Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models PDF

Title Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models
Author Terell Stewart
Course Introduction to Human Resource Managemen
Institution Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology
Pages 21
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This is the lecture notes for chapter 4 from my Recruitment and Selection class. This can be tweaked and used appropriately....





Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models 1. Why is a job analysis important for recruitment and selection? a. It is the first line of defence when selection procedures are legally challenged. b. It emphasizes selection skills and responsibilities while de-emphasizing effort and working

conditions. c. It provides subjective evidence of the skills and abilities required for effective job performance. d. It establishes the worth of a job and defines it in measurable terms. ANSWER: a 2. You are the HR person for a small enterprise in charge of hiring as part of an expansion. Which of the

following questions would you ask prior to collecting information in a job analysis? a. How will the company’s mission, vision, and values affect selection needs? b. What do you wish your new hires to accomplish? c. What do people who hold similar jobs think about the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes needed? d. Will the employees do different things on different days? ANSWER: a 3. Which concept describes the process of collecting information about jobs by any method for any

purpose? a. organizational analysis b. job analysis c. work analysis d. needs analysis ANSWER: b 4. What source of data is NOT typically used in a job analysis? a. employees b. managers c. shareholders d. supervisors ANSWER: c 5. Which of the following describes effective job analysis? a. a formal, structured process carried out under a set of guidelines established in advance b. a single evidence-based methodology c. breaking down a job into its constituent parts, rather than looking at the job as a whole d. focusing on jobs rather than positions ANSWER: a 6. Which of the following would NOT typically be used as data for a job analysis? a. performance b. standards Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models c. responsibilities d. knowledge ANSWER: a 7. What is the definition of job specifications? a. a collection of positions with related job activities and duties b. the different duties and responsibilities performed by one employee c. the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes required to perform work d. the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with work ANSWER: c 8. A hospital employs a variety of individuals as nurses, doctors, and technicians. How are these groups of

employees classified? a. by position b. by role c. by worker d. by job ANSWER: d 9. What is the definition of a job? a. a collection of positions that are similar in their significant duties b. the different duties and responsibilities performed by one employee c. the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform work d. the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with work ANSWER: a 10. What is the meaning of job family? a. a collection of positions with related job activities and duties b. a set of related jobs that rely on the same knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes c. the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform work d. the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with work ANSWER: b 11. For HR specialists making selection decisions what is the most important product of the job analysis

process? a. job descriptions and job design b. job evaluation and performance measures c. organizational analysis and performance standards d. job specifications ANSWER: d 12. What is NOT a problem associated with job descriptions? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models a. They may include duties that are prioritized and weighted. b. They may be vague or poorly written. c. They may focus on KSAOs of incumbents. d. They may not be updated regularly. ANSWER: a 13. Which of the following best defines a job position? a. a collection of positions with related job activities and duties b. the different duties and responsibilities performed by one employee c. the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform work d. the tasks, duties, and responsibilities associated with work ANSWER: b 14. Which term refers to a written statement about what job occupants are required to do, how they are supposed

to do it, and the rationale for any required job procedures? a. a job b. a job description c. a job specification d. a job analysis ANSWER: b 15. What would you include in the job requirements section of job descriptions? a. a description of the competency framework b. the responsibilities of and results to be accomplished in the job c. the specific performance requirements and tasks required to perform the job d. the KSAOs needed to perform the job ANSWER: d 16. What does the acronym KSAO mean? a. knowledge, skills, attributes, and other abilities b. know-how, skills, abilities, and organizational alignment c. know-how, skills, attributes, and organizational fit d. knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes ANSWER: d 17. Why are subject-matter experts needed when conducting a job analysis? a. They are an inexpensive source of information for an organization. b. They are the most knowledgeable about a job and how it is currently performed. c. They add external validity to the organization with external comparisons to jobs. d. They provide more accurate information than job incumbents and supervisors. ANSWER: b Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models 18. According to Dierdorff and Wilson, which group of individuals provides more accurate information when job information is being collected? a. human resources managers b. trained professional job analysts c. job incumbents using self-report and survey instruments d. supervisors ANSWER: b 19. The Ontario Human Rights Commission has stated that “Organizations that have not defined the essential

duties of a position, provided required accommodation and individually assessed ability to perform the essential duties will have difficulty defending themselves if a human rights complaint is filed.” To which legal principle does this refer? a. equal opportunity b. employment equity for designated groups c. discrimination on prohibited grounds d. bona fide occupational requirements ANSWER: d 20. To be legally defensible, a job analysis process should have all of the following features EXCEPT which one? a. rely on a set of formal procedures b. be documented c. rely on input from the best subject-matter expert available d. be completed by a trained job analyst ANSWER: a 21. Which of the following is the most important criterion for choosing a job analysis method? a. validity b. availability c. standardization d. credibility ANSWER: a 22. According to Harvey, which of the following should NOT be considered when choosing a job analysis

