Chapter 9 - class notes PDF

Title Chapter 9 - class notes
Course Introduction To Health And Wellness
Institution Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Pages 7
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1. Due to its ability to change consciousness and brain chemistry, alcohol is classified as

a(n) a. psychoactive drug. 2. According to the parameters set by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which of the following drinking patterns would not b e considered heavy or at-risk drinking? a. for a man, drinking 10 drinks per week and at most 3 drinks on any one day 3. This is a term for a measurement of alcohol that is twice the actual percentage of alcohol in a beverage. You would say that a beverage that is 40% alcohol is 80 a. Proof. 4. Which group typically reports the highest rate of heavy drinking within the past month? a. individuals 21 to 25 years old 5. Problem drinking is caused by a complex interaction of which of the following types of factors? a. psychological b. individual c. Sociocultural 6. Intoxication refers to the ______ caused by alcohol. a. altered state of consciousness 7. Surveys show which of the following about college students under the age of 21 who drink? a. They drink less frequently than older students. 8. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which of the following people is a high-risk drinker? a. Bill, who drinks a six pack of beer each Saturday and Sunday, but does not drink through the week. 9. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, which of the following amounts of alcohol constitutes one standard drink, which is used in calculating levels of alcohol consumption? a. the alcohol in 12 ounces of beer 10. Alcoholism is the top health problem for which of the following groups? a. Native Americans 11. A major risk factor for the development of problems with alcohol is a a. family history of alcoholism. 12. College students who drink frequently tend to a. have more problems with law enforcement. 13. Surveys show that approximately what percentage of college students drink alcohol? a. 80% 14. College students under the age of 21 are more likely to a. engage in binge drinking.

15. How does binge drinking affect college students in the future? a. Binge drinkers often find themselves ineligible for certain careers because they were convicted of alcohol-related offenses. b. Binge drinkers are more likely than others to suffer alcohol abuse and dependency ten years after college. c. Binge drinkers tend to hold less prestigious employment after they graduate college. 16. Men who engage in heavy episodic drinking consume a. five or more drinks in under two hours. 17. How does the culture of a college influence binge drinking? a. Students in a college culture that accepts drinking are more likely to binge drink. 18. How do college students approach pre-gaming drinking? a. Both sexes drink the same amount during pre-gaming, but males continue to drink more later. 19. How do students approach drinking at spring break? a. Drinking to the point of passing out is very common. 20. Studies have shown that binge drinking in college a. increases the odds of being seriously injured. 21. Why do college students choose to binge drink? a. to lower social anxiety b. to deal with the stress of tough classes c. to fit in with others 22. How have laws approached the sale of powdered alcohol? a. It is federally approved. 23. Studies have shown that more than half of binge drinkers on spring break a. got in legal trouble. b. were injured. c. had unplanned or unprotected sex. 24. Why are many people concerned about flavored alcohol products? a. They disproportionately lead to medical emergencies. 25. How are colleges combating excessive drinking? a. countering the belief that heavy drinking is normal b. providing alcohol-free living options c. limiting marketing of alcohol 26. In 2015, the federal government approved the sale of pouches of a. powdered alcohol. 27. What type of flavored alcohol has the lowest alcohol content? a. Malt-based 28. While alcohol levels in the blood and brain are rising, you experience feelings of a. relaxation and well-being.

29. Colleges are focusing their efforts on curtailing at-risk drinking on a. Incoming freshman 30. Heavy drinkers can prevent the progression of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome by a. taking thiamine. 31. How does nicotine affect alcohol? a. Nicotine lengthens the time alcohol stays in the stomach, increasing the time for absorption into the bloodstream. 32. Between 2 and 10 percent of alcohol consumed is not metabolized, and is a. excreted through the breath, urine, and pores. 33. Processes in the liver convert alcohol to the organic chemical compound called a. Acetaldehyde. 34. Severe alcohol dependence can lead to severe amnesia from a disease known as "wet brain," or a. Wernicke--Korsakoff syndrome. 35. If people have more body fat, a. they have more alcohol circulating in the bloodstream. 36. Which of the following describes why alcohol can be smelled on a person's breath? a. Alcohol is being excreted from the body. 37. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) converts alcohol in the liver. What is ADH? a. an enzyme 38. In addition to the amount of alcohol consumed, which of the following play a role in affecting BAC? a. body fat percentage b. a person's sex c. body weight 39. Which of the following factors affect a person's rate of alcohol absorption? a. age b. drug interactions c. alcohol concentration 40. How does alcohol affect men compared to women? a. It affects men less because they have larger body size and less body fat. 41. Lionel has consumed 1.5 ounces of alcohol. About how long will it likely take his body to metabolize it? a. Three hours 42. Who will have the highest blood alcohol concentration after consuming the same amount of alcohol? a. an average sized person with high body fat and low muscle mass 43. Steve has been drinking heavily for quite a while. Mike has not seen him for several years but immediately notices a difference in his appearance due to drinking, Mike probably notices that Steve has

