Chapter 13 Female Reproductive PDF

Title Chapter 13 Female Reproductive
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Toledo
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This document features lecture notes for chapter 13 with prof. Jody Morris....


Chapter 13: Female Reproductive System vagina roots:

colp/o, vagin/o

example s:

colposcope, vaginitis


The word vagina comes from Latin and means the sheath or scabbard of a sword.

vulva roots:

episi/o, vulv/o

example s:

episiotomy, vulvodynia


Vulva is the term for the external genital organs of a female.

perineum root:


example s:

perineoplasty, perineorrhaphy


Perineum is the term for the region between the genital organs and the anus. No one is really sure where the term came from, but one easy way to remember what it means is to think peri(around) + anus = region around the anus. It's not 100 percent accurate, but it's enough to help you remember.

woman roots:

gynec/o, gyn/o

example s:

gynecology, gynecologist


This root comes from Greek, for woman. If you are afraid of women, you have gynophobia.Believe it or not, this root is where the English words queen and goon come from.

breast root:

mast/o, mamm/o

example s:

mastopexy, mastectomy, mammogram


Believe it or not, the name of the mastodon, a long-extinct type of elephant similar to a mammoth, actually breaks down as mast (breast) and odon (tooth). The mastodon got its name from a scientist who thought that the animal's molar teeth had nipple-like tops, which gave them the appearance of breasts.

milk root:


example s:

lactation, lactorrhea


The root for milk, lacto, is also the root for the English word galaxy. Have you ever looked at the stars from a really dark spot out in the country? If so, you've seen stars that you'd never be able to see near a city. One thing you can see is the Milky Way, the thick band of stars that makes up our galaxy. It's called the Milky Way because the ancient Greeks thought the dense cloud of stars looked like milk sprayed in the night sky. A Greek myth tells how the hero Hercules, who was breast-fed by the goddess Hera, once bit down so hard that milk sprayed everywhere—creating the Milky Way.

cervix root:


example s:

cervicodynia, cervicitis


Cervix means neck and refers not to the neck connecting your head to your body but to the opening between the uterus and the vagina.

rememb er:

The letter c changes sounds depending on what vowel follows it. Before e or i, the letter cmakes an s sound (cervicitis—SER-vih-SAI-tis). Before a, o, or u, the letter c makes a k sound (cervicodynia—SER-vih-koh-DAI-nee-ah).

uterus root:

hyster/o, metr/o, uter/o

example s:

hysterectomy, endometrium, uterus


Break down the word hysteria as a medical term. It means a uterus condition, right (hyster + ia)? Believe it or not, that is exactly where the term came from. It was used to refer to a medical condition (usually neurological) occurring in women and caused by a malfunctioning uterus. Think about that the next time you refer to a friend or a movie as “hysterical.”

ovary root:

oophor/o, ovari/o

example s:

oophorectomy, ovariocentesis


Oophoro can be broken down into two words: oo, meaning egg, and phor, meaning to carry.Thus, oophor literally means the thing that carries the eggs.

menstruation root:


example s:

menorrhea, menopause


Meno comes from Greek, for month, and refers to the standard 28-day recurrence of menstrual cycles. It is no wonder that in ancient Greece, Artemis was both the goddess who watched over young girls entering womanhood and the goddess associated with the moon, which goes through its phases roughly every 28 days.

fallopian tube root:


example s:

salpingectomy, salpingoscope


Salpingo comes from the Latin word for trumpet. Four sites in the body use this term due to their resemblance to a long, straight Roman trumpet: the ear canals and the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus. The fallopian tubes are named for Gabriello Fallopio, an Italian specialist in anatomy who first described them in the 1500s.

rememb er:

The letter g changes sounds depending on what vowel follows it. Before e or i, the letter g makes a j sound (salpingitis—SAL-pin-JAI-tis). Before a, o, or u, the letter g makes a g sound (salpingoscope—sal-PING-goh-SKOHP).



exampl e:



The amnion is the innermost membrane covering the fetus.

pregnancy suffix:


exampl e:



Although women experience pregnancy firsthand, there is a documented medical condition called Couvade syndrome, or sympathetic pregnancy, in which a man experiences some of the symptoms of pregnancy, including weight gain, morning sickness, and, in some cases, labor “pains.”

