Chapter-5 - notes PDF

Title Chapter-5 - notes
Course Introductory Marketing SFW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 102
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Chapter 5 Student: ___________________________________________________________________________

1. Which of the following statements about how women buy cars today is NOT true? ฀ ฀ A. Women prefer minimal maintenance. B. Most women approach car buying in a deliberate manner, gathering information before they go to a dealership. C. Most women enjoy the challenge of negotiating price. D. 55 percent of all vehicle purchases in Canada are by women. 2. Many automakers have changed how they conduct business because of female consumers. All of the following are true except: ฀ ฀ A. vehicles are designed for easy entry and exit. B. women purchase the majority of cars sold in Canada. C. design and marketing are still mostly done by males because they understand the female driver. D. dealerships are now more "female friendly." 3. Which of the following statements is true? ฀ ฀ A. For men, styling is more about a car's exterior lines and accents. Women are more interested in interior design and finishes. B. Men purchase the majority of new cars sold in Canada. C. Design and marketing are still mostly done by males because they understand the female driver. DMen approach the car shopping experience as an intelligence gathering expedition. They actively seek . information and postpone a purchase decision until all options have been evaluated. 4. When considering buying the latest smartphone, you talk to various friends, research extensively online, and demo several products in store. What are you undertaking? ฀ ฀ A. Marketing B. Consumer behaviour C. Market research D. Consumer management 5. After buying your new smartphone, you proceed through several stages that may include the feeling of post-purchase anxiety. This end-to-end process is referred as: ฀ ฀ A. situational analysis sequence. B. VALS inventory. C. hierarchy of learning. D. purchase decision process. 6. Following on the 25th anniversary of the "Back to the Future" franchise, Nike has developed a new automatic lacing system for a range of high-top basketball shoes. Nike believes this new characteristic - promoted as quick tie - will make the new shoe a superior product. Due to increased costs of materials and production, the price will be about $150. Based on responses of people who have tried the new product, Nike is confident consumers will have a relatively favourable evaluation of the shoe. To have a favourable evaluation, consumers must first: ฀ ฀ A. experience problem recognition. B. consult a public source of information. C. consult a personal source of information. D. make a purchase decision.

7. As an aspiring athlete you train hard several times during the week. Your coach asks you to train in a specific ‘heart rate zone,' however, you do not possess the required equipment to accurately measure your heart rate during training. You know to improve your training you must fix this issue, what have you experienced? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. alternative evaluation C. cognitive dissonance D. routine response behaviour 8. One of your classmates consistently showed up to class late, finally your Professor, Stephen, asked the student what the issue was. When the marketing student said, "It's really hard for me to get to class on time without a car," she was entering which stage of the consumer decision process? ฀ ฀ A. purchase decision B. alternative evaluation C. information search D. problem recognition 9. When the marketing student who has recently moved out of residence and now shares a house with 4 others, where it is the responsibility of the tenants to mow the large lawn said, "It's really hard for me to mow such a large lawn without a power mower," he was entering which stage of the consumer decision process? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. alternative evaluation C. information search D. purchase decision 10. When Marty attended his first new product development class, he realized that he ought to have an AutoCAD type software program to enable him to do proper designs or else he would be unable to do his assignments. In which stage of the consumer purchase decision process was Marty when he made this realization? ฀ ฀ A. information search B. problem recognition C. purchase behaviour D. alternative evaluation 11. At what stage in the consumer purchase decision process might you review the report: "Canada's Most Trusted Brands: Hockey Equipment?" ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. information search C. alternative evaluation D. purchase decision 12. The question "How long is the warranty for this smartphone?" would be asked during the _____ stage in the consumer purchase decision process. ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. information search C. alternative evaluation D. purchase decision 13. Jo is considering purchasing a new cat, but is unsure of which ones shed, which ones are indoor or outdoor, and which ones are most friendly around children. She decides to ask several friends, who already have cats, to list out the reasons they used when they purchased their own cats. In which stage of the consumer purchase decision process is Jo? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. information search C. alternative evaluation D. purchase decision

