Chapter 1 Vocabulary HIT111 PDF

Title Chapter 1 Vocabulary HIT111
Author Haley Wolters
Course Basic Medical Terminology
Institution DeVry University
Pages 6
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Chapter 1 Vocabulary Overview of Chapter Primary Medical Terms: Primary terms enable you to prioritize terms Word Parts Are the Key: Introduction to word parts and how they create complex medical terms. Word Roots: The word parts that usually, but not always, indicate the part of the body involved. When a vowel, usually the letter “o,” is added to the end of a word root, this is now referred to as a “combining form.” Suffixes: The word parts that usually, but not always, indicates the procedure. Condition, disorder, or disease. Prefixes: The word part attached at the beginning of a word that usually, but not always, indicates location, time, number, or status. Vocabulary Word Parts -algia/-dynia- pain and suffering Dys-- bad, difficult, or painful -ectomy- surgical removal hyper-- excessive or increased hypo-- deficient or decreased -itis- inflammation -osis- abnormal condition or disease -ostomy- surgical creation of an artificial opening to the body surface -otomy- surgical incision -plasty- surgical repair -rrhage/-rrhagia- bleeding; sudden, severe bleeding -rrhage- bursting forth of blood -rrhaphy- surgical suturing to close a wound and includes the use of sutures, staples, or surgical glue -rrhea- flow or discharge and refers to the flow of most body fluids. -rrhexis- rupture -sclerosis- abnormal hardening gastr-- stomach gastr/o- combining form of stomach myel-- spinal cord/ bone marrow myel/o- combining form of spinal cord/ bone marrow osteo-- bone oste/o- combining form of bone my-- muscle my/o- combining form of muscle neur-- nerve neur/o- combining form of nerve arthr-- joint arthr/o- combining form of joint tonsill-- tonsils tonsill/o- combining form of tonsils crani-- skull -um- a noun ending cardi-- heart

-ac/-al- pertaining to cyan-- blue cyan/o- combining form of blue erythr-- red erythr/o- combining form of red leuk-- white leuk/o- combining form of white melan-- black melan/o- combining form of black poli-- gray poli/o- combining form of gray -cyte- cell enter-- small intestine enter/o- combining form of small intestine path-- disease -ology- the study of -malacia- abnormal softening -megaly- enlargement -necrosis- tissue death hepat-- liver -centesis- a surgical puncture to remove fluid for diagnostic purposes or to remove excess fluid -graphy- the process of producing a picture or record. Angi-- blood vessel angi/o- combining form of blood vessel -gram- picture or record. -scopy- visual examination hem-- blood hem/o- blood dia-- through pre-- before nat- birth peri-- surrounding post-- after Laryng- larynx and throat rhin- nose rhin/o- the combining form of nose ab-- away from inter-- between or among -stenosis- abnormal narrowing sub-- under, less, or below ad-- toward or in the direction of eu-- good, normal, well, or easy super-/supra-- above or excessive ot- ear ot/o- the combining form of ear lith- stone appendic- appendix phalanx- finger and toe bones arteri- artery arteri/o- the combining form of artery ather- plaque or fatty substance ather/o- the combining form of plaque or fatty substance arthr- joint arthr/o- the combining form of joint end- within -a/ -ae- singular/plural -ex/ -ix/ -ices- singular/singular/plural

-is/ -es- singular/plural -itis/ -is/ -ides- singular/plural/plural -nx/ -x/ -ges- singular/plural/plural -on/ -a- singular/plural -us/ -i- singular/plural myc-- fungus -ologist- specialist dermat-- skin neo-- new pyel- renal pelvis, which is part of the kidney pyel/o- the combining form of renal pelvis py- pus py/o- the combining form of pus pyr- fever or fire. pyr/o- the combining form of fever or fire

