Chapter 16 - Psych 1010 Lecture Notes Melinda Fabian PDF

Title Chapter 16 - Psych 1010 Lecture Notes Melinda Fabian
Course Psychology
Institution Tulane University
Pages 6
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Psych 1010 Lecture Notes Melinda Fabian...



CURRENT FORMS OF THERAPY ● Psychotherapy ○ A trained therapist uses psychological techniques to help an individual overcome difficulties or achieve personal growth ● Biomedical Therapy ○ The use of medications or other biological treatments to reduce the symptoms of mental disorders ● Combining therapies ○ An eclectic approach PSYCHOANALYSIS ● Refers to a set of techniques for releasing the tension of repression and resolving unconscious inner thoughts ● Sigmund Freud ○ Techniques ■ Free Association ● “Just speak freely, what’s on your mind” ■ Interpretation ● Very time consuming and expensive PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY ● Discover themes across important relationships ● Childhood matters ● The focus is on improved self-awareness and insight into unconscious thoughts and feelings which may be rooted in past relationships HUMANISTIC THERAPIES ● Humanistic Psychology emphasizes the human potential for growth ● Attempts to boost self-fulfillment by helping people gain self-awareness and selfacceptance ● “Client-centered therapy” -Carl Rogers ● The therapist should exhibit empathy and unconditional positive regard and should listen without judging or interpreting ● The present and the future are more important than the past BEHAVIOR THERAPY ● Sometimes insight and self-awareness do not reduce symptoms ● Behavior therapy uses the principles of learning especially operant and classical conditioning ● Maladaptive symptoms = learned behaviors that can be replaced by adaptive

behaviors (they can be unlearned) CLASSICAL CONDITIONING TECHNIQUES ● Counterconditioning: linking new, positive responses to previously aversive stimuli ○ A new response that is incompatible with fear = relaxation [*Therapist will train you in progressive relaxation] ■ If you have a fear of the grocery store, association with the grocery store is fear. ● Exposure Therapy ○ AVOIDANCE maintains anxiety ○ Guided exposure to the feared situation eliminates avoidance ○ One exposure therapy: systematic desensitization (making a list from most scary, to least scary, ex: scariest thing would be speaking in front of a big crowd, then move on to someone less terrifying such as standing at the podium speaking to an empty room). ○ If you can repeatedly relax when facing anxiety-provoking stimuli, you can gradually eliminate your anxiety. ● Aversive Conditioning ○ When a person has been conditioned to have a positive association with a harmful stimulus ○ Aversive conditioning can associate the drug with a negative response ○ (Condition an aversion to something the person should avoid


Conditioning Therapy (change consequences to change behaviors) ○ *Behaviors are influenced by their consequences ○ Behavior Modification ■ Reward desired behaviors ■ Withhold reinforcement for undesired behaviors ● Token economy - giving a token for every good behavior and those tokens add up to a reward Cognitive therapies (changing thoughts because changing the way you think affects the way you feel) ○ Our thinking influences our feelings ○ If thinking patterns can be learned, then they can be replaced… ○ New ways of perceiving and interpreting events

Many problems arise from irrational thinking or errors in thinking (cognitive biases) ○ Stress inoculation training: practice healthier thinking in stressful situations ○ Change negative self-talk Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (best type of therapy) ○ (CBT) works to change both cognitions and behaviors that are part of a mental health disorder Family Therapy ○ The family as a social system ○ It usually helps to address the entire family Group Therapy ○ Less cost per person ○ Clients realize others share their problems ○ Can practice social skills in a non-judgemental setting Self-Help Groups ○ Led by group members instead of a therapist ○ The focus is more on support ○ Seeing that other people have the same problems or having people that can direct you to certain resources is comforting Using Outcome Research in Therapy ○ Evidence-based practice - the use of therapeutic techniques proven to be effective

You have to research a treatment to make sure it’s safe and that it will actually work ■ Randomized clinical trials use an experimental design to determine if a therapy worked (control group does not get treatment) ● Clinical Decision making: ○ Patient’s values, characteristics, preferences, circumstances ○ Clinical expertise ○ Best available research evidence Drug (Medication) Therapies ○ Psychopharmacology - the study of drug effects on mind and behavior ○ To evaluate effectiveness - experimental design (control group gets placebo) ○ *Double-blind procedure

For Bipolar Disorders: ○ Types of Medication ■ What they do: mood stabilizers - reduce the “highs” of mania and the depressive “lows” (Bipolar) **Lithium ■ How they work: under investigation ■ Side effects: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): ○ Shock-induced seizures ■ In cases of very severe depression that hasn’t improved with any other treatment, have not responded to drug therapy, ECT works very well to relieve severe depression (saved people from suicide)

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This might allow neural rewiring, and might boost neurogenesis It is like a trauma to the system and then healing needs to happen

See chart in book: thinking critically about: therapeutic lifestyle change...

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