14. Kirk, an avid Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) fan, is glued to the television screen at his local sports bar every Saturday evening as he watches his favourite fighters. He thinks pay-per-view matches would be more enjoyable at home if he had a high-definition big screen television. Kirk has begun talking with his friends to learn more about the various brands of high-definition big screen televisions available. In which step of the purchase decision making process is Kirk engaged? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. evaluation of alternatives C. purchase decision D. information search 15. When the elementary teacher needed to buy poster board for her class, she remembered that she had found some poster boards at her local 99 Cents Only store, at Walmart, and at her Family Dollar Store. What term best describes the information search method used by the teacher? ฀ ฀ A. personal external source B. public external source C. market-dominated external source D. internal search 16. Sid's friend Jerry turns 40 next week and will have a party. Sid decided to purchase some vintage wine as a present. Because they like the wines Sid scanned his memory for various wine options. This is an example of what part of the consumer purchase decision process? ฀ ฀ A. memorization B. external search C. evaluative criteria D. internal search 17. In the consumer purchase decision process when consumers scan their memory for previous experiences with products or brands, this is referred to as a(n). ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. internal search C. external search D. purchase task 18. An owner of two new kittens would most likely use an internal search or prior experiences when purchasing: ฀ ฀ A. a gift for a best friend. B. a Blu-Ray player. C. cat litter. D. perfume. 19. Fred is an avid comic book reader and has decided to purchase a comic book for his best friend. Since the two friends enjoy the same types of comics, Fred will know exactly which comic his friend would like. When Fred was scanning his memory for various comic book options, he was engaged in: ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition. B. an internal search. C. an external search. D. a purchase task. 20. When considering purchasing a new computer, you investigate several social media sites to gather information on products, services, and brands. Which of the following statements is correct? ฀ ฀ A. social media does not play a major role in the purchasing decision B. brands are paying very close attention to what others are saying about them on social media C. social media often contains incorrect information D. brands are not concerned about social media reviews

21. Using Internet for an external search for product information satisfies which requirement? ฀ A. The cost of gathering information is low. B. Review of past experience provides adequate information. C. The risk of making a wrong purchase decision is low. D. The item is frequently purchased.

22. Sarah wants to purchase a new iPad. She is unsure about what peripherals she will need. As a result, she has begun asking for advice from friends and relatives. In addition, she has talked to several consumer electronics salespeople and has looked at the Apple website. Sarah is engaging in: ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition. B. an internal search. C. an external search. D. a purchase task. 23. Examples of public sources of information for an external information search include: ฀ A. advertising. B. Consumer Reports magazine. C. sales personnel. D. friends and relatives.

24. An example of a marketer-dominated source of information for an external information search is: ฀ A. point-of-purchase displays. B. Consumer Reports magazine. C. consumer programs on talk radio stations. D. friends and relatives.

25. You recently searched a brand's website to find information about purchasing a new netbook. This is an example of: ฀ ฀ A. marketer-dominated source B. brand website source C. social media source D. internal search 26. All of the following statements are correct about visiting a travel agent to search for information, except: ฀ ฀ A. a travel agent is like a salesperson B. a travel agent is an example of a marketer-dominated source C. a travel agent is part of an internal search D. a travel agent should provide unbiased answers 27. Kip was thirsty, but he couldn't decide what he wanted to drink. When Kip saw the television ad for Mountain Dew, he knew exactly what he wanted. Kip's information search was shorted by the appearance of a _____ source. ฀ ฀ A. private information B. consumer-controlled C. public information D. marketer-dominated 28. Ruby is buying a new watch appropriate to her role as the newest vice president at her company. She was overheard telling a co-worker, "The Rolex has a great reputation, but the Tag just looks nicer." In which stage of the purchase decision process is Ruby? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. information search C. alternative evaluation D. purchase decision