chorion root:

chori/o, chorion/o

exampl e:

choriocarcinoma, chorionitis


The chorion is the outer membrane covering the fetus. It connects the fetus to the wall of the uterus.

fetus root:


exampl e:



Fetus is a Latin word that means offspring. The Greek word is embryo. In current medical usage, a fetus is an unborn child after the eighth week of pregnancy. Before that time, it is referred to as an embryo. Before the fertilization of an egg, the sperm and egg are called gametes (Greek for husband and wife). Once they join, a separate, distinct, and genetically unique creature is created that is called a zygote (Greek for joined together). Once the unborn child becomes implanted in the wall of the uterus, it is called an embryo.

birth root:

part/o, nat/o

example s:

postpartum, neonatal


Both roots mean birth, but their focus is different. Parto means more accurately to give birth and therefore focuses on the mother. Natomeans more literally to be born and therefore focuses on the baby. Hence, a mother gets postpartum depression and a baby is cared for by a neonatologist.

gynecology Term

Word Analysis

amenorrhea AY-men-oh-REE -ah

a / meno /   rrhea no / menstruation / discharge

Definition no menstruation

colpostenosis KOL-poh-steh-N OH-sis

colpo / sten / osis vagina / narrow / condition

Definition narrowing in the vaginal opening dysmenorrhea DIS-men-oh-RE E-ah

dys / meno  / rrhea bad / menstruation / discharge

Definition painful menstruation dyspareunia dis-pah-ROO-nee -ah

dys / par / eun / ia bad / alongside / couch / condition

Definition painful sexual intercourse gynecomastia GAI-neh-koh-M AS-tee-a gynecomasti a

gyneco / mast / ia woman / breast / condition

Definition development of breast tissue in males Note: This term applies to men and not women, but it is included in this chapter because of the root it uses. hysteralgia HIS-ter-AL-jah

hyster / algia uterus / pain

Definition pain in the uterus hysterodynia HIS-ter-oh-DIHnee-ah

hystero / dynia uterus / pain

Definition pain in the uterus leukorrhea LOO-koh-REE-a h

leuko / rrhea white / discharge

Definition white vaginal discharge

mastalgia mas-TAL-jah

mast  / algia breast / pain

Definition breast pain mastoptosis MAS-top-TOH-si s


masto / ptosis breast / drooping condition

Definition downward displacement (drooping) of the breast menorrhagia MEN-oh-RAY-ja h

meno / rrhagia menstruation / excessive discharge

Definition excessive menstrual flow menorrhalgia MEN-oh-RAL-ja h

meno / rrh / algia uterus / discharge / pain

Definition painful menstruation Note: The difference between the last two words is only one letter—but that one letter makes a big difference. metromenorrhagi a MEH-troh-MENoh-RAY-jah

metro / meno / rrhagia uterus / menstruation / excessive discharge

Definition excessive menstrual bleeding at irregular intervals metrorrhagia MEH-troh-RAYjah

metro / rrhagia uterus / excessive discharge

Definition menstrual bleeding at irregular times

oligomenorrhea AW-lih-goh-ME N-oh-REE-ah

oligo / meno / rrhea few / menstruation / discharge

Definition infrequent or light menstrual periods ovaralgia OH-var-AL-jah

ovar / algiaovary /pain

Definition pain of the ovaries ovarialgia oh-VAR-ee-AL-j ah

ovari / algia ovary / pain

Definition pain of the ovaries Note: Both ovaralgia and ovarialgia are acceptable spellings and mean the same thing. perineocele PER-ih-NEE-ohseel

perineo / cele perineum / pouch / tumor / hernia

Definition hernia in the perineal region perineocele

polymenorrhea PAW-lee-MEN-o h-REE-ah

poly / meno / rrhea many / menstruation / discharge

Definition menstrual periods occurring with greater than normal frequency vaginodynia VAJ-ih-noh-DIH -nee-ah

vagino / dynia vagina / pain

Definition vaginal pain vulvodynia VUL-voh-DIH-n ee-ah

vulvo / dynia vulva / pain

Definition pain in the vulva

obstetrics Term

Word Analysis

amniorrhea AM-nee-ohREE-ah

amnio / rrhea amnion / discharge

Definition discharge of amniotic fluid amniorrhexi s AM-nee-ohREK-sis

amnio / rrhexis amnion/ rupture

Definition rupture of the amniotic sac amniorrhexi s

Braxton Hicks contraction BRAKS-ton HIKS con-TRAKshun

named after John Braxton Hicks, the doctor who first noted them, in 1872

Definition sporadic contractions of the uterine muscles of women not in labor; also known as false labor


contraction con-TRAKshun

from Latin, for to draw togetherorshorte n

Definition shortening or tightening of a muscle; during labor, the uterine muscles contract gynecology


