Chapter 11 Chaining - Practice Questions ch11 PDF

Title Chapter 11 Chaining - Practice Questions ch11
Course Lab in Child Behavior
Institution Binghamton University
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Practice Questions ch11...


True / False 1. The occurrence of a component behavior in a behavioral chain depends on the occurrence of the previous component behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 2. Each response in a behavioral chain creates the stimulus situation that is the discriminative stimulus for the next response. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 3. In task analysis, the 1st step is to identify the discriminative stimulus associated with each behavior in the chain. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 4. It is important to use as many steps in a task analysis as possible. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 5. Backward chaining procedures are mostly used with individuals who have severe intellectual disabilities. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 6. The difference between forward chaining and backward chaining is where you begin training. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 7. Total task presentation teaches one component of the chain at a time. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e

8. Graduated guidance involves verbal and modeling prompts to lead the learner through the task. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 9. Total task presentation works best for long and complex tasks. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 10. Behavioral chaining procedures are used to teach an individual to engage in a complex task. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True Multiple Choice 11. In behavior modification, a complex behavior made up of a number of component behaviors occurring in a sequence is referred to as a: a. behavioral chain b. behavioral sequence c. stimulus-response pattern d. A and C ANSWER: a 12. The individual component behaviors that occur in a behavioral chain are called ____________ components. a. overlapping b. contingency c. antecedent d. stimulusresponse ANSWER: d 13. The outcome of each response in the behavioral chain serves as the ________ for the next response in the chain. a. prompt b. discriminative stimulus c. S-delta d. B and C ANSWER: b 14. Which of the following is true concerning a behavioral chain?

a. each subsequent response depends on the preceding response b. the entire stimulus-response chain is under stimulus control c. each subsequent response is independent of the preceding response d. A and B ANSWER: d 15. In order for the behavioral chain to continue to occur, the last behavior in the chain must be: a. reinforced b. prompted c. generalized d. extinguishe d ANSWER: a 16. When using a behavioral chain, a(an) ____________ makes the outcome of the chain more reinforcing. a. prompt b. establishing operation c. larger number of component behaviors d. discriminative stimulus ANSWER: b 17. A researcher is going to use a behavioral chaining procedure to teach an individual with developmental disabilities to stuff brochures into envelopes. The researcher first goes through the process of identifying all the individual stimulusresponse components in the chain. This process is called: a. component analysis b. stimulus-response analysis c. task analysis d. behavioral analysis ANSWER: c 18. Which of the following is necessary when conducting a task analysis? a. identify all responses necessary to perform the task b. identify the discriminative stimulus associated with each behavior c. list the individual component behaviors in the proper sequence d. all of these ANSWER: d 19. Which of the following strategies can be used to conduct a task analysis? a. observe a competent individual engage in the task and record each S-R component b. ask a person who performs the task well to explain all the S-R components c. perform the task yourself and record each S-R component d. all of these

ANSWER: d 20. Each step in the behavioral chain consists of a: a. discriminative stimulus b. S-delta c. response d. A and C ANSWER: d 21. When prompting and fading are systematically applied to each component in the stimulus-response chain in order to teach the entire behavior, it is referred to as a ____________ procedure. a. chaining b. sequencing c. behavioral d. response ANSWER: a 22. Which of the following is NOT a chaining procedure? a. backward chaining b. forward chaining c. total task presentation d. contingency chaining ANSWER: d 23. Andrew just got a new puppy, and his Mom is going to use a chaining procedure to teach Andrew all the steps involved in feeding the puppy. If his Mom teaches him the last behavior in the chain first and then teaches him each previous behavior she would be using: a. forward chaining b. total task presentation c. backward chaining d. B and C ANSWER: c 24. Doug’s Mom is going to teach him how to make his bed. Doug’s Mom conducts a task analysis to identify all the individual components involved in the task, and decides to teach the first behavior in the chain first, and then teach each subsequent behavior. Doug’s Mom is using: a. forward chaining b. backward chaining c. total task presentation d. graduated guidance ANSWER: a 25. When you provide a reinforcer after each response in backward and forward chaining the outcome of that response becomes a: a. conditioned stimulus for the next

response b. S-delta for the next response c. conditioned reinforcer d. A and C ANSWER: c 26. Forward chaining and backward chaining both involve: a. teaching one component of the behavioral chain at a time b. the use of prompting and fading c. the use of reinforcers after each response in the chain d. all of these ANSWER: d 27. Forward chaining and backward chaining differ in terms of: a. which component is taught first b. whether the terminal step in the chain is completed on every learning trial c. whether the learner receives the natural reinforcer on every learning trial d. all of these ANSWER: d 28. A researcher is teaching an adult with developmental disabilities how to stuff brochures into envelopes. The researcher teaches the entire behavioral chain as a single unit, and the individual completes the entire task on every learning trial. Which chaining procedure is the researcher using? a. backward chaining b. forward chaining c. total task presentation d. primary chaining ANSWER: c 29. What type of prompt is most often used with total task presentation? a. verbal b. gestural c. stimulus d. physical ANSWER: d 30. A teacher uses hand-over-hand guidance to teach a child to write his name. As the child begins to successfully complete the task, the teacher provides less and less assistance as she shadows the student’s hand. This type of physical prompting and fading is referred to as: a. guided compliance b. directed assistance c. graduated guidance d. modeling ANSWER: c

