Chapter 24 PDF

Title Chapter 24
Author Brandon Sullivan
Course U S History II
Institution Austin Community College District
Pages 7
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Chapter 24 Professor Owen Roberts at ACC. Red timestamps are recordings for personal use....


US History 2 3/25/2019 Chapter 24 3/25/2019 [HIST 2] Chapter 24 1. Describe Theodore Roosevelt's defense and foreign policies [00:00:00] ● modernized the army- army war college, instituted test, instituted general staf ● doubled the size of the navy ● took the actions necessary to get a canal (panama canal)

2. Discuss how the US got the Panama Canal (construct) [00:00:00] ● negotiations with Columbia to construct the canal and failed ● Roosevelt suggested the Panamanians revolt ● US supported the revolt ;recognized Panama when declared their independence ● Roosevelt administration quickly signed a treaty with Panama 10 mile canal and payment to Panama


3. Major factors involved in the construction of the Panama Canal [00:00:00] ● US core of army engineers responsible for building the canal (federal gov't) ● US officials adopted a lock and dam plan for the canal rather than a sea level canal ● Chief medical officer William Gorges overcame the malaria and yellow fever eradicate mosquitos and screen workers from mosquitos ● railroad including innovations connected with the railroad was the heart efort during the construction period ● at its peak workforce exceeded 45 thousand men, ten of thousands of indians, and thousands of Europeans

4. Explain the Roosevelt Corollary [00:00:00] ● US intervened to protect the Panama Canal ● Promote regional stability ● Exclude foreign influence had to do with Roosevelt Corollary

5. What were the primary factors that affected the relations between the US and Japan from 1900-1918 [00:00:00] ● growing power and aggressiveness- war with Russia ● Concern about the Philapeans islands ● State and Local actions against Japanese immigrants in California ● relationships between japan and China-open door policy

6. What did Theodore Roosevelt mean when he used the saying "speak softly and carry a big stick" [00:00:00] 2

● To use and have diplomacy- (speak softly) talk things out, (carry a big stick) and have a strong military to use or threaten with it

7. Explain the goals of Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy" [00:00:00] ● idea of substituting economic ties with other nations for military alliances and military threats ● promote american financial interest/business abroad

8. Discuss Wilson's initial foreign policy ideology [00:00:00] ● involved a rejection of dollar diplomacy and large extent of rejection of afairs with foreign policy-moral diplomacy ● Bring right to the world, peace, national integrity of other nations, to not focus on the financial interest/ material, duty to help less favored nations/undeveloped

9. Describe Wilson's diplomacy prior to US entry into WWI [00:00:00] ●

negotiated a number of cooling of treaties made Secretary of State to negotiate treaties with the US to arbitrate any dispute that arouse- both sided tried to resolve problems before going to war

● focused on national integrity of other nations and human rights of other nations- wouldn't intervene 3

● Continued Roosevelt and Taft's diplomacy's

10. Describe Wilson's policy towards Mexico from 19131917 [00:00:00] ● would recognize only gov'ts with accordance to law ● help mexico achieve political reform and agricultural reform (democracy) ● intervened in mexican afairs when it was necessary to protect US goals or ideas ●

11. Describe the event that triggered WWI, and describe why that event triggered WWI [00:00:00] ● An assassin killed the Arch Duke of Austria Hungry the assassin was linked with Serbia who was an enemy of Austria. ● Web of military alliances among European nations that required various of the nations to assist each other in connection with the war- Austria ● Hungry alliance was Germany; Russian alliance of Serbia; Germany declares war on Russia and France (France alliance of Russia)

12. What was the Schlieffen Plan [00:00:00] ● German war plan to deal with the problem of having to fight the French on the west and Russian on the east ● German war plan to defeat France on the western front and then concentrate on Russia to defeat on the eastern front ● Plan- sweep through France defeat, go back defeat Russia, and carry on circular motion sweep


13. Explain the basis of American sympathy for Britain in 1914 [00:00:00] ● Common language, political institutions with the British ● Germany was seen as arrogant excessively militaristic because of the invasion to Belgium

14. Explain why the US entered WWI [00:00:00] ● German submarine use- prepared to shoot and sink American ships in France ● The US learned about the Zimmerman telegram- Germany's foreign minister sent a telegram in which he proposed an alliance with Mexico they would see to it that Mexico would get back all of the Territory they lost (western US plus TX) US got hold of the telegram


Describe the US military contributions in WWI

● US navy instituted a convoy plan to escort ships across the atlantic; prevent the sinking of US ships by the Germans ● 2 million men were sent to Europe to assist fighting against Germany in their western front- lots of fresh troops


Discuss the US domestic sector in WWI

● Decent/ War attitudes ○ federal gov't launched a considerable propaganda campaign to convince Americans to support the war ○ program of repression- espionage act- unlawful to even encourage disloyalty to the gov't (anti free speech) and sedition act- outlawed 5

speaking out about the war ○ program of repression- espionage act- unlawful to even encourage disloyalty to the gov't (anti free speech) and sedition act- outlawed speaking out about the war ● War Productions ○ fighting the war was a huge expense, US spent 32 billion dollars ○ highly centralized and powerful planning boards were put in the economy (gov't took charge in the economy controlled much of the economy) ○ industry boomed ● Labor ○ War labor board- discouraged strikes and encouraged productions and had control ○ house wives did not leave the home in large numbers to work ○ large northward migration of african americans (left south) to work ○ huge shift in economic power- US was the strongest economic power at the time

17. Identify the major provisions of the Treaty of Versailles [00:00:00] ● Germany accepted responsibility of the war and agreed to pay for reparations ● Agreement that a League of Nations would be formed agreed that every nation that was a member would look out for all of the nations as a mutual defense


● Poland and Czechoslovakia- Independent nations ●

German colonies were allocated to the Victorias nations

● US never ratified the treaty

18. Explain why the US senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles [00:00:00] ● Republicans in the Senate were not willing to accept the idea of mutual defense aspect of the League of Nations. Insisted for reservations in the treaty; Wilson refused take it or leave it.


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