method? a. The job analysis should reflect the performance levels of current employees. b. The job analysis must accurately reflect historical selection requirements c. The job analysis must describe observable work behaviours. d. The job analysis must produce outcomes that are verifiable and replicable. ANSWER: b 23. Which of the following is NOT typically characterized as job context? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models a. education b. work schedules c. organizational culture d. non-financial incentives ANSWER: a 24. What source compiled by the Canadian government contains systematically standardized and comprehensive job descriptions in the labour market? a. National Occupational Classification (NOC) b. Occupational Information Network (O*NET) c. Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) d. Canadian Classification Dictionary of Occupations (CCDO) ANSWER: a 25. Which of the following best defines work-oriented analysis? a. the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes that are needed by a job incumbent to do the work b. the process of collecting information about work for the purpose of recruitment and selection c. the systematic process for gathering, documenting, and analyzing data about the work required for a

job d. a review of the work of all similar positions ANSWER: c 26. What job analysis technique emphasizes the characteristics of successful performers rather than standard duties? a. dynamic job analysis b. worker-based analysis c. team-based analysis d. work-oriented analysis ANSWER: b 27. What job analysis technique emphasizes general aspects of the jobs, and describes perceptual, interpersonal,

sensory, cognitive, and physical activities? a. work-oriented analysis b. self-monitoring analysis c. structured analysis d. worker-oriented analysis ANSWER: d 28. What job analysis technique would you use in a traditional organization where employees’ tasks are routine? a. self-oriented analysis b. work-oriented analysis c. worker-oriented analysis Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models d. group-oriented analysis ANSWER: b 29. Which of the following types of job analysis surveys breaks down jobs into their component tasks? a. task specifications b. task inventories c. task variety d. task statements ANSWER: b 30. Which of the following is the best job analysis method? a. job evaluation b. behaviour anchored rating systems c. worker traits inventories d. content validation ANSWER: c 31. Which of the following is NOT a suggested guideline for a job analysis interview? a. Conduct interviews in a private location. b. Guide the session without being authoritative or overbearing. c. Ask open-ended questions, using relevant language to the interviewee. d. Seek a directive from top management to make interviews mandatory for all employees. ANSWER: d 32. What job analysis method utilizes work sampling and employee diaries or logs? a. interview b. questionnaire c. direct observation d. combination ANSWER: c 33. What is the structured job analysis questionnaire that focuses on the general worker behaviours that make up a job, and includes 195 items and job elements organized into six dimensions? a. Common-Metric Questionnaire b. Work Profiling System c. Position Analysis Questionnaire d. Functional Job Analysis ANSWER: c 34. What type of interview method is recommended for job analysis purposes? a. behavioural b. situational Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models c. structured d. unstructured ANSWER: c 35. What job analysis technique is worker-oriented? a. Position Analysis Questionnaire b. Critical Incident Technique c. Functional Job Analysis d. Task Inventory ANSWER: a 36. What is the objective of the critical incident method of job analysis? a. to prioritize job duties and responsibilities b. to generate behaviour-focused descriptions of work activities c. to identify critical job duties, tasks, and competencies d. to provide information for job evaluation ANSWER: b 37. Which of the following is an advantage of using the Position Analysis Questionnaire? a. Results can be compared to the PAQ database. b. It is mostly suited to managerial jobs. c. It does not require an experienced analyst. d. It is written in easily understood language. ANSWER: a 38. Which of the following is a drawback of the Critical Incident Method? a. Work is described in the worker’s own words. b. It has low validity and reliability. c. It relies on memory of recent events. d. It does not focus on behaviours. ANSWER: c 39. What job analysis method is adopted by organizations that operate in a rapidly changing environment in

which jobs change regularly? a. dynamic job analysis b. competency-based analysis c. team-based analysis d. work-oriented analysis ANSWER: b 40. What term defines groups of related behaviours that are needed for successful job performance in an

organization? Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models a. traits inventories b. job elements c. competencies d. specializations ANSWER: c 41. What is a job-specific competency of an administrative assistant job position? a. time management b. data entry c. written communication d. self-image ANSWER: b 42. What is a core competency of a technical support job position? a. oral and written communications b. knowledge of customer service c. information gathering d. applying principles and procedures ANSWER: a 43. Which of the following competencies is every member of an organization expected to possess? a. core competencies b. functional competencies c. job-specific competencies d. knowledge-based competencies ANSWER: a 44. In competency dictionaries, what do proficiency scales describe? a. expected behaviours for core employees b. expected behaviours at specific levels of competency c. competency profiles for top performers d. job specific and functional KSAOs ANSWER: c 45. What elements are included in a competency profile? a. job duties and responsibilities b. core competencies and job specifications c. job-specific core competencies d. core, functional, and job-specific competencies ANSWER: d