Medical Terms Primary Terms Abdominocentesis (ab-dom-ih-noh-sen-TEE-sis)- the surgical puncture of the abdominal cavity to remove fluid. Acronym (ACK-roh-nim)- a word formed from the initial letter of the major parts of a compound term. Acute- condition has a rapid onset, a severe course, and a relatively short duration. Addiction- drawn toward or a strong dependence on a drug or substances. Angiogram (AN-jee-oh-gram)- the film produced by angiography Angiography (an-jee-OG-rah-fee)- the process of producing a radiographic (x-ray) study of the blood vessels after the injection of a contrast medium to make the blood vessels visible. Appendectomy (ap-en-DECK-toh-mee)- the surgical removal of the appendix. Appendicitis (ah-pen-dih-SIGH-tis)- an inflammation of the appendix. Arteriomalacia (ar-tee-ree-oh-mah-LAY-shee-ah)- abnormal softening of the walls of an artery or arteries. Arteriosclerosis (ar-tee-ree-oh-skleh-ROH-sis)- abnormal hardening of the walls of an artery or arteries. Arteriostenosis (ar-tee-ree-oh-steh-NOH-sis)- abnormal narrowing of any artery or arteries. Arthralgia (ar-THRAL-jee-ah)- pain in a joint or joints. Arthroscopy (ar-THROS-koh-pee)- the visual examination of the internal structure of a joint. Atheroma (ath-er-OH-mah)- a fatty deposit within the wall of an artery Cardiac- pertaining to the heart. Chronic- condition is of long duration. Colostomy (koh-LAHS-toh-mee)- the surgical creation of an artificial excretory opening between the colon and the body surface. Colotomy- is a surgical incision into the colon. Cranium (KRAY-nee-um)- the portion of the skull that encloses the brain. Cyanosis (sigh-ah-NOH-sis)- is blue discoloration of the skin caused by lack of adequate oxygen in the blood. Dermatologist (der-mah-TOL-oh-jist)- a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating

disorders of the skin. Diagnosis (dye-ag-NOH-sis)- the identification of a disease Diarrhea (dye-ah-REE-ah)- the frequent flow of loose or watery stools. Differential Diagnosis- an attempt to determine which one of several diseases can be producing signs and symptoms that are present. Disease- a condition in which one or more body parts are not functioning normally. Edema (eh-DEE-mah)- describes swelling caused by excess fluid in the body tissues. Endarterial (end-ar-TEE-ree-al)- pertaining to the interior or lining of an artery. Eponym (EP-oh-nim)- a disease structure, operation, or procedure named for the person who discovered or described it first. Erythema- redness Erythrocyte (eh-RITH-roh-sight)- a mature red blood cell. Euthyroid (you-THIGH-roid)- a normally functioning thyroid gland. Fissure (FISH-ur)- groove or crack-like sore of the skin/ normal folds in the contours of the brain. Fistula (FIS-tyou-lah)- an abnormal passage, usually between two internal organs, or leading from an organ to the surface of the body. Gastralgia (gas-TRAL-jee-ah)- pain in the stomach Gastritis (gas-TRY-tis)Gastroenteritis (gas-troh-en-ter-EYE-tis)- an inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Gastrosis (gas-TROH-sis)- any disease of the stomach. Hemorrhage (HEM-or-idj)Hepatomegaly (hep-ah-toh-MEG-ah-lee)- abnormal enlargement of the liver. Hypertension (high-per-TEN-shun)- higher than normal blood pressure. Hyperthermia- heat Hypotension (high-poh-TEN-shun)- deficient or decreased. Ileum (ILL-ee-um)- the last and longest portion of the small intestine. Ilium (ILL-ee-um)- part of the hip bone. Infection (in-FECK-shun)- the invasion of the body by a pathogen (disease producing) organism. Inflammation (in-flah-MAY-shun)- a localized response to an injury or destruction of tissues. Interstitial (in-ter-STISH-al)- between, but not within, the parts of a tissue. Intramuscular (in-trah-MUS-kyou-lar)- within the muscle. Laceration (lass-er-AY-shun)- a torn or jagged wound or an accidental cut wound. Laser- Light Amplicfication by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Leukocyte (LOO-koh-sight)- a white blood cell. Lesion (LEE-zhun)- a pathologic of the tissues due to disease or injury. Lithotomy (lith-THOT-oh-mee)- a surgical incision for the removal of a stone/ an examination position in which the patient is lying on the back with the feet and legs raised and supported in stirrups. Melanosis (mel-ah-NOH-sis)- any condition of unusual deposits of black pigment in body tissues or organs. Mucous (MYOU-kus)- describes the specialized mucous membranes that line the body cavities. Mucus (MYOU-kus)- the name of the fluid secreted by the mucous membranes.

