Chapter 12 PDF

Title Chapter 12
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Michigan State University
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Chapter 12...


Chapter 12 Major Structures

Relat Related ed Combining F Forms orms

Primary Functions


cutane/o cutane/o, dermat/o, derm/o

Intact skin is the first line of defense for the immune system. Skin waterproofs the body and is the major receptor for the sense of touch.

Sebaceous Glands


Secrete sebum (oil) to lubricate the skin and discourage the growth of bacteria on the skin.

Sweat Glands


Secrete sweat to regulate body temperature and water content and excrete some metabolic waste.


pil/i pil/i, pil/o

Aids in controlling the loss of body heat.


onych/o onych/o, ungu/o

Protect the dorsal surface of the last bone of each finger and toe.

Word Parts  cutane/o skin  derm/o, dermat/o skin  hidr/o sweat  hirsut/o hairy, rough  kerat/o horny, hard  lip/o fat, lipid  melan/o black, dark  myc/o fungus  onych/o fingernail or toenail  pil/i, pil/o hair  py/o pus  rhytid/o wrinkle  seb/o sebum  urtic/o rash, hives  xer/o dry actinic keratosis A precancerous skin lesion that occurs on sun-damaged skin. Albinism A genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises due to a missing enzyme necessary for the production of melanin. Alopecia The partial or complete loss of hair, most commonly on the scalp; also known as baldness Blepharoplasty Surgical reduction of the upper and lower eyelids by removing sagging skin; also known as a lid lift.

Bulla A large blister that is usually more than 0.5 cm in diameter; plural, bullae. capillary hemangioma A soft, raised, pink or red vascular birthmark. Carbuncle A cluster of connected furuncles (boils). Cellulitis An acute, rapidly spreading infection within the connective tissues. Chloasma A pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on the face; also known as melasma or the mask of pregnancy. Cicatrix A normal scar resulting from the healing of a wound; plural, cicatrices. Comedo A noninfected lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicle; also known as a blackhead; plural, comedones. Debridement The removal of dirt, foreign objects, damaged tissue, and cellular debris from a wound to prevent infection and promote healing. Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin. Diaphoresis Profuse, but not necessarily excessive, sweating. dysplastic nevi Atypical moles that may develop into skin cancer. Ecchymosis A large, irregular area of purplish discoloration due to bleeding under the skin; plural, ecchymoses. Eczema A form of persistent or recurring dermatitis characterized by redness, itching, and dryness with possible blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding. Erythema Redness of the skin due to capillary dilation. Erythroderma Abnormal redness of the entire skin surface. Exanthema Refers to a widespread rash, usually in children. exfoliative dermatitis A condition in which there is widespread scaling of the skin, often with pruritus, erythroderma, and hair loss folliculitis Inflammation of the hair follicles that is especially common on the limbs and in the beard area on men. Furuncles Large, tender, swollen areas caused by a staphylococcal infection around hair follicles or sebaceous glands; also known as boils.

Granuloma A small knotlike swelling of granulation tissue in the epidermis. Hematoma A swelling of clotted blood trapped in the tissues. Hirsutism Excessive bodily and facial hair in women, usually occurring in a male pattern. Ichthyosis A group of hereditary disorders characterized by dry, thickened, scaly skin. Impetigo A highly contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture. Keloid An abnormally raised or thickened scar that expands beyond the boundaries of the original incision. Keratosis Any skin growth, such as a wart or callus, in which there is overgrowth and thickening of the skin; plural, keratoses. Koilonychias A malformation of the nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like the bowl of a spoon; also known as spoon nail. Lipedema A chronic abnormal condition, usually in women, that is characterized by the accumulation of fat and fluid in the tissues just under the skin of the hips and legs. Lipoma A benign, slow-growing fatty tumor located between the skin and the muscle layer. Macule A discolored, flat spot, such as a freckle, that is less than 1 cm in diameter. malignant melanoma A type of skin cancer that occurs in the melanocytes. necrotizing fasciitis A severe infection caused by Group A strepbacteria that enters the body through a wound. If untreated, the infected body tissue can be destroyed and the illness may be fatal; also known as flesh-eating bacteria. Onychocryptosis  Ingrown toenail in which the edges of a toenail curve inward and cut into the skin. Onychomycosis A fungal infection of the nail Papilloma A benign, superficial, wartlike growth on the epithelial tissue or elsewhere in the body, such as in the bladder. Papule A small, raised, red lesion, such as an insect bite, that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter. ParonychiaAn acute or chronic infection of the skin fold around a nail.

