word Defining gastroenteritis a. Gastr/o = stomach = combining form step 2 b. Enter/ =middle =intesting step 3 c. -it is = inflammation = suffix step 1

Building Medical Words •

Rule 1 o A word root links a suffix that begins with a vowel

Word root + Hepat (liver)

Medical word Hepatitis

meaning Inflammation of the liver

Rule 2 o A combining form (root + o) links a suffix that begins with a consonant

Combining form + Hepat/o (liver)

Suffix = -it is (inflammation)

Suffix = -cyte (cell)

Medical word Hepatocyte

Meaning Liver cell

Rule 3 o Combining form links one root to another root to form a compound word, even if the second root begins with a vowel

Combining form + Oste/o (bone)

• • • • • • •

Word root +

Suffix =

Medical word


Chondr (cartilage)

-it is (inflammation)


Inflammation of bone and cartilage

Arthr (joint)

-it is Osteoarthritis

Inflammation of bone and joint

Liver o Hepat + it is Gallbladder o Cholecyst + it is Pancreas o Pancreat + it is Appendix o Append + ectomy Stomach o Gastr/o + megaly Spleen o Splen/o + megaly) Colon o Colon/o + scopy


• • • • • • • •

Ae and oe o Only second vowel is pronounced Soft sounds of s and j are given to c and g before e, I and y in words of greek or latin origin o Cerebrum, cycle, gel Before other letters c and g have hard sound o Cardiac, colon, gastric, gonad Letters ch and sometimes pronounced like k When pn appears at beginning of a word, p is silent Pn in the middle, p and n pronounced Ps in beginning, p is silent When forming the final letters of a word, e and es are pronounced separate syllables o Syncope, systole, nares When I appears at end or word to form a pleural it is pronounced eye o Bronchi Pronunciation marks o Diacritical marks ▪ Symbols placed above the vowels. They show vowel sounds.

Macron is strait across • Indicates long sound of vowels o Unite u, over o, isle i, rebirth e, rate a ▪ Breve little dip • Short sound o A apple e ever I it o not u cut Capitalization ▪ Primary accent LET ter emphasis placed on first syllable ▪


Chapter 1 Learning Activities: • • •

Four elements used to form words are: Root is main part or foundation of a word. In the word arthritis, arthrectomy, and arthroscope, the root word is: T/F o Combining vowel is usually an e o Word root links a suffix that begins with a consonant o Combining form links multiple roots to each other o Combinng form links a suffix that begins with a consonant o To define medical word, first define the prefix o In the term intramuscular, intra is the prefix Define root word in each combining form o Splen/o o Hyster/o o Enter/o o Neur/o o Ot/o o Dermat/o o Hydr/o Locate root word o Nephritis (inflammation of kidney) o Arthrodesis (fixation of a joint) o Dermatitis (inflammation of skin) o Dentist (specialist in teeth o Gastrectomy (excision of stomach) o Chondritis (inflammation of cartilage) o Hepatoma (tumor of liver) o Muscular (pertaining to muscle) o Gastric (pertaining to stomach) o Osteoma (tumor of bone) Underline combining forms o Nephr (kidney) o Hepat/o (liver) o Arthr (joint) o Oste/o/arthr (bone, joint) o Cholangi/o (bile vessel) Identifying suffixes o Thoractomy o Gastroscope o Tonsilitis o Gastric o Tonsillectomy Identifying prefixes

o Anesthesia o Hyperthermia o Intramuscular o Paranasal o Polyuria Define medical words (suffix, prefix, middle) o Gastritis o Nephritis o Gastrectomy o Osteoma o Hepatoma o Hepatitis Use the number rule that applies to each listed term and give short summary or rule o Arthr/itis o Scler/osis o Arthr/o/centesis o Colon/o/scope o Chodr/itis o Chondr/oma o Oste/o/condr/itis o Muscul/ar o Oste/o/arthr/itis Use –ectomy to build medical words that mean excision of the: o Spleen o Appendix o Pancreas o Gallbladder o Colon o Stomach Use -it is to build o Spleen o Liver o Pancreas o Gallbladder o Colon o Stomach Use –megaly (enlargement) to build o Liver o Spleen o Stomach o...

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