Mycosis (my-KOH-sis)- describes any abnormal condition or disease caused by a fungus. Myelopathy (my-eh-LOP-ah-thee)- describes any pathologic change or disease in the spinal cord. Myopathy (my-OP-ah-thee)Myoplasty (MY-oh-plas-tee)- the surgical repair of a muscle. Myorrhaphy (my-OR-ah-fee)- the surgical suturing of a muscle wound. Myorrhexis (my-oh-RECK-sis)- the rupture of a muscle. Natal (NAY-tal)- pertaining to birth. Neonatology (nee-oh-nay-TOL-oh-jee)- the study of disorders of the newborn. Neuritis (new-RYE-tis)- inflammation of a nerve or nerves. Neuroplasty (NEW-roh-plas-tee)- the surgical repair of a nerve. Otorhinolaryngology (oh-toh-rye-noh-lar-in-GOL-oh-jee)- the study of the ears, nose, and throat. Otolaryngology (oh-toh-lar-in-GOL-oh-jee)- the study of the ears and larynx or throat. Palpation (pal-PAY-shun)- an examination technique in which the examiner’s hands are used to feel texture, size, consistency, and location of certain body parts. Palpitation (pal-pih-TAY-shun)- a pounding or racing heart. Pathology (pah-THOL-oh-jee)- the study of all aspects of diseases Perinatal (perh-ih-NAY-tal)- the time and events surrounding birth. Phalanges (fal-LAN-jeez)- the bones of the fingers and toes. Poliomyelitis (poh-lee-oh-my-eh-LYE-tis)- a viral infection of the gray matter of the spinal cord. Postnatal (pohst-NAY-tal)- the time and events after birth. Prenatal (pre-NAY-tal)- the time and events before birth. Prognosis (prog-NOH-sis)- a prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disorder (plural, prognoses). Prostate (PROS-tayt)- a male gland that lies under the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra. Prostrate (PROS-trayt)- to collapse and be lying flat or to be overcome with exhaustion. Pyelitis (pye-eh-LYE-tis)Pyoderma (pye-oh-DER-mah)Pyrosis (pye-ROH-sis)Remission- the temporary, partial, or complete disappearance of the symptoms of a disease without having achieved a cure. Sign- objective evidence of disease such as fever. Subcostal (sub-KOS-tal)- below a rib or ribs Supination (soo-pih-NAY-shun)- the act of rotating the arm so that the palm of the hand is forward or upward. Suppuration (sup-you-RAY-shun)- the formation or discharge of pus. Supracostal (sue-prah-RAY-shun)- above or outside the ribs. Symptom (SIMP-tum)- subjective evidence of a disease, such as pain or a headache. Syndrome (SIN-drohm)- a set of the signs and symptoms that occur together as part of a specific disease process. Tonsillitis (ton-sih-LYE-tis)- an inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsillectomy (ton-sih-LECK-toh-mee)- is the surgical removal of the tonsils.

Trauma (TRAW-mah)- wound or injury. Triage (tree-AHZH)- the medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need and the proper place of treatment. Viral (VYE-ral)- pertaining to a virus. Virile (VIR-ill)- having the nature, properties, or qualities of an adult male. Secondary Terms Noun- a word that is the name of a person, place, or thing. Adjective- a word that defines or describes a thing. Stomach Ache- gastralgia Context- to determine which body system this term is referring to. ENT- ears, nose, and throat. (otorhinolaryngology) Objective- the sign can be evaluated or measured by the patient or others. Subjective- it can be evaluated or measured only by the patient. Diagnose- the process of reaching a diagnosis. Rule Out (R/O)- differential diagnosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- persistent overwhelming fatigue of unknown origin. Malaise- a feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness that is often the first indication of an infection or other disease. Exudate- fluid, such as pus, that leaks out of an infected wound. Abbreviations AP- appendectomy or appendicitis CFS- chronic fatigue syndrome DG, Dg, Diag, DX, Dx- diagnosis D/D, DD, DDx, diaf. Diag- differential diagnosis He- hemmorage Inflam, Inflamm- inflammation IM- intramuscular Pa, PA, Path- pathology PN- postnatal Prog, progn, Prx, Px- prognosis...

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