Chapter 3 Quiz - quiz PDF

Title Chapter 3 Quiz - quiz
Course American Government: Practices And Values
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 2
File Size 85.2 KB
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American Government Quiz #3 Federalism 1. In the eyes of most Americans today, the power of state governments, compared with that of the federal government seems a. vastly powerful. b. equally shared. c. weak on foreign matters, strong on domestic. d. weak or unimportant. 2. The national supremacy view of the newly formed federal government was powerfully defended by Chief Justice a. John Marshall. b. James McCulloch. c. John C. Calhoun. d. James Madison. 3. The use of federal money to finance state-run programs is called a. power politics. b. residual funding. c. the Great Compromise. d. the grant-in-aid system. 4. The concept of separate, sovereign national and state governments is known as a. nationalism. b. democracy. c. confederation. d. federalism. 5. Which of the following countries does not have a federal system of government? a. the United States. b. Great Britain. c. Canada. d. Germany. 6. A federal system of government would probably appeal most to an interest group with a. most of its support concentrated in one region. b. majority support throughout the country c. popular majorities nation-wide with strong opposition in a number of states. d. support in the Senate, but not the House.

7. The text argues the political activism at the local level has been increased as a result of a. vibrant political parties. b. increasingly negative campaigns. c. higher costs of participation under federalism. d. lower costs of participation under federalism. 8. In McCulloch v. Maryland, if the Supreme Court reached the opposite conclusion on the right of Congress to charter a bank, the bank would have been a. taken over by the state of Maryland. b. declared illegal. c. taken over by the federal government. d. established in each of the states. 9. The doctrine of states’ rights espoused by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina is best known as a. local mandate. b. dual federalism. c. nullification. d. interposition. 10. The doctrine of dual federalism has been revived as a result of Supreme Court rulings pertaining to the __________ and ___________Amendments. a. First and Fifth. b. First and Fourteenth. c. Tenth and Eleventh. d. Ninth and Twenty-second. 11. Block grants were designed to remedy a common criticism of categorical grants, namely a. their lack of specificity. b. the lack of conditions under which such grants were made. c. the difficulty of adapting categorical grants to local needs. d. the discretion they gave to state and local officials. 12. The effort to pass on to the states many federal functions has been called _______. a. mandates. b. enhancements. c. entitlements. d. devolution. 13. The first important function that the new Republican-controlled Congress sought to shift back to the states in 1994 was __________. a. health care. b. education. c. welfare d. transportation....

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