Essentials of Psychology Chapter 16 PDF

Title Essentials of Psychology Chapter 16
Course Essentials Of Psychology
Institution Rowan University
Pages 8
File Size 128.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Eve Sledjeski
Psychology 2e...


16.1: Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present

o 18.9% of US adults and 13% of US children experience mental illness o only 14.8% of adults receive treatment for their mental illnesses o approximately half of children diagnosed with mental disorders received treatment

Treatment in the Past

o mentally ill were treated poorly in the past o they were believed to have been caused by demonic possession, witchcraft , or an angry God o asylums- first institutions created for the specific purpose of housing people with psychological disorders, but the focus was to ostracize them from society , rather than treating their disorders

Treatment Today

o there are community health centers across the nation o Deinstitutionalization- process of replacing long-stay psychiatric hospitals with less isolated community mental health services o Involuntary treatment- refers to therapy that is not the individual's choice -

patient is forced to receive this treatment because they are a danger to themselves

o voluntary treatment- person chooses to attend therapy to obtain relief from symptoms

16.2: Types of Treatment

o Psychotherapy- psychological treatment that employs various methods to help someone overcome personal problems, or to obtain personal growth o Biomedical therapy- involves medication and/or medical procedures to treat psychological disorders

Psychotherapy Techniques

o Psychoanalysis -

believed to help uncover long buried feelings


example: •

patient may be lying on a sofa Speaking of dreams or childhood memories


Free Association- patient is relaxed and says whatever comes to mind at the moment


dream analysis- therapist interprets the underlying meaning of dreams


transference- patient transfers all positive or negative emotions associated with the patient's other relationships to the psychoanalysis

o Play therapy -

often used with children


help clients prevent or resolve psychological difficulties and achieve optimal growth


can be non-directive or directive

o Behavior therapy -

therapist employs principles of learning to help clients change undesirable behaviors , rather than digging deeply into one's unconscious


employs both classical and operant conditioning techniques to change behavior


counter conditioning- learns a new response to a stimulus that has previously elicited an undesirable behavior


aversive conditioning- uses an unpleasant stimulus to stop an undesirable behavior


exposure therapy- therapist seeks to treat clients fears or anxiety by presenting them with an object or situation that causes their problem, with the idea that they will eventually get used to it


systematic desensitization- calm and pleasant state is gradually associated with increasing levels of anxiety - increasing stimuli


virtual reality exposure therapy- using simulation to help conquer fears

o Cognitive therapy -

form of psychotherapy that focuses on how a person's thoughts lead to feelings of distress


cognitive therapists help their clients change dysfunctional thoughts in order to relieve distress


therapist help patients realize when they blow things out of proportion

o Cognitive- Behavioral therapy -

focuses on more present issues


helps client examine their thoughts and how they affect their behavior


ABC model •

action (activating event)

belief about event

consequences of belief

o Humanistic theory -

focuses on helping people achieve their potential


helps people become more self-aware and accepting of themselves


Rogerian or client-centered Therapy: emphasize the importance of the person taking control of their life to overcome life's challenges


unconditional positive regard- involves not judging clients and simply accepting them for who they are

o Biomedical therapies -

biomedical therapy: prescribed biologically based treatments or psychotropic medications that are used to treat mental disorders


electroconvulsive therapy (electroshock): involves using an electrical current to induce seizures to help alleviate the effects of severe depression

16.3: Treatment Modalities

o intake- therapist first meeting with the client o confidentiality- therapist cannot disclose confidential communications to any third party unless they are permitted by law to do so

Individual Therapy

o Individual psychotherapy or individual counseling o client and therapist usually meet one on one for about 45 minutes to an hour o these meetings can occur weekly or biweekly

Group Therapy

o The therapist meets with several clients all of whom have similar problems and symptoms o important to match clients for age and problems o group therapy helps to decrease a client’s shame and isolation about a problem as they are exposed two people going through the same issues

Couples Therapy

o involves two people in an intimate relationship who are having difficulties and are trying to resolve them o couples meet with the therapist to discuss conflicts in their relationship that they want to change o therapist teaches them how to listen, argue, and express their feelings

Family Therapy

o special form of group therapy, specifically for families o this type of therapy can consist of one or several families o goal is to enhance the growth of each family member and the family as a whole o structural family therapy- therapist examines and discusses the boundaries and structure of the family o they examine: -

who makes the rules


who sleeps in bed with whom


how decisions are made


what the boundaries are within the family

16.4: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders

o Addiction is viewed as a chronic disease o Relapse- return to abusing drugs and/or alcohol after a period of improvement o treatment usually includes behavioral therapy and/or medication, depending on the individual

What makes treatment effective?

1. The duration of the treatment -

a person needs to be in treatment for at least three months for a positive outcome

2. Treatment needs to be holistic an address multiple needs, not just the drug addiction -

communication, stress management, relationship issues, parenting, vocational concerns, and legal concerns all need to be addressed in rehabilitation process

3. Family involvement is vital -

greater parental involvement is correlated with a greater reduction in drug use by teens

o comorbid disorders- Pertains to when the abuser has two or more diagnosis’s

16.5: The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization

o Sociocultural perspective- looks at you, your behaviors, and your symptoms in the context of your culture and background o cultural competence- therapist understand and address issues of race, culture, and ethnicity -

multicultural counseling and therapy aim to offer both are helping role and process that uses modalities and defined goals consistent with life experiences and cultural values of clients...

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