Chapter 2 notes PDF

Title Chapter 2 notes
Author Olivia Kraemer
Course Developmental Psychology
Institution University of Rhode Island
Pages 3
File Size 101.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Jeniffer Cruz...


Ch2 Biological Beginnings Evolutionary Psychology ● Emphasizes the importance of adaptation, reproduction and survival of the fittest in shaping behavior ● Connecting evolution and lifespan development ● Some considerations ○ Evolution gave us biological potentialities but it does not dictate behavior ○ Evolution occurs a time scale that does not lend itself to empirical study Genetic Foundations of Development ●

Collaborative gene ○ Human life begins as a single sell ○ Nucleus of each cell contains chromosomes made up of DNA ○ Genes: units of hereditary information composed of DNA ■ Helps cells reproduce ■ Manufacture the proteins that maintain life ● Human Genome project ○ 13 year project by the US department of Energy and National Institutes of Health ● What affects genes? ○ Human genome consists of many genes that collaborate both with each other and with non genetic factors inside and outside of the body ○ Activity of genes is affected by environment ○ Stress, radiation and temperature can cause influence gene expression ■ Exposure to radiation changes the rate of DNA synthesis in cells Genes and Chromosomes ● Sources and variability ○ Combining the genes of two parents in offspring increases genetic variability ○ Identical or monozygotic twins; fraternal or dizygotic twins ○ Mutated gene- permanently altered segment of DNA ○ Susceptibility genes- make the individual more vulnerable to specific diseased or accelerated aging ○ Longevity gene- make the individuals less vulnerable to certain diseased ○ Genotype- a person's genetic heritage ○ Phenotype- the way an individual's genotype is expressed in observed and measureable characteristics ● Genetic principled ○ Dominant- recessive gene principles ■ One gene of a pair always exert its effects, overriding the potential influences of the other gene ○ Sex linked genes ■ When a mutated gene is carried on the X chromosome ○ Genetic imprinting

Occurs when the expression of a gene has different effects depending on whether the mother or father passed on the gene ■ Chemical process prevents one member of the gene pair from expressing itself ○ Polygenic inheritance ■ Determined by the interaction of many different genes ● Dealing with Genetic Abnormalities ■ Every individual carries DNA variations that predispose the person to serious physical disease to mental disorder ■ Genes that are missing, non functional or mutated can be associated with disorders ■ Identifying genetic flaws enables medical professionals to ● Predis risk ● Recommend healthy practices ● Prescribe the safest and most effective drugs ● Reproductive Challenges and choices ○ Prenatal diagnostic tests ○ Infertility and reproductive technology ○ Adoption ■ How might these things affect development? ● Heredity environment interaction ○ Behavior genetics ● G X E interaction ○ Gene x environment interaction has interactions of: ■ Specific measured variation of DNA ■ Specific measured aspect of the environment Behavior genetics ● Discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual difference in human traits and development ○ Twin study: behavioral similarity of identical and fraternal twins is compared ○ Adoption study: seeks to discover whether in behavior and psychological characteristics, adopted children are mte like their ■ Adoptive parents who provided a home environment ■ Biological parents who contributed to their heredity Epigenetic View and Gene x Environment Interaction ● Relative contribution of heredity and environment are not additive ● Complex behaviors are influenced by genes and environments in a way that gives people a propensity for a particular developmental trajectory...

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