Chapter 10 Musculoskeletal 8th PDF

Title Chapter 10 Musculoskeletal 8th
Author Paris Ruff
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Pages 8
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Chapter 10 Musculoskeletal System I.

About Orthopedics

A. The branch of medicine that deals with prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment of ______________________ disorders. Including: injury or disease of the body’s bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. B. Doctors 1. Orthopedist – (MD) Specialist 2. Rheumatologist – (MD) Specializes in the treatment of joint diseases and various forms of __________________. 3. Osteopathic Physician – (DO) Provides medical treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Philosophy; Good health requires proper ___________________ of bones, muscles, ligaments and nerves. 4. Chiropractor – Not a physician. Certified and licensed to provide chiropractic care. Philosophy; Disease is caused by pressure on nerves. Treatment involves physical __________________________ of the spinal column. Do not use drugs or surgery. II.

Musculoskeletal System

A. Skeletal system functions 1. Protect vital ___________________ 2. Support (framework) 3. Movement 4. Hematopoiesis (in red bone marrow) – production of ______________ Red marrow is responsible for the formation of white blood cells (leukopoiesis)

5. Stores calcium, ___________________ and phosphorus


Muscle contractions

Transmission of ______________ impulses

Clotting of blood

Will ______________ from the bones when needed

Osteoblasts – build bone

Osteoclasts – secrete a bone reabsorbing enzyme that digests bone Anatomy

A. Bone tissue = osteo – Non-living connective tissue composed of _____________. Osseous tissue made up of calcium salts and protein (collagen) B. Structure and type of bones 1. long bones – arms, legs, hands, and feet See Page 312 diagram 10-2 2. Short bones – Bones of the wrists, ankles, and toes. Somewhat _____________ – Core of spongy bone called cancellous bone 3. Flat bones – Broad surfaces for muscular ___________________ or protection of internal organs. Skull, shoulder blades, and sternum 4. Irregular bones – Bones of the vertebrae, ilium, middle ear and some bones of the ________________. C. Bone surfaces – Formed with projections, depressions, and openings. Serve as sites of muscles, ligaments, tendons, points of articulations, or to provide cavities (depressions) and pathways for ____________________________ and nerves.

D. Joints = Arthr/o, articul/o – Allow for body movements. Synovial joints – filled with synovial fluid for ______________________. E. Divisions of the skeletal system – _________ bones 1. Axial skeleton – skull, _______________, vertebral column 2. Appendicular skeleton – shoulders, upper extremities, hips, lower extremities. IV.

Bones of the skeleton (see page 314)

A. Skull (page 315) – cranial and facial bones. Joined together by ______________ B. Thorax (page 317) Encloses the heart and ________ to protect them from injury C. Vertebral column (page 318) D. Pelvic girdle – ilium, pubis, _____________ V.


A. Muscles = my/o striated = rhabd/o Rich blood supply and little infection B. Smooth = leiomy/o – Found in skin, __________________, and internal organs C. Mixed = Cardi/o 

Striated – skeletal – voluntary

Smooth – visceral – involuntary

Mixed – cardiac – heart muscle

D. Cartilage – soft bone, provides support and __________________ and flexibility. E. Attachments: 1. Tendon – connects a _____________ to a bone 2. Ligaments – connects bone to ________ Orthopedic spelling words 1. cephal/ad – toward – ____________

2. Lamin/ectomy – excision, removal – part of vertebral _____________ 3. Sub/cost/al – pertaining to – under – ______________ 4. Spondyl/o/ptosis – Prolapse – _________________ (back bone) 5. Rachi/o/meter – instrument used to measure – ________________ curvature 6. Myel/o/pathy – Disease – spinal cord 7. Arthr/o/desis – Surgical immobilization – ___________ 8. Brachi/al – Pertaining to – arm 9. 9. Metacarp/ectomy – Excision, removal – _____________ of the hand 10. Dactyl/o/spasm – Cramp – fingers or _____________ 11. Pelv/ic – Pertaining to – pelvis 12. Ili/ac – Pertaining to – ilium (pelvic bone) 13. Ischi/al – Pertaining to – ischium (pelvic bone) 14. Pub/is – Noun ending – pubic bone (pelvis) 15. Calcane/o/dynia – Pain – ___________ bone 16. Pod/iatry – Treatment – foot 17. Ankyl/osis – Abnormal condition – __________________ 18. Chondr/o/malacia – Softening – ________________ (occurs after knee injury) 19. Leiomy/oma – Tumor – smooth muscle (visceral) 20. Acromi/o/clavicul/ar – Pertaining to – Acromion (projection of scapula) and ________________ 21. Rhabd/o/my/oma – Tumor – striated muscle (skeletal) 22. Tendin/it is – Inflammation – _______________ (muscle to bone) 23. Oste/o/porosis – porous – bones