Word Analysis

amastia ay-MAS-tee-ah

a / mast / ia no/ breast/ condition

Definition absence of breast amastia

cervical dysplasia SER-vih-kal dis-PLAY-zhah

cervic / al  dys / plasia cervix /pertainingto bad / formation

Definition bad formation of cervical cells colpoptosis KOL-pawp-TO H-sis colpoptosis

colpo / pt / osis vagina/ droop/ condition

Definition downward displacement of the vagina episiostenosis eh-PEE-zee-ohstih-NOH-sis

episio / sten / osis vulva/ narrow/ condition

Definition narrowing of the vulvar opening hematosalpinx heh-MAT-oh-S AL-pinks

hemato / salpinx blood/ fallopian tube

Definition blockage in a fallopian tube caused by blood

hydrosalpin x

hydrosalpinx HAI-droh-SALpinks

hydro / salpinx water/ fallopian tube

Definition blockage in a fallopian tube caused by water (or any clear fluid) hypermastia HAI-per-MAS-t ee-ah

hyper / mast / ia over/ breast/ condition

Definition excessively large breasts Note: This term can also refer to an abnormal number of breasts.


hypomastia HAI-poh-MAStee-ah

hypo / mast / ia under/ breast/ condition

Definition abnormally small breasts hysteroptosis HIS-ter-awp-T OH-sis

hystero / ptosis uterus / drooping condition

Definition downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina hypomastia

macromastia MAK-roh-MAS -tee-ah

macro / mast / ia big/ breast/ condition

Definition abnormally large breasts micromastia MAI-kroh-MA S-tee-ah

micro / mast / ia small/ breast/ condition

Definition abnormally small breasts oophorocystosis OH-aw-FOR-oh -SIS-toh-sis

oophoro / cyst / osis ovary/ cyst /condition

Definition ovarian cysts pyosalpinx PAI-oh-SAL-pi nks

pyo / salpinx pus/ fallopian tube

Definition blockage in a fallopian tube caused by pus uterine prolapse YOO-ter-in PROH-laps

uter / ine pro / lapse uterus/ pertaining toforward / fall

Definition downward displacement of the uterus into the vagina gynecology—diagnostic procedures


Word Analysis

cervicography SER-vih-KAW-grah -fee

cervico / graphy cervix / writing procedure

Definition procedure for imaging the cervix colposcope KOL-poh-SKOHP

colpo / scope vagina/ instrument to look

Definition instrument used to examine the vagina colposcopy kol-PAW-skoh-pee


colpo / scopy vagina / looking procedure

Definition procedure for examining the vagina hysterosalpingogra m HIS-ter-oh-sal-PIN G-goh-gram

hystero / salpingo / gram uterus/ fallopian tube/ record

Definition record of the uterus and fallopian tubes hysteroscope HIS-ter-oh-SKOHP

hystero / scope uterus/ instrument to look

Definition instrument for examining the uterus

hysteroscopy HIS-ter-AW-skoh-p ee

hystero / scopy uterus / looking procedure

Definition procedure for examining the uterus mammogram

mammogram MAM-oh-GRAM

mammo / gram breast/ record

Definition record of a breast exam Pap smear PAP SMEER

Pap smear

named after the inventor of the procedure, Dr. Georgios Papanicolao u

Definition test used to detect cancer cells, most commonly in the cervix sonohysterography SOH-noh-HIS-ter-A W-grah-fee

sono / hystero / graphy sound /uterus / writing procedure

Definition procedure using sound waves to examine the uterus transvaginal sonography TRANZ-VAJ-ih-nal soh-NAW-grah-fee

sonohysterograp hy

trans / vagin / al sono / graphy through / vagina / pertaining to sound / writing procedure

