Chapter 5 PDF

Title Chapter 5
Author Eric Lin
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution University at Buffalo
Pages 5
File Size 48.5 KB
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Notes from Professor Wendy Quinton Chapter 5...


Consciousness Consciousness: An awareness of internal and external stimuli - Contents consistently change (you can’t recreate a stream of thought exactly) Altered states of consciousness - Hypnosis: attention-focused procedures, suggestion - Meditation: Techniques to produce quite, receptive mood; decreases heart rate, BP, respiration, tension - Psychoactive (recreational) Drug Effects - Narcotics: opiates, opioids, relieve pain, heroin, morphine - Sedatives: decrease CNS activity, induce sleep, barbiturates, non-barbiturates - Stimulants: increase CNS activity; caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines - Hallucinogens: distort perceptual experience; LSD, PCP, ecstasy - Cannabis: relaxed euphoria, enhanced awareness; marijuana, hashish - Alcohol: relaxed euphoria, anxiety reduction, lowering of inhibitions -

Sleep & Dreaming…

Theories of Sleep Why do we sleep? - Restorative theory of sleep a. Sleep restores depleted resources b. Excessive Exercise > More sleep c. Sleep deprivation > Fatigue d. Chronic deprivation > “sleep psychosis” - 1 night: fatigue - 2 nights: cognitive, motor, affective impairment - 2+ nights: microsleeps - 4+ nights: sleep psychosis (delusions, hallucinations, paranoia) - Preservation/Evolutionary Theory of Sleep a. Sleep serves adaptive function - Conserves energy - Reduces exposure to predators - Those most well hidden, sleep most - Long time finding food, sleep least b. Different sleep-wake cycles in different species Circadian Rhythms - 24 hour biological cycles found in humans and many other species - Ignoring regular sleep wake circadian cycles can have negative effects a. Poor sleep b. Fatigue

c. Irritability d. Poor performance Stages of Sleep Stage 1 - (4-5%) Light sleep, muscle activity slows down, occasional muscle twitching. (Hypnic Jerks) Stage 2 - (45-55%) Breathing pattern and heart rate slows, slight decrease in body temperature. (Sleep Spindles) Stage 3 - (4-6%) Deep sleep begins. Brain begins to generate slow delta waves Stage 4 - (12-15%) Very deep sleep. Rhythmic breathing. Limited muscle activity. Brain produces delta waves. Stage 5 - (20-25%) Rapid eye movement. Brainwaves speed up and dreaming occurs. Muscles relax and heart rate increases, breathing is rapid and shallow. (REM Sleep)\ During the night, most people repeat the cycle about 4 times. Each cycle last about 90 minutes Sleep Cycle in Action Owl: Prefer to stay up later Lawk: Prefer to go to bed earlier

Sleep Deprivation - Partial Sleep Deprivation (Making do with less sleep)


Bad outcomes related to sleep deprivation 200,000 sleep-related auto accidents a year 20% of drivers have dozed at least once Accidents are 5 times more likely at night than in the morning

Solutions - Horne and Reyner, compared nap, coffee, to placebo. - Participants were sleep restricted, put in a driving simulator - Incidents recorded - Participants who either took a nap or drank coffee had less incidents Sleep Disorders Insomnia disorders - Can’t go to sleep easily or stay asleep; waking too early - About 35% of the population self-report insomnia - Associated with impaired functioning - 10% of insomnia reporters are “pseudoinsomniacs” (sleep normally but don’t realize it) - Sleep Apnea - Frequent gasps of air that disrupts sleep (1-4% of americans) related to alcohol use, age and weight. Hypersomnia disorders - Excessive daytime sleepiness - Narcolepsy - Excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden attacks of drowsiness, REM sleep during waking hours, no warnings last 10-20 minutes. Cataplexy: Abrupt loss of muscle control that makes a person go limp. (.5% of the population) Parasomnia disorders - Abnormal events that occur during sleep - Somnambulism (sleep walking) - occurs more in children than adults - Sleep-walking usually occurs during the first few hours of sleep - Night terrors - Jolts awake, screaming, in a state of panic (occurs more in children than adults) - Both happen in the deepest parts of sleep (stage 3, deep sleep) - Nightmares - vivid scary dreams that awakens us. (Happens during REM sleep, toward the morning hours/end of sleep) 4 a. REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) - Muscles are not paralyzed during REM sleep. 85% have harmed themselves and 44% have harmed others. Dreams Possible reasons for dreaming - Wish fulfillment (Freud) a. Manifest vs. Latent content - Problem solving a. Creative thinking about problems? - Dreams are just side effects of neural activation during REM sleep. a. Dreams are random, we weave a story around random images to make sense of it. No scientific consensus on why we dream.

Dreams are very self centered

Drug Use: Altered States The Opioid Epidemic - U.S. makes up less than 5% of the world’s population but uses more than 80% of the opioid supply available.

- Cuts across all groups - Deadly consequences (staggering death toll) Drugs deaths are driven by opioids (heroin) Drugs kill more people than cars or guns Purdue Pharma led the trend in the 90s, by marketing opioids as a low risk drug. Deaths from prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999. In 2007 Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to lying about the effects of opioids. Narcan is prescribed to addicts who have overdosed, can have severe withdrawal effects 91 people die everyday from an opioid overdose...

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