Chapter 4 and 5 quiz 1 - iii PDF

Title Chapter 4 and 5 quiz 1 - iii
Course Human Resources Management
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 7
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Chapter 4 Which of the following is not a use of job analysis?

Benefits Why is job analysis called the cornerstone of human resource management? The information generated is used for many different purposes. There are six steps in the job analysis process. These steps are selecting the jobs to analyze, collecting the data, verifying the data, creating job descriptions and specifications, communicating, and

reviewing the relevant organizational information. Knowing the actual requirements of an organization's various jobs is essential for planning future staffing needs. True Huda is meeting with a member of the human resource department to determine if the duties, tasks, and responsibilities that human resources have determined for her job match what she actually does. What step is this in the job analysis process?

Review information with job data How does job analysis help with training and development? By comparing the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that employees bring to the job with those that are identified by job analysis, managers can determine gaps. Your answer is correct. A position is a collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one person.

True Which of the following most clearly describes a process chart? A chart showing inputs and outputs of the job being analyzed What type of information would be depicted on an organizational chart?

Chain of command and who is accountable to whom Jennifer is trying to decide how to organize a large new not-for-profit agency. What would be the major criterion that Jennifer should consider? The strategy of the organization

The process of systematically organizing work into tasks is Job design Jennifer works for a production line. Her task is to sew a button to winter jackets so that the button lines up with the buttonholes. Last month she was also given the task of creating the buttonhole in addition to attaching the button to the jacket. This is known as

Job enlargement

Which of the following is a disadvantage of work simplification? Leads to lower satisfaction

Which of the following is a benefit of industrial engineering? Reduces time needed to complete a job John's job has changed so that he now has more tasks at the same level of complexity and responsibility than he had previously. Which of the following would describe the changes to John's job?

Job enlargement Demonstrable characteristics of a person that enable performance of a given job are referred to as

Competencies A competency-based job analysis will allow a manager to describe a job in terms of the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that an employee must demonstrate to do a job well. True Three reasons to use competency-based job analysis and job descriptions include that traditional job descriptions may backfire in high-performance work system initiatives, competency-based job descriptions are more strategic, and measurable skills, knowledge, and competencies support the employer's performance management process.

Team-based job designs focus on giving a team rather than an individual a whole and meaningful piece of work to do. True The job of a firefighter involves long periods of training preparation and maintenance, some periods of inspection and public training, and, fortunately, only short periods of actively fighting fires. Which of the following would probably be the best method of job analysis for the job of firefighter?

Interview In using the interview technique of job analysis, who should be involved? The job analyst, incumbent in the job, and immediate supervisor You wish to compare jobs in different organizations and need a quantitative outcome of the job analysis that you complete. Which method of job analysis would fit your needs? Position analysis questionnaire The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is an excellent source of standardized job information. This source is recommended for companies that do not have someone currently in a job to be analyzed.

True You wish to compare the job of a web designer to the job of a plumber so that you may set appropriate pay rates. What method of job analysis should you use?

Position analysis questionnaire What is the main difference in terms of outcome between functional job analysis and the interview method of job analysis?

Interviews detail what employees do, while functional job analysis rates what employees do from simple to complex.

Job analysis information must be verified with any workers performing the job and with the immediate supervisor.

True A job analysis that has been verified decreases the reliability and validity of the analysis. False Which of the following would not be included in a job description?

Qualifications required to do the job Which of the following would not be included in the authority section of a job description?

The degree of privacy in the job When considering human rights legislation, which of the following is a reason to prepare accurate job descriptions? To assess the suitability of a candidate for employment, training, or promotion A job description is a list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, and working conditions of a job. True Writing the _____________________ involves examining the duties and responsibilities of the job and answering the question, "What human traits and experience are required to do this job?"

Job specification A ____________________ identifies the senses used and the type, frequency, and amount of physical effort involved in a job. Physical demands analysis Information provided from the job analysis must be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.

True A job analysis should be structured in such a way that it cannot be modified. False

CHAPTER 5 Which of the following is not a step in the human resource planning process?

Forecast state of economy Evelyn, the human resource director for a large power utility, has just determined that half of the organization's engineers will retire in the next two years and there are no candidates available with the required skills. What function appears to be missing at this organization? Forecasting external and internal candidate supply HRP is a proactive process that both anticipates and influences an organization's future by systematically forecasting the supply of and demand for employees under changing conditions and by developing plans and activities to satisfy these needs.

True Comparing forecasted demand to forecasted supply to determine if there is a projected labour equilibrium, shortage, or surplus is called a solutions analysis. False Which of the following are not frequently monitored external environmental factors? Skills, knowledge, and abilities of current employees All of the following are external environmental factors that are frequently monitored by companies practicing good HRP and strategic planning except Age and gender of current employees On average, two out of every three job openings over the next decade will be focused on replacing retiring workers. In addition, fertility rates in Canada continue to decline, resulting in fewer possible workers for the future labour force. These conditions create a situation of fierce labour competition for employers. Determining the next course of action to reach the point of a labour equilibrium is known as a gap analysis.

