Chapter 3 Learning Module PDF

Title Chapter 3 Learning Module
Author Jessica Herman
Course Basic Interview Skills
Institution Purdue University Fort Wayne
Pages 4
File Size 80.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 9
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Professor Melissa James/Professor Bradley Nestor...



ATTENDI NG BEHAVI OR AND EMPATHY Defini t i on: Bei ngabl et oeffec t i v el yat t endt oot her scanl essende pr essi onori ncr e asese l fes t eem ·

At t endi ngBe havi or :Suppor t i ngc l i ent swi t hi ndi vi dual l yandcul t ur al l yappr opr i at ev er balf ol l owi ng,vi sual s,v ocalqual i t y ,andbodyl anguage


Li s t eni ng:t hecent r als ki l lofat t e ndi ngbe havi orandi sc or et odev e l opi ngar el at i onshi pandmaki ngr e alcont ac twi t hc l i ent s

I t ’ sNotAboutt heNai l:ht t p: / /www. yout ube. com/wat ch?v=4EDhdAHr Og Whatdoesshewant ?Shewant shi mt ol i st en,i ns t eadoft r yi ngt ofixi t .

How doesheat t endt oher ?Heat t e ndst oherbyt e l l i ngherhow t os ol vet he pr obl em ( t aki ngt henai lout ) .Af t ersheaskshi mt ol i st en,hedoesj us tt hat .

At t endi ngBehavi or s–Under s t andwhateac hs ki l li sandhow t oappl yi t

Vi sual /EyeCont act ·

Whati si t ?Looki ngatpeopl ewhe ny ouspeakt ot he m.


How t oAppl y? Thi si sappl i edwhe nhavi ngac onver s at i onwi t hanot heri ndi vi dual .Eyec ont ac tc anhe l pawor keroracl i entde t er mi nehow t heot he rf ee l s. I tcanbeusedt os how comf or t /uncomf or t .Someonewhoi sav oi di nge yec ont actmaybef ee l i nguncomf or t abl e .I ti si mpor t antt oknow t hate y econt ac ti s vi eweddi ffer e nt l yi ndi ffer e ntc ul t ur es .I tmaybec onsi der e dr udet os ome.


Peopl et endt ol ookawaywhen:Theyf eeluncomf or t abl e

● Speci alConsi der at i ons: ● Vi sual l yi mpai r e d–l ookatc l i ent–t he yc ant el lwher eyouar el ooki ngby t hes oundofy ourv oi ce

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● Aut i sm/Deve l opment al l yDi sabl ed–st r uggl et ol i st enAND pr ovi dee y e c ont ac tatsamet i me ● Cul t ur es–t akec uef r om c l i entandf ol l ow t he i rl ead ● Usi ngi nt er pr e t er s–l ookatc l i ent ,noti nt er pr e t er

VocalQual i t i es ·

Whati si t ?Vocalt one/speechr at e/pi t c h/vol ume


How t oAppl y?Communi cat ei nawar m andi nt er es t edwaywi t hyourvoi ce . Youcanus et hesedi ffer entvocalqual i t i est oc onv e yhow youf ee lt owar dsy our c l i ent .

● Char ac t er i s t i csofVocalQual i t i eswhenupse t :Loudv ol ume ,f astspeechr at e , l owerpi t c h

● Ver balUnder l i ni ng:Thekeywor dsaper s onunder l i nesbyme ansofv ol ume andemphasi sar eof t enc oncept sofpar t i cul ari mpor t anc e.Whendi scussi nga di ffic ul tt opi c,s i gni ficantt hi ngsmaybes ai di nal owerv ol ume /sof t ert one .

Ver balTr ac ki ng● Defini t i onofVer balTr ac ki ng:St ayi ngwi t hy ourc l i ent ’ st opi ct oe ncour agef ul l e l abor at i onoft henar r at i ve

● Se l ec t i v eAt t ent i on:c l i ent st endt ot al kaboutwhatc ounsel or sar ewi l l i ngt o hear .Thi scande t er mi net hel engt hofasessi onandwhe t herornott hecl i ent r e t ur ns .

● I nt ent i onalNonat t endi ng:know whysomeonewoul duset hem andhow t oappl y t hem Someonewoul duset he mi fac l i enti st al ki ngaboutweaknesses/negat i vi t y . Cl i ent sgr ow f r om s t r e ngt h,s oi ti si mpor t antt onotat t endt onegat i vet al k.Si l enc ei sanot herwayt oi nt ent i onal l ynotat t end.Thi scanbeuse f ulwhena c l i entneedst ofindt hec or r e ctwor dst osayi nr egar dst oacer t ai nsi t uat i on.

