Chapter 14 Applying Extinction PDF

Title Chapter 14 Applying Extinction
Course Lab in Child Behavior
Institution Binghamton University
Pages 9
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1. Terminating reinforcement for a behavior so that the behavior decreases is referred to as: a. antecedent control b. punishment c. negative reinforcement d. extinction ANSWER: d 2. Which of the following is NOT involved in the use of extinction? a. eliminating the reinforcer that is maintaining the behavior b. implementing punishment to decrease the behavior c. identifying the reinforcer that is maintaining the behavior d. data collection in all relevant situations ANSWER: b 3. Extinction involves: a. providing negative reinforcers for the behavior b. providing punishers for the behavior c. withholding the reinforcer for the behavior d. A and C ANSWER: c 4. Which of the following is necessary in order to determine the effects of extinction? a. a rough estimate of the behavior before treatment b. data collection limited to the treatment setting c. a baseline assessment d. a label for the problem behavior ANSWER: c 5. Which of the following is NOT a reason for collecting data on the problem behavior when using extinction? a. to demonstrate change in the behavior following treatment b. to determine the level of behavior before treatment c. to identify aversive stimuli that can be used to decrease the behavior d. to assess maintenance of behavior change ANSWER: c 6. Conducting a functional assessment is an important step in the use of extinction, because it will allow you to identify the: a. antecedents and consequences of the behavior b. unconditioned responses c. punisher to use for the behavior d. all of these

ANSWER: a 7. You identify the reinforcer to withhold in an extinction procedure by first conducting a: a. task analysis b. functional assessment c. scatter plot assessment d. B and C ANSWER: b 8. A problem behavior can be maintained by all of the following except: a. the presentation or removal of a stimulus event b. the behavior of another person c. an antecedent event d. a change in a physical stimulus ANSWER: c 9. Which of the following is NOT a consideration in the use of extinction? a. maintaining consistency b. ability to tolerate an extinction burst c. eliminating the reinforcer for the behavior d. presenting the reinforcer for the behavior ANSWER: d 10. Extinction should only be implemented when: a. it is unsafe to eliminate the reinforcer b. punishment has been ineffective c. the change agent controls the reinforcer d. all of these ANSWER: c 11. In an extinction burst: a. the behavior may increase in frequency, intensity, or duration b. novel behaviors may occur c. emotional behaviors may occur d. all of these ANSWER: d 12. The increase in the problem behavior at first when extinction is used is referred to as: a. generalization b. an extinction burst c. spontaneous recovery d. behavioral escalation

ANSWER: b 13. Which of the following is (are) true concerning an extinction burst? a. the behavior increases in frequency, duration, and intensity b. novel and emotional behaviors may occur c. it is a permanent change in behavior d. A and B ANSWER: d 14. When there is a possibility of an extinction burst, you should determine whether: a. punishment can be implemented for novel behaviors b. the extinction burst is desirable c. the change agent can withhold the reinforcer d. A and C ANSWER: c 15. Extinction of a problem behavior will be more rapid when the behavior had been reinforced on a(an) ____________ reinforcement schedule. a. fixed interval b. continuous c. variable interval d. intermittent ANSWER: b 16. A problem behavior will be more resistant to extinction when the behavior has been maintained on a(an) ____________ reinforcement schedule. a. intermitten t b. continuous c. concurrent d. negative ANSWER: a 17. Extinction of a problem behavior will be more gradual when the behavior was reinforced on a ___________ schedule. a. intermitten t b. continuous c. concurrent d. negative ANSWER: a 18. A problem behavior will be less resistant to extinction when it is reinforced on a ______________ schedule prior to extinction. a. fixed interval

b. continuous c. variable interval d. intermittent ANSWER: b 19. An extinction procedure should always be used in conjunction with: a. behavioral skills training b. a punishment procedure c. respondent conditioning d. a reinforcement procedure ANSWER: d 20. Which of the following is NOT true concerning the use of extinction and reinforcement together? a. the problem behavior decreases b. the probability of spontaneous recovery decreases c. extinction is generally more effective when it is used alone d. alternative behavior increases ANSWER: c 21. When the problem behavior no longer occurs in all relevant circumstances following extinction, ___________ is said to have occurred. a. discriminatio n b. fading c. shaping d. generalization ANSWER: d 22. The continued change in the problem behavior following the use of extinction is referred to as: a. generalization b. maintenance c. spontaneous recovery d. chaining ANSWER: b 23. Which of the following is NOT true concerning sensory extinction? a. it is used when the reinforcer for the behavior is social b. it is used when the reinforcer involves sensory stimulation c. it involves changing or eliminating sensory stimulation d. it has been used with children with autism and developmental disabilities ANSWER: a

24. A teacher decides to use extinction on a child’s behavior of complaining when he is asked to work on assignments. The teacher conducts a functional assessment to determine which events might be maintaining the behavior. In this case the teacher is considering whether she can: a. eliminate the reinforcer b. maintain consistency c. identify the reinforcer d. tolerate an extinction burst ANSWER: c 25. A teacher determines that Mark frequently fights with other children, because his friends praise him when he fights. The teacher would like to use extinction on his behavior, but she has no control over how Mark’s friends react to his fighting. Which consideration in the use of extinction is being addressed? a. ability to maintain consistency b. ability to eliminate the reinforcer c. whether it is safe to use extinction d. whether an extinction burst is tolerable ANSWER: b 26. A parent is considering the use of extinction on her child’s tantrum behavior. Before she begins to use extinction, the parent considers whether she can handle the initial increase in the behavior that may occur. In this example, the parent is considering her ability to: a. maintain consistency b. identify the reinforcer c. tolerate an extinction burst d. A and B ANSWER: c 27. Tommy’s parents used extinction to decrease his behavior of crying when he had to eat vegetables by making him eat them despite his crying. When Tommy is going to be with his grandparents or a babysitter, his parents tell them to make sure Tommy eats his vegetables even if he cries. Which consideration in the use of extinction is being addressed? a. eliminating a reinforcer b. maintaining consistency c. whether it is safe to use extinction d. ability to tolerate an extinction burst ANSWER: b 28. Two year old Roscoe pushes the off button on the remote control while the family is watching TV and the family gets upset and scolds him. He continues to push the off button on the remote when they are watching TV. How would the family use extinction in this case? a. grab the remote from him before he can hit the off button b. refrain from getting upset and scolding him when he pushes the off button c. take away a favorite toy when he pushes the off button d. A and B ANSWER: b