False The alignment of HR planning to strategic decisions is essential to an organization's success.

True Environmental scanning is an assessment of external factors influencing the organization's ability to find and secure talent from the external labour market. True John is trying to determine who among his staff can fill a new key position within his organization. Which of the following would be most useful to him in answering this question? Skill inventory Markov analysis offers which of the following benefits compared to other internal forecasting methods?

Markov analysis shows changes in staffing and positions. Succession planning is a process to ensure that a supply of successors is ready and available when necessary. Which of the following is false about succession planning? Succession planning only looks at filling executive positions. Assuming that the organization chart will be dynamic, replacement charts are a good method to keep track of potential internal candidates for the firm's most critical positions.

False A key factor in determining the number of positions that must be filled externally is the effectiveness of the organization's training, development, and career-planning initiatives.


Which of the following is not a factor to consider in forecasting the supply of external candidates? Occupational preferences of graduates During a recent major downturn, the unemployment rate was over 8 percent in Canada, yet a number of employers across Canada were reporting difficulty in hiring skilled workers. What is the likely reason for this? Occupational market conditions remained tight even when general economic conditions were not positive. Lists of likely replacements for each position and their relative strengths and weaknesses are known as

Replacement summaries Regional chambers of commerce and provincial/local development and planning agencies can be excellent sources of local labour market information. True Skills inventories and management inventories, replacement charts and replacement summaries, succession plans and Markov analyses are all methods for forecasting external human resources supply.

False Ali is engaged in human resource planning for his organization and has realized that there will be a requirement for people who have the ability to operate high-tech equipment in the near future. What factor in human resource forecasting is Ali considering? Forecasting the quality or nature of employees

Liam is attempting to forecast the future human resource needs in his organization. It is anticipated that there will be productivity improvements and service changes that will have an impact on the number of people required. These types of changes have occurred in the past also. Which forecasting technique would best fit Liam's needs? Regression analysis What do the quantitative forecasting techniques of trend analysis, ratio analysis, and the scatterplot have in common? All rely on relationships between variables that are not changing The nominal group technique is a qualitative technique that involves a group of experts (such as first-line supervisors and managers) meeting face to face.

True Delphi technique typically involves outside experts as well as company employees, based on the premise that outsiders may be able to assess changes in economic, demographic, governmental, technological, and social conditions and their potential impact more objectively. True What is the most significant difference between the nominal group technique and the Delphi technique as forecasting approaches? With the nominal group technique, participants meet; with Delphi, they do not

When would managerial judgment be used in forecasting future HR needs? With both qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques Managers should consider several factors when forecasting labour requirements. From a practical point of view, the demand for the organization's product or service is paramount.

True Projected turnover, the changing needs of the organization, the quality of products or services or new markets, planned technological and administrative changes, and financial resources available to each department will affect The demand for labour If the organization finds that there is a surplus of labour within the organization, any of the following steps can be taken to reduce the surplus except Compressed workweek If the organization finds that there is a surplus of labour within the organization, any of the following steps can be taken to reduce the surplus except transfers and promotions. Which of the following is a major benefit for employers of a job-sharing program when compared to other methods of dealing with a labour surplus? Job sharing retains skilled employees within the organization. Work-sharing is the same as a reduced workweek. False To ease the financial burden of layoffs, some organizations offer supplemental unemployment benefits (SUBs), which are a top-up of EI benefits to bring income levels of temporarily laid-off workers closer to their regular, on-the-job pay. True Which of the following is not a consideration or drawback when contemplating the implementation of an early retirement program? Survivor sickness may be an issue. The anticipated costs associated with downsizing include all of the following except

removing unproductive employees. Early retirement buyout programs are a strategy used To accelerate attrition in a labour surplus To soften the blow of termination, outplacement assistance, generally offered by an outside agency, can assist affected employees in finding employment elsewhere. True

To deal with a labour surplus, a company can institute a hiring freeze, which is the same as attrition. False When vacancies are filled internally through training, transfers, or promotions or externally through hiring, this is known as

Labour equilibrium Promotions involve the movement of an employee from one job to another that is higher in pay, responsibility, and often title. Promotions are usually awarded merely on the basis of seniority.

False A labour shortage exists when the internal supply of human resources cannot meet the organization's needs.

True Retention programs are not important when there is a labour shortage.

False Why are promotions and transfers useful during a labour shortage? They provide opportunities to redistribute resources and often leave entry-level vacancies that are easier to fill.

When would it be appropriate to produce a staffing table? To demonstrate specific short-term HR plans...

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