Chapter 15 - class notes PDF

Title Chapter 15 - class notes
Course Introduction To Health And Wellness
Institution Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Pages 8
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1. About how many deaths does cancer cause each day in the United States? a. 1,600 2. What is the term that describes the uncontrolled multiplication of cells? a. clonal growth 3. During cell growth, enzymes scan the ______, looking for errors during its replication. a. DNA 4. Because some cancer treatments involve the use of high doses of chemotherapy or radiation that can damage bone marrow, what may be used to revitalize the patient's immune system? a. stem cells 5. After an initiating event, when does a cell become cancerous? if it evades ______ of the body's control mechanisms. a. once it evades all of the body's control mechanisms 6. Which of the following statements about cancer in the United States are correct? a. Cancer is responsible for about 25% of all deaths in the United States. b. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death. 7. A condition characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells that starts with one abnormal cell is known as a. Cancer 8. What is the term for a mass of extra tissue that develops through cell hyperplasia? a. A tumor 9. Each time a cell divides, it is possible that there will be an error in DNA, or a a. Mutation 10. What is an important characteristic of stem cells? a. They can differentiate into a variety of cell types. 11. What is the condition in which cells that grow too much may lead to cancer? a. Hyperplasia 12. After a series of critical mutations take place within a cell, a. many years can pass before cancer develops. 13. True or false: A mass of extra tissue is known as an oncogene. a. False 14. The cells within a ______ tumor are capable of entering the bloodstream or the lymphatic system and spreading throughout the body. a. Malignant 15. What occurs in hyperplasia? a. Cells experience a condition of overgrowth. 16. The terms metastases and ______ are synonymous, meaning they are new growths resulting from the spread of cancer cells to new locations. a. secondary tumors 17. How does cancer begin?

a. with a single cell that undergoes a mutation 18. What is the original site of cancer in the body called? a. The primary site 19. Which of the following statements are true about tumors? a. Malignant tumors can invade surrounding tissue. b. Benign tumors grow slowly. c. The cells of malignant tumors can enter the lymphatic system. 20. What type of tumor is capable of metastasizing? a. a malignant tumor 21. Match each type of tissue at right with the type of cancer originates in it. a. Carcinomas → epithelial tissue b. Sarcomas → connective tissue c. Leukemias → bone marrow or lymphatic system d. Lymphomas → lymph nodes or glands 22. People over the age of 50 account for about ______% of all cancers. a. 85 23. Which of the following statements regarding family history and cancer risk are true? a. A family history of cancer can impact cancer screening recommendations. b. Only a small percentage of cancers are caused by genetics. 24. What are two kinds of environmental cancer agents? a. carcinogens and cancer promoters 25. What type of cancer might originate in the intestines? a. a carcinoma 26. What is the most significant risk factor for most cancers? a. Age 27. Cancers due to inherited genetic alterations a. account for only 5% of all cancers. 28. Tobacco use increases the risk of which of the following cancers? a. pancreatic b. kidney c. Stomach 29. Once the initiating event has already occurred, which of the following augment the possibility that cancer will develop? a. cancer promoters 30. The evidence is ______ that taking supplements results in the same cancer-protection benefits as consuming the whole foods. a. Not clear 31. Alcohol use has been linked to which of the following cancers? a. liver b. breast

c. Mouth 32. Income, education, and access to nutritious food are all ______ that are associated with the risk of developing and dying from cancer. a. Socioeconomic factors 33. Which geographical areas are known to pose a higher risk of getting skin cancer? a. places near the equator b. areas near the hole in the ozone layer 34. North American residents of homes with basements can be exposed to which type of natural radiation? a. Radon 35. Where are cancer rates above average? a. farm states b. industrial areas c. Cities 36. Alcohol consumption of more than _____ drink(s) per day for women and _____ drink(s) per day for men increases the risk for some cancers. a. 1, 2 37. HPV has been linked to cancers of which of the following? a. mouth b. cervix c. Anus 38. Skin cancer and premature aging of the skin tend to result from which type of ultraviolet radiation? a. UVA 39. There is no type of screening recommendation for ______ cancer. a. Ovarian 40. What type of radiation is known to cause bone marrow and thyroid cancers? a. ionizing radiation 41. True or false: Individuals have very little control over their exposure to environmental carcinogens. a. True 42. Which of the following suppresses the immune system and allows several types of cancer to develop? a. HIV 43. Which of the following statements is true of cancer screening tests? a. Screening tests are the key to early detection of cancer. 44. Which is the oldest treatment for cancer? a. Surgery 45. Which of the following statements about surgery for treating cancer is not  correct? a. Surgery is a last resort in the treatment of cancer.

46. How does chemotherapy differ from surgery as a method to treat cancer? a. Chemotherapy can kill cancer cells that have escaped from a tumor. 47. Which of the following are examples of new techniques that are used to treat cancer? a. gene therapy b. bone marrow transplantation 48. _______, a type of cancer treatment, destroys cancer cells in a specific area of the body. a. Radiation 49. Which of the following treatments are examples of immunotherapy? a. certain medications, such as interferon-alpha b. vaccines c. social support 50. For which of the following cancers can surgery be an effective form of treatment? a. breast b. basal cell c. Prostate 51. Which of the following statements about chemotherapy are correct? a. The side effects of chemotherapy, such as hair loss, are the result of normal tissue being destroyed. b. Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. c. Chemotherapy works by interfering with rapid cell division. 52. Which of the following statements about radiation treatment for cancer is correct? a. Radiation may be used as an exclusive treatment or combined with other treatments. 53. Mutations in the BRCA1  or BRCA2 genes are a. rare in the general population. 54. Information gleaned through ______ may allow physicians to develop cancer treatment medication tailored to the individual. a. genetic testing 55. Why are lung cancer rates decreasing in the United States? a. because women are smoking less b. because men are smoking less 56. Breast cancer is the ______ cause of cancer fatalities among women. a. Second-leading 57. What is the leading cause of cancer death among men and women? a. lung cancer 58. Which of the following are symptoms of lung cancer? a. persistent cough b. chest pain c. recurring lung infection 59. Which of the following are risk factors for developing lung cancer?