Pediculosis An infestation with lice. Petechiae Small pinpoint hemorrhages less than 2 mm in diameter; singular, petechia. Pruritus Itching associated with most forms of dermatitis. Psoriasis A common skin disorder characterized by flare-ups in which red papules covered with silvery scales occur on the elbows, knees, scalp, back, or buttocks. Purpura The appearance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin. Purulent Producing or containing pus. Rhytidectomy The surgical removal of excess skin and fat from the face for the elimination of wrinkles; also known as a facelift. Rosacea A chronic condition of unknown cause, characterized by tiny red pimples and broken blood vessels. Scabies A skin infection caused by an infestation of itch mites that cause small, itchy bumps and blisters by burrowing into the top layer of human skin to lay their eggs. Scleroderma An autoimmune disorder in which the connective tissues become thickened and hardened. Seborrhea Overactivity of the sebaceous glands that results in the production of an excessive amount of sebum. squamous cell carcinoma A malignant tumor of the scaly squamous cells of the epithelium; however, it can quickly spread to other body systems. systemic lupus erythematosus An autoimmune disorder characterized by a red, scaly rash on the face and upper trunk. This condition also attacks the connective tissue in other body systems, especially in the joints. Tinea A fungal infection of the skin, hair, or nails; also known as ringworm. Urticarial Itchy wheals caused by an allergic reaction; also known as hives. Verrucae Small, hard skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus; also known as warts; singular, verruca. Vitiligo A skin condition resulting from the destruction of the melanocytes due to unknown causes and causing irregular patches of white skin.

Wheal A small bump that itches and can appear as a symptom of an allergic reaction; a welt. Xeroderma Excessively dry skin; also known as xerosis.

o Acne vulgaris commonly known as acne, is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by pustular eruptions of the skin caused by an overproduction of sebum around the hair shaft. Although often triggered by hormones in puberty and adolescence, it also occurs in adults. Vulgaris is a Latin term meaning common. o A comedo is a noninfected lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicle often associated with acne vulgaris (plural, comedones). A comedo with an obstructed opening is called a whitehead (a closed comedo). A sebum plug that is exposed to air often oxidizes and becomes a blackhead (an open comedo). o An epidermoid cyst often referred to as a sebaceous cyst is a closed sac that is found just under the skin. These cysts contain yellow, fatty material and are usually found on the face, neck, or trunk. o Seborrhea is overactivity of the sebaceous glands that results in the production of an excessive amount of sebum o seb/o means sebum, and -rrhea means flow or discharge o Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation sometimes resulting from seborrhea that causes scaling and itching of the upper layers of the skin or scalp. Extensive dandruff is a form of seborrheic dermatitis, as is the scalp rash in infants known as cradle cap. In contrast, mild dandruff is usually caused by a yeast-like fungus on the scalp. o A seborrheic keratosis is a benign skin growth that has a waxy or “pasted-on” look. These growths, which can vary in color from light tan to black, occur most commonly in the elderly. The Sweat Glands o Anhidrosis is the abnormal condition of lacking sweat in response to heat o an- means without, hidr means sweat, and -osis means abnormal condition o Diaphoresis is profuse sweating o dia- means through or complete, phor means movement, and -esis means abnormal condition  This is a normal condition when brought on by heat or exertion but can also be the body’s response to emotional or physical distress. o Heat rash, also known as prickly heat, is an intensely itchy rash caused by blockage of the sweat glands by bacteria and dead cells. o Hyperhidrosis is a condition of excessive sweating in one area or over the whole body o hyper- means excessive, hidr means sweat, and -osis means abnormal condition o Sleep hyperhidrosis, commonly known as night sweats, is the occurrence of hyperhidrosis during sleep. There are many potential causes of this condition, including menopause, certain medications, and some infectious diseases.

