Chapter 6 textbook notes PDF

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Course Human Development W
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Chapter 6 textbook notes Chapter 8 notes from the textbook includes middle childhood - adulthood. Also has questions from the textbook, good for exam practice...


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TestBanks Chapter 6 Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development

Part 1


The preeminent psychosocial accomplishment between the ages of 2 and 6 is learning when and how to: A. make friends. B. know right from wrong. C. regulate emotions. D. make choices. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


An angry 5-year-old girl might stop herself from hitting another child because she has developed: A. social referencing. B. self-esteem. C. identification. D. emotional regulation. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Erikson called the psychosocial developmental stage that occurs between 3 and 6 years of age: A. initiative versus guilt. B. industry versus inferiority. C. the preoperational stage. D. autonomy versus inferiority. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


William is at the toy store and sees a construction set. He asks his dad if he can have it for his birthday. His dad asks him if he thinks he would be able to use it. William reminds his dad that he is good at building with blocks. What does this example demonstrate? A. William's dad's inappropriate questioning of William's initiative B. William's need to prove himself worthy to his father C. William's positive self-concept D. William's sense of shame and doubt Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Jared, age 5, describes himself as a good soccer player with black hair who laughs a lot. His description demonstrates his developing: A. self-esteem. B. self-concept. C. self-deprecation. D. self-criticism. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Two-year-old Julia repeatedly exclaims, “Me do it!” when her mother tries to help her. Although this behavior is frustrating, her mother understands that doing things independently will develop Julia's sense of: A. initiative. B. trust. C. integrity. D. emotional regulation. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


According to Erikson, children have _____, and thus believe that they can achieve any goal. A. a sense of self-doubt B. a weak self-concept C. strong feelings of guilt D. an unrealistic self-concept Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Which factor helps a young child to demonstrate initiative as Erikson details it in his third stage of psychosocial development? A. neurological maturity and a longer attention span B. a child's sense of guilt and shame C. a decrease in the child's emotional regulation D. apprenticeship opportunities offered by a child's parents Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


_____ makes children believe that they will be good at anything they try to do. A. Overwhelming pride B. Protective optimism C. Extrinsic motivation D. Intrinsic motivation Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


The desire to pursue a goal that comes from within a person is called: A. extensive motivation. B. extrinsic motivation. C. intrinsic motivation. D. intensive drive. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


A child having an imaginary friend is an example of: A. self-control. B. intrinsic motivation. C. extrinsic motivation. D. protective optimism. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Jaspreet frequently plays the piano whenever her family has guests because she enjoys the praise and attention that she receives. When alone, however, Jaspreet rarely plays the piano. Jaspreet's motivation: A. needs to be reinforced by her parents. B. brings her great pleasure. C. is mostly extrinsic. D. will persist through adulthood. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


In 1973, Lepper and colleagues conducted an experiment in which children did drawings. Some of the children were promised a reward while others received a surprise reward. The researchers found that the children who received the expected award for drawing: A. had higher levels of self-esteem. B. became adults who were artists. C. demonstrated better emotional regulation. D. were unlikely to draw independently at a later time. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Regulation of which emotion is MOST emphasized in the United States? A. anger B. guilt C. fear D. pride Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Children with a parent who has schizophrenia are likely to: A. struggle with emotional regulation. B. develop a sense of shame. C. experience high levels of pride. D. imitate their parent's mental illness. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


The clinical term for an illness or disorder of the mind is referred to as: A. psychopathology. B. emotional instability. C. insanity. D. mental disturbance. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


When 4-year-old Karen is angry, she lashes out by hitting. This is an example of: A. an internalizing problem. B. an externalizing problem. C. modulated emotional expression. D. frustration management. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


_____ are marked by excessive guilt, withdrawal, or fearfulness. A. Extrinsic motivations B. Intrinsic motivations C. Internalizing problems D. Externalizing problems Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


The youngest age at which children are unlikely to throw a temper tantrum is _____ years. A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 8 Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Girls usually develop emotional regulation _____ boys. A. later than B. at the same age as C. earlier than D. two years before Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


In a study conducted by Zahn-Waxler, et al., 5-year-old girls acted out a disagreement between two female dolls. The researchers discovered that girls who _____ were more apt to be disruptive at age 9 than other girls. A. quickly engaged in apologetic behavior B. did not quickly engage in apologetic behavior C. made the dolls hit and kick each other D. had the dolls stop speaking to each other Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