29. The snack machine is broken so that people can get all of the snacks that are lined up in a row after they put their money in the machine for an item. How would you use extinction for stealing items from this snack machine? a. have a person observe who steals and make them pay for all the items they steal b. turn off the machine so that people cannot use it any longer c. fix the machine so people can only get the item they pay for d. B and C ANSWER: c 30. If a behavior is maintained by social positive reinforcement, extinction will involve a. terminating sensory stimulation for the behavior b. no longer delivering the reinforcer when the behavior occurs c. no longer terminating the aversive stimulus when the behavior occurs d. providing attention for desirable behavior ANSWER: b 31. To use extinction, you must eliminate the ___________ that is maintaining the problem behavior. ANSWER: reinforce r 32. You conduct a(n) ___________________________ to identify the reinforcer maintaining the problem behavior before using extinction. ANSWER: functional assessment 33. When the problem behavior is maintained by a(n) ANSWER: continuous reinforcement

schedule, extinction will be more rapid.

34. The problem behavior will decrease less rapidly during extinction if it was maintained by a(n) ___________ schedule prior to extinction. ANSWER: intermittent reinforcement 35. An extinction procedure should be used in conjunction with a(n) ___________ procedure. ANSWER: reinforcemen t 36. When an extinction procedure is used, the behavior will ____________________________ in the future. ANSWER: decreas e 37. Ignoring the target behavior will function as an extinction procedure if ____________________________ is the reinforcer maintaining the behavior. ANSWER: attention 38. When extinction is implemented, the target behavior may temporarily increase in frequency, duration, or intensity. This is known as a(n) ______________________________. ANSWER: extinction

burst 39. __________________________ is a procedure that involves removing the sensory reinforcer maintaining the target behavior in an attempt to decrease the target behavior. ANSWER: sensory extinction 40. If a target behavior is maintained by negative reinforcement, extinction involves __________________________ escape from the aversive stimulus when the problem behavior occurs. ANSWER: eliminatin g 41. Extinction should only be considered when all else has failed to decrease a problem behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 42. Assuming a particular reinforcer is maintaining a problem behavior is usually necessary. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 43. A behavior may serve different functions in different contexts. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 44. Extinction is by far the easiest behavior modification procedure to use. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 45. There are problem behaviors in which the change agent has no control over the reinforcer, making extinction impossible to be used. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 46. It is always safe to remove the reinforcer for a problem behavior. a. True b. Fals

e ANSWER: Fals e 47. Behaviors maintained by an intermittent reinforcement schedule are resistant to extinction. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 48. Extinction is more rapid following continuous reinforcement. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 49. When a problem behavior is maintained by escape, extinction involves preventing escape following the problem behavior. a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: True 50. When a problem behavior is maintained by escape, extinction involves ignoring the problem behavior a. True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 51. Define extinction and provide an example. ANSWER Extinction is the elimination of the reinforcing consequences for a behavior resulting in : a decrease in the frequency of the behavior in the future. For example, it was determined that Johnny engages in the problem behavior of screaming in order to get attention from others. When, as treatment for the behavior, those in his environment withheld attention when Johnny screamed, the screaming gradually decreased and eventually stopped altogether. 52. Sally whines for candy every time she is at the grocery store with mom. Sally’s mom gets sick of listening to the whining and usually ends up buying Sally a candy bar. What is the reinforcer for Sally’s whining? How should her mom implement extinction to decrease Sally’s whining in the store? ANSWER The reinforcer for Sally’s whining is a candy bar. To implement extinction, her mother : would need to not give Sally candy when Sally whines in the grocery store. 53. Jesse is constantly going into mom’s purse to get gum. Mom finds this behavior annoying and inappropriate and decides if she ignores Jesse the behavior will stop. What is most likely to happen to Jesse’s purse rummaging behavior? What would you tell Jesse’s mother to do to eliminate this behavior? ANSWER Jesse is most likely going to continue to rummage in his mother’s purse for gum. To : eliminate Jesse rummaging in his mother’s purse, his mother would need to stop carrying gum in her purse so that Jesse’s behavior would not be reinforced.

54. Jeremy hits his little sister in order to get mom’s attention. When this happens, mom sets Jeremy aside and gives him a long explanation of why he shouldn’t hit his sister. Jeremy continues to hit his sister. Is extinction a good procedure to use in this case? Why or why not? ANSWER In this example, extinction would not be a good procedure to use because Jeremy’s : mom is not able to protect Jeremy’s sister from being hit. If she wanted to continue to use extinction, mom would need to make certain that Jeremy’s sister would not continue to be hit. 55. What is sensory extinction? When would you use a sensory extinction procedure? ANSWER Sensory extinction involves a change in or elimination of the sensory stimulation that : reinforces the behavior. You would use a sensory extinction procedure when a functional analysis has been done and it was found that the behavior is being maintained by an automatic positive reinforcer (sensory reinforcer)....

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