Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz PDF

Title Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz
Author lolita smith
Course Social Psychology
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 9
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Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

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You correctly answered 0 questions for a score of 0 percent. Unanswered questions were counted as incorrect in the calculation. 11-1. The need to belong and to form close interpersonal relationships


a. is at the core of our existence and thus is characteristic of people everywhere b. is largely a 20th century motive that is most evident in industrialized societies c. is a learned motive serving our more fundamental need for self-esteem d. conflicts with our more basic need to survive The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-2. The concept of romantic love is present a. only in individualistic societies b. only in affluent societies c. only in cultures where there are clear differences in gender roles d. in most cultures The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-3. When identical twins were asked their reactions to their co-twin's selection of a marriage partner, _________ percent said, "I could have fallen for my twin's fiancee." a. 95 b. 65 c. 35 d. 5 The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-4. Our desire to return a favor received from another is best explained in terms of the a. complementarity hypothesis b. equity principle c. matching phenomenon d. mere-exposure effect The question was not answered. The correct answer is "b". 11-5. Reward theory states that a. rewards foster romantic but not companionate love b. companionate love is fostered by long periods of separation c. flattery always leads to increased liking d. we like those people who are associated with good feelings 1/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-6. Which of the following is supported by the research on social attraction? a. familiarity breeds fondness b. opposites attract c. beauty times brains equals a constant d. absence makes the heart grow fonder The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-7. The mere-exposure effect provides one possible explanation for a. why proximity leads to liking b. why similarity leads to liking c. the equity phenomenon d. the matching phenomenon The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-8. In a study of arranged versus love-based marriages in India, researchers found that a. love-based marriages were more likely to survive b. those in arranged marriages experienced reactance and never felt feelings of love for their spouse c. after five years of marriage, those in love-based marriages reported diminished feelings of love while those in arranged marriages reported more love d. those in love-based marriages were more likely to demonstrate the disclosure reciprocity effect The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-9. Based on research presented in the text, if you go out on a blind date you would be most influenced by your date's a. open-mindedness b. sense of humor c. physical attractiveness d. sincerity The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-10. The finding that people pair off with others who are about as attractive as themselves is known as a. the matching phenomenon b. complementarity c. the reciprocity effect d. Gause's law The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-11. Which of the following seems to be true from research on social attraction? 2/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

a. what is beautiful is judged to be good b. what is familiar is judged to be boring c. what is unique is judged to be valuable d. what is average is judged to be unattractive The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-12. The evolutionary perspective suggests that females are most attracted to males who show a. empathy, nurturance, and self-sacrifice b. similarity in beliefs, attitudes, and values c. an ability to provide and protect resources d. high self-esteem, extroversion, and self-efficacy The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-13. According to the text, differences in the psychological characteristics of attractive and unattractive people are a. innate b. in the eye of the beholder and really do not exist c. the result of self-fulfilling prophecies d. an example of how the researcher's values may determine the outcome of research The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-14. When shown a picture of an average young woman, men who had been watching three beautiful women on television's Charlie's Angels rated her as ________________________ than did men who had not been watching the program. a. more attractive b. less attractive c. more intelligent d. less intelligent The question was not answered. The correct answer is "b". 11-15. When Sprecher and Duck (1994) put 83 student couples together on blind getacquainted dates, those who saw each other again a. were especially likely to see themselves as being similar b. were those whose attitudes and interests were initially complementary c. were especially likely to fall in love d. perceive the other as being more attractive The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-16. In terms of adult attachment styles, _____________ individuals seem to be possessive and jealous while _____________ individuals are less invested in relationships and more likely to leave them. a. secure; insecure b. anxious-ambivalent; avoidant 3/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

c. avoidant; anxious-ambivalent d. insecure; apathetic The question was not answered. The correct answer is "b". 11-17. People who were asked to rank ___________________________ reasons for going out with their boyfriend or girlfriend later expressed less love for their partner than did people who were asked to rank ___________________________ reasons. a. companionate, romantic b. extrinsic, intrinsic c. intrinsic, extrinsic d. common, unique Your choice of "c" was incorrect. The correct answer is "b". This is the exact opposite of what Seligman, Fazio, and Zanna (1980) found. 11-18. Research on equity in interpersonal relationships suggests that a. a marriage contract in which each partner specifies what is expected from the other is more likely to undermine than enhance the couple's love b. tit-for-tat exchanges decrease people's liking for one another in business relationships c. the principle is innate d. following the principle increases liking between males but decreases liking between females The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-19. French students' least favorite letter among the letters of the alphabet is a. the least frequent letter in the French language b. the hardest letter to draw c. the last letter of the alphabet d. the hardest letter to pronounce The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-20. Research indicates that we judge beautiful people to be more a. manipulative b. honest c. concerned for others d. intelligent The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-21. People seem to have a lower risk of divorce if they a. had parents who divorced b. live in a large town or city c. cohabited before marriage d. are religiously committed The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 4/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