29. The objective and subjective attributes of a brand that consumers use to compare different products are called: ฀ ฀ A. temporal states. B. antecedent states. C. information sources. D. evaluative criteria. 30. When you set out to buy a Blu-ray player for yourself, factors you might consider before purchase, which represent both the objective attributes of a brand and the subjective ones you use to compare different products and brands, are called ฀ ฀ A. hot buttons B. informational alternatives C. evaluative criteria D. buying decision-makers 31. When Rita decided to buy a radio as a wedding present, she wanted to buy a brand name radio that was waterproof, looked nice, and was designed to be mounted in a shower. What did Rita use during the alternative evaluation stage of the purchase decision process? ฀ ฀ A. hot buttons B. informational alternatives C. evaluative criteria D. buying decision-makers 32. When looking for a luxury car, you only consider Lexus, Mercedes, and BMW as acceptable brands to purchase from. These brands are known as your: ฀ ฀ A. evaluative set. B. evoked set. C. aspiration group. D. alternative selection group. 33. You want to buy some instant rice, and you are in the mood for wild rice. The store you go to has two brands of instant rice: Uncle Bens and Minute Rice. Collectively, what is this group of instant rice brands called? ฀ ฀ A. a value group B. a consideration set C. an evaluative criterion D. an impulse set 34. BMW StreetCarver is a skateboard that features BMW's technology in its wheel suspension, which stabilizes the board's sleek design and allows for greater control around sharp curves. BMW is concerned with making sure its skateboard is in the evoked set of potential skateboard buyers. In this case, it most likely should focus on: ฀ ฀ A. reducing the post-purchase dissatisfaction that may result from purchasing its product. B. making sure its advertisements get on the air during sporting events such as exhibition skateboarding. C. making appeals directed towards motivational ego needs. D. trying to determine the most important evaluative criteria skateboarders use when judging the product. 35. The brands that you learn of during your information search become part of your: ฀ A. consideration set B. awareness set C. thinking set D. inert set 36. Consideration set is a term that means the same as: ฀ A. contemplation set B. awareness set C. evoked set D. inert set

37. Raul overheard one of his co-workers in a phone conversation say, "Thank you for taking my call so quickly. I'd like to order number 1284H, the All-Canadian Mary Hanks doll. Can I use the easy pay plan?" The co-worker was in which stage in the consumer purchase decision process? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. alternative evaluation C. information search D. purchase decision 38. Which of the following statements about the purchase stage of the consumer purchase decision process is NOT true? ฀ ฀ A. The purchase stage requires choosing from whom to buy. B. The purchase stage includes deciding when to buy. C. The purchase stage follows the alternative evaluation stage in the consumer purchase decision process. D. The purchase stage involves gathering last minute information to aid in the decision about what to buy. 39. Factors, such as the store atmosphere, pleasantness of the shopping experience, salesperson persuasiveness, time pressure, and financial circumstances tend to have the biggest influence on which stage of the consumer purchase decision process? ฀ ฀ A. Whether a purchase decision is made or postponed. B. The search for information. C. The recognition of a need. D. Post-purchase assessment of any purchase anxiety. 40. Maria has just told her supervisor, "I'm so glad I bought the Apple iPhone 5 phone rather than those other models I was looking at. I have really enjoyed the fact that its iTunes service gives me an always-on music connection. I haven't seen another phone with that feature." Which stage of the consumer purchase decision process is demonstrated by Maria's conversation? ฀ ฀ A. problem recognition B. information search C. post-purchase behaviour D. purchase decision 41. Providing toll-free telephone numbers, offering liberalized return and refund policies, and engaging in staff training to handle complaints, answer questions, and record suggestions are examples of what firms do to address which stage of the consumer purchase decision process?: ฀ ฀ A. The purchase decision. B. The search for information. C. The recognition of a need. D. Post-purchase behaviour. 42. Consumer behaviour is an important focus for marketers because: ฀ A. marketing research is an inexpensive process. B. companies use this knowledge to provide value to consumers. C. customer value is a non-quantifiable statistic. D. attracting new customers is easier than keeping old ones.

43. More and more firms are monitoring social media sites to understand what is being said about their brands as a way to gauge what? ฀ ฀ A. Customer satisfaction. B. Warranty reviews. C. Recommendations for new products. D. Viral comments.