According to the text, mistreatment may make boys more vulnerable to _____ problems and girls more vulnerable to _____ problems. A. reparative; aggressive B. aggressive; reparative C. externalizing; internalizing D. internalizing; externalizing Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Young children usually play best with: A. their peers. B. their parents. C. older children. D. their younger siblings. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Which statement is true? A. Parents around the world play with their children regularly. B. The ways children play are identical around the world. C. Children's play reflects their culture's practices and values. D. Children in North American who engage in parallel play are developmentally delayed. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Which is NOT one of the types of play identified by Mildred Parten? A. personal play B. associative play C. onlooker play D. parallel play Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Which is NOT a form of play engaged in by young children in all cultures? A. imitating adults B. drawing C. rough-and-tumble D. flying kites Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Many developmentalists are concerned that modern children spend too little time: A. playing alone. B. in rough-and-tumble play. C. imitating adults. D. engaged in active play. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


According to the text, people in _____ believe that preschoolers do not need instruction. As a result, their 3-year-old children spend little time engaged in structured learning activities. A. Norway B. Brazil C. Kenya D. China Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Billy and Rodney are both building with construction bricks. They are sitting apart, each with his own set of bricks. What type of play is this? A. cooperative play B. parallel play C. onlooker play D. solitary play Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


A child's active play during the childhood years correlates with: A. increased competitiveness. B. increased bullying. C. increased aggression. D. peer acceptance. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


What is one of the functions peers provide in active play? A. competition B. criticism C. reluctant cooperation D. a quiet environment Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Play that mimics aggression through wrestling, chasing, or grabbing, but is not intended to harm is called _____ play. A. bullying B. sociodramatic C. parallel D. rough-and-tumble Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Just as monkeys do in their rough-and-tumble play, human children: A. look angry. B. use a play face. C. play hide and seek. D. determine a social hierarchy. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Rough-and-tumble play has been associated with the development of the _____ area of the brain since it helps children to regulate their emotions, practice social skills, and strengthen their bodies. A. hippocampus B. frontal lobe C. prefrontal cortex D. brain stem Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Rough-and-tumble play between boys and fathers may prevent _____ at a later age. A. development of the prefrontal cortex B. the development of imagination C. antisocial behavior D. emotional regulation Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Tiara, Molly, and Maria are playing dress-up. They are all princesses and have built a castle out of cardboard boxes and colored paper. What type of play are the three girls engaging in? A. bullying play B. sociodramatic play C. parallel play D. rough-and-tumble play Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


According to the text, sociodramatic play may help children to develop: A. theory of mind. B. gross motor skills. C. aggressive tendencies. D. antisocial behavior. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Sociodramatic play helps children to develop _____ when they act out fear, bravery, and fury. A. self-control B. gender roles C. private speech D. emotional regulation Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Diana Baumrind is known for her work on: A. gender roles. B. types of play. C. parenting styles. D. cognitive stages. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


The four dimensions of a parenting style are warmth, discipline, communication, and: A. physical contact. B. expectations for maturity. C. trust. D. supportiveness. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


When parents expect unquestioning obedience from their children, their parenting style is labeled: A. tyrannical. B. authoritative. C. dictatorial. D. authoritarian. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


A parenting style characterized by high parent-to-child communication, low warmth, and high expectations of maturity is: A. authoritarian. B. authoritative. C. permissive. D. neglectful. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Jose demonstrates warmth and nurturance towards his children. He does not believe in punishment of any sort and does not have any rules for his children. His parenting style is: A. authoritarian. B. authoritative. C. neglecting. D. permissive. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


As a father, Aahil rates low on nurturance and communication and high on maturity demands. He exhibits the _____ style of parenting. A. authoritarian B. permissive C. authoritative D. neglecting Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Authoritarian parents often: A. offer their children a lot of praise. B. allow children to question their decisions. C. seem stern to their children. D. make few maturity demands on their children. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Abida is a nurturing parent and has good communication with her children whom she never disciplines. Her parenting style is: A. authoritative. B. permissive. C. neglectful. D. authoritarian. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Parents who set limits, enforce rules, and listen receptively to their children are exhibiting the ______ pattern of parenting. A. permissive B. authoritarian C. authoritative D. democratic Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Annelle's usual bedtime is 8:30 P.M., and her parents enforce this rule. One evening, Annelle is watching an educational program that ends at 9 P.M. She asks her parents if she can stay up to watch the end of the show. Her parents agree to let her stay up as long as she gets up in time for school in the morning. Which parenting style are Annelle's parents demonstrating? A. authoritarian B. authoritative C. permissive D. uninvolved Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Children who lack self-control are most likely to have parents who have the ______ parenting style. A. abusive B. overcontrolling C. authoritarian D. permissive Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