11-22. The idea that we are attracted to people who are in some ways different from ourselves is an essential aspect of the a. companionate love hypothesis b. matching phenomenon c. complementarity hypothesis d. reward theory of attraction The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-23. Research suggests we may be most attracted to the person who a. has always said only positive things about us b. once said negative things about us but now evaluates us positively c. once said positive things but now evaluates us negatively d. generally says negative things about us but occasionally says something positive The question was not answered. The correct answer is "b". 11-24. Robert Sternberg views love as a triangle whose three sides include all of the following except a. friendship b. commitment c. intimacy d. passion The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-25. Compared to North Americans, Asians may be less vulnerable to disillusionment in love relationships because they a. are less susceptible to relative deprivation and to the adaptation-level phenomenon b. are more likely to substitute ludus for eros c. experience a greater variety of emotionally arousing situations that are steered into passionate love d. are less focused on personal feelings and more concerned with practical aspects of social attachments The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-26. According to two-factor theory, emotion is a result of a. motives and thoughts b. rewards and punishments c. nature and nurture d. arousal and a label The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-27. Compared to men who were interviewed on a low, solid bridge, men interviewed on a narrow, wobbly bridge liked a



Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

a. female interviewer more b. male interviewer more c. female interviewer less d. male interviewer less The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-28. People who are skilled in managing first impressions but who tend to be less committed to deep and enduring relationships are a. high in self-monitoring b. low in self-monitoring c. high in authoritarianism d. low in authoritarianism The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-29. Studies of men and women falling in and out of love have revealed that men tend to a. fall more readily in love and more slowly out of love b. fall more readily in love and more readily out of love c. fall more slowly in love and more slowly out of love d. fall more slowly in love and more readily out of love The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-30. Which of the following is true of self-disclosure? a. disclosure begets disclosure b. a person who engages in self-disclosure is perceived as anxious c. a person who engages in self-disclosure is perceived as manipulative d. self-disclosure leads to infatuation but not to true love The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-31. Which of the following is true? a. companionate love typically leads to romantic love b. self-disclosure reduces feelings of romantic love c. companionate love is more likely to endure when both partners feel it to be equitable d. the more in love a woman is with a man, the less physically attractive she finds him. The question was not answered. The correct answer is "c". 11-32. An employee who feels underpaid may demand an increase in wages or exert less effort at his or her task. This behavior is an a. attempt to restore equity b. attempt to achieve complementarity c. example of the matching phenomenon d. example of the overexposure effect The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 6/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

11-33. Tom, who tends to be extraverted, has just moved into the dormitory at university. He is most likely to make friends with a. Bill, his next-door neighbor b. John, a chemistry major who lives across campus c. Michael, an introvert who lives on the next floor d. Stuart, a student who lives off campus and who loves dogs The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-34. Mary, who is attractive, very intelligent, and high in social status marries Tom who is also attractive, very intelligent, and high in social status. Their relationship is best understood as an example of a. the ingratiation effect b. complementarity c. the mere-exposure effect d. the matching phenomenon The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-35. Some years ago, a mysterious student enveloped in a big, black bag began attending a speech class at a provincial university. While the teacher knew the "Black Bag's" identity, the other students did not. As the semester progressed, the students' attitude toward the Black Bag changed from hostility to curiosity to friendship. What may best explain the students' change in attitude? a. exposure breeds liking b. stress produces affiliation c. boredom breeds a liking for the novel d. similarity attracts The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-36. Mary, a talkative, extraverted, young woman, is strongly attracted to Ronald, a quiet, introverted, middle-aged man. Mary's attraction to Ronald would be best explained by a. social-exchange theory b. the matching phenomenon c. the equity principle d. the complementarity hypothesis The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d". 11-37. You overhear a casual acquaintance express approval of you in the coffee shop. You are most likely to think well of that acquaintance if a. you had learned an hour earlier that you had received an average grade on a history test b. you had learned an hour earlier that you had failed a chemistry test c. the acquaintance is unattractive d. the acquaintance is engaged to be married The question was not answered. The correct answer is "b". 7/9


Chapter 11 - Results for Multiple Choice Quiz

11-38. Joe, a university sophomore, has dated several women for short periods of time. His dating preferences are strongly influenced by physical appearance and he quickly ends a relationship in favor of a new partner. Joe is probably a. high in self-monitoring b. low in self-monitoring c. low in authoritarianism d. high in authoritarianism The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-39. Bill and Sara's relationship becomes progressively more intimate as each engages in a bit more self-revelation in response to the other's self-disclosure. Their relationship is marked by the _______________ effect. a. disclosure reciprocity b. mutual disinhibition c. reciprocal disinhibition d. reciprocal intimacy The question was not answered. The correct answer is "a". 11-40. A stranger rides the same bus you do to school every day. According to the "mere-exposure effect," as the days pass you will come to view the stranger a. as merely another student b. more unfavorably c. more critically d. more favorably The question was not answered. The correct answer is "d".

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