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● Suggest i onst og etcl i ent sbackont r ac k: ● Li s t enf oraf ew mi nut e sandt hendi r e c tbac k:“ Thati sar eal l ygr e att opi c t hatI ’ dl ovet ohe armor eaboutaf t e rwet al kaboutyours c hool i ng. ” ● Segwaybackont het opi c:“ Speaki ngofy ourmom’ sconcer nabout sc hool ,how’ sschoolgoi ng?” ● Pol i t e l yi nt er r upt :“ Idon’ tmeant oi nt er r upt ,butwene edt oge tbackon t het opi cofy ourschool . ” ● Pr ovi deI mmedi at eRe di r ect i on:“ Le t ’ sge tbac kont opi c. ”or“ pl eases t op c hangi ngt het opi c . ”

Si l ence– ·

Pur pose:Theaudi t or ycor t e xr emai nsact i vewhe ny ouar el i s t e ni ngt osi l ence . Yourbr ai nr emai nshi ghl ysensi t i ve .I tcangi vet hec l i entt i met ot hi nkt hr ough whatt heywantt osay .

BodyLanguage-I nv ol ves:ges t ur es ,st ance,post ur e ,per sonals pac e–anyt hi ngbody r el at e d opr i at ebodyl anguagei ncl udes:Sl i ght l ymor et hanar m’ sl engt hdi s t anc e ● Appr f r om t heot he rper s on( comf or t abl ec onver s at i onaldi s t ance) ,sl i ght l yf or war d l ean( onl yappr opr i at es omet i mes)

● Shel donHe l psPennyatt heHos pi t al-ht t p: / /www. yout ube. com/wat c h? v=Rz B9L0SZj bI ● Gr eate xampl eofVERYpoorat t endi ngbehavi or sandbodyl anguage

● Per s onalSpace:pg71–72gi v esmor ede t ai l s ● Peopl et endt omov eawaywhenunc omf or t abl eandmovef or war dwhen i nt er es t e dandengaged

● Shel donGi v esComf or tt oLeonar d:ht t p: / /www. y out ube . c om/wat c h?v=HNyEmi PGy0

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● Be t t erat t emptbuts t i l lmi ssest hekeypoi nt st hatweusei nc l ass

Empat hy-Joi ni ngwi t hc l i enti nf eel i ngsande xper i ence( exampl eonpage74) ● Basi cEmpat hy:Counse l orr e s ponsesar er oughl yi nt er changeabl ewi t ht hoseof t hec l i ent .Thec ounse l ori sabl et osaybackacc ur at e l ywhatt hec l i enthas sai d.Ski l l edi nt ent i onalcompe t encewi t ht hebasi cl i s t eni ngs equenc e( seet he l at e rc hapt er soft hi sbook)demons t r at esbasi ce mpat hy .Youwi l lfindt hi st he mostcommonc ounsel orcommentl ev e li nhe l pi ng.Roger spoi nt soutt hatl i st eni ng,byi t sel f ,i snotonl ynecessar ybuts uffici entt opr oducec l i entchange .

● Addi t i v eEmpat hy:Counsel orr e s ponsesmayaddsome t hi ngbey ondwhatt he c l i enthass ai d.Thi smaybeaddi ngal i nkt osome t hi ngt hecl i enthassai dear l i er ,ori tmaybeac ongr uenti deaorf r ameofr e f er e ncet hathe l pst hecl i ents ee anew per s pect i ve .Feedbac kandy ourowns el f di scl osur e ,us edt hought f ul l y , canbeaddi t i v e.

● Subt r ac t i v eEmpat hy:Counsel orr e s ponsesgi v ebackt ot hec l i entl esst han whatt hec l i entst at ed,andper hapse vendi s t or twhathasbeens ai d.I nt hi s case,t hel i st eni ngori nfluenci ngs ki l l sar eus edi nappr opr i at e l y .

Tr ai ni ngasTr eat ment ● Teac hi ngcl i entbasi cc ommuni cat i onski l l s:exampl e-Li s t e ni ng,Dat i ngbe havi or s ,I nt er vi ewi ng,Asser t i veness ,Medi at i on,e t c . ● How t oappl y: A:Deci des ki l l B:Di sc us si ns/out sofs ki l l C:Pr ac t i ce/demons t r at et ec hni que st hr oughr ol epl ayi ng D:Pl ant og ener al i z et oever ydayl i vi ng

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