44. Rackspace is a web hosting company. That means that if you want to have a site on the web, you could buy not only Internet space from them, but also technical support, and design services. When its ad tells you that its users consider Rackspace "the risk-free host because it offers dedicated and helpful support any time day or night," you know that Rackspace is trying to: ฀ ฀ A. downgrade the competition. B. reduce new buyers' cognitive dissonance. C. increase new buyers' cognitive dissonance. D. produce an evoked set. 45. You have just purchased a Samsung S5 smartphone, after learning how to use it, you tweet out to the Samsung handle, that "S5 best phone ever! Great screen & battery life! Thx!" Brands who monitor their social media attempt to understand different levels of customer ____________. ฀ ฀ A. indecisiveness B. cognitive dissonance C. post-purchase stress D. satisfaction 46. How might consumers who purchased a new innovative type of running shoe try to reduce any cognitive dissonance they might feel? ฀ ฀ A. Use only an internal information search. B. Have little or no problem-solving involvement. C. Read ads for running shoes even after the purchase has been made. D. Use routine problem solving. 47. You have just purchased a suit to wear to an important job interview. As you head home from the store, you agonize in your mind about whether your choice of dark gray was right, or whether you should have chosen dark blue. This is an example of: ฀ ฀ A. cognitive dissonance. B. marketer anxiety. C. purchasing angst. D. panic reaction. 48. You have just purchased an expensive piece of jewelry for your girlfriend without really knowing her specific likes and dislikes. As you head home from the jewelry store, you agonize in your mind about whether your choice of a ruby necklace was right, or whether you should have chosen pearl earrings. This is an example of: ฀ ฀ A. cognitive dissonance. B. marketer anxiety. C. purchasing angst. D. panic reaction. 49. Nick was happy with his newly purchased ultrabook computer. It had all the features he wanted, including wider screen, lightweight design, and a high-end graphics chip for playing games, and the $1200 price tag was reasonable. As he was taking the ultrabook out of the box, Nick noticed an advertisement in the local paper showing a similar ultrabook configuration for only $1100. Suddenly, Nick began to doubt his purchase decision - maybe he hadn't gotten such a good deal. He was experiencing: ฀ ฀ A. buyer's uncertainty. B. cognitive dissonance. C. selective discord. D. product dissonance. 50. Sometimes consumers skip one or more of the purchase-decision process stages because of their level of ___________. ฀ ฀ A. involvement B. aspiration C. acculturative response D. motivation

TB Figure 1฀ ฀

51. In TB Figure 1, a number of factors are listed such as display, navigation, voice quality, and battery life. These are typical __________ for smart phones. ฀ ฀ A. considerations B. evaluative criteria C. information bits D. quality considerations 52. According to the information in TB Figure 1, which of the following brands would be the best choice if the consideration set for a smart phone included the following criteria: (1) display, (2) navigation, and (3) battery life? ฀ ฀ A. Apple B. BlackBerry C. HTC D. Palm 53. According to the information in TB Figure 1, which smart phone offers the best voice quality? ฀ A. Apple B. HTC C. Samsung D. Incite

54. Which problem solving variation would normally be used to purchase such items as toothpaste, soda, or chewing gum? ฀ ฀ A. routine problem solving B. limited problem solving C. extended problem solving D. simulated selection

Figure 5-2฀

฀ 55. In Figure 5-2, column "A" represents which of the following? ฀ A. Simulated selection B. Routine response behaviour C. Limited problem solving D. Extended problem solving

56. In Figure 5-2, column "B" represents which of the following? ฀ A. Simulated selection B. Routine response behaviour C. Limited problem solving D. Extended problem solving

57. In Figure 5-2, column "C" represents which of the following? ฀ A. Routine problem solving B. Limited problem solving C. Extended problem solving D. Simulated selection

58. Consumers spend little time and effort evaluating alternatives in the purchase of soap and milk. The purchase process for such items that is virtually a habit, and typifies low-involvement decision-making is called: ฀ ฀ A. routine problem solving B. limited problem solving C. extended problem solving D. situational problem solving 59. Between classes, many university students stop at conveniently located coffee shops. Their choices are generally made quickly and with little or no effort to consider alternative product offerings. The university students are involved in: ฀ ฀ A. limited problem solving situations. B. routin...

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