Definition imaging procedure using sound waves emitted from a device inserted in the vagina

vaginoscope VAJ-ih-noh-SKOH P

vagino / scope vagina/ instrument to look

Definition instrument used to examine the vagina obstetrics Term

Word Analysis

bradytocia BRAY-dih-TOH-sh ee-ah

brady / toc / ia slow/ birth/ condition

Definition slow labor cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) SEE-fah-loh-PEL-v ik DIS-proh-POR-shu n

cephalo / pelv / ic disproportion head/ pelvic/ pertaining to

Definition condition characterized by the inability of the mother's pelvis to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal Note: This can be caused by either a small pelvis or a large baby, or both. congenital anomaly con-JIN-ih-tal ah-NAW-moh-lee

con / genit / al anomaly with/ birth/ pertaining to irregularity

Definition irregular condition that is present at the time of birth dystocia dis-TOH-shee-ah

dys / toc / ia bad/ birth/ condition

Definition difficult labor

eutocia yoo-TOH-shee-ah

eu / toc / ia good/ birth/ condition

Definition normal labor gravida GRAH-vid-ah


Definition another term for pregnant NOTE: This word, which is also where the word gravity comes from, means heavy and is similar to an old expression about pregnancy that a woman is “great with child.” hysterocele HIS-ter-oh-SEEL

hystero / cele uterus/ pouch / tumor / hernia

Definition hernia of the uterus hysterorrhexis HIS-ter-oh-REK-sis

hystero / rrhexis uterus/ rupture

Definition rupture of the uterus Definition branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor, and delivery of newborns perinatal PEH-ree-NAY-tal

peri / nat / al around/ birth/ pertaining to

Definition time around the birth, normally ranging from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 28 days after pregnancy perinatologist PEH-ree-nay-TAWloh-jist

peri / nato / logist around/ birth/ specialist

Definition specialist in the perinatal period perinatology PER-ee-nay-TAW-l oh-jee

peri / nato / logy around/ birth/ study

Definition branch of medicine dealing with the perinatal period postnatal post-NAY-tal

post / nat / al after/ birth/ pertaining to

Definition pertaining to after birth postpartum POST-PAR-tum

post / partum after/ birth

Definition pertaining to after birth Note: The difference between this word and postnatal is the focus. Normally, nato words focus on the baby and partumwords focus on the mother. prenatal pree-NAY-tal

pre / natal before/ birth

Definition pertaining to before birth teratology TER-ah-TAW-loh-j ee

terato / logy monster/ study

Definition branch of medicine dealing with the study of birth defects and their causes gynecology

adenocarcinom a


Word Analysis

adenocarcinom a of the breast AD-en-oh-KAR -sih-NOH-mah

adeno / carcin / oma of the breast gland/ cancer/ tumor

Definition glandular tumor in the breast cervical intraepithelial neoplasia SER-vih-kal IN-trah-EP-ih-T HEE-lee-al NEE-oh-PLAY -zhah

cervic /al intra / epithelial neo / plasia cervix/ pertaining to inside/ epithelial new/ formation

Definition abnormal growth of cervical cells Note: Epithelial cells are a type of tissue that lines the surface of the skin and other membranes. cervicitis

cervicitis SER-vih-SAI-ti s

cervic / itis cervix/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the cervix cervicocolpitis SER-vih-koh-k ol-PAI-tis

cervico / colp / itis cervix/ vagina/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the cervix and vagina cervicovaginitis SER-vih-koh-V AJ-ih-NAI-tis

cervico / vagin / itis cervix/ vagina/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the cervix and vagina colpitis kol-PAI-tis

colp / itis vagina/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the vagina colpocystitis KOL-poh-sis-T AI-tis

colpo / cyst / itis vagina/ bladder/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the vagina and urinary bladder cystocele SIS-toh-seel

cysto / cele bladder/ pouch / tumor / hernia

Definition hernia of the urinary bladder into the vagina dermoid cyst DER-moyd SIST dermoid cyst

derm / oid cyst skin/ resembling cyst

Definition ovarian cyst containing skin and sometimes hair, teeth, bone, or cartilage

teratoma TER-ah-TOHmah

terat / oma monster/ tumor

Definition another term for a dermoid cyst; the name derives from the contents of the cyst endocervicitis EN-doh-SER-vi h-SAI-tis

endo / cervic / itis inside/ cervix/ inflammation

Definition inflammation of the i...

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