a. Red cheeks 44. How has drinking by men and women compared historically? a. A century ago, men were two times more likely than women to drink alcohol. 45. As a rule of thumb, people who have normal liver function can metabolize about ______ ounces of alcohol (about one drink) per hour. a. 0.5 46. People experiencing acute alcohol intoxication typically have a blood alcohol level of a. 0.35 or higher. 47. Gloria is trying to track her calorie consumption. What should she keep in mind about alcohol? a. A standard serving of any type of alcoholic drink has a minimum of near 100 calories. 48. A blackout is a temporary period of time during which a drinker is conscious and has a. impaired powers of memory. 49. The only known remedies for a hangover are rest, time, and a. Pain medication 50. Liver fat in a heavy drinker decreases by 15 percent after going how long without drinking? a. One month 51. Alcohol use leads to major damage of which of the following organs and systems of the body? a. the brain b. the liver c. the reproductive system 52. Which of the following are potential long-term effects of alcohol abuse on the cardiovascular system? a. increased chance of stroke b. cardiomyopathy c. abnormal heart rhythms 53. The three phases of liver disease are fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and a. Cirrhosis. 54. A hangover is characterized by a. fatigue. b. upset stomach. c. thirst. d. Headache. 55. How long does it take for a heavy drinker's sleep stages to become normal after quitting drinking? a. One week 56. Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to stroke by

a. Raising blood pressure 57. What percentage of cancers are caused by alcohol? a. 3.5 58. Heavy drinkers are more likely to engage in sexual behaviors that are associated with an increased likelihood of a. sexually transmitted diseases. b. unplanned pregnancies. 59. How does alcohol consumption influence the development of breast cancer? a. Both low-level consumption and binge drinking increase the risk. 60. The pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functioning due to alcohol that is characterized by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms is called a. alcohol dependence. 61. Which of the following is a possible benefit of the high water content in beer and its diuretic effect? a. It could help prevent the forming of kidney stones. 62. Samantha's friends and family have tried to persuade her to cut down on her drinking, but Samantha thinks that because she does not crave alcohol she doesn't have a problem. Samantha has become less responsible and sometimes forgets to pick her children up from school or buy groceries. Samantha is most likely suffering from a. Alcohol abuse 63. AlcoholEdu is a brief intervention that takes the form of a. An online course 64. Researchers suspect that moderate, regular alcohol consumption may be associated with a lowered level of heart disease because it a. increases HDL, or "good cholesterol." 65. The Alcohol Skills Training Program is a brief intervention program using a series of a. Group sessions 66. In outpatient programs, patients a. participate in treatment programs during the day and return home at night. 67. How does Alcoholics Anonymous help people with alcohol consumption problems? a. It is a self-help program offering a multistep path to recovery. 68. Communities have used all of the following tactics to limit alcohol consumption except a. banning the sale of alcohol in cities with colleges. 69. The use of fake IDs a. can be serious enough to be a felony. 70. A basic premise of Alcoholics Anonymous is that an alcoholic a. is biologically different from a nonalcoholic. 71. Physicians use this questionnaire to identify individuals at risk for alcohol problems. a. CAGE 72. The majority of smokers in the United States begin smoking

a. while they are adolescents 73. The CAGE questionnaire that physicians sometimes use to identify individuals at risk for alcohol problems asks if the individuals have ever a. tried to cut down on their drinking. b. felt guilty about their drinking 74. If you want to change your behavior around alcohol, the goals you set for yourself should be a. specific and achievable. 75. Where does tobacco rank among the preventable causes of death in the United States? a. First 76. Which of the following are true about nicotine? a. It is a psychoactive drug. b. It is a poison. 77. The nicotine in cigarettes reaches its peak in the blood concentration in about a. 10 minutes 78. Pipe smokers who do not inhale a. decrease their odds of lung cancer. 79. Which of the following are immediate effects of smoking? a. increased blood pressure b. increased heart rate c. increased body temperature 80. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease consists of which of the following? a. chronic bronchitis b. asthma c. Emphysema 81. Which of the following are impacts of smoking on women? a. early menopause. b. menstrual disorders. c. problems during pregnancy. 82. In which of the following ways does smoking increase one's risk of cardiovascular disease? a. Smoking causes hypertension. b. Smoking leads to an increased likelihood of blood clot formation. c. Smoking causes an increase in heart rate. 83. A decrease in smoking among ethnic minority groups since the 1980s has led to which of the following? a. a leveling off in lung cancer rates for African American women. b. a decline in lung cancer rates for African American men 84. What are some of the effects of environmental tobacco smoke? a. It is especially dangerous to infants because they are small.

b. It can increase the odds of pets getting a variety of cancers. c. A half hour of daily exposure creates heart damage similar to that of an actual smoker. 85. What were the terms of the Master Settlement Agreement? (Select all that apply.) a. Billboards advertising cigarettes and other tobacco products were banned. b. Tobacco ads aimed at children were restricted. c. The tobacco industry paid $206 billion to 46 states. 86. Which of the following are included as key provisions in the Tobacco Control Act of 2009? a. disallowing free samples of tobacco products b. prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to anyone under 18 years of age...

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