Chapter 5 - Professor Rajendran Pottayil PDF

Title Chapter 5 - Professor Rajendran Pottayil
Course Introduction To Psychology
Institution Borough of Manhattan Community College
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Professor Rajendran Pottayil


Yocheved Deena Sandel Professor Rajendran Pottayil Psychology 100 January 9, 2017  ➔ Chapter five starts off by telling a story about a guy who killed his mother in law and severely injured his father in law all while sleepwalking. ➔ Consciousness means when we as humans are aware of ourselves and the things around us. ◆ This study has been studied by psychologists for a long time and is important to many different psychological theories. ➔ We find it nearly impossible to do things without knowing we're actually doing it but psychologist believe that we have little to no say in our behavior. ➔ We sometimes use alcohol and drugs to become unconscious of our surroundings because we weren't necessarily happy while conscious. ➔ The lives of humans and organisms are influenced by regularly occurring cycles of behavior. ◆ There’s an annual cycle that brings birds to migrate and bears to hibernate. ◆ 28-day cycle guides womens fertility & menstruation. ◆ The most important one is the guide that the waking/sleeping cycle. ➔ All these cycles are coordinated by change such as different seasons or different times of the day. ➔ When we have low energy we tend to stereotype. ◆ Example : group of people participated in an experiment the morning people judged negatively at night (low energy) and the night people judged negatively in the morning (low energy). ➔ Our brain is forever active even when we are sleeping. ➔ There are two stages of sleeping each stage lasting 90 minutes. ◆ Rapid eye movement (REM) - when we dream ◆ Non rapid eye movement (NON-REM).- when we are in a deep sleep. ➔ The brain activity changes every time we enter a new stage of sleep. ◆ N1 - the brain starts to produce slow theta waves. ◆ N2 - muscle tone and awareness of our surroundings are fading. ◆ N3 - during this stage sleep abnormalities may occur. (this is most likely the stage the man was in when he killed and injured his in laws-in beginning of the chapter) ➔ When a male gets a boner in his sleep he is at stage REM. Even if the dream isn’t sexual he might still get a boner and this is where morning wood comes in because the boner is left over from the last REM period.

➔ Insomnia is when people have trouble falling or staying asleep. Most people with insomnia it only lasts a couple days but sometimes it can last for years! ➔ Insomnia may come into play for multiple different reasons. ◆ Physical disorders - you are physically injured. ◆ Psychological problems - when you are stressed or worried about things. ◆ Change in sleep pattern - your on a different timezone then normal you're working later than usual etc. ◆ Sometimes the fear of not being able to fall asleep is what actually causes insomnia. ➔ Insomniacs may have trouble functioning during the day due to lack of normal sleep. ➔ Sleeping pills interrupt the natural sleeping stages and may end up doing more harm. ➔ The National Sleep Foundation came up with ways to prevent insomnia : ◆ Only use your bed to sleep or have sex. ◆ Have a set schedule when to wake up and when to sleep. ◆ Don't drink or eat too close to when you go to sleep. ◆ Etc… ➔ Obese or elderly people may have sleep apnea which is another sleeping issue caused by breathing in the sleep. ➔ Sleep terrors (you can’t wake up even though you are trying to) and sleepwalking mostly occur in childhood. ➔ Other sleeping disorder ◆ Bruxism - when a person grinds their teeth while sleeping. ◆ Restless leg syndrome - person reports burning or itching in his/her leg. ◆ Periodic limb movement disorder - sudden movements in our limbs (may cause disruption in sleep / injury to the person or his/her bed mate). ➔ As you get older people need less sleep. Recommended amount is 7-9 hours a night. ➔ The more days you stay awake without any sleep the bigger risk your life is at. ➔ Most people have several dreams but don’t often remember them when they wake up. The context of someone’s dream has something to do with their day or fears etc. ➔ Psychoactive drug is a chemical that changes our state of consciousness and our perceptions and moods. ◆ Taking drugs for a long period of time or even upping the dose may cause negative side effects. ◆ When trying to stop using drugs users will experience major withdrawal and it may even cause physical pain. ➔ Smoking drugs may lead to lung cancer and snorting drugs can lead to nosebleeds and loss of smell.

➔ Drugs with a LOWER safety ratio is more dangerous than drugs with a HIGHER safety ratio. ➔ Stimulants work to increase neural activity whereas a depressant works to slow down consciousness. ➔ Alcohol has a safety ratio of 10 making it a dangerous “drug” most car accidents are due to DUIs because when you are drunk you lose the ability to make smart choices. ◆ When intoxicated you are more aggressive especially if you are aware that alcohol brings that out in people, you also fail to read social cues and notice certain people i.e the police. ➔ When using drugs you have to be careful because the right dosage is fine but if you take too much then it can lead to very serious things such as death, stroke, heart attack or a coma and also leads to less serious things such as drowsiness. ➔ Heroin has the lowest safety ratio listed (6) making it the most dangerous drug. ➔ It’s more likely for people who are willing and excited to become hypnotized. ◆ Why? Because it’s easier for them to focus and not get distracted by things they see out of the corner of their eye. They are also open to new experiences which makes them capable of having fantasies. ➔ 90% of the people who were hypnotized truly believed they were hypnotized. ➔ You still have control of your body and you are aware of what’s happening when hypnotized. ➔ Many states banned the use of hypnosis in court because it can often led to inaccurate events which would jeopardize the case in matter. ➔ Sensory deprivation can be used to treat a couple things. ◆ Insomnia ◆ Pain ◆ Muscle tension ➔ When deprivation is prolonged it becomes uncomfortable and can therefore be used as a form of torture. ➔ Meditation is a bunch of different techniques where a person focuses on something specific and that can help people relax....

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