The individual most likely to have grown up with permissive parents is: A. Richard, who is obedient but not very happy. B. George, who is happy and successful. C. Paul, who is unhappy and lacks selfcontrol. D. Peter, who is a gang member and a drug user. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


The individual most likely to have grown up with authoritative parents is: A. Kelly, who is obedient but not very happy. B. Raquel, who is happy and successful. C. Mary, who is unhappy and lacks selfcontrol. D. Lacey, who is homeless and a drug user. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


What is a criticism of Baumrind's classification of parenting styles? A. She overlooked the fact that most authoritative parents are lax in discipline. B. She did not realize that many permissive parents love their children. C. She considered children's temperamental differences. D. She focused more on parental attitudes than on daily interactions. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Young children tend to learn the most from teachers who use which style? A. authoritative B. authoritarian C. permissive D. neglectful/uninvolved Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


A detailed 2010 study of Mexican-American mothers of preschoolers found that their parenting style was: A. permissive. B. authoritative. C. authoritarian. D. not identified by Baumrind. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Today's children, especially those living in urban areas, spend more time _____ than playing outdoors. A. engaged in indoor sociodramatic play B. participating in solitary play C. using electronic media D. reading books Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


By the age of ______, children are convinced certain toys are appropriate for one gender but not the other. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


______ differences are biological and ______ differences are culturally prescribed. A. Gender; sex B. Sex; gender C. Sibling; parental D. Parental; sibling Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Freud would say that a typical 5-year-old child is in the _____ psychoanalytic stage of development. A. phallic B. oral C. genital D. superego Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


In Freudian theory, a little boy who develops sexual feelings toward his mother and becomes jealous of his father is experiencing: A. the Electra complex. B. penis envy. C. the Oedipus complex. D. identification. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


According to Freud, boys in the third psychoanalytic stage of development: A. are openly angry with their fathers. B. secretly want to replace their fathers. C. disrespect their mothers. D. believe their fathers are perfect. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Freud's term for the formation of a conscience that internalizes parental morals is: A. the superego. B. the ego. C. schema. D. identification. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


Angelica is 3 years old and says frequently that she wants to “marry daddy.” According to psychoanalytic theory, this is a manifestation of: A. the Oedipus complex. B. sexual abuse. C. the ego. D. the Electra complex. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, little boys cope with the guilt of wanting to kill their fathers by: A. identifying with their fathers. B. wanting to kill themselves. C. becoming angry with their fathers. D. becoming envious of their father's penis. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: A


According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, the Electra complex causes girls to: A. resent their father because he has a penis. B. adore their father and resent their mother. C. prefer their mother to their father. D. try to make peace when parents fight. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


To understand a child's development of gender attitudes and roles, behaviorists stress: A. biological mechanisms. B. reinforcement and punishment. C. reasoning ability. D. unconscious motivations. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Which scenario best demonstrates the behaviorist theory regarding gender development? A. Modair has some hostility toward his father. B. Stelvio is a 6-year-old girl who is trying to act like her father. C. Mack realizes that he is male and that he will always be male. D. Christine wears a dress, and her parents tell her how pretty she looks. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


A child's cognitive understanding of sex differences would be his or her: A. Oedipal complex. B. Electra complex. C. superego. D. gender schema. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Developmentalists who focus on children's thinking about sex roles as opposed to the children's observable behaviors are _____ theorists. A. sociocultural B. psychoanalytic C. behavioral D. cognitive Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: D


Which theory focuses on how children learn acceptable behaviors for their gender? A. cognitive theory B. behavioral theory C. epigenetic theory D. evolutionary theory Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Which theory states that gender role differences are rooted in a basic urge to reproduce? A. cognitive theory B. behavioral theory C. evolutionary theory D. sociocultural theory Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: C


Four-year-old Amelia wants to play with her brother Garth's trucks. Garth is six, and he tells her she can't play with them because she's a girl. Garth's refusal is based on his: A. humanism. B. gender schema. C. Oedipus complex. D. androgyny. Answer Point Value: 1.0 points Answer Key: B


Developmentalists who believe that children are born amoral and learn to adopt their community's rules o...

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