Chapter 12 notes and stuff yal cna help yall selfs PDF

Title Chapter 12 notes and stuff yal cna help yall selfs
Author Caitlin Townes
Course sociology
Institution Bloomfield College
Pages 4
File Size 122.8 KB
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i dont know i just want to get a free trial my guy that's it lol and im really trying to make it look long...


Caitlin Townes 12/1/20 Juvenile Delinquent Assignment

Latino youths' experiences with and perceptions of involuntary police encounters. 

In which situations do these teenagers encounter the police in their neighborhoods? What do these encounters entail?

Nowadays it can literally be for anything even if you look suspicious walking with friends. The best things you can do is to try and listen to everything the cop says and hope/pray nothing goes left in the process. 

What are the feelings and reactions of these teens to the police? What impact does gender have on their experiences?

some of them feel terrible because they are required to represent two voices: Police who are actually really attempting to make the best choice consistently and who don't need individuals who manage the work inadequately among their positions and for the community who needs police to stop racism and to take care of our responsibilities with less financing and less instruments than they already have. when sex contrasts are found in criminal justice decision making, the system is quite often harsher on men than ladies. I accept that they take a gander at the normal/average guys and how they are more forceful in nature. Though females are not. A lady gets a lesser sentence for the straightforward actuality that the system sees ladies to be "blameless"/"innocent".

 What are your general thoughts on this article? Although communities of color may share expansive viewpoints on police, blacks and Latinos/as have more negative perspectives on the police than whites. Latinos and blacks are more probable than whites to report that they have been compromised or had inordinate power utilized against them during a police contact. Furthermore, blacks are almost certain than different gatherings to recognize racial profiling as a focal issue. Chapter 12: Policing and Juveniles 

What are the complications related to finding data on police–juvenile contacts? How do the different types of police–juvenile contacts factor into your answer?

These contacts happen for some, reasons: police offer types of assistance to community individuals; residents look for data or report violations to cops; occupants are passengers or drivers during a traffic stop; police could stop occupants in broad daylight places for dubious conduct; make captures; search occupants or their vehicles; and officials could utilize or compromise utilization of actual power. Cops are altogether totally different with how they contact adolescents. As I would like to think People in your life, companions, and colleagues, will treat you in an unexpected way. New individuals you meet will consistently pass judgment

Caitlin Townes 12/1/20 Juvenile Delinquent Assignment

on you through these "cop" lenses they have. Some will like you more than they would, some will loathe you more. All will have assumptions about you. 

According to the Supreme Court, when is a juvenile considered to be in the custody of the police? Why is this central/leading to the ways that alleged wrongdoers are treated by police? Minors under 12 must be confined at the police headquarters for 6 hours. Minors somewhere in the range of 12 and 17 can be confined for as long as 12 hours for peaceful offenses and as long as 24 hours for rough offenses. This is prompting the manners in which claimed miscreants are treated by police since Police must be cautious that the adolescent suspect captures his lawful rights and, if there is some cross examination, they must grant contact to a parent to safeguard the juvenile’s constitutional interest and some/most don't follow rules.  How is race, ethnicity, class, gender, and/or sexuality of youth related to their experiences with and perceptions about law enforcement officers? Race, nationality, class, sex, as well as sexuality of youth have a major influence in the impression of law officials for instance ethnic minorities would state that they are depleted from all the scorn and the division, the vitriol that I see online from one to another. depleted from seeing these sorts of silly killings happen again and again with nothing changing in our general public. While the others would state cops have shot and executed about similar number of whites and blacks.. I wouldn't accept so based on what I've seen but All that we do is different relying upon the race, the class sex and nationality.  Based on the many approaches considered in this chapter, what do you think are the most important ways to reduce unnecessary police use of force? What do you think the best ways are to improve police–community relations? the main approaches to diminish superfluous police utilization of power is more schooling and preparing necessities for cops, psychological well-being assets for officials, utilize all different methods prior to shooting, all utilization of power be accounted for, Bans chokeholds and strangleholds, Duty to mediate if another official uses unnecessary power, Restricts taking shots at moving vehicles and cautioning prior to shooting. On the run: Wanted men in a Philadelphia ghetto 

What are your general thoughts on the article?

I discovered that numerous youngsters who are evading prison have warrants out for minor infractions, such as neglecting to pay court charges or breaking time limitation, and will be confined if they are distinguished. The danger of detainment changes social relations by subverting effectively dubious connections to family, work, and network. These youngsters likewise depend on their unstable legitimate remaining to clarify disappointments that would have happened at any rate, this is unjustifiable to them and I really enjoyed this article.  What tactics are utilized by the police to chase after persons?

Caitlin Townes 12/1/20 Juvenile Delinquent Assignment

He should think about numerous elements when settling on this choice. The most significant is the idea of the wrongdoing. if the vehicle's tag came back clean, at that point an interest would likely not be legitimized. Yet, if a report returned that the vehicle was taken at gunpoint, or had been utilized in an outfitted theft, the official would have motivation to accept the driver is genuine threat and should have been halted. 

In what ways do these tactics affect the community?

This can influence/affect the community because anything can occur for instance He would likewise consider street conditions. if the proprietor of the vehicle is needed for tax avoidance, the individual doesn't represent an impending threat, yet should at present be captured. On a sunny morning with little traffic, an interest could be supported. On a blustery night when the roads are obstructed with traffic, or in the early evening when school transports are dropping off youngsters, he may have concluded that it was not worth the danger. I would say cross fire however it is uncommon for cops to attempt to shoot out an escaping suspect's tires, or to take shots at a moving vehicle by any means. The danger of incidentally shooting a spectator is excessively incredible. Chicago: The false confession capital (CBS News) and What leads to false confession? 

What are the issues surrounding false confessions? How do these come about and who do they affect? How does it affect young men of color in particular?

False confessions are not acceptable in court. if an admission is discovered to be false, the appointed authority will probably strike the assertion from the records and it can't be utilized as proof. Likewise, the individual creation the false admission might be exposed to additional punishments for lying in court. This affects themselves and the individuals they care about. This affects youngsters of color specifically particular because stereotypes about Black men as hoodlums press suspects of color in police cross examination, stereotypes cause suspects of color to show up more apprehensive in cross examination, White police officers tend to assume the guilt of suspects of another race just like the falsely confessing to the brutal rape in New York’s Central Park. What kind of responsibility do criminal justice actors have to make sure false confessions don't occur? Do they make efforts to make this happen? The responsibility criminal justice actors have to make sure false confessions don't occur is the improved police preparing about false admissions, pretrial dependability hearings to avoid false admission proof, setting time caps for cross examinations, putting time limits on interrogations, prohibiting certain interrogation techniques, and giving extra safeguards to weak populaces, for example, the formatively debilitated and adolescents 

What are your general thoughts on the videos?

These recordings show me precisely what prompts false confessions in my opinion we accept that we are extreme/tough and that we wouldn't break under the strain or break under tension, the

Caitlin Townes 12/1/20 Juvenile Delinquent Assignment

brutal the truth is that when you are in the possession of the specialists, if they need to make you talk, you are presumably going to do exactly that’s f admission is what is looked for, if you are in a general public that qualities rule of law (and sometimes not even then) the authorities can and regularly cause you to admit , even when you realize that you didn't perpetrate the wrongdoing.....

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