The Hair o Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicles o follicul means the hair follicle, and -itis means inflammation  This condition is especially common on arms, legs, and in the beard area of men. One of the causes of folliculitis is a bacterium found in

poorly chlorinated hot tubs or whirlpools. This leads to a condition called hot tub folliculitis. o Trichomycosis axillaris is a superficial bacterial infection of the hair shafts in areas with extensive sweat glands, such as the armpits o trich/o means hair, myc means fungus, and -osis means abnormal condition.  Axillaris is Latin for axillary  axill means armpit, and -ary means pertaining to. Excessive Hairiness o Hirsutism is the presence of excessive body and facial hair in women, usually occurring in a male pattern o hirsut means hairy, and -ism means condition  This condition can be hereditary or caused by a hormonal imbalance. Abnormal Hair Loss o Alopecia, also known as baldness, is the partial or complete loss of hair, most commonly on the scalp. o alopec means baldness, and -ia means condition o Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles, causing welldefined bald areas on the scalp or elsewhere on the body. This condition often begins in childhood. Areata means occurring in patches. Alopecia totalis (AT) is an uncommon condition characterized by the loss of all the hair on the scalp.  Alopecia universalis (AU) is the total loss of hair on all parts of the body. Universalis means total.  Androgenic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss. Androgenic means referring to androgens, the hormones involved in the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics  In men it is called male pattern baldness, with the hairline receding from the front to the back until only a horseshoe-shaped area of hair remains in the back and at the temples.  When it occurs in women it is called female pattern baldness, and is characterized by the hair thinning in the front and on the sides of the scalp and sometimes on the crown. This condition rarely leads to total hair loss. The Nails o Clubbing is the abnormal curving of the nails that is often accompanied by enlargement of the fingertips. This condition can be hereditary but is usually caused by changes associated with oxygen deficiencies related to coronary or pulmonary diseases such as lung cancer. o Koilonychia, also known as spoon nail, is a malformation of the nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like the bowl of a spoon o koil means hollow or concave, onych means fingernail or toenail, and -ia means condition  This condition is often an indication of iron-deficiency anemia o Onychia also known as onychitis, is an inflammation of the bed of the nail that often results in the loss of the nail o onych means fingernail or toenail, and -ia means condition 




Onychocryptosis is commonly known as an ingrown toenail o onych/o means fingernail or toenail, crypt means hidden, and -osis means abnormal condition  The edges of a toenail, usually on the big toe, curve inward and cut into the skin. The affected area is prone to inflammation or infection. Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail o onych/o means fingernail or toenail, myc means fungus, and -osis means abnormal condition  Depending on the type of fungus involved, this condition can cause the nails to turn white, yellow, green, or black and to become thick or brittle. Paronychia is an acute or chronic infection of the skin fold around a nail o par- means near, onych means fingernail or toenail, and -ia means condition

Skin Pigmentation o Acanthosis nigricans is a condition where one or more areas of the skin develop dark, wart-like patches. This can be a sign of a disease such as cancer or type 2 diabetes or a reaction to a medication. o Age spots, also known as solar lentigines or liver spots, are discolorations caused by sun exposure. Although harmless, these spots sometimes resemble skin cancer growths. o Albinism is a genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises of the eyes o albin means white, and -ism means condition  This condition is the result of a missing enzyme that is necessary for the production of melanin. A person with this condition is known as an albino. o Chloasma also known as melasma or the mask of pregnancy, is a pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on the face. This can occur during pregnancy, especially among women with dark hair and fair skin, and usually disappears after delivery. o Vitiligo is a skin condition resulting from the destruction of the melanocytes due to unknown causes. Vitiligo causes irregular patches of white skin, a process known as depigmentation. Hair growing in an affected area may also turn white Bleeding into the Skin o A contusion is an injury to underlying tissues without breaking the skin and is characterized by discoloration and pain o contus means bruise, and -ion means condition  This discoloration is caused by an accumulation of blood within the skin. o An ecchymosis commonly known as a bruise, is a large, irregular area of purplish discoloration due to bleeding under the skin o ecchym means pouring out of juice, and -osis means abnormal condition

Purpura is the appearance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin o purpur means purple, and -a is a noun ending  These areas of discoloration are smaller than an ecchymosis and larger than petechiae. o Petechiae are very small, pinpoint hemorrhages that are less than 2 mm in diameter (singular, petechia). These hemorrhages sometimes result from high fevers. o A hematoma which is usually caused by an injury, is a swelling of clotted blood trapped in the tissues o hemat means blood, and -oma means tumor  The body eventually reabsorbs this blood. A hematoma is often named for the area where it occurs. For example, a subungual hematoma is blood trapped under a finger or toenail.