a. inhaling environmental (secondhand) smoke b. air pollution c. smoking pipes 60. If lung cancer has spread to other areas of the body, radiation and chemotherapy can be used for ____ care to give temporary relief of symptoms. a. Palliative 61. What is the most important risk factor for prostate cancer? a. Age 62. A _____ is the removal of the tumor and the surrounding breast tissue. a. Lumpectomy 63. When do the symptoms of lung cancer generally appear? a. in its advanced stages 64. Which of the following statements are correct concerning treatment for lung cancer? a. Radiation and chemotherapy are common treatments for lung cancer. b. Lung cancer consisting of small tumors that can be surgically removed has the best prognosis. 65. Death rates due to prostate cancer are a. higher for Black men than they are for White men. 66. What is a drawback to the prostate-specific antigen test? a. The test can produce false positives. b. The test can produce false negatives. 67. ______ seeds, or small pellets, can be implanted in tissue to specifically destroy prostate cancer cells. a. Radioactive 68. What is the third-most commonly diagnosed cancer? a. colorectal cancer 69. What is the five-year survival rate for people with prostate cancer? a. close to 100% 70. Cancers of the colon and rectum may arise from ______, which are masses that can grow into malignancies. a. Polyps 71. Which of the following are risk factors for colorectal cancer? a. obesity b. alcohol use c. diet high in red meat 72. Which of the following is a possible symptom of colorectal cancer? a. blood in the stool 73. The rate of colorectal cancer is increasing for which group of people? a. White people, aged 20 to 54 74. A(n) ____ ____ is a growth in the colon that could lead to colon cancer.

a. Colon polyp 75. What are some warning signs of colorectal cancer? a. pain in the abdomen b. change in bowel movements c. change in the size or shape of stools 76. When is chemotherapy or radiation used to treat colorectal cancer? a. when the cancer has spread beyond the colon or rectum 77. The most common treatment for colon and rectal cancer is a. Surgery 78. In which type of colorectal screening does a short fiber-optic tube examine the lower third of the colon? a. flexible sigmoidoscopy 79. Which of the following statements is incorrect? a. For sunscreens and lip balms, the maximum SPF that should be used is 15. 80. Which of the following are characteristics of melanoma? a. Tissue invaded by melanoma may burn, itch, or bleed easily. b. Melanoma usually arises from a pre-existing mole. 81. The ACS recommends annual skin examinations after which age? a. 40 82. Which of the following are characteristics of basal cell carcinoma? a. a sore that scabs but does not heal b. a domelike lesion with a pearl-like edge 83. Which of the following are signs that suggest the development of melanoma in a mole? a. a sudden change in color b. spread of color into surrounding skin c. itchiness or pain 84. Which of the following are characteristics squamous cell carcinoma? a. a raised crusty sore b. growth from a red, rough spot on the skin c. a red, scaly area that does not go away 85. What are some lymphoma symptoms? a. fever b. night sweats c. severe itchiness 86. Which of the following are cancers that occur at higher frequencies in young adults? a. reproductive tract cancers b. Leukemia 87. What are some of the risk factors that can lead to the development of cervical cancer? a. nutritional status b. early sexual activity

c. tobacco use 88. For the majority of lymphoma victims, there are ______ identified risk factors. a. No clearly 89. Young people may smoke cigarettes, chew smokeless tobacco, or use other tobacco products without thinking about the health consequences, but such behaviors are primary risk factors for developing ___ cancer. a. Oral 90. Contrary to earlier recommendations, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that women between the ages of 21 and 30 should have a Pap test a. Every three years 91. To reduce the risk of HPV infection, there currently are ______ available a. Vaccines 92. What is the five-year survival rate for localized cervical cancer? a. about 90% 93. Contrary to earlier recommendations, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has recommended that ______ should have a Pap test for cervical cancer. a. all women from 21 to 65 years of age 94. Which of the following is not  a risk factor that can lead to the development of cervical cancer? a. no sexual encounters 95. Which of the following are risk factors for uterine cancer? a. late onset of menopause b. early onset of menstruation 96. In the treatment of cervical cancer, ______ cells are removed or destroyed. a. Precursor 97. Which of the following are risk factors for ovarian cancer? a. having a personal history of breast cancer b. having a family history of ovarian cancer 98. The common course of treatment for ______ cancer includes removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. a. Ovarian 99. Which of the following reduce the risk of uterine cancer? a. oral contraceptives b. Pregnancy 100. The incidence rate of testicular cancer has ______ over the past 40 years. a. nearly doubled 101. What are possible later stage symptoms of uterine cancer? a. vague abdominal pain b. swelling of the abdomen

c. Bloating 102. During surgery for ovarian cancer, which of the following is biopsied to determine if the cancer spread? a. lymph nodes 103. The cure rate for all stages of testicular cancer is a. 95% 104. Which of the following are risk factors for leukemia? a. cigarette smoking b. exposure to benzene c. exposure to ionizing radiation...

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