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models 46. What might be a concern if an organization decides to use a competency-based job analysis? a. that characteristics and behaviours of successful performers cannot be defined b. that the unprecedented change in today’s workplace requires clear measurable job descriptions c. the difficulty in predicting future job needs and the lack of validity and legal defensibility d. the expectation that all employees should possess core competencies that relate to the organization’s

goals ANSWER: c 47. In their research, what organization did Bonder and his colleagues study regarding the development of a

competency-based framework? a. Air Canada b. Service Canada c. Canada Post d. Canadian Pacific ANSWER: b

Scenario 4-1 You have recently been hired as the HRM for Scribe Engineering, a Canadian software development company. Scribe’s product is information systems. The company’s environment is competitive and constantly changing. There continues to be an increased demand for customized computer systems that improve the flow of information in a wide range of small Canadian businesses. Due to Scribe’s growth in sales, the company is anticipating the need for an increase from 150 to 200 employees. The company requires highly skilled software designers, computer programmers, sales professionals, and support staff. The majority of employees, from younger technical support staff to senior management, stated that work–life balance is important to them and that they want more flexibility in how and when their work gets done. Job demands are changing constantly because of the dynamic environment. There are concerns of sex, age, and family status discrimination with the office administration employees. The CEO has stated that Scribe has a few outdated job advertisements, but that the company never had time to write job descriptions. Managers have expressed concerns that job descriptions are of limited value because positions need to adapt to the high speed of change and that they limit their flexibility in supervising employees’ tasks. 48. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What major strategic focus in employee selection could distinguish Scribe Engineering as a high-performing organization rather than an underperformer? a. a linkage between organizational goals and short-term organizational needs b. a linkage between organizational goals and long-term organizational needs c. a linkage between organizational and human resource planning needs d. a linkage between long-term organizational and human resource goals ANSWER: a 49. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What are the expected changes in Scribe Engineering’s external environment that may affect the company’s recruitment and selection process? a. organizational mission and goals b. job design c. organizational strategy Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models d. competition ANSWER: d 50. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What internal influences are affecting the jobs and human resources at Scribe Engineering? a. the labour market b. customers c. the competition d. job design ANSWER: d 51. Refer to Scenario 4-1. Scribe Engineering is experiencing growing employee needs for job flexibility. What are some flexible work options that Scribe Engineering could consider to retain its employees? a. job sharing and telework b. ergonomically designed work stations c. elimination of routine jobs d. competency-based jobs ANSWER: a 52. Refer to Scenario 4-1. How would you distinguish a job analysis from a job description for the managers at

Scribe Engineering? a. A job analysis is the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes that are needed by a job incumbent to do well on a job. b. A job analysis is the process of collecting information about jobs for the purpose of recruitment and selection. c. A job analysis is a systematic process for gathering, documenting, and analyzing data about the work required for a job. d. A job analysis is a review of the whole job, not the constituent parts. ANSWER: c 53. Refer to Scenario 4-1. Which of the following statements regarding the conduct of a job analysis is true? a. A job analysis is a formal, structured process carried out under a set of guidelines established in

advance. b. A job analysis is carried out by subject-matter experts. c. A job analysis focuses on jobs, not positions. d. A job analysis is most effective when it focuses on competencies. ANSWER: b 54. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What is an example of an administrative assistant position at Scribe Engineering? a. the administrative assistant to the CEO of Scribe Engineering b. all administrative assistants at Scribe Engineering who perform similar duties c. a set of different but related administrative jobs that require the same knowledge, skills, abilities, or Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero.

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Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models other attributes or competencies d. the work that is done by administrative assistants ANSWER: a 55. Refer to Scenario 4-1. Since job analysis data has the potential for many uses, it is important for Scribe Engineering to know how the company will use the information before deciding on an approach or method. What would be some recruitment and selection outcomes of Scribe Engineering’s job analysis process? a. a job summary and job description b. a job description and job specification c. a job evaluation and performance criteria d. a job design and evaluation ANSWER: b 56. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What process can you use to ensure the job analysis is anchored into the context of

Scribe Engineering’s organizational mission and goals? a. person analysis b. needs analysis c. organizational analysis d. task analysis ANSWER: c 57. Refer to Scenario 4-1. What would NOT be potential outcomes of Scribe Engineering’s job analysis

process? a. job descriptions and job design b. job evaluation and performance measures c. new competitive marketing strategy d. person–job fit and person–organization fit ANSWER: c 58. Refer to Scenario 4-1. The administrative assistant job description includes “the ability to use Excel and Word level II with a proficiency ...

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