Chapter 12 vocab - Summary What is Psychology? Essentials PDF

Title Chapter 12 vocab - Summary What is Psychology? Essentials
Author Mallie Engel
Course General Psychology
Institution Jefferson Community College (New York)
Pages 2
File Size 50.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 20
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Chapter 12 Vocab Health Psychology the subfield of psychology that investigates between people’s behaviors and their health Stress any event or environment stimulus (stressor) that we respond to because we perceive it as challenging or threatening Life Events changes in one’s life, good or bad, that require readjustment Daily Hassles the everyday irritations and frustrations that individuals face Resilience the capacity to adapt well to significant stressors Conflict a situation in which a person must choose between two or more needs, desires, or demands Approach-Approach Conflict a situation in which a person must choose between two likable events Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict a situation in which a person must choose between two undesirable events Approach-Avoidance Conflict a situation in which a person is faced with a desire or need that has both positive and negative aspects Multiple Approach-Avoidance Conflicts situations that involve several choices, each of which has positive and negative features Primary Appraisal our initial interpretation of an event as irrelevant, positive, or stressful Secondary Appraisal an evaluation of resources available to cope with a stressor General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) the general physical responses we experience when faced with a stressor Alarm Reaction the first phase of the general adaptation syndrome, characterized by immediate activation of the nervous and endocrine systems HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal) Axis the major system that controls the stress response involving the hypothalamus pituitary gland, and adrenal gland Resistance Stage the second phase of the general adaptation syndrome, in which the nervous and endocrine systems continue to be activated Exhaustion Stage the third and final phase of the general adaptation syndrome, in which bodily resources are drained and wear and tear on the body begins Psychoneuroimmunology the field or study that investigates the connections among psychology (behaviors, thoughts, emotions), the nervous system, and immune system functioning Immunosuppression the reduction in activity of the immune system Coping the behaviors that we engage in to manage stressors Problem-Focused Coping behaviors that aim to control or alter the environment that is causing stress Emotion-Focused Coping behaviors aimed at controlling the internal emotional reactions to a stressor Cognitive Reappraisal an active and conscious process in which we alter our interpretation of a stressful event Defense Mechanisms unconscious, emotional strategies that are engaged in to reduce anxiety and maintain a positive self-image Progressive Relaxation Training a stress management technique in which a person learns how to systematically tense and relax muscle groups in the body Social Support having close and positive relationships with others Guided Imagery a technique in which you focus on a pleasant, calming image to achieve a state of relaxation when you feel stressed Mediation mental exercises in which people consciously focus their attention to heighten awareness and bring their mental processes under more control

Type A Personality a personality that is aggressive, ambitious, and competitive Type B Personality a personality characterized by patience, flexibility, and easygoing manner Type C Personality a personality that is cautious, serious, sensitive to criticism, and results oriented, and that suppresses negative emotions such as anger Type D Personality a personality characterized by negative emotions and social inhibition Learned Helplessness a passive response to stressors based on exposure to previously uncontrolled, negative events Hardy Personality a personality, high in the traits of commitments, control, and challenge which appears to be associated with strong stress resistance Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) infections that are passed from one person to another primarily through sexual contact Health-Promoting behaviors behaviors that decrease the chance of illness, disease or death...

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