24. Dia/physis – Through – growth 25. Fibr/o/my/algia – Pain – fibrous and _________________ tissue

Pathology Bone and joint disorders F. Joints 1. Ankylosis – Stiffening and immobility of a loint as the result of disease, trauma, surgery, or abnormal bone fusion. 2. Arthritis – Inflammation of a joint usually accompanied by pain, swelling and frequently changes in structure Types of arthritis: A. Ankylosing spondylitis – A chronic, _____________________ arthritis that first affects the spine and adjacent structures. As the disease progresses the spine becomes stiffer, with the spine turning humpback (kyphosis) B. Gouty – arthritis caused by excessive uric acid in the body. Any joint may be affected but gout usually begins in the _________________. Treatment: Diet low in uric acid, drugs to lower uric acid, relieve pain and decrease inflammation C. Osteoarthritis – Inflammation and destruction of __________________ cartilage (bone spurs)

D. Rheumatoid arthritis – Inflammatory joints due to an ________________ reaction. Treatment: drugs, corticosteroids, heat, exercise, and physical therapy. 3. Bursitis – Inflammation of a bursa, particularly those located between bony prominences and muscle or tendons, such as the _________________, elbow and knee. 4. Bunion – Abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe. Caused by inflammation of the bursa, usually the result of pressure from tight fitting shoes, degenerative bone disease or by ________________. Treatment: padding around the toes to relieve pressure, medications for pain and swelling or bunionectomy. 5. Carpal tunnel syndrome – A painful and disabling disorder characterized by inflammation and swelling in the ____________ that run through the narrow carpal tunnel in the wrist. Often caused by overuse of the wrist. Treatment includes: drugs to reduce pain and inflammation, surgical treatment that releases the carpal ligament. 6. Ewing sarcoma – A malignant tumor that develops from bone marrow, usually in long bones or the pelvis. Most frequently occurs in _____________________. Causes pain, swelling, fever and leukocytosis. Treatment includes: surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 7. Fractures: A. Closed, simple (not visible on the surface) B. Open, compound fractures (involves break in the skin) C. Comminuted – splintered

D. Greenstick – partially bent, partially broken 8. Lyme disease An acute recurrent inflammatory infection transmitted through the bite of an infected deer tick. Flu-like symptoms progress within a period of a few days to other sites of the body to produce malaise, myalgia, arthritis, and neurologic and cardiac symptoms. Treatment: antibiotic therapy 9. Osteoporosis – Bone reabsorption exceeds bone formation causing ___________ bones. Bones become weak and brittle 10. Talipes – _________ foot 11. Herniated disk – A rupture of the fibrocartilage surrounding an intervertebral disk, releasing the ______________ pulposus into the vertebral canal. Treatment: bed rest, pain medication, physical therapy, and surgery 12. Spinal disorders: A. Scoliosis – side to side (lateral curvature of the spine) B. Kyphosis – Hunchback due to overcurvature of thoracic vertebrae C. Lordosis – Swayback due to overcurvature of ____________ vertebrae D. Spina bifida – Genetic disorder with incomplete closure of the vertebral column. ________________________ 13. Muscular disorders: 1. Myasthenia gravis – progressive weakness of ___________________ muscles. Muscles affected include those used in walking, breathing, chewing and talking. 2. Claudication – limping, lameness 3. Crepitation – grating sound or sensation caused by ___________ bones

4. Prosthesis – Replacement of a missing part by artificial substitute 5. Rickets – Osteomalacia in children from lack of ___________________ 6. Sprain – twisting of a joint with ______________ of ligaments (sprained ankle) 7. Strain – Overstretching _______________

Abbreviations BMD

bone mineral density


carpel tunnel syndrome


degenerative joint disease

DO, D.O.

Doctor of Osteopathy


herniated nucleus pulposus (herniated disk)




Doctor of Medicine


magnetic resonance imaging


rheumatoid arthritis; right atrium


total hip replacement...

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