31. What needs to be considered before using total task presentation? a. complexity of the task b. ability of the teacher c. ability of the learner d. all of these ANSWER: d 32. Which of the following is true concerning the similarities between forward and backward chaining and total task presentation? a. all are used to teach chains of behaviors b. all require completion of a task analysis c. all involve the use of prompting and fading d. all of these ANSWER: d 33. Mark just got a computer. He follows the step by step written instructions in order to hook his computer up. This is an example of: a. textual prompts b. forward chaining c. a pictorial task analysis d. A and C ANSWER: a 34. A basketball coach uses a series of drawings in order to teach Tommy the proper sequence of behaviors necessary to successfully carry out a play from the play book. This is an example of using: a. picture prompts b. total task presentation c. forward chaining d. graduated guidance ANSWER: a 35. Every time Mary uses her DVR to record a television show, she verbally recites each step that she must go through in order to program the DVR. Mary is using: a. self-generated stimulus prompts b. self-instructions c. total task presentation d. A and B ANSWER: b 36. In which of the following situations would it be inappropriate to use chaining? a. behavioral acquisition b. an individual is currently not capable of completing a task

c. noncompliance d. A and B ANSWER: c 37. Which of the following is a guideline for using chaining? a. choose an appropriate chaining procedure b. develop a task analysis c. use intermittent reinforcement when training is started d. a and b ANSWER: d 38. In the ____________________ method of baseline assessment, the initial discriminative stimulus is presented and the learner’s ability to complete the chain is assessed, and in the ___________________ method the learner’s ability to complete each individual component in the chain is assessed. a. single-opportunity; multipleopportunity b. multiple-opportunity; singleopportunity c. primary; secondary d. first-order; higher-order ANSWER: a 39. Graduated guidance is typically used with: a. backward chaining b. forward chaining c. total task presentation d. all of these ANSWER: c 40. In which chaining procedure is the behavioral chain completed in every trial? a. backward chaining b. forward chaining c. total task presentation d. all of these ANSWER: c Completion 41. A complex behavior that is made up of many component behaviors that occur together in a sequence is called a(n) _____________. ANSWER: stimulus response chain 42. Each behavioral chain consists of a number of individual ___________ components that occur together in a sequence. ANSWER: stimulusresponse

43. Chaining procedures involve the systematic use of ___________ and ___________ procedures applied to each component in the chain. ANSWER: prompting, fading; fading, prompting 44. To use forward chaining, you present the first ___________, ___________ the correct response, and provide a(n) ___________ following the correct behavior. ANSWER: SD; prompt; reinforcer 45. What type of prompt is most often used to guide the learner through the chain of behaviors in total task presentation? ___________ ANSWER: graduated guidance (physical prompt) 46. ___________involves illustrations or photos of the outcome of each behavior in the task. ANSWER: Picture prompts 47. To use backward chaining, you present the last ___________, ___________ the correct response, and provide a(n) ___________ following the correct behavior. ANSWER: SD; prompt; reinforcer 48. ___________ involve a list of each component behavior in their proper sequence. ANSWER: Textual prompts or Written task analysis 49. In the ___________________________ procedure, the learner completes every stimulus-response component of the chain in every learning trial. ANSWER: total task presentation 50. _________________________ is a prompting strategy in which physical prompts are faded to shadowing and the shadowing is eventually faded when the learner completes the task independently. ANSWER: Graduated guidance Subjective Short Answer 51. What is a task analysis? ANSWER Task analysis is the process of analyzing a behavioral chain by breaking it down into its : individual stimulus-response components. 52. List 3 different ways to conduct a task analysis. ANSWER Three ways to conduct a task analysis are to observe a competent person engaging in : the task, to ask an expert, a person who performs the task well, and to perform the task yourself and record each of the component responses. 53. You need to train an individual with intellectual disability to fold towels for his new job at the hotel. He will stand at a table with a pile of unfolded towels on his left, pick up a towel, fold it in half twice and place the folded towel on another

table to his right. What is the 1st step you would train in a backward chaining procedure? What is the 1st step you would train in a forward chaining procedure? ANSWER In a backward chaining procedure, I would present the person with a towel in his hand : and have him place it on the table on his right. In a forward chaining procedure, I would have the person pick up a towel from the table in front of him. 54. Provide an example of how you would use self-instructions to guide your behavior in an everyday situation. ANSWER: For preparing a meal, I talk myself through the steps in the recipe. 55. Describe the difference between the single opportunity method and the multiple opportunity method of assessing the mastery level of a learner. ANSWER In the single-opportunity method of baseline assessment, the initial discriminative : stimulus is presented and the learner’s ability to complete the chain is assessed, and in the multiple-opportunity method the learner’s ability to complete each individual component in the chain is assessed. 56. What is a behavioral chain? Provide an example. ANSWER A behavioral chain, also called a stimulus-response chain, consists of a number of : stimulus-response components that occur together in a sequence. For example, making a telephone call: To make a telephone call, you walk to the telephone, remove the receiver from the unit, put the receiver to your ear, and dial the desired telephone number. 57. Provide an example of the use of textual prompts and picture prompts. ANSWER To use picture prompts, you take a clear picture of each completed step in the bed : making task analysis. Post the pictures in the correct order on the bulletin board next to the bed. During training prompt the client to look at each picture and engage in the behavior depicted in the picture. Praise the client for completing each step depicted in the pictures. Fade the prompts until the client is looking at the pictures and engaging in the bed-making behaviors without assistance. A textual prompt (written task analysis) could be used only with clients who can read the textual prompts and follow the instructions. To use textual prompts, you make a list that describes the behaviors in each of the task analysis. Post the list of behaviors on the bulletin board next to the client’s bed. During training, prompt the client to look at the list and do the first behavior, then to look at the list and do the second behavior, and do so until the bed is made. Fade the prompts until the client is reading the list and making the bed without any assistance....

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