Surface Lesions A lesion is a pathologic change of the tissues due to disease or injury. Skin lesions are described by their appearance, location, color, and size as measured in centimeters (cm).  A crust, also known as scab, is a collection of dried serum and cellular debris

o Erosion is the wearing away of a surface, such as the epidermis of the skin or the outer layer of a mucous membrane. This term can also describe the progressive loss of dental enamel. o A macule, also known as a macula, is a discolored flat spot that is less than 1 cm in diameter. Freckles, or flat moles, are examples of macules. o A nodule is a solid, raised skin lesion that is larger than 0.5 cm in diameter and deeper than a papule. In acne vulgaris, nodules can cause scarring. o A papule is a small, raised red lesion that is less than 0.5 cm in diameter and does not contain pus. Small pimples and insect bites are types of papules. o A plaque (PLACK) is a scaly, solid raised area of closely spaced papules. For example, the lesions of psoriasis are plaques Note: The term plaque also means a fatty buildup in the arteries and a soft substance that forms on the teeth. o Scales are flakes or dry patches made up of excess dead epidermal cells. Some shedding of these scales is normal; however, excessive shedding is associated with skin disorders such as psoriasis. o Verrucae also known as warts, are small, hard skin lesions caused by the human papillomavirus (singular, verruca). Plantar warts are verrucae that develop on the sole of the foot.. o A wheal (WHEEL), also known as a welt, is a small bump that itches. Wheals can appear as urticaria, or hives, as a symptom of an allergic reaction

Fluid-Filled Lesions o An abscess is a closed pocket containing pus that is caused by a bacterial infection. An abscess can appear on the skin or within other structures of the body. o Purulent means producing or containing pus. o An exudate is a fluid, such as pus, that leaks out of an infected wound. o A cyst is an abnormal sac containing gas, fluid, or a semisolid material.The term cyst can also refer to a sac or vesicle elsewhere in the body. The most common type of skin cyst is a sebaceous cyst.

o A pustule also known as a pimple, is a small, circumscribed lesion containing pus. Circumscribed means contained within a limited area. Pustules can be caused by acne vulgaris, impetigo, or other skin infections. o A vesicle is a small blister, less than 0.5 cm in diameter, containing watery fluid. For example, the rash of poison ivy consists of vesicles. o A bulla) is a large blister that is usually more than 0.5 cm in diameter (plural, bullae) Lesions through the Skin  An abrasion is an injury in which superficial layers of skin are scraped or rubbed away.  A fissure is a groove or crack-like break in the skin. Fissures are, for example, the breaks in the skin between the toes caused by tinea pedis, or athlete’s foot. The term fissure also describes folds in the contours of the brain.

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A laceration is a torn or jagged wound or an accidental cut wound. A pressure sore, previously known as a decubitus ulcer or bedsore, is an open ulcerated wound that is caused by prolonged pressure on an area of skin. Without proper care, these sores quickly become seriously infected and can result in tissue death. A needlestick injury is an accidental puncture wound caused by a used hypodermic needle, potentially transmitting an infection. A puncture wound is an injury caused by a pointed object piercing the skin. An ulcer is an open lesion of the skin or mucous membrane resulting in tissue loss around the edges

Birthmarks A birthmark is a mole or blemish on the skin present at birth or shortly thereafter. Some birthmarks fade as a child gets older. o Pigmented birthmarks include nevi, also known as moles, as well as café-au-lait spots and other irregularities in skin color. o Vascular birthmarks are caused by blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. These are the most common type of birthmark and are sometimes called salmon patches or red birthmarks. o A capillary hemangioma also known as a strawberry b...

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